Thursday, February 23, 2023

CWP, 23 February MMXXIII Anno Domini

 Greetings Sheepdogs,
     This newsletter is continuing education for students of defensive pistolcraft.  
     “The things you own end up owning you.”  That can be especially true with
technology.  We all have super computers in our pockets.  You’re likely using
one to read this newsletter right now.  Having that sort of power at your fingertips
isn’t something we should take lightly.  It’s alluring and it can be addictive.  
-- Pastor Heath Cross
     Multi-tasking is false.  Humans cannot multi-task.  Computer operating
systems cannot multi-task.  What they are actually doing is -  
     shifting task, work only task X for a few (microseconds for computers, seconds
for humans),
     shifting task, work only task Y for a few time units,
     shifting task, work only task Z for a few time units,
     shifting task, work only task W for a few time units,
     This is extremely inefficient.  Just the shifting takes a huge amount of time.  
Persons who think they are being efficient by working on several things at the
same time are in a state of self-delusion.  Computers cannot be delusional,
they are just inefficient.  If you want your program to run fast, run it at high
priority (nice) and block all other processes (sudo, kill, etc.).  
     You best work comes from you single mindedly concentrating on one subject
at a time, especially your children.  
-- Improv Traffic School
*****     *****     ***** Prevention *****     *****     *****
----- Mindset (figuring out the correct way to think) -----
     If you look at someone bigger, faster, and stronger and immediately think,
' I'm at a disadvantage ',  
I have news for you:  you are.  
But that's only because you just put yourself there for no reason.  
     The truth is that anyone can do debilitating violence to anyone else.  
Your size, your speed, your strength, your gender --
all the factors that untrained people think make
the difference when it comes to violence --
all matter far less than your mindset and your intent.  
-- Tim Larkin
"Don't Make the Wrong Assumptions about Street Fighting - BJJ -
Target Focus Training" by Tim Larkin
     If the move doesn't cause injury, it's not effective.  Gouge eyes (deep enough
to damage the brain).  Bite (deep enough to break bones and cut arteries).  Etc.  
To give you enough time and space to shoot.  SHOOT!  
     Sport is not combat.  The rules are different.  The assumptions are different.  
The context is different.  Sorry, that's just reality.  
"Fear is an instinct.  Courage is a choice."
-- Rear Admiral Joseph Kernan, USN
“What Does "Mindset" Actually Mean? (Part 1)” by Shelley Hill
“Willingness” is a state of mind.  Readiness is a statement of fact!”  
-- David M Shoup, USMC Commandant, 1960-1963
     We want to see if we can adjust your attitude.  A good attitude keeps you safe.  
A bad attitude makes you unsafe.  (Or in the words of rapper Ice Cube,
"Check yourself before you wreck yourself!")  
-- Improv Traffic School
From my training at work -- (Sorry, I lost the citation.)
Mental Preparation
     “A warrior mindset is possessed by people who can screen out distractions
while under great stress, focus on the mission and are willing to go into harm’s
way; against great odds if necessary.“
     Officers must be able to maintain their focus and composure and not allow
fear or stress to cause them to make unnecessary mistakes.  Without the proper
mindset, officers will be unable to employ positive and decisive leadership in
critical situations.  Most importantly, develop a “fight through” mentality and
focus on winning instead of pain or dying.  
     The problems that affect a warrior mindset lie with human nature.  When the
sound of shots ring out, the average person will stop and cringe, physically and
potentially mentally.  As soon as their mind registers what the shots are, i.e., gunfire,
their mind will kick in the flight or fight self-preservation response.  For the average
person, the urge is to flee or freeze.  
     Military and law enforcement must act contrary to human nature and must
control their fear and channel it into “controlled aggression” and move around
and sometimes into the fire.  This even applies to the new and veteran officers
responding to the report of an “active shooter” call, where a gunman is wading
into innocent people, shooting them like sheep.  Officers need to be mentally,
physically and tactically ready to wade into a fight, bypassing injured and dying
innocent people to quickly and efficiently locate, isolate, contain and/or eliminate
a threat to reduce the loss of life.  
     Warriors are forged, not born.  Therefore, developing “controlled aggression”
is a key factor in a warrior mindset.  That is, channeling their fear, anger and
anxiety into a focused mental package.  Channeling and controlling this energy is
routinely what military individuals term as “high speed.”  They use it to describe
the caliber, efficiency or speed by which a soldier or team operates.  High speed
is the ability to apply the basics on demand the first time in a high stress situation.  
     Dealing with an active shooter is a thinking person’s game and officers will
need to rely on skill versus luck to ensure success.  No matter what the problem is,
they have to first get their mind right to ensure success.  The more an officer
develops their mindset and situational awareness, the more control they will have
during an active shooter to sort out all the information being processed.  
     Moral Considerations
Prior to responding to an Active Shooter event, officers must be aware that they
will have to make decisions that could result in the deaths of victims and suspects.  
Additionally, officers must understand that responding to the situation could
result in personal injury or death.  
-- (Sorry, I lost the citation.)  
     It's such a pleasure to watch a laywomen explain theological concepts using the
Bible.  Killing vs. murder.  Defense vs. vengeance.  Obeying the laws of man as long
as they don't conflict with God's law.  Bravo!  Well done.  
     Highly educated theologians can be difficult to listen to.  
     "You need to have the capacity for danger.  You need to be ‘dangerous’.  
Yet, you need to learn how to not use it except when necessary.  And, that is not
the same thing as being harmless.  . . .  There's nothing virtuous about harmlessness.  
Harmless just means you’re ineffectual and useless."  
-- Jordan Peterson
----- Safety -----  (How to prevent the bad thing from happening in the first place.  
How to avoid shooting yourself, friendlies, and innocent bystanders.)
Jeff Cooper's Rules of Gun Safety  
RULE III:  KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER [in the register position]
RULE IV:  BE SURE OF YOUR TARGET.  [Also, what may move in front of your
target and what is beyond your target, in case you miss or pass through.]
"Five Myths Parents Believe About Protecting Kids From Violence" by Melody Lauer
     Melody is always worth paying attention to, especially when talking about
"Don’t go outside and don’t chase criminals" by the Tactical Professor
Cited articles:  
"Suspect Held at Gunpoint (temporarily)" By tacticalprofessor
"Man Arrested After Firing Shots, Chasing Stolen Truck in South Seattle"
by Detective Valerie Carson
     "If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it.  
The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury.  Therefore
what he must fear is his victim."  
-- Col. Jeff Cooper
"CCW in Public Restrooms" by George T. Williams
     Good technique.  
"There are no victims, only volunteers.  
You volunteer by looking uncertain and afraid.  
You volunteer by being, as grass-eaters invariably are,
unprepared to confront the hazards of life."
— Jeff Cooper
"How to Choose Eye & Ear Protection For Shooting
Gun safety goes beyond the Three Rules;
protect your vision and hearing, too."
by Serena Juchnowski
"Trigger Finger Discipline
It's called RULE Number Three, not Guideline Number Three."
by Sheriff Jim Wilson
"Handgun Safety Skills Course" by Building Shooters (Dustin P. Salomon)
From Improv Traffic School --
     The first time that drivers are asked to demonstrate their accident-avoidance
skills, might be during an actual emergency.  [Just like almost all concealed
carriers.  -- Jon Low]  
     [Auto crashes are like unintentional discharges, there are no accidents, only
negligence. -- Jon Low]
     A recent study published by NHTSA reported that 94% of crashes were
caused by driver error.  These driver related errors were comprised of the
following types:  
    41% (845,000) - Recognition Error
Driver's inattention, internal and external distractions, and inadequate
surveillance.  [Pay attention!]
    33% (684,000) - Decision Error
Driving too fast for conditions, too fast for the curve, false assumption
of others' actions, illegal maneuvers and misjudgment of gap or others' speed.  
[Moving faster than you can observe / think.  Shooting faster than you can
observe / think.]
    11% (210,000) - Performance Error
Overcompensation, poor directional control, etc.  
[You can only perform tactics and techniques that you have trained and practiced.]
    7% (145,000) - Non-Performance Errors
Falling asleep at the wheel.  [Complacency kills.  Because when the enemy finds
you asleep, he will kill you.]
    8% (162,000) - Other Errors
     "Knowing to do the right thing is a sign of wisdom.  
Doing the right thing is a sign of courage." -- Safety Man  
     The first thing to be affected by alcohol is your judgment. [This is why
it is illegal to carry while drinking alcohol. -- Jon Low]  
     [Ya, I went to traffic school again.  Hey, speeding is a mental disability.  
I'm a victim!  It's not my fault.  The Devil made me do it.  It's genetic, I was
born this way. -- Jon Low]  
"3-year-old boy shot, killed himself in DeLand, deputies say" by Claire Metz
     Lock up your guns when not in use.  Otherwise, your children will find them
and kill themselves.  
"6-year-old Florida girl shoots grandmother from backseat of moving vehicle"
by Audrey Conklin
     Lock up your guns when not in use.  Otherwise, your grandchildren will
find them and shoot you.  
"Georgia teen steals gun from Dunkin’ customer,
shoots him to death in the parking lot" by Bradford Betz
     Open carry is an act of criminal stupidity that will get you killed.  Learn from
the mistakes of others.  You won't live long enough to learn from your mistakes.  
"Willful ignorance!" by John Farnam
     The untrained, smug, willfully ignorant, and cluelessly naive will continue to
witness unhappy experiences when, because of morbid fear, they precipitously
invite guns into their lives.  
     Most of these unhappy experiences are preventable/avoidable, but repentance
has to come first!  
     “Confession of ignorance is the beginning of wisdom”
-- Educators’ Axiom
John Farnam's rules to keep you out of trouble:  
Don't go to stupid places.  
Don't do stupid things.  
Don't hang out with stupid people.  
Be in bed by 10 PM.  Your own bed.  
Don't look like a freak.  
Don't fail the attitude test.  
----- Training (figuring out the correct tasks to learn) -----
     . . . we may think we can do all sorts of things while we drive safely.  
But the science says that multitasking is virtually impossible.  
-- Improv Traffic School
"How Important is Firearm Training?" by Matthew Maruster
     As Ed Monk taught us in his class, Elijah Dicken had no police training,
no military training, no professional training before he shot the bad guy in
the Greenwood Mall in Indiana.  But he did have expert training from his
grandfather when he was a child, and he did dry practice a lot.  Ed told us
that Dicken fired -
42 yards, 4 shots, 2 hits
20 yards, 4 shots, 4 hits
8 yards, 2 shots, 2 hits
ending the bad guy's attack in 15 seconds.  8 hits out of 10 shots, while the bad
guy was shooting at Dicken.  Think about that.  Notice that Dicken advanced on
the bad guy.  As Ed says, Dicken stopped the bad guy because he was -
Armed, Present, and Willing.  
     You need training because:  
You don't know what you don't know.  
Much of what you know is false.  
It's good to the have the answers before the criminal tests you.  
-- Claude Werner (paraphrased)
Bryan Eastridge reviews Tom Givens Rangemaster Instructor Course
hosted by Apache Solutions in Yadkinville North Carolina.
     The guys at Apache Solutions were infantry Marines and served with my son
at Camp Lejeune.  
     Rangemaster Instructor Course -
     Apache Solutions -
     Using a cell phone while driving, whether it's hand-held or hands-free,
delays a driver's reaction as much as having a Blood Alcohol Concentration
at the legal limit of 0.08%.  
-- Improv Traffic School
     This puts you way behind when the combat starts.  
"How To Win A Gunfight" by Kevin Creighton
     Concerning John Hearne.  
"Urban Break Contact (UBC)" by Steve Cooper
Paladin Training, Inc.
POB 12752
Florence, SC 29504
Excerpt from email announcement:  
     "And, it might be worth pointing out that Paladin ran the first UBC class in 2010,
years before the details of the planned Freeway attack were made known.  
So, UBC was not developed in response to an event, but in anticipation of an event."  
Law of Self Defense ADVANCED Class
Saturday, April 15, 2023
9AM-4PM Mountain time
Can't attend the live class due to a schedule conflict?  No worries!  
Every registrant will have access to a recording of the live class for a full two weeks!  
"Upcoming 2023 Open Enrollment Classes" by Greg Ellifritz
Tactical Anatomy Instructor Development Course, $460
May 6 @ 08:00 - May 7 @ 17:00
MeadHall Range
2181 S Blackberry Dr
Mcloud, OK 74851
The 5th Annual
Security Operations Summit 2023, $159.00
27 - 29 July 2023 A.D.
The Journey Church
1240 Leeville Pike
Lebanon, TN 37090
Guardian Conference
Oklahoma City Gun Club
12465 NE 234th St, Arcadia, OK 73007
September 15th - 17th, 2023
Sept 15th, 2023; 7:15 AM - 5:30 PM
Sept 16th, 2023; 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Sept 17th, 2023; 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
     I attended this last year.  It was very good.  
     Ya, I know there is TacCon 2023, but it's been sold out for a long time.  
Combative Pistol 2, $575.00
March 4 - 5, 2023 A.D.
UpTex Shooting Range in Bastrop (county), TX (East-South-East of Austin, TX)
1410 FM2571, Smithville, TX 78957
or is it
1436 FM 2571 Smithville TX 78957
Facebook page
"Take training from different instructors.  
We are all wrong about something."  
-- John Farnam
"Accuracy Vs. Effectiveness" by William Starnes
     ". . . accuracy is one stop on the road to effectiveness."
“The secret of success is this.
Train like it means everything when it means nothing –
so you can fight like it means nothing when it means everything.”
-- Lofty Wiseman
     Precision (tight groups) is important.  Once achieved, we need to move those
tight groups to our point of aim, by adjusting our sights.  That would be accuracy.  
Now that we know that we can hit what we are aiming for every time, on demand,
we need to think about where to aim on the assailant's body.  
     For a human -
     The hit that gives us the highest probability of a stop is the brain.  
How do we get a bullet into the brain?  From the front, the target is the
cranial-ocular cavity; the T formed by the eyes and nose, behind which there is
no hard strong skull to penetrate.  From the side, the target is the external auditory
meatus (ear hole).  From the rear, the target is base of the skull, attempting to
break the spinal cord.  
     The hit that gives us the second highest probability of a stop is the high
thoracic cavity because it contains the heart and lungs.  From the front, the target is
defined by the triangle formed by the notch at the top of the sternum and the nipples.  
From the side, the target is the arm pit.  Yes, you may have to penetrate the upper
arm to get a bullet into the heart and lungs.  From the back, the target is the area
between the shoulder blades.  As a bonus, the spinal column is in this area.  
     The target that gives us the highest probability of a hit is the center of mass, as
it is on any connected moving body, because the center of mass moves the least
(displacement) and the slowest (velocity) of any part of a connected body.  
[Actually, it is true that for any non-intelligent massive (as opposed to massless)
connected body, all derivatives of displacement with respect to time minimize
at the center of mass.  Though there may be no part of the body at the center
of mass.  (High jumpers never get their center of mass over the bar, but they never
touch the bar.)]  From the front, the target is the navel (or very close to it).  
From the side, the target is the top of the hip bone (pelvic girdle).  From the rear,
the target is the intersection of the center line (spinal column) and the line
connecting the tops of the hip bones.  [You may be thinking,
"I might as well shoot to crack the pelvic girdle."  That is not be optimal.  
May I invite your attention to
"Fackler Discusses Shots To The Pelvic Area"
     For a dog -
     From the front, the open mouth.  From the side, just behind where the front
legs connect to the body.  From the rear, center of mass.  Of course, center of
mass is always a good place to aim.  
     We may have to transition from one target to another target on the same subject.  
As, we are moving.  The subject is moving.  Our shots may be ineffective, because
the subject is high on drugs, wearing body armor, or dedicated.  Transitioning takes
time.  Time to realize that our shots are ineffective.  Time to make the decision.  
Time to change the point of aim.  That's why some units train to take head shots
initially, even if the enemy is wearing a helmet.  (Can your bullet penetrate a
modern Kevlar helmet?  At distances in the field?  At distances in an urban setting?  
At distances in a building?  That's actually a fairly important thing to know.  
My son would buy helmets at gun shows and flea markets on which to test his rifles.  
So, some people know.  Do you?  I assure you, the enemy knows.  The intel guys
know.  You can ask them.)  
Email from Ox --
     I missed the Super Bowl last night . . . I spent most of the game
guest-instructing for a class.  
     Even without watching it, I know that it wasn't won by a rookie quarterback.  
     In fact, no rookie quarterback has ever won or taken his team to the Super Bowl.  
     You may be wondering why I bring that up and what it has to do with firearms
     The answer has to do with training in a way that lets you slow down the game
and see more under stress.  
     A rookie quarterback tends to be a little overwhelmed remembering plays,
learning team culture, and learning to read the field when everything is happening
faster than it did in college.  
     The brains reaction to this "overwhelm" condition makes vision narrow and
things appear to speed up.  That combination puts people behind the curve.  
     A more experienced quarterback has a few things going for them . . .  
     First, they've got fast vision.  
     Second, the novelty of being in the pros wore off.  Extraordinary became
more normal.  The first time they faced extraordinary speed, extraordinary strength,
or extraordinary skill, they were surprised.  Soon it became more predictable.  
     This combination of vision speed and the novel becoming normal allowed
them to visually fixate quicker and start to react automatically rather than wasting
time trying to figure out what was happening.  
     Third, they developed "enhanced anticipation" and this is when the magic
happens.  Enhanced anticipation is when your brain is able to chunk together
patterns of what is happening across the entire field all at once instead of focusing
on one person and trying to figure out what they're going to do.  
     We do it with reading when we go from struggling to remember which letter
goes with which sound, to recognizing words, to recognizing groups of words in
a single glance.  
     One cool example comes from the book, "Decoding Greatness."  
Tony Romo went from being a Cowboy Quarterback to being a color commentator.  
He became known for predicting and announcing what was about to happen . . . and
then having it happen.  
     The Wall Street Journal analyzed 2,599 play predictions that Romo made
and found him to be correct an astounding 68% of the time.  
     Why?  Because he was able to look at players going up to the line and see
patterns that granted him a glimpse of the future.  
     A novice would watch players going to the line and see a whole world of options.  
But Tony didn't see 100 options, or even 10.  He saw only a couple, or sometimes
only one.  Based on those options, he knew where to shift his focus to find details
to prove/disprove his prediction and then he was able to audibly predict (with a
high degree of accuracy) what was about to happen.  (Amazingly enough,
because he narrowed the available options so much, Tony spends LESS mental
energy calling plays than someone who is trying to figure out which of 100 plays
is coming next.)  
     I think you can see how all of this applies to firearms training now.  
Seeing quicker and more accurately and being able to reduce the time that
it takes to take positive action is a skill we need.  Making the factors that are
common in real world shootings [more easily recognized] so that we'll be able
to navigate them automatically under stress is a skill we need so that we will have
more mental bandwidth to make shoot/don't shoot and escape decisions.  
     And the skill of enhanced anticipation lets us pick up patterns sooner,
know where to look for cues, and what to look for.  
     All critical skills in self-defense training.  
     "Don't just train hard.  Train smarter than the other guy!"
Stay safe and God Bless,
Ox & David Morris
     P.S. If you're a football fan, you may be saying, "Ox...Kurt Warner won the
Superbowl in his first REAL season in the NFL."  
     That's true, but Warner was able to win his first full year in the NFL because
of two very specific reasons.  
     First, he got cut his first season out of college when he got drafted.  
     Then he ended up bagging groceries at a grocery store.  
     Then, he played arena football . . . which is like the NFL on speed.  I was a
ball-boy for the San Antonio Force in the 90s and it was an awesome
combination of football/rugby/soccer/basketball with 4' walls JUST outside of
the out-of-bounds lines.  
     (I was inside the wall, with the players . . . it was kind of like being inside
of a Royal Rumble cage match, and I loved it.)  
     Arena football forced him to improve at a rate beyond what college ball
demanded.  He had to see quicker, think quicker, and act quicker.  
     So, when he made it to the NFL the 2nd time (for his first full season) he not
only wasn't a rookie, but had a HUGE leg up on the competition because of his
arena ball time.  
     Second, Warner took his speed-ball offense to the Rams and it was disruptive.  
Very disruptive.  Defenses who thought they'd seen everything were suddenly
playing catch-up.  Their enhanced anticipation abilities were short circuited by
the novel way that Warner played . . . and it won the Rams the Super Bowl.  
     I bring up Kurt Warner because of the importance of disruptive technologies.  
Not things that are marginally different, but small changes that can take solid
performers and turn them into world champions.  [The magic.  Not the occult
magic.  The deception, misdirection magic. -- Jon Low]  
"Hostile or Friendly? Target Discrimination - CSAT with Paul Howe"
"Non-Events as Training Opportunities" by The Suited Shootist
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.  
     [I told Aqil Qadir that I am stealing the text below from his email and using it in
my classes. -- Jon Low]  
Rangemaster Combative Pistol Course Student Checklist
     Please take a moment to read this carefully.  
If you follow these directions you will have less stress, more fun in class,
and a better overall learning experience.  
When/Where:  <Dates, Times, Location>
     Saturday and Sunday, February 25 - 26, 9AM - 6PM
     On Target Shooting Sports, 4803 Old Hickory Boulevard, Hermitage TN 37076
     A safe and reliable service caliber handgun (9mm/.38 Spl or larger).  
This class is built around full sized and compact (fighting) semi-automatic pistols.  
Sub-compact guns and revolvers are harder to shoot well, break easier and must
be reloaded more often.  If your gun holds 10 rounds or more you will probably
be ok.  
     Bringing a second handgun of the same model and caliber is a very good idea.  
If something breaks on your primary gun, you can finish the class with the same
holster, mags and ammunition. (Suggested, not mandatory.)  [I think a spare pistol
should be mandatory. -- Jon Low]
     Bring at least three magazines (auto) or speed-loaders (revolver).  The more
magazines you bring, the better.  You won't need more than two spare magazines
on your person, but more magazines in the range bag or a dump pouch is always
good.  Pants with pockets you can stuff with ammo are a bonus.  
Quality belt and holster:  
     At least one strong-side or appendix, belt mounted holster that completely
covers the trigger guard, stays open when the gun is drawn, and attaches securely
to the belt.  Enigma holsters are fine.  
     It should be worn in a stable manner on a rigid belt, either inside the waistband
(IWB/AIWB) or outside, with separate pouches (at least one, two is better) for the
magazines or speed-loaders.  
     Please, no cheap, flimsy nylon holsters.  Leather or Kydex is fine.  SERPA trigger
finger release holsters are allowed, but strongly discouraged.  [I would say forbidden.  
-- Jon Low]  I have seen too many problems with them.  For police officers, a full
duty belt worn openly is fine.  For all others, the rig MUST be concealed.  
     The entire class will be conducted from concealed carry.  That does not mean a
t-shirt stretched over a gun worn in an OWB holster.  “Concealed” means if you
are in a crowded shopping mall, no one would detect that you are armed.  Outside
waistband holsters (OWB) are fine, as long as they are concealable.  
     The training will be conducted in street clothes, with a concealed carry cover
garment (jacket, vest, windbreaker, outer shirt, etc.).  Please dress as you do in your
daily routine.  Training in BDU’s with a thigh rig is fine, IF that is what you wear
daily.  No “battle belts” or competition shooting gear allowed.  
     [I would add no V-neck shirts or low cut necklines on dresses or blouses.  
Getting hot brass down the front of your shirt can cause panic movement.  
-- Jon Low]  
Safety Gear:  
     Eye and ear protection are mandatory.  If you don’t wear prescription glasses,
you must wear safety glasses.  Either muff type or ear plug hearing protection is
fine.  Electronic hearing protection is STRONGLY recommended (so you can hear
the range commands).  Wear comfortable, closed-toe shoes, a brimmed hat is also
a good idea.  [I would say the wide brimmed hat is mandatory to prevent hot brass
from getting between your glasses and your eyeball, burning your eye.  Hot brass
hitting your face can cause burns and scars. -- Jon Low]  
     Please bring at least 550 rounds of quality, jacketed ammunition.  Bring more
if you have it.  Please don’t bring junk reloads.  You will spend more time fiddling
with your gun than learning how to fight with it.  Good ammo will keep your gun
running and make for a much better learning experience.  
     Bring lunch, snacks, water/drinks,(lots of drinks) and personal hygiene
products - we will be at the range all day and take a short lunch break
(approximately 30 minutes) - there will not be time to leave the range to get food!  
     This class is not the best time to break in a new gun, or use untested or
unreliable guns, ammunition, or other equipment!  Those issues will be a huge
distraction from your training and I am unlikely to be able to help you solve
those issues.  
     Class will start promptly at 9 AM. Please be in the classroom area NO LATER
than 8:45 AM, for paperwork, etc.  Safety briefing starts at 9 AM sharp, you must
be present for that.  If you are late and miss the safety briefing you will not be
allowed to participate in the class.  [As they would say at Front Sight (now out
of business), "If you can't be on time, be early." -- Jon Low]  
     We conduct a hot range.  Report to the classroom with your [loaded] gun worn
in the holster.  DO NOT handle your weapon in the parking area or the classroom.  
     If you have any questions or concerns, please TEXT me at 615-801-8007 or
email me  
     I am looking forward to meeting you, we're going to have a good time!  
     Good book.  I have read it and recommend it.  
"Real World Gunfight Training!" by Mike Ochsner
It's free.  Just pay for shipping.  
Text I saw in a letter to prospective students.  (which I then stole and used)
     If you won't shoot in the rain because you don't want to
get wet, or won't lie down on the ground because you don't
want to get dirty, or won't show up because it's too cold
or too hot, please drop out of the course and let us know
that you are dropping out.  
"Force-On-Force Training: Options & Objectives For Self-Defense"
by Justin Dyal
     "Executed properly, technical FOF is tightly scripted and de-emphasizes the
decision-making scenario which led to the firearm being the solution."  
[Well, if you're going to choreograph the scenario doesn't that defeat the purpose
of force-on-force training? -- Jon Low]  
Training is NOT an event, but a process.
Training is the preparation FOR practice".
-- Claude Werner
----- Practice (how to get competent at that task) -----
     ". . . we may think we can do all sorts of things while we drive safely.  
But the science says that multitasking is virtually impossible."  
-- Improv Traffic School
     Similarly for combat.  
     "Train, Practice, Compete
are the key elements in the development of humans."
-- John M. Buol, Jr.
     Using a cell phone while driving, whether it's hand-held or hands-free,
delays a driver's reaction as much as having a Blood Alcohol Concentration
at the legal limit of 0.08%.  
-- Improv Traffic School
     This puts you way behind when the combat starts.  
     Mike Seeklander says, "Grip tight first, then press the trigger."  (I paraphrase.)  
Otherwise, you will be tightening your grip while pressing the trigger, because
that is the way humans are hardwired, to squeeze with all 5 fingers simultaneously.  
Increasing grip pressure while pressing the trigger is a guaranteed miss.  
"What’s Your Position?
Sometimes, the best stance isn’t a stance at all."
by Sheriff Jim Wilson
     Have you taken a class that teaches shooting from a seated position and other
awkward positions [prone, supine, lateral decubitus (lying on your side),
supported kneeling (as the smallbore and air rifle shooters do), unsupported
kneeling, two knee kneeling, squatting, and others]?  Oh yes, such classes exist.  
Practice is the small deposits you make over time,
so that in an emergency, you can make that big withdrawal.
-- Chesley Burnett Sullenberger, III
"The Importance of Shooting in Bad Weather" by Paul Whaley
     If you don't practice in adverse conditions, you will never know what doesn't
work.  So, you will never fix the problem.  Because you don't know what you
don't know.  An excellent way to screw yourself.  
Why practice?  
    "To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment
when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and
offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique
to them and fitted to their talents.  What a tragedy if
that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that
which could have been their finest hour."  
-- Winston Churchill
Failure to practice has consequences -
     The company that I work for requires us to qualify with the pistol every 6 months.  
The course of fire takes 50 rounds.  So we burn up all of the ammunition that
we were issued 6 months ago.  We are then issued a new box of 9mm
Federal HST Jacketed Hollow Point to use as our carry ammo.  
     An officer showed up at the range to qualify.  On her first shot, she could not
get her pistol out of her holster.  The snap on the retention strap had rusted and
was stuck.  Because she had not taken her pistol out of her holster for 6 months,
didn't fired it in practice, didn't cleaned it, didn't dry practiced with it,
didn't clean the holster.  Probably didn't clean her baton or handcuffs either.  
     In a combat situation, she would not have been able to protect herself.  She
would not have been able to protect the persons that she had a duty to protect.  
     She lost her job.  Because she failed the pistol qualification on both her
first and second attempt.  
     Failure to practice has consequences.  
"Panic is simply the lack of preprogrammed responses."  
-- Tom Givens
"Be careful what you practice.  
Because you will do in combat whatever you have practiced,
no matter how ridiculous."  
-- "Shooting in Self-Defense" by Sara Ahrens
*****     *****     ***** Intervention *****     *****     *****

----- Strategy (deciding on the end state and how to achieve it,
which tactics to use, which includes not getting involved) -----
How do you win a gunfight?
Don't be there.
-- John Farnam
     . . . we may think we can do all sorts of things while we drive safely.  
But the science says that multitasking is virtually impossible.  
-- Improv Traffic School
     Awareness, Avoidance, De-Escalation, and Escape
     Using a cell phone while driving, whether it's hand-held or hands-free,
delays a driver's reaction as much as having a Blood Alcohol Concentration
at the legal limit of.08%.  
-- Improv Traffic School
     This puts you way behind when the combat starts.  
"Defending Yourself While In Your Vehicle
We spend hours and hours each week inside of our cars.  Train accordingly."  
by Kevin Creighton
     Mr. Creighton recommends the NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside
The Home Course, which is good.  It should be followed by the NRA CCW course
and the NRA Defensive Pistol course, which is dedicated to civilian concealed carry
for self-defense.  
     According to John Howard, Deputy Director of the Education & Training
Division of the NRA, there are 318 instructors that hold the rating of NRA
Advanced Pistol Instructor, which allows them to teach the NRA Defensive
Pistol course.  The number of such instructors will only go down, because the
NRA does not give the Advanced Pistol Instructor certification anymore.  
"You win gunfights by not getting shot."  
-- John Holschen
----- Tactics (tasks that you should strive to be able to do in support of your strategy) -----
     Using a cell phone while driving, whether it's hand-held or hands-free,
delays a driver's reaction as much as having a Blood Alcohol Concentration
at the legal limit of 0.08%.  
-- Improv Traffic School
     This puts you way behind when the combat starts.  
"Real fights are short."
-- Bruce Lee
     . . . we may think we can do all sorts of things while we drive safely.  
But the science says that multitasking is virtually impossible.  
-- Improv Traffic School
"Threat Response
Fundamental Number 3: Cover"
by Tiger McKee
"Suarez Tactics - Low Light Gunfighting" by Gabe Suarez
     A different tactic.  Ya, a lot of "reading between the lines" stuff.  
"The Pelvic Shot: Breaking Down Barriers" by Travis Pike
"Making The Right Moves
It's a simple concept:  Moving targets are harder to hit."  
by Sheriff Jim Wilson
"Pistol vs. Active Shooter With A Rifle?  Myths & Facts" by Mike Ox
"The shorter the fight, the less hurt you get."
-- John Holschen
----- Techniques (ways to execute a given task in support of your tactics) -----
"Use only that which works,
and take it from any place you can find it."
-- Bruce Lee
     "For list members who may not have been trained for the use of public restrooms,
if the gun cannot be left holstered on the belt or on the body [e.g., belly band,
shoulder holster, etc.], it can be placed – preferably still in it holster – in a
“hammock” created by stretching the underpants between the knees."  
-- Stephen P. Wenger,
     . . . we may think we can do all sorts of things while we drive safely.  
But the science says that multitasking is virtually impossible.  
-- Improv Traffic School
"Cop Talk
The “Hand on Gun” Ready Position"
by Massad Ayoob
     Having a hand on a holstered gun is the optimum “ready” for some situations.  
     West Freeway Church of Christ, December 29, 2019 shooting --
May I invite your attention to
"NO POLITICS Initial Analysis of Murders in White Settlement TX Church"
by John Correia
At 1:47 and at 2:38 (zoomed in) you will see Mr. Richard White stand,
attempt to draw (twice), and get shot.  
     Some commentators have stated that Mr. White getting shoot 3 seconds after
standing indicates that he took too long to draw.  We always hear about the 1.5
second first shot from the holster.  Mr. White never drew his pistol.  
     Or, that he should not have stood up, but rather should have drawn from a
seated position.  Mr. White could not have drawn from a seated position,
because he was wearing a small of the back holster.  
     Ed Monk told us in his class, that after the incident, Mr. White was found
with his pistol still in his holster.  Mr. White had attempted to draw his pistol
twice and failed both times.  Why?  Because on that day he was wearing a
different (smaller) pistol, requiring a different holster; and he was wearing the
holster on the small of his back.  Mr. White had usually worn and practiced
with an outside the waistband holster at 9 o'clock and a full size pistol.  
     You must carry in the same place all the time.  Otherwise, you must practice
(at least 2000 repetitions) with the new position and new holster, so that it
becomes your default.  Consistency is accuracy.  Consistency is life.  
"Texas church shooting hero shares his side of the story" by KETK NBC
     This is not his side of the story.  This is his memory of the event.  Memories
one day after a high stress event are wrong.  Always.  Keep your mouth shut!  
     This is why it is so important to NOT make any statement after a lethal force
encounter.  He is wrong about facts.  He really doesn't know what he is talking
about.  But, he honestly believes he is completely accurate.  A polygraph operator
would say that he is telling the truth.  Be smart, keep your mouth shut.  
     Using a cell phone while driving, whether it's hand-held or hands-free,
delays a driver's reaction as much as having a Blood Alcohol Concentration
at the legal limit of 0.08%.  
-- Improv Traffic School
     This puts you way behind when the combat starts.  
"How to Diagnose (& Fix) Failures to Feed and Fire
Keep your muzzle pointed downrange, keep your finger off the trigger,
and keep this article handy!"  by Frank Melloni
     Well, a "double feed" doesn't really make sense.  Your semi-auto pistol cannot
feed two rounds at once.  
     It is either a failure to extract, which results in a round from the magazine
attempting to enter the chamber that is already occupied by the shell casing from
the previously fired round that the extractor claw failed to extract.  
     Or, there was some sort of stoppage that the shooter attempted to reduce
by racking the slide which resulted in a round attempting to enter the chamber
already occupied by the previously loaded round.  
No, as a matter of fact, Tap-Rack, does not always work.  
     But, the cycling of the pistol will never double feed.  Racking the slide when
there is already a round in the chamber (but not engaged by the extractor) is not
cycling the action, it's just user error.  
     If you mindlessly, automatically Tap-Rack, you're going to get a mindless,
automatic malfunction.  
     Solution (to prevent malfunctions), do all of the following:  
     Clean your pistol - before initial use, after every use, every month if not
used in the previous month.  Rust is neglect.  [If you neglect your girlfriend for
a month, what do you think will happen?]  
     Grip tight - push with your firing-side hand, pull with your support-side hand.  
If holding the pistol with only one hand, grip tight and push the sights into the
target.  [If you don't hold your girlfriend tight like you love her, what do you think
is going to happen?]  
     Use factory new ammunition.  [If you don't feed your girlfriend good food,
what do you think will happen?]  
"Females and Firearms Series:
A Proven Technique to Rack Your Slide Confidently"
by Dr. Meghan Lowery
     Sometimes the magic trick is a topology exercise.  The problem is that if the
audience is a topologist, he won't be amazed, because he doesn't lack the
understanding necessary for amazement.  Sherlock Holmes used this technique a
couple of times to reveal the culprit.  The street thug probably has extensive street
experience and so probably has understanding of certain things.  So your magic
trick has to be outside of his experience.  He has probably been to Buchannan's et al,
Déjà vu et al, etc.  He probably has not been to House of Cards et al, the Improv et al,
etc.  So you can use his lack of certain cultural background against him.  
     What is expected.  What is obvious.  Of course the performance has to be fast,
so it has to be practiced.  Magic tricks have to be practiced.  Otherwise, you're just
wasting time.  
     The bad guy's amazement gives you time.  You are stealing the tempo,
maybe several tempi.  
     If you don't have the sophistication and skill to perform a magic trick,
an immediate violent counter attack is always a good move and usually
unexpected by the bad guy.  
"It's not daily increase but daily decrease - hack away at the inessentials!"
-- Bruce Lee
*****     *****     ***** Postvention *****     *****     *****
----- Aftermath (You have to be alive to have these problems:  
criminal and civil liability.) -----
"So You've Decided to Purchase Self Defense Liability Protection"
by Paul T. Martin
Cited paper,
     In the right hand column of this web page, click on "Never Talk To The Police"
or use the direct address
“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him,
but because he loves what is behind him.”
― G.K. Chesterton
     In the right hand column, click on the link labeled "Self Defense Insurance".  
Or, the direct link is,
Read this before you buy insurance.  You need to make an informed decision.  
     "You need to read the fine print." -- Massad Ayoob  
     This is why it is so important to NOT make any statement after a lethal force
encounter.  He is wrong about facts.  He really doesn't know what he is talking
about.  But, he honestly believes he is completely accurate.  A polygraph operator
would say that he is telling the truth.  Be smart, keep your mouth shut.  
"Texas church shooting hero shares his side of the story" by KETK NBC
     This is not his side of the story.  This is his memory of the event.  Memories
one day after a high stress event are wrong.  Always.  Keep your mouth shut!  
“Your understanding and consent are not required
for someone to take your life, kill your loved ones,
and destroy all you hold dear.”
-- William Aprill
----- Survival, Medical, etc. -----
"If you prepare for the emergency,
the emergency ceases to exist!"
-- Sherman House
"If you stay fit, you do not have to get fit.
If you stay trained, you do not have to get trained.
If you stay prepared, you do not have to get prepared."
-- Robert Margulies
*****     *****     ***** Education *****     *****     *****
"You will never get smarter or broaden your horizons
if you're unwilling to learn from others and read."
-- Becca Martin
     Please sign up for Dr. John Lott's newsletter.  Lots of good stuff.  You'll be
able to impress your friends and relatives with the breadth and depth of
information that the newsletter and links provide you with.
"Weekend Knowledge Dump- February 3, 2023" by Greg Ellifritz
Rangemaster FEB 2023 NEWSLETTER
     In cities with a population of half a million or less, there were
usually about 1.5 officers per 1,000 residents.  In larger cities, this
grows to 2-3 officers per 1,000 residents.  Bear in mind that it
takes 4.2 officers in a 40 hour week to man one one-man patrol
car for a week.  There are always employees missing due to
illness, injury, vacations, etc.  Thus, in a department of 1,000
officers, only around 200 are actually on duty at any time.  
"Handgun Safety Skills Course" by Building Shooters (Dustin P. Salomon)
"Vantage Point Fizzics ‘R Us" by Tom McHale
     "But . . . momentum doesn’t tell the whole picture either.  The momentum
of a 115-grain 6.8 SPC round traveling at 2,675 fps (43.95 lb.-ft/sec) is almost
exactly the same as nine bananas dropped from six feet (44.21 lb.-ft/sec).  
I’ll elect to stand in front of the bananas, given the choice."  
     "As we all know, a pro bowler wings a 16-lb. ball at almost 18 miles per hour.  
That generates approximately the same kinetic energy as a .380 ACP, and a single
.380 ain’t knockin’ down all 10 pins.  If it were clear the bowling ball delivered
422.4 lb.-feet /sec of momentum, compared to just 12.21 for the .380, things
would make a lot more sense."  
[That's why persons shoot heavy slow bullets in bowling pin matches. -- Jon Low]  
"Competition As Preparation" by Lee Weems
     Further details on the Oklahoma City bombing.  The Federal Protective Service
told us that before the bomber chose the Oklahoma City Federal Building, he had
considered the Nashville Court House (U.S. Federal building on Broadway that
contains the U.S. District Court).  But the Nashville Court House had 6 of us
(private contract security officers) on duty during the day and 2 of us on duty at
nights and on weekends and holidays.  The Oklahoma City Federal Building had
no such security at the time (1995).  So one could drive a truck right up to the
front entrance, and walk in without screening.  
     The Federal Protective Service, who are law enforcement officers (LEOs),
is responsible for physical security at federal facilities.  Federal Protective Service
is under the Department of Homeland Security.  FPS contracts with private
companies to provide security officers, because they ostensibly don't have enough
of their own law enforcement officers.  But also because the U.S. Supreme Court
case, U.S. v Graham requires that LEOs use of force must be objectively reasonable,
which does not necessarily apply to us (government contractors, private citizens,
not sworn officers).  Hey, it's in black and white in our guide books.  We can do
things that the LEOs cannot do.  We detain, we don't arrest (big difference).  
We don't search, we do administrative inspections.  So we can never be accused of
false arrest.  Our inspections are never inadmissible at trial (we don't need search
warrants because we don't search).  Because we are not sworn law enforcement
officers.  Our rules of engagement are the self-defense laws and the defense-of-others
laws of the state in which we operate, which are generally much better than the
rules of engagement for LEOs.  For instance, we don't need to give warnings.  
In many states, we can request an immunity hearing.  
     Also, Graham v. Connor
"A claim of excessive force by law enforcement during an arrest, stop, or other
seizure of an individual is subject to the objective reasonableness standard of the
Fourth Amendment, rather than a substantive due process standard under the
Fourteenth Amendment."  
-- Justia › US Law › US Case Law › US Supreme Court › Volume 490 › Graham v. Connor
     We are not LEOs, so we are not under the restrictions and requirements of
LEOs.  Every state issues Armed Guard Licenses.  And federal law requires every
state to honor the Armed Guard Licenses of every other state.  
Armored Car Industry Reciprocity Act (ACIRA) of 1993,
amended several times thereafter.
     Some jurisdictions won't recognize the law enforcement credentials of other
jurisdictions.  But, ACIRA requires every state to recognized the Armed Guard
license of every other state.  Otherwise, armored cars wouldn't be able to transport
money interstate.  
     From the training for my new job -
Taken from "Violent Encounters:  A Study of Felonious Assaults on Our Nation's
Law Enforcement Officers" by
Dr. Anthony Pinizzotto and Ed Davis of the FBI Behavioral Science Unit
Charles Miller, III, coordinator of the LEOs Kill and Assaulted program.  
Cop killers:  
•  show signs of being armed that officers miss;
•  have more experience using deadly force in "street combat" than their intended
•  practice with firearms more often and shoot more accurately;
•  have no hesitation whatsoever about pulling the trigger.  
     Predominantly handguns were used in the assaults on officers and all but one
were obtained illegally, usually in street transactions or in theft.  In contrast to
media myth, none of the firearms in the study was obtained from gun shows.  
What was available "was the overriding factor in weapon choice."  
     Researcher Davis, in a presentation and discussion for the International
Association of Chiefs of Police, noted that none of the attackers interviewed was
"hindered by any law -- federal, state, or local -- that has ever been established
to prevent gun ownership.  They just laughed at gun laws."  
     Several of the offenders began regularly to carry weapons when they were
9 to 12 years old, although the average age was 17 when they first started packing
most of the time.  Gang members especially started young.  Nearly 40% of the
offenders had some type of formal training, primarily from the military.  More
than 80% regularly practiced with handguns, averaging 23 practice sessions a
year, the study reports, usually in informal settings like trash dumps, rural woods,
back yards, and street corners in known drug-trafficking areas.  
     One spoke, of being motivated to improve his gun skills by his belief that
"Officers go to the range two, three times a week and practice arms so they can
hit anything."  
      In reality, victim officers in the study averaged just 14 hours of sidearm
training and 2.5 qualifications per year.  Only 6 of the 50 officers reported
practicing regularly with handguns apart from what their department required,
and that was mostly in competitive shooting.  Overall, the offenders practiced
more often than the officers they assaulted, and this may have helped increase
their marksmanship skills.  
     The offender quoted above about his practice motivation, for example,
fired 12 rounds at an officer, striking him 3 times.  The officer fired 7 rounds,
all missed.  
     More than 40% of the offenders had been involved in actual shooting
confrontations before they feloniously assaulted an officer.  Ten of these
street combat veterans, all from inner-city, drug-trafficking environments, had
taken part in 5 or more criminal firefight experiences in their lifetime.  
     One reported that he was 14 when he was first shot on the street, "about
18 before a cop shot me."  Another said getting shot was a pivotal experience,
"because I made up my mind no one was gonna shoot me again."  
     Again in contrast, only 8 of the 50 LEO victims had participated in a prior
shooting; 1 had been involved in 2 previously, another in 3.  Seven of the 8
had killed offenders.  
     Offenders said they most often hid guns on their person in the front waistband,
with the groin area and the small of the back nearly tied for second place.  Some
occasionally gave their weapon to another person to carry, "most often a female
companion."  None regularly used a holster, and about 40% at least sometimes
carried a backup weapon.  
     In motor vehicles, they most often kept their firearm readily available on their
person, or less often, under the seat.  In residences, most stashed their weapon
under a pillow, on the nightstand, under the mattress -- somewhere within
immediate reach while in bed.  
     Almost all carried when on the move and strong majorities did so when socializing,
committing crimes, or being at home.  About one-third brought weapons with them
to work.  Interestingly, the offenders in this study more commonly admitted having
guns under all three circumstances than did offenders interviewed in the researchers'
earlier 2 surveys, conducted in the 1980s and 1990s.  
     On the street, both male and female officers too often regarded female
subjects as less of a threat, assuming that they were not going to have a gun, Davis
said.  In truth, the researchers concluded that more female offenders are armed
today than 20 years ago -- not just female gang associates, but female offenders
Shooting Style
     Twenty-six of the offenders [about 60%], including all of the combat street
veterans, claimed to be instinctive shooters, pointing and firing the weapons
without consciously aligning the sights.  
      "They practice getting the gun out and using it," Davis explained.  "They
shoot for effect."  Or as one of the offenders put it:  "We're not working with
no marksmanship.  We just putting it in your direction, you know.  It don't
matter as long as it's gonna hit you.  If it's up at your head or your chest, down
at your legs, whatever.  Once I squeeze and you fall, then, if I want to execute
you, then I could go from there."  
Hit Rate
     More often than the officers they attacked, offenders delivered at least some
rounds on target in their encounters.  Nearly 70% of assailants were successful
in that regard with handguns, compared to about 40% of the victim officers.  
(Efforts of offenders and officers to get on target were considered successful
if any rounds struck, regardless of the number fired.)  
     Davis speculated that the offenders might have had an advantage because
in all but 3 cases they fired first, usually catching the officer by surprise.  Indeed,
the report points out, "10 of the total victim officers had been wounded [and
thus impaired] before they returned gunfire at their attackers."  
Missed Cues
     Officers would less likely be caught off guard by attackers if they were more
observant of indicators of concealed weapons.  These particularly include
manners of dress, ways of moving, and unconscious gestures often related to carrying.  
     Officers should look for unnatural protrusions of bulges in the waist, back, and
crotch areas, and watch for shirts that appear rippled or wavy on one side of the
body while the fabric on the other side appears smooth.  In warm weather, multi-
layered clothing inappropriate to the temperature may be a giveaway.  On cool
or rainy days, a subject's jacket hood may not be covering his head because it is
being used to concealed a handgun.  
     Because they eschew holsters, offenders reported frequently touching a concealed
gun with hands or arms to assure themselves that it is still hidden, secure and
accessible and hasn't shifted.  Such gestures are especially noticeable whenever
individuals change body positions, such as standing, sitting, or existing a vehicle.  
If they run, they may need to keep a constant grip on a hidden gun to control it.  
     Just as cops generally blade their body to make their sidearm less accessible,
armed criminals do the same in encounters with LEOs to ensure concealment and
easy access.  
     An irony, Davis noted, is that officers who are assigned to look for concealed
weapons while working off-duty security at night clubs for instance, are often
highly proficient at detecting them.  But then when they go back to the street
without that specific assignment, they seem to 'turn off' that skill, and thus are
startled -- sometimes fatally -- when a suspect suddenly produces a weapon and
     Thirty-six of the 50 officers in the study had experienced hazardous situations
where they had the legal authority to use deadly force but chose not to shoot.  
They averaged 4 such prior incidents before the encounters that the researchers
investigated.  It appeared clear that none of these officers were willing to use
deadly force against an offender if other options were available.  
     The offenders were of a different mind-set entirely.  In fact, Davis said the team
did not realize how cold blooded the younger generation of offenders is.  They
have been exposed to killing after killing, they fully expect to get killed and they
don't hesitate to shoot anybody, including a police officer.  They can go from
riding down the street saying what a beautiful day it is to killing in the next instant.  
     Offenders typically display no moral or ethical restraints in using firearms.  
In fact, the street combat veterans survived by developing a shoot-first mentality.  
"Thoughts On Sport Shooting vs Gunfighting" by Gabriel Suarez
     Deviation of purpose.  Training scars.  The competition rules nullify combat
efficiency.  Competitive shooting tactics do not work on the street.  Combat is
not choreographed.  
"Gabriel Suarez Commentaries 20 February 2023"
"Cogito, ergo armatum sum." (I think, therefore armed am I.)
-- John Farnam
*****     *****     ***** Legal *****     *****     *****
     "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.
It is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other.
-- John Adams, October 11, 1798
     Judge Quraishi’s (Biden appointee) order (gun companies not liable for crimes
committed by 3rd parties) comes on the heels of favorable 2A rulings by
Judge Renee Marie Bumb (Bush appointee) (gun-free-zones unconstitutional) and by
Judge Karen Williams (Biden appointee) (sensitive places unconstitutional).  
     Doctrine of Constitutional avoidance.  
     Cited articles:  
Judge Quraishi’s order,
Judge Williams' order,
     [Why would Biden appointed judges make pro-gun rulings?  They think Trump
will be the next President and they want to be promoted to the Circuit Court.  
Appointing Judge Quraishi allowed Brandon and the Democrats to claim that they
had appointed the first Muslim judge to the Federal District Court bench.  The Trump
administration would be happy to claim that they had appointed the first Muslim to
the Federal Circuit Court bench. -- Jon Low]
"YouTube Says Silencer Video Takedowns, Gun Channel Deletions Were Mistakes"
by Stephen Gutowski
     This is in the legal section because of the cited
Texas Social Media Anti-Censorship law.  
"Fifth Circuit Rules Disarming People Subject to
Domestic Violence Restraining Orders Unconstitutional"
by Stephen Gutowski
     "A three-judge panel of the Fifth Circuit unanimously vacated the man’s
conviction on Thursday, finding the federal gun law he was charged under
conflicts with the Second Amendment."  
[Remember, a restraining order is not a conviction of anything.  It's just a judges
opinion based on the say of only one of the involved parties (and possibly
government busybodies). -- Jon Low]  
"Federal appeals court strikes down domestic violence gun law" by Adam Beam
"How to Make a Bad Decision" By tacticalprofessor
Cited article,
"Chattanooga homeowner charged with shooting stranger
in her own backyard Monday" by WTVC
"Homeowner charged with shooting homeless stranger in her own backyard"
by WTVC Staff
     Never fire a warning shot.  That is an act of criminal stupidity.  It is illegal in
every state, district, and territory in the United States.  (No matter what Brandon says.)  
     NEVER tell anyone that you fired a warning shot.  That is an act of criminal
     NEVER, NEVER tell anyone that you did not intend to shoot the guy that
you hit.  There is no legal defense for an intentional shot that you did not fire in
self-defense.  Saying that you did not intend to stop an attack means confessing
to reckless endangering, or in this case aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.  
The firearms enhancement for sentencing is 10 years.  
     If you fire, you did so intentionally because of your justified fear of death or
grave bodily harm.  There is no legal defense for an unintentional shot.  
     At this point there is really nothing the attorney can do to mitigate the damage
that she did by running her mouth.  
Innocent persons don't necessarily get their charges dismissed.  Guilty persons
don't necessarily get convicted.  The truth is, stupid people get convicted and
smart people get their charges dropped.  That is reality.  You don't have to be
IQ-smart.  You only have to be conscientious-smart enough to buy a self-defense
insurance policy and to KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT.  As Jordan Peterson says,
conscientiousness, not raw IQ, is the primary indicator of success in life.  
"ATF response to attorney inquiry about “80%” kits."
by John Harris
"Marijuana Ruling!" by John Farnam
     I suppose the marijuana using persons could avoid lying on the 4473 form
by acquiring their firearms through private transfers (not using a Federal Firearms
Licensee).  But, private transfers are illegal in some states, districts, and territories.  
That's why I live in Tennessee.  That's why you should live in the Land of Dixie.  
"The Future(?) of Gun Regulation" by Steve Vladeck
Hat tip to Stephen P. Wenger,
     For the legal nerds in the audience.  
"Constitutional Carriers, Warning: Gun Free School Zone Trap Ahead"
by Lee Williams
     Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 (GFSZA). The Act prohibits possession
of a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school – of school property.  Motorists who
drive by a school likely fall well within this 1,000-foot gun-free zone.  
The GFSZA does not recognize constitutional carry or any other form of permitless
carry.  There is one exception:  gun owners who possess a valid concealed-carry
permit or license issued by their state are exempt from the law.  
     "In fact, Williams misstates the exemption that he quotes – the requirement is
not that the gun owner be licensed to carry in his home state but that he be
licensed to carry in the state in which the school zone is located.  Thus – and F Troop
has been clear about its interpretation – when it comes to the GFSZA, it matters
naught whether you travel to a state that recognizes your home-state license/permit;
if you are not licensed to carry in the state that you're visiting, you're in violation
of the federal GFSZA if you possess a loaded firearm as you drive or walk within
1,000 feet of a school in that state."  
-- Stephen P. Wenger,
"State of Tennessee sued in action seeking to declare
the “Parks Statute” to be unconstitutional"
by John Harris
     The primary source document is included.  
     "Tennessee Firearms Association has tried for many years to convince the
Tennessee Legislature that it should repeal the gun free zone statute relative to
public parks, greenways and other public recreational areas.  Rather than doing so,
the Legislature has made minor adjustments to the statute which has caused it to
operate as a criminal trap for individuals who merely want to be prepared to
defend themselves."  
"Court of Appeals to Hear Non-Violent Felon Second Amendment Case"
by Dean Weingarten
Hat tip to Stephen P. Wenger,
     Can all of those convicted of felony crimes be denied 2nd Amendment rights?
Or, only those convicted of violent crimes?  
    “Is there no virtue among us?
If there is not, we are without hope!
No form of government, existing nor theoretical, will keep us from harm.
To think that any government, in any form,
will insure liberty and happiness for a dishonorable population
represents the height of self-deception.”
-- James Madison, 1788
*****     *****     ***** Instruction *****     *****     *****
Colonel Robert Lindsey to his fellow trainers:  
"We are not God's gift to our students.  
Our students are God's gift to us."  
----- Instructors -----
the students who require the extra effort
are the ones who need us the most!"
-- John Farnam
     "How do you approach and interact with your remedial students?  Do you
treat them as lazy, worthless turds who should not even be there?  Or do you
approach them as you might approach an abuse victim who has developed
an acute performance issue based on specific psychological injuries that were
inflicted upon them by a negligent or nefarious third party?"
-- Dustin P. Salomon, "On Training" volume 2.  
     "Every instructor reading this has likely had a student with a wholly inadequate
skill or performance level turn to them and say, “This is what works for me,”
especially during entry-level training.  Watching them, you know that is not true.  
It most certainly does not work for them.  Their skills are not likely to produce
positive results should the rubber ever meet the road.  However, because that
student has no personal frame of reference to understand what works and what
does not, nor any personal tools to evaluate what the term “works” means, they
are self-convinced that things are fine (self-deception is always easier than
-- Dustin P. Salomon, "On Training" volume 2.  
     "If you are putting more into the brain than it can hold, especially if you are
expecting the students to do things with repetition and/or under stress, you are
probably hurting their long-term potential."  
-- Dustin P. Salomon, "On Training" volume 2.  
     ". . . Before someone can learn something, they first must  receive the information.  
This sounds simple, right?  It is not.  It is important to recognize that when you talk
to students, everybody is usually hearing something different, and none of it is likely
to be what you are actually saying.  There are a number of reasons for this, but one
of them is that each person's brain has a kind of filter in it.  This filter sorts out
information, only letting a small percentage through into the short-term memory
-- Dustin P. Salomon, "On Training" volume 2.  
     EDIP (Explain, Demonstrate, Imitate, Practice).  
-- Mike Seeklander, "The Art of Instruction".  
     Instructing the shooter to aim high right in order to pass the qualification test
may get the shooter to pass the test, but it is treating the symptom, not the cause
of the problem and will have long term detrimental effects; the worst of which
is that the shooter will lack confidence in his ability to hit the intended target
every time, on demand, under stress.  He won't know exactly how high and right
to aim in combat, and so won't take the shot.  The result is the same as if he were
     The solution is to teach the surprise trigger break, practice the surprise break,
and strive to achieve a surprise break on each shot, not just critical small target
     This solution is simple, not easy.  There are many teaching techniques for
achieving the surprise break.  My favorite is:  
     Touch the trigger.  (To find out where the trigger is, because you probably
don't have a perfect grip, because you drew your pistol under extreme stress.)  
     Take the slack out of the trigger.  
     Apply ⅛ pressure.  Smoothly increase to ¼ pressure.  Gently increase to ⅜
pressure.  Slowly increase to ½ pressure.  Methodically increase to ⅝ pressure.  
Fluently increase to ¾ pressure.  Placidly increase to ⅞ pressure.  
     I guarantee the pistol will fire long before the shooter thinks that he has
reached full pressure.  And because the shooter never intended to fire,
he will achieve a surprise break, thus defeating all of his autonomic nervous
system responses to the recoil and report, such as flinching, jerking, pushing
against the anticipated recoil, tensing in anticipation of the report (loud BANG!),
etc.  "Defeated" in the sense that the bullet will be out of the muzzle before
any autonomic nervous system responses occur.  
     I know this appears to be a long complex process.  But, with practice, it will
compress in time and become very fast.  Usually less than 2 hours of dedicated
intentional practice, especially if the practice is spread out over time, say eight
15-minute sessions over 2 or 3 days.  The instructor only need be present at
the initial practice session.  
     If your student is using a post front sight and notch rear sight, and scattering
horizontally, check your student's sights to see if there is ample space on either
side of the front sight post to easily center the front sight in the rear sight.  Just
about all factory supplied iron rear sights are too narrow to allow horizontal
alignment.  They are made for the pristine range conditions of good even lighting.  
In combat, especially low light combat, they won't allow the shooter to horizontally
align the sights.  
     The solution is to machine out the rear sight notch by 2 hundredths of an inch,
1 hundredth of an inch on each side, so as not to change the point of impact.  
I do this on all of the pistols that I prepare for students, clients, and Marines.  
A Gunny, who was a gunsmith with 1st Brigade Service Support Group, 1st Marine
Expeditionary Brigade , showed me this back in the early 1980's.  So this is
nothing new.  As the Bible says, there is nothing new under the sun.  Ecclesiastes 1:9  
     If the sight radius is shorter than that on a full size pistol, you may need to
machine out more.  If the shooter has long arms, you may need to machine out
     One of the candidates in my class had huge muscular hands.  We were using
Glock 19s, smaller than the full size Glock 17s.  When the slide reciprocated,
the pistol would cut his hand behind the web between his thumb and index finger.  
So the instructors changed the backstrap with one that had a large beaver tail.  
This solved the problem.  
     One of the candidates in my class was scattering high with factor Glock steel
tritium sights.  So I gave him a blue gun and asked him to aim at my left eye.  
His front sight was way above his rear sight.  I explained to him that the top of the
sights had to be level.  He asked how to do that.  I said tilt the front of the pistol
down until the top of the sights are level.  He said he didn't know you could do that.  
(Don't laugh.  He had graduated from a police academy in New Jersey.  He was
a smart guy.)  
     Vicki Farnam had told me that she had had a student that was only concerned
with the front sight (completely ignoring the rear sight) because the student's instructors
had said things like "concentrate on the front sight", "hard focus on the front sight",
etc., never mentioning the rear sight (and this too was at a police academy).  Once
Vicki explained to the student that the sights had to be centered and level, all was
     Assuming any level of knowledge / sophistication / mechanical inclination / etc.
in your student is a bad assumption.  All people are different.  Not smarter or
dumber, different.  Ignorance is not stupidity.  Believing gun-control laws will
reduce crime is stupidity.  
     You may need to take a Dremel tool and grind the grip to eliminate areas that
are causing bruising and blisters on your student's hands.  Under cutting the
trigger guard is a common modification to prevent irritating the middle knuckle
of the middle finger of the firing-side hand.  Cutting the tang is common to
prevent irritation to the thumb joint where the thumb meets the palm.  
     If you're working on a plastic frame, the Dremel tool works fine.  If you're
working on a metal frame, you might want to take it to a gunsmith.  
     Be careful what you teach.  
Because your students will do in combat
whatever you have trained them to do,
no matter how ridiculous.
-- "Shooting in Self-Defense" by Sara Ahrens
----- Andragogy -----
     An instructor should not expect any learning to take
place the first time new information is presented.  
-- "Building Shooters" by Dustin Salomon
"The Rule of Thirds | Alexi Pappas" by Rich Roll
     The test of understanding is being able to explain to another.  
So, "teach backs" are essential.  (as in the student teaching back to
the instructor)
     The test of deep understanding is being able to explain to a person
who has no familiarity with the subject.  So, teaching entry-level
students is essential.  If you can't explain it to a newbie, you don't
understand it at a deep level.  
     True for physics.  True for firearms.  True for self-defense.  
     Getting the bullet to hit the intended target is pure physics.  
Classical mechanics specifically.  Simple, not easy, simple.  
     Combat shooting is an exercise in figuring out who to shoot.  Figuring
out when to shoot.  Figuring out how to make the time to shoot.  Gaining
the tempi, as they would say in chess.  This is very complex, not simple,
not easy.  Highly stressful.  But, the training for this should not be stressful.  
Because stress interferes with learning.  
     High stress in training is not training.  It is a weeding out process, which
is not training, in the sense that the candidates don't learn anything.  The
instructors learn who already has the skills they are looking for.  The stress
demonstrates that the skills are in procedural memory, because only things
in procedural memory can be accessed when under stress.  
Read "On Training" by Dustin P. Salomon for the details.  
ISBN 13:  978-1-952594-07-6  (Volume 1)
ISBN 13:  978-1-952594-08-3  (Volume 2)
Read "Building Shooters:  Applying Neuroscience Research to Tactical
Training System Design and Training Delivery" by Dustin P. Salomon
for the underlying science.  
ASIN:   B08B4JJ3G5
     So, when you teach, the stress level should be low so that the students learn.  
     When you test for physical skills, the stress level may be high to determine
whether or not the skill can be accessed from procedural memory.  
     When you test for academic knowledge, the stress level should be low,
because you are asking the student to recall from declarative memory.  High
stress prevents access to declarative memory.  
     The immediate "teach back" is worthless, as it only tests short-term memory.  
Nothing is retained permanently in short-term memory.  The teach back should
be 24 hours or more after the initial teaching.  That is the least amount of time
required for consolidation of memories into long term memory.  
     "The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other.  
Without collaboration, our growth is limited to our own perspectives."  
-- Robert John Meehan
*****     *****     ***** Gear *****     *****     *****
“Mission drives the gear train.”
-- Pat Rogers
"Tactical Foolery Or Effective Concealment?
The Real Deal On Appendix Carry"
by Tom McHale
     In Tom's email that told me about the above article, Tom mentions the local
drama, "Alex Murdaugh Double Murder Trial".  Tom lives in the Low Country
of South Carolina, as I used to.  Andrew Branca et al are covering that trial,
"Home-Defense Spectrum
The Right Gun for the Right Mission"
by Will Dabbs, MD
     "A proper toolbox carries an assortment of tools.  After all, it is a challenge to
turn a nut with a screwdriver or hammer a nail with a spirit level.  As it relates to
defensive weapons, one size really doesn’t fit all."  
"Gabriel Suarez on Triggers"
"Trigger Take Up - The Truth" by Gabe Suarez
     A surprise break is not a negligent discharge.  A negligent discharge is not a
surprise break.  
     Gabe's term, "pre-travel", is commonly called "slack".  
     John Farnam's terminology is -
slack = trigger movement without sear movement (necessary for combat pistols).  
break dawn = the hard stop at the end of slack and the start of sear movement.  
creep = the movement of the sear before the break (there shouldn't be any).  
break = when the sear releases the firing pin / striker / hammer.  
over travel = movement of the trigger after the break (this should be minimized).  
reset = releasing the trigger until you hear or feel the click of the trigger resetting.  
“5 Need-To-Know Trigger Terms To Help You Shoot Better
Okay, what's "trigger creep"?  And "take-up"?  
We explain those terms you keep reading in gun reviews.”
by Frank Melloni
"Guide to Concealed Carry Holsters and Accessories" by Greg Ellifritz
Shooting glasses
     Good price.  Check the specs.  
Body Guard Armored Backpacks (backpacks that convert into body armor)
Hat tip to Tim Larkin.  
     While body armor may stop bullets from penetrating, one should expect surface
bruising, internal bruising, and broken bones.  Momentum is conserved.  
"What To Look For When Buying a Used Firearm" Dan Zimmerman
"8 Questions to Ask Your Gunsmith Now
Ask the right questions before getting work done on your gun."
by W.H. "Chip" Gross
"What's The Best Semi-Automatic Handgun Action?
For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction,
even when it comes to handgun operations." by Tamara Keel
"Are You Ready for a Red Dot Sight?  5 Considerations" by J. Scott Rupp
15% off in stock blow out items
20% off code "FEB20"
“Your car is not a holster.”
-- Pat Rogers
*****     *****   Religion, Politics, History, War Stories, et al   *****     *****     *****
"Good habits and skill beat luck every time."
-- Sheriff Jim Wilson
     Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti has opened a criminal
investigation on Nashville District Attorney Glenn Funk for illegal wire tap.  
"Tennessee attorney general opens criminal investigation of
Nashville DA Glenn Funk's office, letter shows" by Phil Williams
     Glenn Funk is the one who charged Nashville Police Officer Andrew Delke with
1st degree murder on the theory that one can formulate premeditation in an instant.  
Delke was chasing an armed suspect.  The suspect pointed a pistol at Delke.  
Delke shot him in self-defense.  The shooting was justified to any objective observer.  
But the suspect was a Negro career criminal.  So to get liberal Black votes, and
Democrat votes in general, Funk abused his power and prosecuted Delke.  
The same story can be seen in every Democrat city.  
     Funk recently got re-elected.  So his strategy worked.  
     Do you understand?  
"Xi" by John Farnam
"Internal ATF docs show ‘zero tolerance’ guidelines for shutting down gun stores
The guidance says the ATF can 'use inspection reports to establish willfulness
even if the inspection found no violations' " by Houston Keene
     Hat tip to Stephen P. Wenger,
     In case the mass media neglected to tell you,
"East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment"
Hat tip to Aidan Hoffman.  
"The Biden administration's response to the Ohio chemical catastrophe following
the train derailment on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'  "
     "Gun violence" is a term of propaganda.  
Guns are inanimate objects, so -
Guns cannot commit violence.  
Guns cannot be responsible for violence.  
To associate guns with violence is intellectually dishonest.  
     Humans committing violence, while using guns as their primary tool,
is so rare as to be statistically negligible.  See the following article.  
“AR-15s are Mindbogglingly Safe
"Assault Weapon" homicides are so rare you need graphs to comprehend it.”
by Handwaving Freakoutery
     Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.  
"Post-Factual Grassland!" by John Farnam
"Tucker Carlson: This is the cruelest thing any president has ever done"
"Memphis Police Chief [was] FIRED [from Atlanta PD] For Covering Up
Alleged Child PORN Case"
by Officer Tatum
     This is the same Police Chief that is throwing her subordinate officers under
the bus "for beating a Black criminal to death".  If the 5 Black police officers and
the one White police officer (who initiated the incident and used a Taser on the
suspect) had beaten the suspect to death, the EMTs who arrived on the scene
would have found a dead suspect.  The truth is that the suspect died 3 days later
in the hospital of causes unrelated to the arrest.  Any objective viewing of the
video of the arrest reveals that the police officers got up and moved away
from the suspect as soon as the suspect was handcuffed.  The police were only
using force because the suspect was resisting arrest.  As soon as the suspect was
handcuffed, the use of force stopped.  
     All 6 police officers and the 2 EMTs were fired.  The 5 Black police officers
were charged with homicide offenses.  This is what happens when the people
elect Democrats to run their city.  The city degenerates.  
"Jordan Peterson - How Society Brainwashes Women"
     51% of women at age 30 are childless [have no living children, this is not a
statement about gravid, it's really a statement about baby murder (abortion)].  
     30% of couples have difficulty conceiving.  
[That's why the price on the black market for a healthy new born baby is $50,000.  
That's why the security on the Labor & Delivery floor of a hospital is much higher
than the security on the Prisoner floor.  That's why the waiting period for adoption
going through the State of Tennessee is 3 years.  That's why people who can afford
it, go through private attorneys to adopt.  That's why people adopt from overseas.  
-- Jon Low]
     “I live in the ‘Managerial Age,’ in a world of ‘Admin.’  
     The greatest evil is not now done in sordid ‘dens of crime’ that Dickens loved
to paint, nor is it done even in ‘concentration camps.’  
     In those we see its final result!  
     Rather, it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted)
in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men in white collars,
cut fingernails, and smooth-shaven cheeks, who never need to raise their voices.  
     Hence, naturally enough my symbol for “hell” is something like the bureaucracy
of a police state.”  
-- C.S. Lewis
"Things are looking up in Israel!" by John Farnam
"Arrested for a social media post | Konstantin Kisin" by John Anderson
" 'Massive' Blood Clots " by Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov
Meme of the day.
     There were 23 persons in my class for the job that I am presently applying for.  
We finished the pistol qualification today.  The previous 3 days were spent learning
the course of fire and practicing it.  13 qualified.  (If you fail to qualify on
your first try, you get a second try.)  The course of fire was shot on the ICE-QT
target (the heavy set angry gunman leaning forward, hands in front of his chest,
and pointing a revolver at you).  If you fail to follow instructions, you're disqualified.  
The course of fire was as follows:  
Charge 3 magazines with 12 rounds each.  (You may only have 3 magazines.)  
1.5 yards, from the holster, strong hand only, close contact position (body index,
no sights).  
1 round in 2 seconds, holster.  
2 rounds in 2 seconds, holster.  
3 rounds in 2 seconds, holster.  
3 yards, from the holster, using two hands, you may use the sights.  
3 rounds in 3 seconds, holster.  
3 rounds in 3 seconds.  
Reload.  (No one tells you to reload, so if your slide doesn't lock back and
you don't reload, you're screwed.  But if you pay attention, you'll see the
other guys on the line reloading.)  
7 yards, from the holster, using two hands, you may use the sights.  
2 rounds to the body, 1 round to the head in 5 seconds, remain at high ready.  
2 rounds to the body, 1 round to the head in 4 seconds, holster.  
7 yards, from the holster, you may use the sights.  
3 rounds using two hands, 3 rounds strong hand only, in 10 seconds, holster.  
Reload.  (No one tells you to reload.)  
3 rounds using two hands, 3 rounds support hand only , in 10 seconds.  
Charge one magazine with 10 rounds and one magazine with 4 rounds.  
15 yards, from the holster, using two hands, you may use the sights.  
6 rounds standing, Reload with 10 round mag (If you reload with the 4 round
magazine, you're screwed), 6 rounds kneeling, in 25 seconds.  
     In the following, you may not transfer the pistol to the support side hand.  
15 yards, using two hands, you may use the sights.  
Around the right side of a vertical barricade, (If you are not behind cover,
you're disqualified.)  
2 rounds standing, 2 rounds kneeling, in 20 seconds.  
Reload with retention (If the magazine hits the ground, you're disqualified.)  
(If you neglect to reload, you're screwed) with the 4 round magazine.  
     In the following, you may not transfer the pistol to the support side hand.  
15 yards, using two hands, you may use the sights.  
Around the left side of a vertical barricade, (If you are not behind cover,
you're disqualified.)  
2 rounds standing, 2 rounds kneeling, in 20 seconds.  
Make the pistol safe (lock the slide to the rear), await the safety officer.  
Total of 50 rounds fired for a possible score of 250.  
I qualified with a 241 (first time).  You don't get a second try if you qualify
the first time.  
220 - 230 = Marksman
231 - 240 = Sharpshooter
241 - 249 = Expert
250 = Distinguished Expert
     We took the final exam yesterday.  Only 6 completed the training / qualification.  
6 out of 23.  The standards for Protective Security Officers are set by the Federal
Protective Service, which is a branch of the Department of Homeland Security,
responsible for physical protection of all federal facilities.  
     My friend is roaming around Marrakech.  
Marrakech, come to Marrakech
To the city of gold near the sky
Marrakech, come to Marrakech
Where the troubles of life drift on by…
     Marrakech is worth several posts.
The excellent restaurants, luxury hammams (saunas), charming riads (traditional
house with an interior garden or courtyard) enchanting gardens, beautiful minarets,
the fascinating palaces or its remains, and the labyrinthine medina with bustling
colourful souks (markets) and endless manoeuvring motorcycles.  
     Jemaa el-Fna Square is the heart of Marrakech.  The atmosphere is very chaotic,
it intoxicates and bewitches.  It is very different in the daytime and nighttime.  
You have to experience both!!  
     The two main palaces located within Marrakech are El Badi Palace and
Bahia Palace.  
     Открыла для себя новую группу, даже можно сказать, новый стиль,
и хочу поделиться.  Группа Tinariwen.  Пустынный блюз,
Берберский блюз, Блюз синих людей Сахары, непобедимых кочевников.  
Одно название чего стоит.  Музыка их - это сочетание традициональных песен  
туарегов с современным роком и блюзом, очень одухотворенная.  Это песни
души и полного средоточия в мире.  
Идеально подходит для встречи заката.  
Надо добавить, что моя попугаиха очень любить эту музыку, недаром Африканка.  
Среди любимые песен Adoniya, Soixante Trois, Ahimana.  
P.S. В отличие от других мусульманских обществ, туареги женщины
традиционно не носят чадру, в отличие от мужчин.  
"Tinariwen (+IO:I) - Nànnuflày"
Neither, it's the U.S. Congress.  
     There are things you can do with two overhead rotors that
you can't do with one.  
"30% of Counties Vote to Secede From Oregon" by Roman Balmakov
     Roman reads a section of the Declaration of Independence, for those of you who
have never read it.  
     Incidentally, I was in the U.S. Federal Building in Nashville, TN today and read
a copy of the U.S. Constitution that is displaced on the wall at the 9th Avenue
entrance to the building.  The original Bill of Rights ratified in 1791 did not have
the Right to Keep and Bear Arms as the 2nd Amendment.  Rather, it was Article 4.  
If you read the 1st Amendment of our U.S. Constitution, you will notice how
several Articles of the original Bill of Rights were mushed together into the
1st Amendment.  
     Cody Wisniewsk, Senior Attorney for Constitutional Litigation with the
Firearms Policy Coalition
(Give them money if you can.  It's a good investment for your grandchildren's
spoke at last nights Tennessee Firearms Association meeting at the Golden Corral
in Hermitage.  He explained that Articles 2 and 3 were not accepted by Congress
at the time.  So our right to keep and bear arms got moved up to the 2nd Amendment.  
Article 2 would have one member of the House of Representatives for every
30,000 persons in the population.  That would have meant we would presently
have over 4000 members of the U.S. House of Representatives.  While that may
be entertaining, nothing would every get done.  So the early Congress wisely
removed that Article.  Article 3 got ratified by some state legislatures, but not
enough to get put into the U.S. Constitution.  But there was no time limit for
ratification.  So just a few years ago, a law school student wrote a paper on how
the Article could still be ratified and added to our U.S. Constitution.  His law
school professor gave him an F for the paper, saying that it was absurd.  So, the
law school student went to several legislatures and lobbied to get them to ratify
the Article.  It was recently added to our U.S. Constitution as the 27th Amendment.  
What an excellent way for that law school student to say "Fuck You" to the
-- Cody Wisniewsk (paraphrased)  
"Tucker: The White House wants us to shut up about this (Equity)"
"Call to Arms!" by John Farnam
Context is important.  For example,
"I love steak."
means something entirely different (or should)
"I love puppies."  
-- John Harris
"Your character is what you do when no one is looking."
-- Thomas Jefferson
     *****     *****     *****  Cryptology *****     *****     *****
     "Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe,
and preserve order in the world as well as property.  
Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of their use."
-- Thomas Paine
[Cryptosystems are considered "arms" by federal law.  
ITAR, International Traffic in Arms Regulations]
     The enemy will attempt to recognize your presence by looking for things that
move.  (Movement is a judgment of time.)  Because movement indicates a force.  
So if you keep your force small, at the level of the background noise, at the level
of Brownian motion, it will be mistaken for Brownian motion.  
     What is Intelligence all about?  What is Aikido all about?  Force applied at
critical points to cause effect.  Small force.  Bullets from your pistol apply a very
small force.  That's why placement is essential for effect.  The Russian invasion
of Ukraine is an example of large force applied to non-critical points.  But wasn't
Putin KGB?  Maybe, but not competent.  The assassination of JFK was small force
applied to a critical point.  Because the CIA is competent.  
     Your presence will be indicated by a signal.  So if you keep your signal amplitude
at or below the noise level, your signal will be mistaken for background noise.  
Such is spread spectrum.  But that was first generation.  You should be on third or
fourth generation by now.  
     Russian jammers are all the rage.  But jamming is making noise.  Jamming does
not affect the signal.  Nothing can affect the signal.  Information is conserved.  
You can always reconstruct the signal out of the noise.  That's what filter theory
is all about.  Digital Signals Processing.  When I was in Signals Intelligence, we
never jammed.  We asked the commanders to never jam.  Always better to listen.  
Just like stupid criminals, the enemy will tell you everything if you let him.  
     Nothing can change the frequency of a signal.  God says so.  If you don't believe
God, you can ask a physicist to explain it to you.  My graduate advisor Neil Frazer
explained it to me.  This is an important lever that you should be taking advantage
of.  Your systems operate in the real world, and so are subject to the physics of
the real world.  You cannot practice cryptology in the realm of pure math and
expect it to work in the real world.  Computer science is pure math, Donald Knuth
(The "K" is pronounced.  It's German.) says so.  Understand the physics, practice
in the real world.  WIN!  
"Science News: Earth's Core Didn't Stop Spinning! Here's What's Going On."
by Sabine Hossenfelder
     I will not belabor the obvious.  
"Quaternions are Amazing and so is William Rowan Hamilton!"
by Kathy Loves Physics & History
     Euler is pronounced "oiler".  That is how the owner of the name pronounced it.  
     For a vector function F,
     Del -> Gradient,  ∇ F = gradient of F.  Del operator operating on F.  
A vector indicating the direction and magnitude of maximum decrease of F for
each point in the space.  
     Convergence -> Divergence, ∇ • F = divergence of F.  Dot product (scalar
product) of the del operator operating on the function F.  The rate at which
"density" exits a given region of space.  
     Twirl -> Curl, ∇ X F = curl of F.  Cross product (vector product) of the
del operator operating on the function F.  The vector having magnitude equal to
the maximum "circulation" at each point with direction perpendicular to the
tangent plane of circulation at a given point.  
     ∇² F, del squared of F gives the sum of the second partial derivatives of F.  
For example in 3 dimensions,
∇²φ = (∂²φ / ∂x²) + (∂²φ / ∂y²) + (∂²φ / ∂z²)
     Vector calculus.  
Robert Gilmore says,
     An algebra with the antisymmetric multiplication defined by the commutation
relations and that has the derivation property is called a Lie (pronounced Lee) algebra.  
     Operators that close under commutation belong to a finite-dimensional Lie algebra.  
Transformations described by a finite number of continuous parameters belong to a
Lie group.  
"^" means exponentiation.  "_" means subscript.  "i" means imaginary unit (ya,
there are a lot of them and they are all different).  
     Real numbers are scalars.  R, 2^0 dimensions.  
     Complex numbers are scalars.  C = R + i_1 R, 2^1 dimensions, complete.  
     Quarternions are scalars.  Q = C + i_2 C, 2^2 dimensions, not commutative.  
     Octonions, also called Cayley numbers, are scalars.  
O = Q + i_3 Q, 2^3 dimensions, not commutative, not associative.  
     J = O + i_4 O, 2^4 dimensions, not commutative, not associative,
not a division ring.  
     K = J + i_5 J, 2^5 dimensions, not commutative, not associative,
not a division ring, not something that obviously makes sense.  
Ya, you can go on, but they are still scalars.  
Ya, I know they are sometimes modeled as vectors, but they are scalars.  
For example, in
Ae^(iπθ), polar form,
θ is a phase, not a direction.  And A is the amplitude which is the square
root of the probability.  So, ya, A can be negative.  That just means the point has
been inverted through the origin.  Conjugate means the point has been inverted
through the Real line (usually the x-axis in common notation).  The Real numbers
don't have to be modeled on a line.  Lots of other ways to model the continuum.  
In rectangular form,
a + ib,
probability = [sqrt(a^2 + b^2)]^2
     A 1st rank tensor is a scalar.  A 2nd rank tensor is a vector.  A 3rd rank tensor
is a matrix.  A 4th rank tensor is a 3-dimensional rectilinear array of scalars that
has certain properties.  Etc.  
     A spinor is a vector in C_2, a complex 2-dimensional vector space.  Ya, it's
just an initial definition.  
"United States v. Zheng"
     " “Steganography Egress Summary” that spends about 2 pages describing
Zheng’s steps (p 6-7).  That document has some really good detail."  
-- Bruce Schneier
"The Silicon Valley spies:
NSA is scooping up laid off Big Tech workers in largest hiring spree in past 30 years -
as firms such as Meta, Zoom and Twitter shed their workforces"
by Neirin Gray Desai
Hat tip to Docent at Practical Eschatology at
      The National Security Agency is embarking on its largest hiring spree in 30 years.  
The intelligence agency is targeting those laid off by Silicon Valley companies.  
It has been poaching tech workers via LinkedIn and posted dozens of job listings.  
[What do all of these employees and companies have in common?  They are totally
woke.  Do you think they will be able to keep up with you? -- Jon Low]  
"What's Going Wrong in Particle Physics? (This is why I lost faith in science.)"  
by Sabine Hossenfelder
     Sabine talks about CP (Charge, Parity).  When I was in school, Madame Wu had
recently experimentally proven that Parity is not conserved (there is a fundamental
difference between right-handed and left-handed systems at the atomic level) and
the solution to the problem that that created was the conservation of CPT (the
conservation of the total of Charge, Parity, and Time under an appropriate addition
operation).  Sabine (and a lot of physicists now days) has a different concept of
time than we had back when I was in school.  That's why she talks about CP
instead of CPT.  
     Our cryptosystems operate in the real world.  So you have to write your programs
to take into account the physics of the real world.  Ask anyone who designs GPS.  
(Global Positioning System, or any of the other systems that other countries have  
put in place.)  
Clocks run slower at the surface of the Earth than they do out in space (even low
Earth orbit where GPS satellites live).  Signals moving from the satellite to the
surface of the Earth lose potential energy in the Earth's gravitational field, so the
frequency of their carrier increases to conserve total energy.  (The photons don't
speed up as they fall.  The speed of electro-magnetic radiation is fixed at c.  
Or, in this case the speed of photons in our atmosphere, which changes density
with altitude.)  The signal frequency doesn't change.  Nothing in the universe can
change the frequency of a signal.  (Because that would induce causality conflicts.)  
     Do you see what I'm getting at?  If some bureaucrat is telling you not to worry
about it and to just finish the project, you have not stepped through the looking glass.  
You're just working for idiots.  
Robert Gilmore says,
     What are the dimensionalities for the carrier spaces of fully symmetric and
antisymmetric r_th-order tensor product representations of the general transformation
of basis group in V_N?  
     This question stated for the symmetric subspace is equivalent to the
"Bose-Einstein" counting problem:  how many ways can r indistinguishable balls be
put in N distinguishable boxes?  [(N + r - 1)!] / [r! (N - 1)!]  
     For antisymmetric bases, the question is equivalent to the "Fermi-Dirac" counting
problem:  how many ways can r indistinguishable balls be put in N distinguishable
boxes, with at most one ball in each box (Pauli Exclusion Principle)?  
[N!] / [r! (N - r)!]  
[See M. Born, "Atomic Physics", New York: Hafner, 1963.]
     Nonlocal metrics are called form factors and have been used in the quantum theory.  
See H. A. Bethe, "Termaufspaltung in Kristallen", Annals of Physics (Leipzig),
3, 133 - 208 (1929).  
See N. N. Bogoliubov and D. V. Shirkov, "Introduction to the theory of Quantized
Fields", New York:  Interscience, 1959.  
N. Bourbaki, "Èléments de Mathématique, Groups et Algebras de Lie",
Paris:  Hermann, Chapter I, 1960.  
Saturn in Summer
"New magic in magic squares" by Mathologer
     Do you see how you can use this in your protocols?  Notice in the geometry
section of the video, rotations and inversions are necessary.  Do you understand
what that means, which groups we are operating in?  When operating in a
D-dimensional space, mirror inversions are rotations of your D-dimensional
object in a D+1 dimensional space.  
     Prof. Polster takes it up a level by going to higher dimensions.  Can you take
it up higher?  Do you see what happens in higher dimensions?  Remember the
unit hyper-cube is the only structure that has constant volume as dimension goes to
infinity.  The unit hyper-sphere's volume goes to zero as dimension goes to ∞.  
The hyper-volume of anything that circumscribes the unit hyper-cube goes to ∞ as
the dimension goes to ∞.  The mirror inversions mean that you always need D+1
dimensions to rotate your D dimensional object.  (The Mirror Visitor)  
     Can you take it up a level using trig functions (continuous rotations, as opposed
to just 5 rotations in 2-dimensions)?  Because then you can use floating point
operations on your computer instead of integer operations.  What magic can you
wrought with that?  Yes, we are getting close to the Banach-Tarski construction.  
Hey, that construction is no joke.  I spent a semester in grad school trying to
understand it.  It's really silly, because infinite sets don't conserve volume,
or any measure when your subsets are not contructible.  
     "Premature optimization is the root of all evil."  
-- Donald Knuth
     *****     *****     *****  Intelligence   *****     *****     *****
“You are no more armed because you are wearing a pistol
than you are a musician because you own a guitar.”
from "Principles of Personal Defense" by Col. Jeff Cooper, USMC, (1920 – 2006 A.D.)
     In case you didn't notice, Brandon's administration allowed a ChiCom recon
aircraft to traverse CONUS from Alaska to South Carolina.  
     "We are preventing the balloon from transmitting anything back to the Chinese."  
Who would believe such a statement?  Oh, right, everyone who doesn't understand
electro-magnetic theory.  
"How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline" by Seymour Hersh
     Command detonation versus timed detonation.  Where have I heard that before?  
Oh, right, the guys who attempted to blow up Brandons motorcade in Nantucket, MA.  
Correction, they did blow up the motorcade.  It's just that Brandon wasn't in it.  
"Peter Zeihan - Most People Don't Realize How Things Are Getting Uglier For Russia"
"Why Putin Can't Stop Killing Russian Billionaires" by Proactive Thinker
"Why Putin Can't Stop Killing Russian Billionaires [Part 2]" by Proactive Thinker
"Why China is losing the microchip war" by VOX
"Wagner Group releases graphic video of corpses in
desperate plea for more ammunition" by Nataliya Vasilyeva
"This Genius Propeller [toroidal] Will Change Transport Forever" by Ziroth
     Compare to the propellers that U.S. subs use.  Run Silent Run Deep, because
at depth (higher pressure) there is less cavitation.  
     Compare to magnetohydrodynamic propulsion.  Hey, this was in my high school
physics textbook.  What's the point of degaussing the ship if you're going to use
this system of propulsion?  
"The $170 Billion Collapse of China’s HNA Group" by Asianometry
“If you are reading this and can’t put your hand on your defensive firearm,
all of your training is wasted.” -- Col. Jeff Cooper
     "You can’t truly call yourself 'peaceful' unless you are capable of great violence.  
If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful, you’re harmless.  
Important distinction." -- Stef Starkgaryen
Semper Fidelis,
Jonathan D. Low
Radio:  KI4SDN




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