Wednesday, July 2, 2014

30 August 2013
Greetings Concealed Weapons Permittees,

Harvard Study: No Correlation Between Gun Control and Less Violent Crime
This is a good article because it has a link to the primary source,

Rules of engagement --
     When I was a Marine Corps Military Policeman (MOS 5811)
in 2002 at New River Marine Corps Air Station, Provost Mashal's Office,
we were required to say,
"Halt Military Police!" before using any kind of force.
I think most police are required by department policy to
give a warning before using deadly force.
     Giving a verbal warning to your assailant is a bad
idea on many levels.
     As a civilian, you are not required to give a warning. 
The prosecutor will argue in court that if you had time to
give a warning, you had time to do any number of things
other than shoot the alleged assailant.
     Your voice will betray your fear to your enemy.
     Talking is a high order intellectual process. 
Humans cannot talk and shoot at the same time. 
So, you should not be talking during a gun fight.
     By giving a warning, you lose the element of surprise. 
You want the enemy to learn of your gun only when the
bullet hits him.  If you say, "Stop I have a gun!"
the enemy may run away, or he may change tactics
now that he knows you have a gun, such as pulling
out his gun.
     There is nothing wrong with shooting an unarmed
assailant, as demonstrated in the recent George
Zimmerman case.
     The liberal media made the specious argument that
Mr. Zimmerman sustained only superficial injuries. 
It might have taken Trayvon Martin 62 punches and three
minutes to kill Mr. Zimmerman.  But, if Mr. Zimmerman
had not shot Trayvon Martin, when he did, Mr. Zimmerman
would have lost the ability to stop the assault.
     How many punches can you take before you lose the
ability to shoot a gun?  I bet for most of us,
the answer is zero.  So, you can't let the assailant
get the first punch.
     Never fire a warning shot.  There is no safe
place to fire such a shot.  If you point it at the sky,
the bullet will come down with lethal speed on
someone's head. (conservation of energy in a
gravitational field, even with air friction) 
If you point it at the ground, the bullet may ricochet
into someone, possibly you.
     Never shoot to wound.  Combat shooting is a low
probability event.  You should always shoot to the
center of mass to maximize the probability of a hit. 
Shooting at a leg or arm decreases the probability
of a hit to near zero.  Which means you're going to miss.
Remember, every miss is destroying property and
injuring innocent by standers, maybe killing them.
Which is fine if you're the bad guy.
But, you're the good guy. 
We play under different rules of engagement.

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