Thursday, August 1, 2024

CWP, 1 August MMXXIV Anno Domini


Greetings Sheepdogs, 
     In case you don't know who to vote for.  
Tennessee Firearms Association Legislative Action Committee’s 2024 Annual Event 
is set for Saturday, September 7, 2024 (the Saturday after Labor Day)
     For those of you sick of the NRA corruption, please support your local 2nd Amendment 
political action committee.  
Table of Contents:  
         Situational Awareness
*****     *****     ***** Prevention *****     *****     *****
Things you can do to avoid the lethal force incident.  
Table of sections:  
----- Mindset -----
Figuring out the correct way to think.  
     "Your gunfights will always be anomalies.  
So are those of all the instructors you venerate.  
It’s useful to keep those facts in mind."  
-- Greg Ellifritz
     ‟We don’t decide what is necessary to survive a 
lethal force encounter initiated by someone else.  
That person decides what’s necessary for us to survive.”  
– William Aprill
"Random Thoughts on The Gunfight That Never Was or 
“The Old Man Gotta Be The Old Man” " by Marcus Wynne
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.  
     ‟Fear is an instinct.  Courage is a choice.”  
-- Rear Admiral Joseph Kernan, U.S. Navy
by Andy Grossman
     "Also, it’s imperative to recognize carrying a gun doesn’t obligate you to take action, 
even when you witness a crime justifying the use of deadly force.  Use your judgment.  
Remember the fact you’re not a police officer, and don’t have to be a hero.  Sometimes, 
the best response is to notify the authorities and be a useful witness when the police arrive."  
     Concerning some of the pictures in the article -- 
     If you can't get all of your fingers on your grip (because the grip is too short), 
your pistol grip is WRONG!  Keep searching.  
     If you can't wrap your fingers around the grip to get at least the tip of your middle finger 
to point back toward you, your pistol grip is WRONG!  Keep searching.  
     If you can't get a proper grip on your pistol while the pistol is completely in the holster, 
your holster is WRONG!  Keep searching.  
     ‷If you look at someone bigger, faster, and stronger and immediately think, 
‶I'm at a disadvantage″,  
I have news for you:  you are.  
But that's only because you just put yourself there for no reason.  
     The truth is that anyone can do debilitating violence to anyone else.  
Your size, your speed, your strength, your gender -- 
all the factors that untrained people think make the difference when it comes to violence -- 
all matter far less than your mindset and your intent.‴  
-- Tim Larkin
"Election Season!" by John Farnam
     In case you don't understand politics in the United States of America.  
     “You are no more armed because you are wearing a pistol 
than you are a musician because you own a guitar.” 
from Principles of Personal Defense by Col. Jeff Cooper, USMC, (1920 – 2006 A.D.)
     Email from Rabbi Yitzchok Tiechtel -- 
Dear friend,
     Freedom of speech is held sacred in this country.  Our Founding Fathers came from 
a society where one was forbidden from speaking one's mind, where the ruling power 
decided what could and could not be said.  
     Like the old joke goes, a 1980's American was trying to explain the virtues of American 
free speech to a citizen of Mother Russia.  "You know, I can stand in front of the White House, 
in front of everyone, and declare Reagan to be the worst leader in world history - and nothing 
will happen to me!  Can you do that in Russia?!"  
     "Yes," answered the Russian, "I can stand in front of the Kremlin and shout to everyone, 
'Reagan is the worst leader in world history!' and nothing will happen to me either."  
     So, free speech.  But still, there are certain words that are forbidden even in this land 
of the free and the home of the brave.  The most famous example is shouting "Fire!" in a 
crowded theater (I've just been advised that this is a common myth.  Oh well.) 
and incitement to violence.  Even Freedom of Speech has its limits.  
     And I want to recommend one more phrase to the list of things one may never utter:  
"We condemn all violence."  Another powerful politician uttered it this week and it has 
got to stop.  
     Condemning all violence is not just weak and meaningless; it's dangerous.  
     When the hiker in Rhode Island was bitten by a rabid coyote and violently killed it 
with his bare hands, did we all join in condemning that violence?
     When a homeowner wakes up to an intruder with a gun, and violently kills him to 
protect his family, do we all join in to condemn him?  
     It's a waste of time to say we condemn all violence because we simply do not.  
And when influential, powerful people announce, regarding the war in Israel, that we 
ought to condemn all violence, they are equating murder with self-defense, which 
discourages self-defense and literally and directly causes the death of innocent people.  
     When a presumptive presidential candidate declares her support for Israel's efforts 
to defend herself, and in the very next sentence condemns all violence, it's foolish, 
hypocritical, dangerous and evil.  He or she does not in fact support Israel's efforts to 
defend herself, (unless the intent is that Israel Defense Forces should defeat their 
enemy with soothing words and reasonable arguments for peace).  
     A real enemy is better than a pretend friend.  
     When Israel has a gun to its head and its "friends" pompously condemn all violence, 
they're in fact condemning Israel to destruction, G-d forbid.  Stop saying it!  It means 
less than nothing - it means you don't want justice or peace, you just want the victim 
to die quietly so you can sleep peacefully.  
     And other than the obvious desire for the maximum number of votes, why can't you 
just come out and state the obvious truth - that the hiker is innocent and the coyote is a 
dangerous threat, that the homeowner is innocent and the intruder is a dangerous threat, 
and that Israel is innocent and those fighting them are dangerous threats?  Is that too 
     How can you call the soldiers of WWII "The Greatest Generation" and then condemn 
all violence?  How can you praise John McCain as a national hero and then condemn all 
violence?  What do you think McCain was doing when he became a hero?  Building 
schools, planting trees and inventing vaccines?  
     Stop saying that we condemn all violence.  We do not, we certainly do not.  
     The Rebbe once spoke about people who self-righteously spray a wildfire with what 
they think is water, when in fact they're spraying kerosene.  When you confront them 
and beg them to stop pouring fuel on the fire, they say, aww, don't be picky, any liquid 
is helpful.  
     Any liquid is not helpful, and all violence is not evil.  Saying so is pouring fuel on 
the flames of the war.  
     Not all violence is bad.  Sometimes it's necessary, sometimes it's good, sometimes 
it's a Mitzvah!  And when it's done in self-defense, it's a Mitzvah!  
     This week's Parshah is called Pinchas.  The Torah declares the man Pinchas to 
be G-d's hero.  Who was a Pinchas?  An award-winning musician?  A trailblazing 
physicist?  A pacifist peace-activist?  A loudmouth politician?  
     No, he was commended and awarded by G-d for an act of violence.  A single, crucial, 
heroic act of violence that everyone around him was afraid to do.  G-d named an entire 
section in the Torah after him and awarded him with - wait for it - a Covenant of Peace!  
Violence brought peace!  Imagine that.  
     Words have meaning.  And to say that we condemn all violence means that we 
condemn no violence.  That is immoral and forbidden by G-d's universal law.  We need 
to stop saying it.  It needs to be outlawed.  It must never be heard again on these shores.  
     That saying is an offense against every police officer, every security guard, every 
Air Marshall, every school resource officer, every kid who charged up Normandy's 
beaches, David who slew Goliath, Moses who killed the Egyptian who was killing a 
Jewish slave, every soldier in the IDF and G-d Himself who wrote the laws of right 
and wrong, made self-defense a Mitzvah, and honored Pinchas for doing the right thing 
at the right time.  
Shabbat Shalom and good Shabbos!
Rabbi Yitzchok Tiechtel
Chabad of Nashville
     “Willingness is a state of mind.  Readiness is a statement of fact!”  
-- Lt. Gen. David M Shoup, USMC Commandant 1960-1963
"Shelley Hill on Mindset 101 and Personal Defense"
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.  
"The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly – June 2024" by Claude Werner
     The hyper-link in the article for the Ugly doesn't work.  This link works, 
     "The Cost of Killing for this man is spending the rest of his life in prison and 
never having a decent moment with his daughter again.  He’ll never hold his 
grandchildren or be able to give them anything."  
     [Prison or death is often the cost of heroism.  Some fathers feel the duty to protect 
their daughters.  Some fathers are smart enough to keep their mouths shut. -- Jon Low]  

"Defensive Mindset:
Lessons from an Attempted Presidential Assassination"
by Tom McHale
     If you see people around you behaving as if they were taking incoming fire, 
best to run away.  Any direction is good if you don't know where the gun fire is 
coming from.  Seeking cover only works if you know the direction of incoming 
fire.  Being far away always works.  
***** Situational Awareness ***** 
How to avoid being taken by surprise.  
Hi Security Team,
     Back in 2023 I attended the 
Security Operations Summit 2023
in Lebanon, TN.  
     A gentleman whose job was interviewing suspects and convicted criminals 
told me that when interviewing a particular mass murderer, the subject told 
him that he had gone to a school to kill persons, but upon viewing the flagpoles, 
how there were correctly done, the subject decided that someone with military 
experience must be doing the flags, and the subject did not want to encounter 
that person.  So, the subject drove to another school where he noticed that the 
flags were sloppily done.  This indicated to the subject that the flags were 
being handled by a bunch of old ladies who did not present a threat to the 
subject.  So the subject attacked and killed persons on that campus.  
     The point is that the bad guys are not stupid.  They notice things just as we 
do.  And anything we can do to appear competent and prepared for battle causes 
the bad guy to deselect us.  It doesn't take much to cause the deselection.  
The interviewer called this a psychological stop.  Let us strive for psychological 
stops, as they are far less dangerous to us and those we protect, than stops by 
use of force.  
     "Jeff Cooper's Color Code exists to help you get your head 
around the need to kill someone in the immediate future."  
-- John Hearne
     Jeff Cooper's Color Code of Mental Awareness  
UNAWARE - of what's going on around you.  (White)  
AWARE - of who is around you and what they are doing.  (Yellow)  
ALERT - to a potential threat and taking action to avoid the threat.  (Orange)  
ALARM - by a real threat and taking action to escape the threat, 
     which might include shooting to PREVENT the attack.  (Red)  
COMBAT - front sight, press.  Shooting to STOP the attack.  (Black)  
"Self Defense: How to be Situationally Vigilant" by Richard Nance
“Knife Control!”
     Knife-control in the UK doesn't work.  Gun-control in the US doesn't work.  
Why do you think politicians advocate such?  
     You better be prepared, because the government is not going to protect you.  
     “You need to have the capacity for danger.  You need to be ‘dangerous’.  
Yet, you need to learn how to not use it except when necessary.  
And, that is not the same thing as being harmless.  
     There's nothing virtuous about harmlessness.  
Harmless just means you’re ineffectual and useless.”  
-- Jordan Peterson 
----- Safety -----  
How to prevent the bad thing from happening in the first place.  
How to avoid shooting yourself, friendlies, and innocent bystanders.  
How to prevent  unauthorized persons from using your guns.  
"Florida Woman DEFENDS Herself In The Gym" by Tim Larkin
     Tim won't say it, but we all know what she was thinking, "I didn't want to appear racist."  
Time to get over your social inhibitions.  
     Making bad decisions has consequences.  Stay in reality.  Accept and accommodate 
reality.  It doesn't matter what you think the world should be.  
Jeff Cooper′s Rules of Gun Safety  
"Safe Firearm Storage Tips"
     "It's easier to stay out of trouble than to get out of trouble."  
-- Claude Werner
"Beware!" by John Farnam
Email from Tim Larkin -- 
     "The Secret Service's solemn mission is to protect our nation's leaders".  
Kimberly Cheatle (The head of Secret Service) said this during testimony 
yesterday before the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.  
     "On July 13, we failed," she said.  "As director of the United States 
Secret Service, I take full responsibility for any security lapse."  
     Let that sink in….  
     The Secret Service failed...
     They let a below-average 20-year-old... not some elite highly trained 
operative... breach their defenses and almost assassinate a former President.  
     If they can’t protect our leaders… how can the government protect us?  
     The truth?  They can’t…  
     We’re on our own.  You need to be your own first responder.  It’s not a choice.  
It’s a must.
     Think about violence striking and your not prepared.  Panic.  Chaos.  Fear.  
     Now think about being ready….  Calm.  In control.  Protecting your loved 
ones because you prepared.  
Stay Safe,
Tim Larkin
"Airports!" by John Farnam
     Pay attention!  You are responsible for protecting others (and yourself).  
John Farnam's rules to keep you out of trouble:  
Don’t go to stupid places.  
Don’t associate with stupid people.  
Don’t do stupid things.  
Have a “normal” appearance.  
Be in bed by 10:00 PM (your own bed).  
Don’t fail the attitude test.  
----- Training -----
Figuring out the correct tasks to practice.  
     "Train and practice so that you can stay in your rational mind, 
and force your enemy into his emotional mind.  The emotional 
mind makes bad judgments which will allow you to win."  
-- John Hearne
     I attend classes because they always point out to me that I suck at something.  
So I can work on that thing.  Otherwise, I float around in this delusional state 
thinking that I'm good to go in all things. -- Jon Low
     You need training because:  
You don't know what you don't know.  
Much of what you know is false.  
It's good to the have the answers before the criminal tests you.  
-- Claude Werner (paraphrased)
     Average Learning Retention Rates
5%  Lecture
10%  Reading
20%  Audio Visual
30%  Demonstration
50%  Discussion Group
75%  Practice By Doing
90%  Teaching Others
-- National Training Laboratories, Bethel, Maine
(Thanks to Mike Seeklander)
     "Never memorize anything.  Rather, study it until it becomes obvious."  
-- Prof. Norman Christ, Physics Department, Columbia University 
     Applies directly to all self-defense theory and practice.  
"Strengthening Your Weak Links
There's more to self-defense than just carrying a gun."
by Chris Cypert
     “Train, Practice, Compete 
are the key elements in the development of humans.”  
-- John M. Buol, Jr.
     [Please note that the field of Neuroscience uses the terms "procedural" and "declarative" 
in a sense almost opposite to the way the terms are used in Computer Science.  
     In Computer Science, a procedural programming language is a recipe, the list of 
instructions are executed sequentially.  Whereas, a declarative programming language 
creates a process that takes queries as input and attempts to satisfy the query by executing 
a backtracking algorithm through a database.  
     In Neuroscience, declarative memory is long term memory that is consciously accessed.  
Declarative memory cannot be accessed under stress.  Whereas, procedural memory is a 
long term memory that that is automatically accessed when under stress.]  
     I attended Dustin Salomon's class on firearms training based on neuroscience on 
24 - 25 July 2024 at the Glock Store in Nashville, TN.  The title of the class was 
"Understanding the Terrain".  I highly recommend you take this class.  
Some of the things I learned -- 
     When going to any class, you must do the read ahead.  Because nothing is retained 
the first time information or skills are taught.  You must teach with the expectation 
that nothing will be retained (this is called 'priming').  The next time, you will teach 
the same stuff and because the student has been primed, he will retain the material.  
This is due to neurological filters.  
     I remember at Front Sight (and many other schools) they would brag about giving 
the students a 6 day course in 4 days.  They were proud to let the students drink from 
a firehose.  The students loved it and thought that they were getting their money's 
worth.  The truth is that the students were retaining nothing.   No skills or information 
were being transferred into long term procedural memory.  Because it was physically 
     Very little can be stored in short term memory.  In order to transfer skills / information 
from short term memory to long term declarative memory (memory that can be recalled 
on demand consciously) there must be a period where the student is not working on the 
skill and the student must undergo REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep.  This period 
is 24 to 48 hours.  Short naps do not work, because they do not allow enough time for 
REM sleep.  
     Many members of the Armed Forces learn to force themselves to go to sleep 
immediately.  But this only puts the person into level 1 sleep.  The human, when sleeping, 
passes through 
level 1 then 
     level 2 then 
          level 3 then 
               level 4 sleep in that order.  
From level 4 the person may or may not pass to REM sleep.  
The person then passes from 
               level 4 
          to level 3 to 
     level 2 to 
level 1.  
The person goes up and down through this cycle as he sleeps.  Hopefully, he will pass 
into REM sleep from level 4 sleep.  But this takes time.  That's why short naps don't 
     To transfer the skill into Procedural memory requires many repetitions.  The problem 
is that if you practice the skill in isolation it becomes automatic and difficult, if not 
impossible, to interrupt.  Which may or may not be a good thing.  If you have trained 
yourself to shoot multiple shots, it may be difficult to stop shooting when there is no 
longer a threat.  The bad guy drops his weapon, turns to run, raises his hands in surrender, 
and you keep shooting because that is what you have trained to do.  
     If you have trained Tap, Rack, Bang when you have a malfunction, will you be able 
to not Bang if the situation changed?  Can you override the programming that you 
engrained with thousands of repetitions?  
     To avoid this problem, you must interleave the training by incorporating several 
different skills in the sequence, and you must cause the actions in the sequence to be 
determined by visual cues in real time.  If the student knows before the start of the drill 
what the sequence of events will be in the drill, the drill will engrain a sequence that 
will be very difficult to deviate from in combat.  That's a real problem with IDPA and 
IPSC matches where each stage is choreographed and mentally rehearsed.  
     The OODA loop is Observe → Orient → Decide → Act → . . .  
The purpose of much training is to short circuit this loop to allow the combatant to 
Observe → Act → . . .  
The problem is that the environment changes.  So, the combatant is required to 
Orient to the changing situation in order to Decide.  This is usually based on visual 
cuing, not auditory cuing (think beep from the timer).  
     Much training is hyper-realistic (virtual reality, simulators, Marine Corps training 
in which they are actually shooting machineguns over your head and detonating explosives 
near you as you crawl along under the barbed wire, etc.), which might cause trauma.  
Memories under trauma are entirely different from memories under less stressful 
conditions.  Traumatic events cause episodic memories, which cause a short circuit 
in the brain.  The triggering stimulus causes an immediate and automatic reaction 
response, probably not the execution of the desired skill set.  In fact, it can be any 
crazy thing.  
     [Much of higher level "training" in the Armed Forces is not training.  It's just a 
weeding out process using trauma to eliminate those who panic.  In Marine Corps 
boot camp for instance, the Drill Instructors are playing a game, and the Private is 
expected to play along.  Unfortunately, there are those Privates who believe that 
this is real.  And "Oh my God, we're all going to die!"  "I've got to get out of here!"  
     Unfortunately, for some, it is real.  There is an acceptable casualty rate and 
fatality rate for recruit training.  That's just reality.]  
     Writing this after action report is very difficult because the jargon is deep and 
necessary for understanding, and I can't convey it without a long exposition.  
So, I will end here.  
     One of the beauties of this class is that Dustin reads the neuroscience journal papers 
(which would be unintelligible to most of us) and presents the results in a way that the 
layman can understand and use.  
     If you teach, you need to take this class, because as Claude Werner says, 
You don't know what you don't know.  
Much of what you know is false.  
It's good to have the answers before you're tested.  
     “The secret of success is this. 
Train like it means everything when it means nothing – 
so you can fight like it means nothing when it means everything.” 
-- Lofty Wiseman
"Jim Cirillo – Cover, Concealment, Distance"  
     Three sets of cops shooting at each other.  It's not easy to identify your target during 
combat.  Even uniforms are hard to see if the guy is using cover and concealment.  
     Cover, Concealment, Distance to give you time to think.  
     Pre-position your guns.  
     Imagine possible scenarios.  
     "Safe gun handling and knowing how to operate the gun competently is one thing.  
How to fight with the gun is a whole other plane of knowledge."  
-- Tiger McKee
     "Those motivated by a desire to improve their 
gunfighting skills as opposed to a quest for trophies, 
must be willing to bleed ego on the match results 
to avoid shedding blood in combat."  
-- Andy Stanford
     “If you are reading this and can’t put your hand on your defensive firearm, 
all of your training is wasted.” -- Col. Jeff Cooper
--- Classes and Conferences ---
Upcoming Classes- August and September 2024 (Greg Ellifritz)
Rangemaster-Certified Instructors
FPF Training
Defensive Training International
Trident Concepts
Hi Security Team,
     May I invite your attention to 
available on-demand from August 1 through September 30, 2024
     To receive Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST) credit or 
Tennessee Academy for School Leaders (TASL) credit for sessions viewed, 
please fill out the evaluation form. 
     ‟Training is NOT an event, but a process. 
Training is the preparation FOR practice.”  
-- Claude Werner
----- Practice -----
How to get proficient at that task.  
Why practice?  
    “To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively 
tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them 
and fitted to their talents.  What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or 
unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.”  
-- Winston Churchill
     "Here’s an easy suggestion:  Strap on your backup gun during your shooting practice 
sessions.  When doing drills with the primary handgun, draw and finish the drill with 
the backup gun whenever you run completely out of ammo.  One of the reasons you 
might transition to your backup is when your primary is completely out of ammo.  
Why not program that response and get some practice rounds with your backup at the 
same time?"  
-- Greg Ellifritz
     "People rust faster than equipment."  
-- John Hearne
"Training Weak Hand Shooting is Important" by Dan Reedy
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.  
     ‶Practice is the small deposits you make over time, 
so that in an emergency, you can make that big withdrawal.″  
-- Chesley Burnett Sullenberger, III
"Combat Handgunnery: Avoiding Mistakes" by Massad Ayoob
     “Seemingly obsessive concern with firearms 
safety is the mark of the firearms professional.”  
-- Mike Baker
     So, if the officer asks you to step out [of your car], I would suggest you reply with 
exactly these words, if you haven’t already handed over the CCW:  
“Certainly, Officer.  However, I’m licensed to carry.  
I do have it on.  Tell me what you want me to do.”  
The cop will take it from there.  
     Will another MagnaTrigger magnetic ring work to activate your pistol?  
According to the "The Magna-Trigger Conversion" web site, 
"For convenience, all magnetic rings allow firing of all modified guns."  
I think this 'convenience' is a security flaw.  
But, all decisions are engineering compromises.  
     May I invite your attention to " Trigger Control Drill, “The Rogers Drill” " 
in the July issue of the Rangemaster newsletter, 
     I did not have a deep understanding of the drill when I first tried it.  That is to say 
I had an intellectual understanding, but not an experiential understanding.  I urge you 
to try the drill, and then try it again in a week or so.  You may be pleasantly surprised 
as I was.  As Dustin Salomon says, 
     ‟An instructor should not expect any learning to take 
place the first time new information is presented.”  
-- ‶Building Shooters″ by Dustin Salomon
     ‟Be careful what you practice.  
Because you will do in combat whatever you have practiced, 
no matter how ridiculous.”  
-- ‶Shooting in Self-Defense″ by Sara Ahrens 
*****     *****     ***** Intervention *****     *****     *****
Suggestions on how to deal with the incident that you failed to avoid.  
     Awareness, Avoidance, De-Escalation, Escape 
Table of contents:  
----- Strategy -----
Deciding on the end state and how to achieve it, 
which tactics to use, which includes walking away.  
"Defensive Mindset:
Lessons from an Attempted Presidential Assassination"
by Tom McHale
     “If you have to draw your gun, you’ve failed.”
     [This is absolutely true.  You should have gathered the intel, analyzed it, and 
disseminated it to your security team beforehand.  The bad guy should have been 
interdicted in the basement of his parent's house or safe house, before he had the 
opportunity to attack.  If you think the police or feds will do this for you, you are 
delusional.  You must do it yourself.  
-- Jon Low]  
     "Have your affairs in order."  
-- John Hearne
     [You must be able to fully focus on the problem at hand.  You won't be able to, 
if you are worrying about how your family will be taken care of upon your death.  
Have life insurance.  Have a will.  I have all of my assets in trusts or I have 
transferred my assets to others, in case I'm sued.  My son and daughter have 
keys to my abodes, so they can take anything they want before the cops show up 
with their warrants.  
-- Jon Low]    
     “How do you win a gunfight?  
Don't be there.”  
-- John Farnam
"Montanan shoots charging grizzly bear to death
Man was injured in the attack and had to be hospitalized"
by Brad Matthews
Hat tip to Stephen P. Wenger.  
     There are a lot of things that will attack and kill you (and maybe eat you).  
Do you have enough gun to stop them?  Bears (who have attacked people in highly populated 
New Jersey), dogs (pack of dogs), coyotes (as we have here in Nashville, TN), and of course 
criminal humans.  
     If you think your 9mm is sufficient, I think you're in a state of self-deception.  
If you don't carry at least 30 rounds of ammunition to stop a pack of dogs or 
multiple assailants, I think you've made a mistake.  Remember, many of your 
shots will miss or be ineffective.  You're going to need to fire ~5 rounds to get 
one effective hit.  (On average, statistically speaking, . . .)  
     "Oh, but that would never happen to me.  I don't go to such places."  
That's just wrong thinking.  Remember, 'things that only happen to other people' 
will happen to you, because to everyone else, you are the 'other people'.  
     "Having a gun is important.  But knowing WHEN to use it is even more important."  
-- Greg Ellifritz
"Urban Rifle" by John Farnam
     Do you know your range limits?  Beyond what range will you refuse to take the shot?  
If you don't know, you should get to a range and find out.  
     I won't take a self-defense shot with a pistol beyond 20 yards.  I won't attempt a deer 
with a 30-06 beyond 150 yards (usually much closer, fairly dense forest in Molokai, 
New Jersey, and Tennessee).  
     "You win gunfights by not getting shot."  
-- John Holschen
----- Tactics ----- 
Maneuver and fire in support of your strategy.  
     "Real fights are short."
-- Bruce Lee
     STOP! and take deep breaths.  This will improve your judgment.  
Good judgment is more important than any of your tactical skills.  
     "You brought a gun to the fight.  That doesn’t mean it’s YOUR gun.  
The gun belongs to whomever can keep it.  Think about that before intervening 
in other folks’ problems.  When is the last time you practiced your in-hand weapon 
retention skills?"  
-- Greg Ellifritz
     ". . . if the assailant has a gun, it may actually be the easiest gun for you to access, 
if you know how to take it from him."  
-- Stephen P. Wenger
     When is the last time you practiced your in-holster weapon retention skills?  
If you don't know what I'm talking about, you need to take a class.  Gun grabs 
are a common thing.  
     “Fortuitous outcomes reinforce poor tactics.”  
-- Chuck Haggard
     "There's an old maxim, don't shoot faster - or, for that matter, farther - than you can hit.  
Add to that, don't hit faster than you can think.  You are legally responsible for every 
bullet that you fire.  Continuing to shoot an assailant who no longer poses a threat can 
turn a justifiable shooting into a murder in the eyes of the law."  
-- Stephen P. Wenger
     "You often don't know where the bad guy is who is shooting at you."  
-- Phillip Groff
     “When you’re in the dark, stay in the dark; 
when you’re in the light, light up the dark.”  
-- Stephen P. Wenger
     "The shorter the fight, the less hurt you get."
-- John Holschen
----- Techniques -----
Ways to execute a given task in support of your tactics, 
especially when disabled or under stress.  
     "Use only that which works, 
and take it from any place you can find it."
-- Bruce Lee 
Hello Jonathan,
     You don't get to this part of your life where you have more miles behind you than 
ahead without a long list of injuries.  I've been fortunate compared to many of my 
teammates and contemporaries.  When I'm injured it sucks and you feel more 
vulnerable out in public.  I've gone to the extreme due to an injury to carry on my 
weak side for a long duration, almost a year during rehab.  I don't think there is anything 
wrong training on your weak side, but how do you get the gun into the fight if you are 
injured.  Here are four considerations:  
     Consideration #1: Get to Cover
I know it is great and all to immediately transition to getting your gun out, 
but if you are injured would cover be more important.  If you watch enough 
CCTV videos you see the most likely response is to withdrawal, retreat or 
even run.  Consider it an option because drawing your gun once injured is 
complicated and can take time.  Better to fumble with the weak side draw 
from the safety of cover.  For those times cover is not an option we need 
additional solutions.  
     Consideration #2: Deploy an Edged Weapon
If you are danger close with your assailant, that means within contact range 
then transitioning to a fixed blade may be a better option.  Most crimes against 
persons happen at close range, within 1 meter.  They are well within striking 
distance of a fixed blade. A folding knife is another option, but there is more 
time to deploy than maybe available.  Carrying a fixed blade for weak side 
deployment has been standard practice for me for well over two decades.  
It is just as natural as carrying on my strong side hip and provides an immediate 
response for danger close when injured.  
     Consideration #3: Draw with Strong to Transfer to Weak
My preference is to draw with my strong hand, then transfer to the weak hand only.  
But, the default setting is to try and run with a two handed grip on the weak side.  
My strong hand may not be completely inoperable, I may still be able to apply grip 
pressure to some degree.  If not, then it is all weak hand only.  I practice this regularly, 
particularly in classes when I have a left handed student.  It is pretty seamless and 
surprisingly quick.  Getting the gun back into the holster might be more difficult so 
alternate forms of securing might be important.  Remember you only have one hand 
to operate items such as doors or other items.  Have a plan for how to secure it other 
than going back to the holster.  
     Consideration #4: Draw with your Weak Hand
Probably the most obvious, but least practiced.  Depending on the location, 
this can be risky and should only be undertaken after formal instruction.  
There is a lot of safety consideration the biggest one being muzzle discipline.  
Certain holster locations lend themselves to an easier weak hand draw, such 
as an ankle holster.  While others make it almost impossible such a pocket 
holster.  What ever the carry location, practice with an unloaded firearm a lot 
before attempting this with a loaded firearm.  
Good luck, 
JLG (Jeff L. Gonzales)
P.S.  feel free to share with other like minded folks.  
"Pat Mac on How to Use a Self-Defense Flashlight With Your Firearm"
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.  
     "The foundations of your grip are established 
before you even draw the pistol from the holster."  
-- Tanner Denton
"Why is Structure Clearing so Difficult?" by Trent Marsh
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.  
     "Grip first, then press [the trigger]."  
--  Mike Seeklander
by Massad Ayoob
     I have had many students who were pressing the trigger to no effect.  
They didn't realize that their trigger finger was pressing against their support-side thumb.  
That is why I prefer to teach "thumbs high".  Keeping the support-side thumb out of the 
way of the trigger finger is a real thing.  No, as a matter of fact, the students did not have 
exceptionally long thumbs.  The photo in the article shows a person with a short thumb.  
     Thumbs high also mitigates involuntary milking of the grip.  Many years ago, I was 
at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO and observed a coach working 
with pistol shooters experimenting with pistols that had been instrumented (pressure 
sensors all over the grip).  The thumb high grip (or the thumb relaxed on the thumb rest 
as you would see on a Free Pistol or Air Pistol) produced the least variation in grip 
pressure (the least milking of the grip).  
"VIDEO: 3 O'clock vs. Appendix vs. Hip Carry Positions" by Docent
by Tiger McKee
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.  
     Well, "double feed" is not correct.  Actually, it is a failure to extract the spent cartridge.  
Or just failure to extract, as in failure to load, failure to eject, etc.  Which all cause a 
failure to fire.
"Everyday Tactical: Keeping Your Hands Free" by Matthew Maruster
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.  
"Jim Cirillo’s 1-2-3-6 Drill
Learn the lessons of a master gunfighter."
by Claude Werner
     Additional comments by the author -- 
"Recoil Management and Trigger Manipulation" by Tactical Professor
“I’ll Just Hold Him for the Police” by Greg Ellifritz
     "I dumped a whole can of pepper spray in his face.  It didn’t faze him."  
     [I don't carry pepper spray because it does not work on 10% of the population 
(that's what we learned in Marine Corps Military Police training) and 
it incapacitates me (which will happen when the wind is blowing the wrong way).  
-- Jon Low]
     "I struggled with lots of suspects over a 25-year cop career.  
I can guarantee you that as a private citizen, I will never be doing it again."  
"Improve Your Pistol GRIP w/ a Grand Master USPSA Shooter" by Hunter Constantine
     If you undercut the trigger guard, you won't get that callous on your firing-side middle 
     Note how he describes locking the wrists.  
     Pull your shoulders down with your lats.  
1.  Squeeze the shit out of the gun.  
2.  Bend that horse shoe flat.  
3.  Get a good stance.  
4.  Build a good platform.  
     "It's not daily increase but daily decrease - hack away at the inessentials!" 
-- Bruce Lee
*****     *****     ***** Postvention *****     *****     *****
     Suggestions on how to treat your wounds or the wounds of your loved ones.  
     Suggestions on how to avoid prosecution, conviction, and prison time.  
     Suggestions on how to avoid the civil law suit and judgment.  
Table of contents:  
----- Aftermath ----- 
     You must be alive to have these problems:  criminal and civil liability.  
     “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, 
but because he loves what is behind him.”
― G.K. Chesterton
     In the right hand column of this web page, click on "Never Talk To The Police"
or use the address, 
     In the right hand column, click on the link labeled "Self Defense Insurance".  
Or, the link is, 
Read this before you buy insurance.  You need to make an informed decision.  
The various policies are drastically different.  
     "You need to read the fine print." -- Massad Ayoob  
     “Your understanding and consent are not required 
for someone to take your life, kill your loved ones, 
and destroy all you hold dear.” 
-- William Aprill 
----- Medical -----
     "If you prepare for the emergency,
the emergency ceases to exist!"
-- Sherman House
----- Survival -----
     "If you stay fit, you do not have to get fit. 
If you stay trained, you do not have to get trained. 
If you stay prepared, you do not have to get prepared."
-- Robert Margulies
*****     *****     ***** Education *****     *****     *****
Table of contents:  
     "You will never get smarter or broaden your horizons 
if you're unwilling to learn from others and read."
-- Becca Martin
Rangemaster AUGUST 2024 NEWSLETTER
     “Your car is not a holster.”- Pat Rogers
     An amazing number of people keep a handgun in their car, “just in case”.  
This is an incredibly bad idea. -- Tom Givens
Active Response Training
     "Cogito, ergo armatum sum." (I think, therefore armed am I.)
-- John Farnam
----- Legal -----
     "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. 
It is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other.
-- John Adams, October 11, 1798
     If you immediately hire a competent, connected, politically powerful attorney, 
the attorney will prevent your arrest, indictment, and prosecution.  Your attorney 
will get the prosecutor to decide to drop all charges.  That's the way smart wealthy 
persons do it.  If you're not smart, take a law of self-defense class to wise up.  If 
you're too lazy to do that, buy a membership in Andrew Branca's 
Platinum Protection Program.  And let Andrew think for you.  
     If you're not rich, get a self-defense insurance policy.  
     If the cops arrest you, your attorney can get the arrest record expunged.  If he's 
competent.  You get what you pay for in this world.  
     Why was Hannah Gutierrez-Reed convicted, while Alec Baldwin had all charges 
dismissed with prejudice (charges cannot be brought again).  Because you get as 
much justice as you can afford in America.  
     Why is Bryan Kohberger's trial taking so long?  Because if convicted, he will 
probably be executed?  So everyday without a conviction is another day of life for 
the defendant.  A big win!  A competent attorney will delay proceedings until Kohberger 
dies of natural causes.  Or, until the prosecutor runs out of money and drops the case.  
Oh, yes, it happens.  Idaho didn't have the money to prosecute Lon Horiuchi for the 
murder of Vicki Weaver, and so did not prosecute, even though the Federal 9th 
Circuit Court said Idaho could (initially).  Very expensive to prosecute a federal 
agent defended by the U.S. government.  
     To strip a federal law enforcement agent of defense by the U.S. Attorney requires 
convincing a judge that the act was an abuse of power under color of law and outside 
the job description of the federal law enforcement agent.  Not easy, but possible.  
     Why patriotic conservative citizens vote to defund the police.  
"SWAT Raids are Out of Control" by Institute for Justice
     Think about all the police no-knock raids in the dark of night where the LEO's 
kill innocent persons and are not prosecuted because some prosecutor ruled it "justified", 
Bryan Malinowski; or where some court granted immunity based on sovereign immunity, 
Vicki Weaver (9th Circuit en banc panel).  
     Extra legal actions are the only recourse the citizen has.  All legal avenues are blocked.  
Why do you think the honest hard working American citizen goes to the Godfather in the 
opening scene of the movie "The Godfather" to beg for justice?  Why do you think 
citizens across our country go to the vigilantes for help?  No one else will take action 
against the criminals (the cops).  
"REAL LAWYER: When the OTHER Guy Is Armed, TOO!" by Andrew Branca
     "Law of Self Defense" by Andrew Branca 
(free book, just pay for shipping so you don't have to go to Colorado to pick it up)  
"Authorities Charge Sheriff’s Deputy With Murder Over Woman Who Called 9-1-1"
by Ilan Hulkower
     Violation of 
ALWAYS positively identify the target.  Use your hand held flashlight in low light conditions.  
NEVER use your weapon mounted light to search!  
     STOP! and take deep breaths.  This will improve your judgment.  Good judgment is more 
important than any of your tactical skills.  
     "The 5 Elements of Self Defense" by Andrew Branca (free of charge) 
"Supreme Court Issues Surprise 7–2 Ruling" by Roman Balmakov
     Cited ruling, 
     Government agencies may accept funding from third parties.  They don't have to 
be paid by the U.S. Treasury.  So Congress cannot stop their funding, because Congress 
does not control these third parties.  Stop and think about that.  
     I may take over the funding of certain government agencies.  I wouldn't be bribing 
them, I would be funding them.  Has any organization ever done anything contrary to 
the wishes of the funding body?  
"Secret Anti-Gun Provision Hidden in Military Spending Bill" by by Roman Balmakov
     Undetectable Firearms Act.  That's why you must join organizations such as Gun Owners 
of America.  You can't read these bills by yourself.  You need an organization to read the 
bills and find all the bad stuff, alert you so that you can call your representatives, and 
kill these bad laws.  
    “Is there no virtue among us?  If there is not, we are without hope!  
No form of government, existing nor theoretical, will keep us from harm.  
To think that any government, in any form, will insure liberty and happiness 
for a dishonorable population represents the height of self-deception.”  
-- James Madison, 1788
"Dangers of Coming to the Defense of Others" by Andrew Branca
     If the bad guy leaves angry, he's going to get a gun and come back.  
You better be gone before the bad guy comes back.  
     Please listen carefully to what Andrew says.  He is correct.  I know this contradicts 
what some other instructors teach.  
"Should You Talk To Police After A Self-Defense Incident Part 1"
by Don West and Andrew Branca
     Name, location, I had to defend myself.  Then tell the responding officers that you need 
to talk to counsel before saying anything else.  
     Don't try to talk your way out of getting arrested.  Just stop talking.  
     Don't have a gun in your hand when the responding officers arrive.  They will shoot you.  
"Should You Talk To Police After A Self-Defense Incident Part 2"
by Don West and Andrew Branca
"BREAKING: Chicago DROPS GLOCK LAWSUIT!!! Without Explanation!"
"Chicago quietly drops hyped-up lawsuit against Glock firearms company"
by CWBChicago
Primary source document included in article.  
     Can't win in federal court, so they drop the law suit in federal court and file in state court 
naming two large gun stores as the defendants:  Eagle Sports Range in Oak Forest and 
Midwest Sporting Goods in Lyons.  
"Florida Department of Law Enforcement Loses in Court Over It Delaying Gun Purchases"
by F. Riehl
by JohnHarris
     The legal analysis.  
"REAL LAWYER: The Legal TRUTH of the SONYA MASSEY CASE" by Andrew Branca
     Response to questions about the above legal analysis.  
"LIVE! Sonya Massey Shooting: Legal Analysis Q&A" by Andrew Branca
by Second Amendment Foundation
Hat tip to Stephen P. Wenger.  
     "District Judge Christopher C. Conner with the U.S. District Court for the 
Middle District of Pennsylvania issued an order granting summary judgment 
to SAF and its partners, finding the state’s law banning carry of a firearm in a 
vehicle without a license unconstitutional.  He further declared that a ban on 
firearms possession without a license during a state of emergency is facially 
unconstitutional, and enjoined Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner 
Col. Christopher Paris from enforcing those provisions."  
"Immediate Nationwide Block of ATF Short Barreled Rifle & Pistol Brace Rule! 
Now What?" by Armed Scholar

----- Instruction -----
     Colonel Robert Lindsey to his fellow trainers:  
"We are not God's gift to our students.  
Our students are God's gift to us."  
----- Instructors -----
     Be careful what you teach.  
Because your students will do in combat
whatever you have trained them to do, 
no matter how ridiculous.
-- "Shooting in Self-Defense" by Sara Ahrens
     "No staff or individual is beyond reproach!  When you call yourself a "teacher", 
experience and learning do not end, ever!  They are like camo and concealment; 
they are continuous." -- Brad Delauter
     "Teach them diligently . . . "
-- Deuteronomy 6:7 
     Instructor Tip:  Learn a new skill if you really want to improve your instructional abilities.  
Pick something you know nothing about.  Find somebody that will teach you and you'll get 
a unique perspective from the other end, as a new student.  This is especially important if 
you've been instructing for a long time.  Sometimes as instructors we forget the importance 
of learning ourselves and there's only one way you can really get that perspective again and 
that's to try to learn something that you know nothing about.  Being a new student is tough!  
-- Mike Seeklander
the students who require the extra effort 
are the ones who need us the most!"
-- John Farnam
     It's important to remember that there will be unique students in your class -- someone 
who doesn't fit the mold.  In these cases, where a student is the exception to a rule, it's 
important that you be humble enough to understand that not all techniques work all the 
time in all situations.  Instead of thinking that because we're the instructors, we're the 
experts and anything we teach is law and we're always right, we need to own up to the 
fact that these are the best techniques we know at this time.  
-- Mike Seeklander
     Explain, Demonstrate, Imitate, and Practice.  . . . 
Students truly make something their own through imitation, so as instructors, we must be 
excellent demonstrators so they see the exact right skill to imitate.  
-- Mike Seeklander
     "Teach to the problem instead of teaching the tools." -- Elon Musk
     "You must teach skill sustainment as part of training."  
-- John Hearne
     Remember, as an instructor, what you think is going on isn't the most important thing; 
it's what your student perceives [that's important].  
-- Mike Seeklander
----- Students -----
     I know training can be difficult.  Let me share some words of encouragement that 
my teacher told me, that I believe apply to all training regimens.  
     "Keep in mind that this is some seriously next level material.  It is totally normal 
that the first time you see this stuff, you find it confusing.  You find it difficult to 
understand.  So, confusion should not discourage you.  It does not represent any 
intellectual failing on your part.  Rather, keep in mind that it represents an opportunity 
to get even smarter." – Tim Roughgarden, Professor of Computer Science 
and other stuff at Stanford University
     "It's better to be wrong than to be vague." -- Freeman Dyson
If you are wrong, the instructor can correct you.  If you are vague, no one can help you.  
----- Andragogy -----
     ‟An instructor should not expect any learning to take 
place the first time new information is presented.”  
-- ‶Building Shooters″ by Dustin Salomon
     “The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other.  
Without collaboration, our growth is limited to our own perspectives.”  
-- Robert John Meehan
----- Gear -----
And the safe storage thereof.  
     “Mission drives the gear train.”
-- Pat Rogers
     If you put a compensator on your pistol or use a ported barrel, you will be blowing 
hot gas and burning powder into your eyes when firing from close contact positions.  
     All exhaust gasses must be directed forward out of your muzzle.  
     If your carry gun is in the shop for repairs, the gun you carry must be identical in all 
respects to your carry gun.  Not just similar, identical (all modifications).  
     Your holster MUST be made for your pistol (and light, if you have a weapon mounted 
light).  One size fits all, is FALSE!  
     Your holster should have adjustments for ride height and cant, while you are in the 
experimental stage of your journey.  
     Once, you know the position on your body, ride height, and cant that is correct for 
you (your range of motion, the limits of your range of motion, etc.), you should have 
a holster made to your specifications.  No screws.  Even with Loctite, screws can come 
loose and fall out.  Everything should be sewn or riveted in place.  Belt loops should 
encircle the belt, so they cannot be pulled off of the belt.  
     Strange things happen in combat.  You defeat Murphy's Law by eliminating anything 
that can go wrong.  
     Murphy's Law:  Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, at the worst possible time.  
     When my son was a child, we learned that if we didn't bring extra batteries for his 
toys, the batteries would die and the toy would not work.  But, if we brought extra batteries, 
everything would work.  We never needed the extra batteries.  That is reality.  Live in it.  
"Bullet Setback: Fact or Fiction? Understanding the Real Risks" by Brandon Curtis
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.  
"The Best EDC Flashlights of 2024" by Jim Cobb
"Why It’s Worth It to Spend More on a Quality Handgun" by Alexander Reville
     ". . . training is the absolute most important part."  
     ". . . and train, train, train so that you know the platform inside and out."  
     "Before you carry or trust a firearm with your life, 
you should spend at least 500 rounds getting experience on the platform."  
     Some people think, "How much money am I going to spend on something 
that I may never use?"  But, they should be thinking, "How much will I spend 
on a tool that I will need to save my life and the lives of my loved ones."  
"A Look Through The History Of The Pistol Barrel
Increases in barrel performance led to increases in shooting performance."
by Steve Tarani
".45 Resurgent?
The Good Old .45 ACP Is Making A Comeback"
by Massad Ayoob
     I confess to being a 45 Auto cultist.  Rather than stocking several calibers of ammo, 
I standardized on the 45 ACP.  So all of my pistols are chambered for this cartridge and 
all of my ammo is in this caliber:  practice (copper jacketed round nose 230 grain) and 
self-defense (large assortment because it's so expensive I can't buy cases at a time).  
     I have also noticed that because the 45 is larger than the 9mm, it is easier for  older 
persons and persons with arthritis or weak fingers to handle (picking up the cartridge, 
loading the magazine, and such).  Which is significant for some.  
     “Your car is not a holster.” 
-- Pat Rogers
     *****     *****     *****  Cryptology  *****     *****     *****
     "Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, 
and preserve order in the world as well as property.  
Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of their use." 
-- Thomas Paine
     Cryptosystems are considered "arms" by federal law, ITAR, 
International Traffic in Arms Regulations.  That means cryptosystems are 
covered by the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  Never let the 
government infringe on your right to keep and bear cryptosystems, to 
include home made cryptosystems.  
"What's so wrong with the Axiom of Choice ?" by MetaMaths
     Not rigorous, but fun.  
     "Computer science has nothing to do with computers or science."  
-- Donald Knuth
"The REAL Three Body Problem in Physics" by Up and Atom (Jade)
     Do you see how you can use this in your cryptosystems?  There is a limit to the accuracy 
with which Eve can measure your signal.  Chaos theory will cause her results to diverge 
from your results.  This would make cryptanalysis very difficult.  Far beyond the abilities 
of Bletchley Park or the Puzzle Palace.  
     "Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood.  Life is not easy for any of us.  
But what of that?  We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves.  
We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing must be attained."  
-- Marie Curie
"the complex derivative is strange..." by Michael Penn
     Can you imagine or construct a smooth and continuous function, φ(x, y), 
on the plane whose (∂φ / ∂x) > 0 and (∂φ / ∂y) > 0 at a given point, (t, s), on the plane 
and yet the point (s, t) is not a local minima?  That is to say a point marble placed at 
(s, t) will roll away from (s, t) [assuming a uniform gravitational field in the z coordinate].  
Can you see the surface?  What path does the marble follow as it rolls / slides away from 
(s, t)?  † (answer at end of blog posting, just before the signature line)
     "Premature optimization is the root of all evil."  
-- Donald Knuth
     Look, Ma, no graphics.  
curl of ƒ ≡ ᐁ × ƒ (a vector)
ᐁ × F(xᵢ , xⱼ , xₖ) = 
[ (∂Fₖ / ∂j) - (∂Fⱼ / ∂k) ] I +
[ (∂Fᵢ / ∂k) - (∂Fₖ / ∂i) ] J + 
[ (∂Fⱼ / ∂i) - (∂Fᵢ / ∂j) ] K .  
divergence of ƒ ≡ ᐁ • ƒ (a scalar)
ᐁ • F(xᵢ , xⱼ , xₖ) = 
(∂Fᵢ / ∂i) + (∂Fⱼ / ∂j) + (∂Fₖ / ∂k)
gradient of ƒ ≡ ᐁƒ (a vector)
ᐁ F(xᵢ , xⱼ , xₖ) =
(∂F / ∂i) I + (∂F / ∂j)J + (∂F / ∂k)K
Laplacian of φ ≡ ᐁ²φ (a scalar)
in Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z)  
ᐁ²φ = (∂²φ / ∂x²) + (∂²φ / ∂y²) + (∂²φ / ∂z²)
where I, J, K are the unit vectors forming the basis of the vector space.  
"Gaussian Primes Visually" by The Gray Cuber
     Some cryptosystems are based on the difficulty of finding the unique prime factorization 
of large composites with large prime factors (usually only two).  Do you see how to generalize?  
"Eisenstein Primes Visually #SoMEpi" by The Gray Cuber
"Complex Quadratic Integers and Primes" by The Gray Cuber
"Real Quadratic Integers" by The Gray Cuber
     "You don't need to memorize theorems, because you can always derive them 
from first principles."  
-- Prof. Sven Hartman, Physics Department, Columbia University 
     Similarly with all self-defense theory and practice.  
"Visualizing Cyclotomic Polynomials" by The Gray Cuber
     Do you see how you can use this?  
"Visualizing Cyclotomics Part 2 - Any Two Primes" by The Gray Cuber
"Modifiers of Cyclotomic Polynomials" by The Gray Cuber
     My uncle, I. Linus Barnes, had one of these.  
"The Curta Calculator: A Mechanical Marvel Explained | Part 1" by Quasar-Ed

This would correspond very closely to the nation's cryptologic capabilities, 
except for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.  Which removes merit and 
competence from hiring criteria.  

***** Signals Intelligence and Ground Electronic Warfare, Cyber Security, 
(sometimes Air Electronic Warfare too) ***** 
     “Your character is what you do when no one is looking.”  
-- Thomas Jefferson
Layer 8 Security
"Navigating the SEC’s New Cybersecurity Disclosure Guidelines"
"Overturning of Chevron Doctrine has drastic effects for cyber industry"
"CDK Global shutdown its systems after a major cyber-attack"
"Real men test in production… The truth about the CrowdStrike disaster" by Fireship
"CrowdStrike Created a Major Outage, AT&T & Hackers |"
by CyberNews
"CrowdStrike IT outage continues to cause global disruption" by BBC News
"Secure Boot is completely broken on 200+ models from 5 big device makers
Keys were labeled "DO NOT TRUST." Nearly 500 device models use them anyway."
by Dan Goodin
     If you don't like reading, 
"how does this keep happening???" by Low Level Learning
     Steganography.  Stick to real photos.  Artificial Intelligence generated photos have all 
kinds of embedded artifacts.  Intentionally.  Ya, as a matter of fact, it will bite you in the ass.  
Breaking Defense has a weekly newsletter, "Networks & Digital Warfare" at 
Crypto-Gram by Bruce Schneier
     ‟If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it.  
The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury.  
Therefore what he must fear is his victim.”  
-- Col. Jeff Cooper, "Principles of Personal Defense" 
     *****     *****     *****  Intelligence  *****     *****     *****
Gathering, Analyzing, Disseminating
     "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, 
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."  
-- Second Amendment, U.S. Constitution 
"Navy SEALs fired for refusing COVID vaccine for religious reasons 
score major win against Biden administration" by Kelly Laco
     Remember, the "vaccine" had nothing to do with any virus.  The purpose of the entire 
exercise was to identify and remove military personnel who were not compliant; those who 
would not obey unconstitutional orders, and would not issue unconstitutional orders to 
their subordinates.  Those surviving the purge, could be relied upon to obey unconstitutional 
orders, such as confiscate guns from civilians, arrest the citizens if they refuse to surrender 
their guns, and use lethal force against those who resist arrest.  [Read the search warrant 
issued to seize documents at Trump's home in Florida.  It specifically authorizes the use 
of lethal force to effect the warrant.]  
     The word vaccine is in quotes, because it never prevented the disease, it never prevented 
the transmission of the disease, it never prevented re-infection from the disease.  So what 
did it do?  It determined who would take it and who would not.  It displayed the behavior 
of the individual.  It identified political enemies.  
     PHOTO:  This was the instant that the bullet struck Donald Trump.  
Had Trump not moved his head by a fraction of an inch, 
he would no longer be alive.  
by Ian Miles Cheong
"Video Captures Immediate Aftermath Following Trump Assassination Attempt"
"A Secret Service counter sniper sent an email Monday night to the entire 
Uniformed Division (not agents) saying he will not stop speaking out until 
"5 high-level supervisors (1 down) are either fired or removed from their 
current positions."  The counter sniper also said the agency "SHOULD expect 
another assassination attempt" before November and complained that he is 
no longer proud to be a USSS counter sniper after leadership failed the 
officers at the Trump rally in Butler on 7/13."  by Susan Crabtree
     [In the Marine Corps all problems were blamed on leadership.  To blame a subordinate 
was guaranteed to get you a fitness report that ended your career.  Because Marines are 
responsible for their actions, but leaders are also responsible for the actions of their 
subordinates.  Because the leaders are responsible for training and supervising their 
-- Jon Low]  
     The art and practice of Intelligence is an arm protected by the 2nd Amendment 
to the U.S. Constitution.  Never let anyone infringe upon your God given right 
to keep and bear intelligence.  (The enemy, foreign and domestic, will try to dumb 
you down.  Resist!)  
"The Facts About The Assassination Attempt Keep Getting Worse" by Docent
     The more information that comes out, the more incompetent the security detail appears 
to be.  When you hire for diversity, equity, and inclusion instead of merit or competence, 
the outcome is obvious.  Oh, I'm not joking.  The Director of the Secret Service publicly 
stated that that was how she was hiring.  
     Did you see the video where the female Secret Service agent escorting Trump to his car 
is trying to holster her pistol (and can't after several attempts).  I think it takes less than 
15 repetitions of practice to be able to holster one's pistol without looking.  And she could 
have looked.  It only takes a moment to glance down at one's holster.  Insufficient practice 
at a job required skill?  Reminds me of the Secret Service agent repeatedly opening and  
closing the folding stock on his Uzi, when President Reagan got shot.  
     If you don't practice, you're not going to know what to do.  If you know what to do, but 
haven't practiced doing it enough, you won't be able to do it.  
     If you spend your time going to diversity, equity, and inclusion meetings and sensitivity 
training and such, you won't have time for training or practice.  You think I'm joking.  
I'm sorry, I'm not.  
"Top Secret Service Officials Repeatedly Denied Trump’s Secret Service Security 
Detail Requests for more Security.  They also diverted Trump’s Regular Detail the 
Day of the Attack to Jill Biden’s Event, Treating Trump as just a Former President."  
by John Lott
     Sometimes you have to step back and ask the correct questions.  Why did the ATF choose 
to murder Bryan Malinowski, the executive director of Bill and Hillary Clinton 
National Airport/Adams Field in Little Rock, Arkansas?  Because they knew that the 
prosecutor in that jurisdiction would not prosecute their agents.  
     Why did the ATF not attempt such a murder in Nashville, TN?  After all, Nashville has 
the infamous Glenn Funk as the prosecutor in that jurisdiction.  (Well, if the ATF had 
incompetently targeted a Black person, Funk would probably have prosecuted.  But 
certainly not a middle class white male like Malinowski.)  Because, the Tennessee 
Attorney General is Jonathan Skrmetti.  Do you understand?  Skrmetti would prosecute 
the ATF agents.  That is why the people selecting the correct government officials is 
so important.  
     In case you don't know what I'm talking about.  
"Arkansas State Police report gives accounts of fatal morning raid on Malinowski home"
by Dale Ellis
     Why conservatives vote to defund the FBI.  
"What the FBI Is Desperate to Hide: New Doc Reveals Whitmer Hoax Details"
by The Next News Network
     The FBI built (paid for) militias and then arrested them.  That's entrapment.  
"Kidnap and Kill: An FBI Terror Plot"
     "Good habits and skill beat luck every time."
-- Sheriff Jim Wilson
"Current American Nuclear Warhead Inventory Numbers Revealed"
by Thomas Newdick
     3,748 as of September 2023
Hat tip to The Merge.  
"The sights from the 2024 Farnborough Airshow [PHOTOS]
A collection of the most interesting things to see at the 2024 Farnborough Airshow."
by   Aaron Mehta
"Germany shrugs off Putin comments on US missiles"
"The Merge"
Breaking Defense
     *****     *****     *****  After Thoughts, Politics, and such   *****     *****     *****
"The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it."  
-- (Mary) Flannery O'Connor
"Trump's Classified Documents Case Dismissed" by Docent
     Cited article, 
"Trump’s Florida case stunningly dismissed after judge finds appointment of 
special counsel Jack Smith violated the Constitution"
by Priscilla DeGregory, Steven Nelson, and Josh Christenson
     “The Justice Department has authorized the Special Counsel to appeal the court’s order.”  
     [But, if the Special Counsel was not legally appointed as Special Counsel, Jack Smith 
doesn't have standing to appeal.  Smart judge. -- Jon Low]
    “You can’t truly call yourself ‘peaceful’ unless you are capable of great violence.  
If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful, you’re harmless.  
Important distinction.”  
-- Stef Starkgaryen 
Well, it works on some tires.  
“Who controls the past controls the future.  
Who controls the present controls the past.”  
-- George Orwell
     Deep truth.  
     But I have met nice strippers and prostitutes.  Who were good mothers and good people.  
"How $8 Billion fraud was hidden in the source code | FTX" by Coding with Dee

Why successful women quit.  
Hannah Meul - Boulder Final European Championships Munich (2022)
     Climbers and high jumpers.  Did you notice the patches on the inside of both of her upper 
     Recruiting operators from the pool of athletes is much better than from the pool of 
civil servants.  It's a matter of attitude and internal motivation.  And pay, of course; you 
get what you pay for in this world.  
     Recruiting from the Armed Forces is okay, especially since Nixon we have had a 
volunteer force.  But, the pool must be very large to get what you're looking for.  
We are presently tens of thousands below recruiting goals in all services.  Know why?
"The REAL Reason Biden Is Out; Plus, Liz Is Back and Kamala Is Evil | Ep 1"
by Liz Wheeler
     Brandon's letter announcing his withdrawal from the presidential campaign is not signed 
by Brandon.  Look at the signature.  It's not a machine signature.  It doesn't look like any 
previous signatures of his.  Because it's not his signature.  
     May I invite your attention to Liz's analysis of the Trump assassination attempt at 27:31.  
"JD Vance on his Grandmother having 19 loaded handguns for protection.  
This explains why gun control advocates hate Vance."  by John Lott
"Evidence of dark oxygen production at the abyssal seafloor"
by Andrew K. Sweetman, Alycia J. Smith, Danielle S. W. de Jonge, Tobias Hahn, 
Peter Schroedl, Michael Silverstein, Claire Andrade, R. Lawrence Edwards, 
Alastair J. M. Lough, Clare Woulds, William B. Homoky, Andrea Koschinsky, 
Sebastian Fuchs, Thomas Kuhn, Franz Geiger, and Jeffrey J. Marlow 
You may download the paper free of charge.  
     If you don't like to read, 
"Discovery of “Dark Oxygen” Produced at the Sea Floor Where No Light Can Reach!" 
     Bleeding edge stuff.  
     Rich people.  
†  It's a spiral.  
Semper Fidelis,
Jonathan D. Low
Radio:  KI4SDN

     Some celebrate Pride month or march in Pride parades.  But we know that pride is a sin.  

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