Tuesday, October 1, 2019

CWP, 1 October MMXIX Anno Domini

Greetings Sheepdogs,

Jeff Cooper's Rules of Gun Safety

     There are no exceptions. Do not pretend that this is true. Some people and
organizations take this rule and weaken it; e.g. "Treat all guns as if they were
loaded."  Unfortunately, the "as if" compromises the directness of the statement by
implying that they are unloaded, but we will treat them as though they are loaded. 
No good! Safety rules must be worded forcefully so that they are never treated
lightly or reduced to partial compliance. 
All guns are always loaded - period! 
This must be your mind-set. If someone hands you a firearm and says, "Don't worry,
it's not loaded," you do not dare believe him.  You need not be impolite, but
check it yourself.  Remember, there are no accidents, only negligent acts.  Check it. 
Do not let yourself fall prey to a situation where you might feel compelled to
squeal, "I didn't know it was loaded!" 

     Conspicuously and continuously violated, especially with pistols, Rule II applies
whether you are involved in range practice, daily carry, or examination.  If the
weapon is assembled and in someone's hands, it is capable of being discharged.  A
firearm holstered properly, lying on a table, or placed in a scabbard is of no danger
to anyone.  Only when handled is there a need for concern.  This rule applies to
fighting as well as to daily handling.  If you are not willing to take a human life, do
not cover a person with the muzzle.  This rule also applies to your own person.  Do
not allow the muzzle to cover your extremities, e.g. using both hands to reholster
the pistol.  This practice is unsound, both procedurally and tactically.  You may need
a free hand for something important.  Proper holster design should provide for one handed
holstering, so avoid holsters which collapse after withdrawing the pistol. 
(Note: It is dangerous to push the muzzle against the inside edge of the holster
nearest the body to "open" it since this results in your pointing the pistol at your
midsection.)  Dry-practice in the home is a worthwhile habit and it will result in
more deeply programmed reflexes.  Most of the reflexes involved in the Modern
Technique do not require that a shot be fired.  Particular procedures for dry-firing in
the home will be covered later.  Let it suffice for now that you do not dry-fire using
a "target" that you wish not to see destroyed.  (Recall RULE I as well.)

     Rule III is violated most anytime the uneducated person handles a firearm. 
Whether on TV, in the theaters, or at the range, people seem fascinated with having
their finger on the trigger.  Never stand or walk around with your finger on the
trigger.  It is unprofessional, dangerous, and, perhaps most damaging to the psyche,
it is klutzy looking.  Never fire a shot unless the sights are superimposed on the
target and you have made a conscious decision to fire.  Firing an unaligned pistol in
a fight gains nothing.  If you believe that the defensive pistol is only an intimidation
tool - not something to be used - carry blanks, or better yet, reevaluate having one
around.  If you are going to launch a projectile, it had best be directed purposely. 
Danger abounds if you allow your finger to dawdle inside the trigger guard.  As
soon as the sights leave the target, the trigger-finger leaves the trigger and
straightens alongside the frame.  Since the hand normally prefers to work as a unit -
as in grasping - separating the function of the trigger-finger from the rest of the
hand takes effort.  The five-finger grasp is a deeply programmed reflex.  Under
sufficient stress, and with the finger already placed on the trigger, an unexpected
movement, misstep or surprise could result in a negligent discharge.  Speed cannot
be gained from such a premature placement of the trigger-finger.  Bringing the
sights to bear on the target, whether from the holster or the Guard Position, takes
more time than that required for moving the trigger finger an inch or so to the

     Know what it is, what is in line with it, and what is behind it.  Never shoot at
anything you have not positively identified.  Be aware of your surroundings,
whether on the range or in a fight.  Do not assume anything.  Know what you are

     Make these rules a part of your character.  Never compromise them.  Improper
gunhandling results from ignorance and improper role modeling, such as handling
your gun like your favorite actor does.  Education can cure this.  You can make a
difference by following these gunhandling rules and insisting that those around you
do the same.  Set the example.  Who knows what tragedies you, or someone you
influence, may prevent? 

Excerpted from: "The Modern Technique of the Pistol", by Greg Morrison,
Gunsite Press, Paulden, Arizona,
ISBN 0-9621342-3-6
Library of Congress Number 91-72644

[When I take classes, the instructors run a hot range.  When I teach classes,
I always run a hot range.  When I carry a pistol, it's loaded.  When you
carry a pistol, it's loaded.  So, ALL GUNS ARE ALWAYS LOADED. -- Jon Low]

*****     *****     ***** Software *****     *****     *****

----- Mindset -----

Avoidance, Deterrence, and De-escalation
-- John Farnam

Concealed Carry: Final thoughts

     Greg Ellifritz says,
1) Don’t assume the criminal is unarmed just because you can’t see a weapon.
I really doubt these guys would have chased the criminal out if they knew
he had a blade.  Assume he has a weapon.  Make all of your pursuit decisions
based on that assumption.  Is it worth getting stabbed for a couple cell phones?
2) In any struggle, you must be prepared for your opponent to access a tool
mid-fight. If you want to win, you have to quickly establish a dominant
position and deny him access to his tools. Not enough people practice that
aspect of the problem.

Seven rounds
     The reality of gun shot wounds.  Most are ineffective.  Even with
correct shot placement, some of ineffective.

     You buy life insurance to protect your loved ones in case you lose the fight. 
You buy self-defense insurance in case you win the fight.  You take training to
avoid the fight.  [Tax avoidance is good and legal.  Tax evasion is bad and
illegal.]  If you only take training to learn how to win the fight, you are doing
yourself a disservice.  The U.S. Marine Corps advocates maneuver warfare, not
combat warfare (though they are happy to engage in combat if they need to). 
Fredrick the Great practiced maneuver warfare.  Sun Tsu advocated maneuver warfare. 
Carl von Clausewitz advocated maneuver warfare.  You can always maneuver into a
position that will cause your enemy to decide to break contact, or to deny him
the ability to contact you.  If you don't paint yourself into a corner by
inattention and stupidity.  Yes, it takes training to defeat ignorance,
and practice to defeat carelessness.  It's not easy.  You have to expend time,
effort, and money to learn the pre-assault cues, to maintain a state of relaxed
awareness, to have the physical skill that gives you confidence that causes the
predator to decide to not attack you in the first place.

     Bill Belichick tells his players to play situational football.
He is urging his players to be aware of the situation.
Situational awareness is pertinent to all aspects of life.

     You don't get in life what you want.  You get what you are. 
-- Pastor Mike Ayon

     “If I take a round in the heart, I will use that 10 to 20 seconds
I have left before the oxygen shuts off to my brain to avenge my widow
and orphaned children.”
--Doc Gunn

----- Safety -----

“The fast and/or emphatic reholster
is an awesome way to shoot yourself.”
-- Chuck Haggard

8 Gun Safety Rules You May Not Have Heard Of
      Some bench rest competitions allow the shooters to handle their
rifles while people are down range, as long as they remove the bolt
from their rifle.  I've never liked such rules.  I would never
participate under such conditions.  Because I'm not going to walk down
range while someone is handling his rifle on the firing line.

Avoiding Mistaken Identity Shootings
     At the end of the article, Claude offers you his tutorial for using
a pistol and flashlight together, free of charge.

     Negligent discharges are caused by ignorance and carelessness. 
If you don't know the safety rules, that's ignorance.  If you know
the safety rules and don't follow them, that carelessness.

----- Training -----

     "The real value of training, though, is that it improves competence,
which leads to a higher level of confidence." 
-- Rehn & Daub

Shot Timers & Self-Defense Training: How Much Speed Do You Need?
     While it’s true expert witnesses can be found to explain the “reaction gap,”
an even better solution would be to not need their services in the first place.

Greetings My Brothers in Christ,
     Criminals will probably not attack your wife and kids when you are around. 
Criminals will attack them when you are not around.  That is how criminals
operate.  Criminals may be crazy, but they are not stupid.  So, you protect
your loved ones by training them to be able to protect themselves.  That is
love.  Love is action.  Love is the things we do.
     The opposite of love is not hate.  The opposite of love is apathy or
neglect.  The man whose loved ones are attacked was grossly negligent. 
Because you can always avoid the attack.  Criminals do not magically appear
out of thin air.  There are always obvious precursors.  But, in order to
reliably recognize the precursors, training is required.  Life is not a lottery. 
Some people will never be attacked, because they have situational awareness,
combat mindset, and such.  Others, as our new friend at church, have been
and will continue to be attacked (you may have noticed the cuts on his left arm),
because they are ignorant and careless. 
Ignorance means he doesn't know all the rules.
Careless means he knows some rules, but chooses not to follow the rules.
     In training, you learn the rules.  The basic rules are: 

Don't do stupid things.
Don't go to stupid places.
Don't hang out with stupid people.
-- John Farnman

Obvious to people as us? but not obvious to everyone.  And many of the
advanced rules are subtle and counterintuitive.
     Get the training while you can.  Instructors don't live forever.  And those
who do, don't teach forever (they retire).  When you realize what's at stake,
you will be desperate for the training and willing to pay for air fare, hotel,
rental car, and tuition for the training.  Most students who come to me for
training, do so because they have suffered a tragic incident.  If they had come
sooner, they would have avoided the tragic incident.
"How do you avoid a fight?"
Don't be there.
"How do you know to avoid the venue (or precipitation) of the fight?"
     A person who has had training leaks information.  Her body language says,
"I am a hard target."  The criminal sees this on a conscious and subconscious level
immediately, and moves on to another easier target.  Which is a win for the
good gal.  Any fight avoided is a fight won.
     You can't bluff skill, competence, or mindset.  Because it's on too low a
psychological level.  Which means you have to get the training, and you have
to practice what you learned in the training.
In Christo,

"You train for the people who love you."
-- Tatiana Whitlock

Defensive Gun Use / The Decision to Defend One's Self
     Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower once said,
“Training in all its phases must be intensive.” 
The harder you train, the more you’ll begin to conquer your
own inner weaknesses and the more confidence you’ll gain.

     Care enough to continue your training.

2nd NYC cop fatally shot by police gunfire this year
     This is why training is critically important.  Self defense is combat. 
In any combat situation, the stress level is extremely high.  Which makes
thinking extremely difficult.  Only training and practice will mitigate the
debilitating effects of stress. 

     I attended the NRA CCW class on 9/6/19 and the NRA CCW Instructor Certification
class on the 6th, 7th, and 8th of September 2019 A.D. at Citizens Safety Academy,
I highly recommend their cadre of instructors.  They are competent and professional.

***** Some of the things I learned in the student class:  *****
     Cadence - In a multiple shot string, you maintain your level of defensive accuracy
(as opposed to low stress target accuracy) by keeping your splits (time between
each shot) consistent.  You can increase your speed by systematically decreasing
the time between shots. 
     So, to shoot one shot per second, say out loud,
"1 front sight, 2 front sight, 3 front sight, 4 front sight, 5 front sight, 6 front sight",
the Bill Drill.  And force yourself to fire on each count, not being too concerned with
getting a perfect sight picture. (Make sure to get a sight picture after the last shot. 
That is follow through.) 
     To push yourself to a shot every half second, say out loud,
"1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and, 5 and, 6 and".  And force yourself to fire on each count. 
     To push yourself to a shot every quarter second, say out loud,
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6".  And force yourself to fire on each count. 
     Gun accidents - are caused by ignorance and carelessness.  Ignorance means you
don't know the safety rules.  Carelessness means you know the safety rules and
choose not to follow them.
     Storage -
Live storage = loaded and locked.
Dead storage = unloaded and locked.
     The better part of valor is discretion.
     Trigger locks don't work.  (We defeated several in class.)
     Bolt your safe to the wall or floor.
     People tend not to shoot what they can't see.  So, use concealment,
even if it's not cover.
     Presentation -
A straight wrist is strong, a bent wrist is weak.  So, when drawing your
pistol, pull your elbow up keeping your wrist straight.  Rotate
your shoulder.  Keep your wrist straight when presenting and
when holstering.
     Terminology -
Proactive reload (tactical, with retention, etc.)
Reactive reload (emergency, speed, etc.)
     Proper holster - (is a compromise between the following attributes)
fits your gun, as opposed to all guns
prevents trigger manipulation, completely covers trigger guard
mouth does not collapse, allowing one handed holstering
If the holster cants the gun forward, move holster back to 4 o'clock
for a right handed shooter, or 8 o'clock for a left handed shooter.
     Gun belt - must not roll (It must be stiff enough to support
the weight of the pistol and accessories.)
     Test your gear.  Wear it around the house before you wear
it out in the wild.  Don't just look in the mirror standing still;
move around, lean over, etc.
     Slowly deliberately holster.  Trace your body. 
Lead with your elbow.  Look the gun into the holster. (If you
have to keep your head up to look around for threats, you
should not be holstering in the first place.)

***** Some of the things I learned in the instructor class:  *****
     The verb is "holster", not "reholster".  (inside joke) 
Load.  Shoot the gun dry.  Load.
Load.  Unload.  Load.
As Yoda would say, there is no "reload".
     You should never have more than 4 students per instructor.
My max had been 5 students.  (Because that was the Front Sight
standard back in the late 1990's when I attended.)  I'm going to
reduce my max to 4 students.
     Teach one step at a time.  Give detailed description of
each step.  Then reduce to single words.  Then combine steps.
     The first bang should have only one cartridge in the gun. 
Then slowly carefully holster.  (Remember the instructor who gave
the little girl a machinepistol with a full magazine. 
The recoil caused the muzzle to rise.  He took several rounds
to the head and died.)
     Your students must use the safeties and decockers.  Because
that's how the gun was designed to operate.  If they don't want
to use them, change guns.  No, seriously, this is important! 
What about revolvers?
     When presenting from concealment -
     Closed front concealment garment: 
open hands wide
smack your thigh
grab a hand full of shirt
yank shirt up into your arm pit
     Open front concealment garment: 
form claws at center line
aggressive sweep
     Explain that a blue gun is a solid piece of plastic, not a gun. 
Unfortunately, NRA policy requires treating the blue gun as a real
gun.  So, having the student aim the blue gun at your eye to check
sight alignment, sight picture, and eye/vision problems is a No No.
(NRA policy is written by attorneys, not instructors.)
     Draw aggressively.  Holster reluctantly.
     Do not allow your students to lean over the firing line to
pick up dropped magazines (or anything else).  Because they are
putting their heads in front of other student's muzzles.  That's
where they are pointing in the low ready position.
     Teach and practice one handed shooting, especially support
hand only shooting. (even though support hand only shooting is
not on the shooting test)
     Make sure to give a range brief.  (safe direction to fire,
protocol, bathrooms, firing line commands that will be used, etc.)
     Make sure to give a medical brief.  (how to transport to
emergency room; wait for ambulance or use one of your cars),
who has cell phone reception, who has EMT or paramedic training
[the oncology doctor who has never had emergency room experience
is worthless for our purposes], where are the IFAKs, where is the
booboo kit, etc.)
     "Don't just speak so you're understood.
Speak so you can't be misunderstood."
-- William Howard Taft
     The command, "Holster" is insufficient.  Say,
"Finger in register position, holster."
     To gear up students (or to put away gear) -
line students up near targets
straight line evenly spaced
cased guns on tables (or ground)
have students turn cases so gun is pointed down range before opening cases
issue command to retrieve gun, clear, confirm clear, holster
check all gear
     Check eyes and ears, check your neighbor.
     Give your students space to reduce anxiety.  Don't crowd them. 
Don't hover over them. 
     If you make a mistake, hard reset for clarity.
     Give range commands in a steady and predictable cadence.
     Give positive encouragement.
     Impress upon your students that
"Bad things happen to good people in nice places."
So, always be prepared.  [You always wear your seat belt when in the car,
because you can't predict when some drunk or distracted driver will ram
you.  You always have a fire extinguisher in the house and car, because
you can't predict when a fire will start.  You always carry your pistol,
because you can't predict when you will need it; the criminal/animal makes
that decision.  If you maintain situational awareness, you will see the
danger coming and have time to prepare (or flee, or whatever is the
appropriate response). -- Jon Low]
     Reactions to danger:
freeze, submit (real or feigned), posture, flight, fight. 
     Avoidance should be your goal.
     Don't have a gun in your hand when the cops arrive.
     Don't flee the scene.  Unless you need to for safety.
     Don't run off at the mouth.  Point out evidence and
witnesses.  Say, "I want my lawyer."  And then shut up.

Evidence laid out against Colorado school shooting suspect
     "A private security guard also injured one of the eight students
when he fired at a sheriff's lieutenant in a hallway during the confusion,
authorities said."
     This is why you have to follow the safety rules, get training, and practice.
The minimum standards required by the state governments for private armed
guards and law enforcement officers are woefully inadequate.

"Training is NOT an event, but a process.
Training is the preparation FOR practice".
-- Claude Werner

----- Practice -----

      Practice is the small deposits you make over time,
so that in an emergency, you can make that big withdrawal.
-- Chesley Burnett Sullenberger, III

Practice targets from Eric Hung (learn@pewpewtactical.com) at Pew Pew Tactical

Slow is smooth.  Smooth is efficient.  Efficient is fast.

     Never force yourself to go faster than you can correctly execute the
task.  Because doing so, engrains all kinds of bad habits.  Rather,
strive to execute correctly.  After 2000 repetitions, you will be fast. 
Because the task will have passed from conscious competence to unconscious
competence.  That is to say, you won't need to think about what you're
doing.  So, you'll be able to do the task faster than you can think to
do the task.  Which is very dangerous.  It takes a lot of effort to slow
down your actions, so as not to out run your brain.
     You ever drive so fast you out ran your GPS and miss an exit?  Well,
the same thing can happen in combat.  You have to slow yourself down, so
you don't run past the bad guy without seeing him.  (Happens in IDPA
matches all the time.  And they know before hand where all the targets are.) 
You have to slow yourself down, so you can recognize the target as a no-shoot,
before you shoot it.  (Read the Tactical Professor's blog postings on negative
outcomes.  Lots of people shoot loved ones in there homes because they fail
to identify their target.  Because they were shooting faster than they were
-- Jon Low
Rifle Level 3 NRA/CMP/USA Shooting
Archery Level 3 National Archery Association
Fencing Level 1 U.S. Fencing Coaches Association

Hard Swing Drill

----- Techniques -----

“Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it.”
-- Bruce Lee

Announcing You Are Armed
     By announcing that you are armed, you may defuse the situation.
But, you lose the element of surprise.  Another one of those things
that you need to think through, now.  Melody goes over many of the
pros and cons you need to consider.

"Real fights are short."
-- Bruce Lee

10 Common Concealed Carry Mistakes

"It’s not daily increase but daily decrease - hack away at the inessentials!"
-- Bruce Lee

Awareness and Managing Unknown Contacts: Before a Harsh Word or a Gun

----- Tactics -----

You win gunfights by not getting shot.
-- John Holschen

Draw and Don’t Shoot: An Overlooked Skill

Contact Management Skills: Seeing Other Threats

"Audacity wins."
-- Carl von Clausewitz

----- Education -----

"Cogito, ergo armatum sum." (I think, therefore armed am I.)
-- John Farnam

How to Spot a Bad Guy -
A Comprehensive Look at Body Language and Pre-Assault Indicators

Learn: Personal Defense

Learn: Training

Concealed Carry

Some terminology,
    Hammers: sights are not reacquired between shots.  [One sight picture, two shots.]
    Double Taps: same sight picture on both shots.  [One sight picture for each shot.]
    Controlled Pairs: sights are reacquired between shots.  [I'm pretty sure
this means following through by getting a sight picture after each shot. -- Jon Low]
from "Video: Double Taps, Hammers and Controlled Pairs"

*****     *****     ***** Hardware *****     *****     *****

"I would like to see every
woman know how to handle
guns as naturally as they
know how to handle babies."
-- Annie Oakley

----- Gear -----

Don't go to stupid places.
Don't do stupid things.
Don't hang out with stupid people.
-- John Farnam

CCW For Women: Unconventional On-Body Carry

9 Best Shooting Ear Protection [Electronic & Passive Hands-On]

Gun & Gear Reviews at Pew Pew Tactical

Best Body Armor [2019 Tested]: Hard Plates & Soft Armor

     Andrew Branca says a car mounted holster may not be good place to keep your
pistol (Pat Rogers says, your car is not a holster.), but it may be a good place
to holster your pistol after an incident.  As it may be difficult to holster your
pistol on your body with all your adrenaline in your blood stream and the
traumatic and physical shock you will be in at the time.

6 Things You Learn Buying Holsters By The Ton

My review of the Remington RP 45 (full size .45 ACP) pistol --
     Do not buy the Remington RP45 pistol.  Do not take them in trade. 
If someone offers to give one to you, say, "No thank you."
     They don't work.  They cannot be fixed.
     Yes, I sent it back to their repair facility (they paid for shipping).  Remington said,
"we are estimating a minimum 12 week return time from point of receiving your firearm."
     I bought one new in the box from a gun store.  I cleaned and lubricated it.
I took it to my range to fire it.  Every single one of the first 30 rounds I attempted
to fire malfunctioned with factory new brass cased ammunition.  The pistol would not go
into battery after firing the round, 30 out of 30 times.  In the first 15 round magazine,
I had 3 stove pipes and 12 failures to chamber (either the slide wouldn't go back
far enough to pick up the next round, or the cartridge would get stuck facing up
at 45 degrees into the chamber, or the slide would not go all the way into battery).
In the second magazine of 15 rounds, I had one stove pipe and 14 failures to go
into battery.
     If the pistol functioned reliably, I could overlook the following problems with
the pistol:
     The bore was not smooth and glassy.  The bore had a rough surface finish.
     The grip is too smooth and slippery.  Holding the pistol in your right hand,
it is easy to rotate the pistol counter-clockwise out of your hand.  Holding
the pistol in your left hand, it is easy to rotate the pistol clockwise out
of your hand.  This makes weapon retention very difficult in a fight. 
     The slide is loose on the frame and jiggles more than I think is reasonable
for a combat pistol.
     When racking the slide, it feels very rough.  This is after a detailed
cleaning and lubrication.  The quality of the machining is poor.  (My colleague
at work, Aidan, who is a professional machinist, inspected the pistol and
told me that he found many spurs.  The machined parts had not been deburred.
The surface finishes were poor.)
     Precision:  I could not get better than hand span size groups at 3 yards.
I do not consider that acceptable.  With my other pistols, I can get 5 shots
all touching each other at 5 yards.  I am certain that the lack of precision is
due to the slide not being in the same position on each shot.  The slide is
very loose on the frame and does not return to a consistent battery position.
     Rear sight has rounded edges, so it won't cut your hand when you rack the slide.
And it has a ledge, so you can use it to rack the slide when operating with one hand.
     The magazine release and the magazines appear to be set up so that the
magazine release can be switched from right handed to left handed.  But,
there is nothing in the user's manual about how to make this change.
     [I wonder why the gun magazine editors never ask me to write product
reviews for them?]

----- Technical -----

"The shorter the fight, the less hurt you get."
-- John Holschen

The Real Deal About Appendix Carry

How to Clean a Glock: A Step-by-Step Guide
     Pertinent to any Glock clone (aren't they all).

Understanding Ammunition (a primer, no pun intended)

“Destiny doesn’t make appointments,
nor does she waste her time with the naive and unready!”
-- John Farnam

*****     *****     ***** Instruction *****     *****     *****

Colonel Robert Lindsey to his fellow trainers:
"We are not God’s gift to our students.
Our students are God’s gift to us."

----- Instructors -----

Qui docet, discit.  (Who teaches, learns.)
-- motto of the American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers

     May I invite your attention to
"20 June 05
One of my instructors just sent this to me. I only wish I could analyze these things as well:"
Three fourths of the way down the page at

"The limited time you spend with students may be the only training they ever receive!"
-- John Farnam

“Try” versus “Do”

Intellectual Humility

Remember, the students who require the extra effort are the ones who need us the most!
-- John Farnam

     May I invite your attention to
"21 Apr 05
Task Vectors"
3/4ths of the way down the page at

"Every time I teach a class,
I discover I don't know something."
-- Clint Smith, Director of Thunder Ranch

----- Pedagogy -----

     Dustin Solomon, in his book “Building Shooters” states that
an instructor should not expect any learning to take place
the first time new information is presented.

"Measuring actual learning versus feeling of learning in response to being actively engaged in the classroom"
     An article analyzing the scholarly paper above,
"Active Learning Works But Students Don’t Like It"
     Indeed, the correlation between student evaluations and student learning
is at best close to zero and at worst negative. Student evaluations measure
how well liked the teacher is. Students like to be entertained. Thus, to the
extent that they rely on student evaluations, universities are incentivizing
teachers to teach in ways that the students like rather than in ways that
promote learning.
     It’s remarkable that student evaluations haven’t already been lawsuited
into oblivion given that student evaluations are both useless and biased.

     "The biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has happened." 
-- (Attribution unknown)

     "Train, Practice, Compete
are the key elements in the development of humans."
-- John M. Buol, Jr.

*****     *****     ***** Legal, Political, and Philosophical *****     *****     *****

How do you win a gunfight?
Don’t be there.
-- John Farnam

Our Rights are not Safe!

Andrew Branca says,
     "For this reason, a default tactic of “shoot until the gun is empty” is not
justifiable from a legal perspective.  “Shoot until the threat is apparently
neutralized” is what the law allows, but continuing to shoot after that point
is no longer self-defense."

The War on Guns
John Lott talked about his book,
"The War on Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies",
on gun control in America and the myth that he believes surround it.

Hollywood Anti-Gun Bias
Dr. John R. Lott, Jr., Ph.D.
Crime Prevention Research Center
(484) 802-5373

     Andrew Branca says,
     "Normally, in America if a defendant raises a claim of self-defense at trial,
it becomes the burden of the prosecution to disprove that claim of self-defense
beyond a reasonable doubt. If the state fails to do that, the jury is instructed
to acquit the defendant. Indeed, that’s long been true for every state in the
     Except for Ohio. Until, that is, this year (2019 A.D.).
     Until earlier this year Ohio was the last state in the country that placed
the burden of persuasion on self-defense on the defendant — specifically, when
claiming self-defense it was the responsibility of the defendant to prove
self-defense by a preponderance of the evidence.
     Now, however, Ohio has finally joined the modern era of self-defense law and
became the 50th state to impose the duty of persuasion on self-defense on the
prosecution and beyond a reasonable doubt.
     This change enormously strengthens the legal defense of self-defense in Ohio,
and represents a substantive change in Ohio law."

3 Highly Illegal Mistakes Waiting to Happen: CBD Oil and Guns

The Terms You NEED to Know for Concealed Carry . . .
     Short explanations of "Shall-issue states", "May-issue states",
and "Constitutional carry".

“We didn’t go far enough!”
     In many self defense classes that I have taken, we are taught to believe
the assailant.  He is not venting.  He is not blowing off steam.  He is
telling you what he intends to do.  So, when the Democrats say they will
take your guns, believe them.

     The purpose of gun control laws is to criminalize the behavior of political
opponents.  This enables the government to arrest, prosecute, imprison, and
most importantly disenfranchise gun owners (conservatives who cling to their
God and guns).
     Conservatives assume the responsibility to protect themselves and their
loved ones, so they keep and bear arms.  This is common sense.
"Common sense is a flower that does not grow in everyone's garden."
-- Our waitress at the Mango restaurant in Lebanon, TN
When attacked by criminals, conservatives blame the criminals.
     Liberals shirk the responsibility to protect, so they don't carry the
tools to protect those they love and are responsible for.  When attacked by
criminals, liberals blame law abiding gun owners.  That's why the
San Francisco city council declared the NRA to be a terrorist organization.
"Never underestimate the danger of large groups of stupid people." 
-- Albert Einstein

     Please help our cause by signing up for Dr. John Lott's newsletter at
Crime Prevention Research Center
     You can donate at
     Info Deck at
Click on full screen mode at bottom right of window.  Use the arrows at the
bottom of the screen to navigate.

We’ve seen this movie!
     Mr. Farnam cites a quote from Chinese Communist Party Chairman,
Mao Tse Tung.  Here's another one to put it in context.
"Men speak from the muzzles of guns." -- Mao Tse Tung

Beto: People can't fight a Tyrannical Government nor do they have the right to
     Presidential candidate, Beto, does not understand the history of the
American Revolutionary War, nor does he understand our founding documents.
     Colion Noir gets it.  Support him.  Support our cause.

*****     *****     ***** Survival *****     *****     *****

"If you prepare for the emergency,
the emergency ceases to exist!"
-- Sherman House

     May I invite your attention to Greg's commentary after the article,
"New survey shows heavy psychological toll for Virginia’s first responders"
midway down the web page at
     It’s one of the many reasons you should discourage your loved ones
from pursuing a career in public service.  The trauma that they witness
sticks with them forever and irreparably alters their brain chemistry
in a negative manner.  Trust me.  Watching [persons] trying to kill
themselves is not an experience that will lead to a healthy mental
perspective in the future.

Self defense insurance:
6 Concealed Carry Insurance Options To Protect Your Six (2019)

Self-Defense Gun Owner Insurance Programs Compared
     This web page, the chart, and the PDF file are updated occasionally. 
So, it's worth checking every so often.

Tradecraft: Pat Mac on Spy Knowledge and Not Becoming a Victim

Hearing loss is permanent and cumulative.

*****     *****     ***** Basics *****     *****     *****

"Panic is simply the lack of preprogrammed responses."
-- Tom Givens

Beginner’s Guide to Guns
     This is a series of articles that does a shallow dive
into a broad area of shooting.
     If you have a friend who is interested in shooting guns,
but has no knowledge of the subject, you might want to
recommend this web site.

How Guns Work

4 Reasons Why Cleaning and Maintaining Your Weapon is Important.

"Fear is an instinct. Courage is a choice."
-- Rear Admiral Joseph Kernan, USN

*****     *****     ***** Miscellany *****     *****     *****

When it’s least expected, you’re selected.
-- John Farnam

Congratulations to Bill Hayes for earning Top Gun at
MAG40 – Harrisburg, PA
August 15 - 18, 2019 A.D.

Mirror mirror on the wall
Who's the most tactical of them all?
-- Rosemary

10 things that take no talent, but will get you respect: 
1.  Being on time.  (If you can't be on time, be early.)
2.  Work ethic.  (Don't take smoke breaks.  Don't chit chat.  Don't day dream.  Work.)
3.  Effort.  (Try, even if you know you can't.  Oh! You can.  What a pleasant surprise.)
4.  Body language.  (sit up straight, feet on the floor, take off your hat, stand when greeted or spoken to, etc.)
5.  Energy.  (Eat breakfast, so you have energy.  Stay hydrated, so you have energy,
and aren't taking sick leave for kidney stones.)
6.  Attitude.  (In boot camp, the Drill Instructors would adjust your attitude. 
After boot camp, it's your responsibility to get your attitude right.)
7.  Passion.  (Because lives depend on it.)
8.  Being coachable.  (Not just willing, but eager to learn.  And willing to try
the technique the instructor is teaching, because it might be better.  But, I
will only know if I make a good faith effort.  So, I make a good faith effort.)
9.  Doing extra.  (Because someone has to take out the trash and clean the toilets. 
Otherwise, the place is just dirty.)
10. Being prepared.  (What will I need?  What will the newbie need?  Bring extra
water, because if the other guy passes out [or dies] from dehydration it's not
your fault; but you could have prevented it.)
-- from the .50 BMG class at Strategic Edge Gun Range

5 Leadership Tips From A Man With A Beard
     At NCO school we learned: 
     Always praise publicly.  Always discipline privately.
     Mature adults take responsibility for their actions. 
Leaders take responsibility for the actions of their subordinates. 
     If something goes wrong, investigate to find out why.  Then change
your policies (and the procedures that derive from your policies) to
reduce the probability of the problem occurring in the future.  If your
subordinate made a mistake, it's your fault for not training him properly. 
If your subordinate made a mistake, it's your fault for issuing orders
that were to complicated or difficult for him to understand and follow. 
Structure tasks that allow your subordinates to succeed.
Blaming a subordinate for the problem is almost always wrong.  Blaming
a subordinate to evade responsibility is always wrong.
     Your income will always be in direct proportion to your contribution.
-- Pastor Mike Ayon
     So, figure out how to contribute more.  (As opposed to figuring out
how to get more.)

Some advise from Attila the Hun (who knew the Romans well):
     “Always remember that worthy causes meet with the most resistance,
sometimes even the internal withholding of support and loyalty.  When
victory is always easily gained, you must reconsider the worthiness of
your ambitions.  It is a simple truth that the greater your accomplishments,
the greater opposition, torment, and discouragement your opponents will
throw in your path.  Expect it!  Don’t become a victim of it.  Know that your
most worthy efforts will be scorned by your contemporaries, for it is they
who suffer most when you show yourself to be more noble and virtuous than
they are.  When your actions and ambitions threaten them not, you are simply
striving toward the insignificant.”
Excerpted from
18 June 05
The “Long Year,” 44BC

Semper Fidelis,

Jonathan D. Low

The Warrior's Prayer
Dear God,
     Please give us discernment to distinguish friend from foe from innocent bystanders. 
Give us clear vision so our aim is true. 
Give us calm so we execute correctly.
Give us spiritual maturity so that we stop the attack without excessive force, without revenge.
In Jesus name,

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