Thursday, July 16, 2020

CWP, 16 July MMXX Anno Domini

Hi Sheepdogs,
     Happy 244th Birthday!

     I write a lot of text in these blog postings, because I know a lot of you
will not invest the time to read or watch the citation.  So, I give you a
synopsis to entice you to click on the citation and follow through.  Or, I give
you a summary, in hopes that at least some of the valuable information will

     May I invite your attention to,
The Active Self Protection National Conference:
Bullets and Bibles - 25-27th September 2020 located in Manhattan, KS
     A fund raiser for Homes of Hope that provides food, lodging, and life skills
training for kids who have aged out of the foster care system.
And Flint Hills Foster Teen Camps that provide summer camps for foster children
who otherwise would not be able to afford such.

     "Knowing that intercessory prayer is our mightiest weapon and the supreme call
for all Christians today, I pleadingly urge our people everywhere to pray . . .
Let there be prayer at sunup, at noonday, at sundown, at midnight -- all through the
day.  Let us all pray for our children, our youth, our aged, our pastors, our homes. 
Let us pray for our churches.  Let us pray for ourselves . . .
Let us pray for our nation.  Let us pray for those who have never known Jesus Christ
and redeeming love . . .
Let prayer be our passion.  Let prayer be our practice."
-- General Robert E. Lee

*****     *****     ***** Software *****     *****     *****

"Fear is an instinct. Courage is a choice."
-- Rear Admiral Joseph Kernan, USN

----- Mindset -----

"Panic is simply the lack of preprogrammed responses." 
-- Tom Givens

How to Minimize Drama!  by John Farnam

Controlling Your Fear by Sheriff Jim Wilson

     The public dismisses those of us who prepare for the zombie apocalypse,
because the public is so insulated that they don't know that the zombies exit. 
"Prepare For The Zombie Wars" by John Connor
     “Wait,” said VZ. “Seriously, we have fought these guys.”  It’s true.
We’d fought people stoned outta their skulls on everything from khat to
crack, hash to meth; wild-eyed religious fanaticism to Wild Turkey with
an LSD chaser.  And who’s more dangerous than a scumbag so brain-fried on
PCP he’d snap the links of handcuffs, fracturing his wrists in the process,
and still try to strangle you or stab you with his own protruding
splintered bones?
     Thugs and suicide bombers soaked in stimulants and painkillers are
already epidemic in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. We had all had to
shoot some whacko right down to the deck and keep shootin’ ’till his
clothes caught fire; delivered guaranteed-fatal wounds on loony-goons who
were clinically dead but hadn’t got the telegram.

It’s about prevention, not response.
-- Michael Mann

     Even in peaceful Nashville, TN we fight the drunks and meth heads
every night in the emergency rooms.  And those are the sane ones.  The
psych patients that the police (and Paramedics, more highly
trained than the Emergency Medical Technicians, who are more highly
trained than the First Responders) dump on us are even worse. 
The nurses have to sedate them before we can ship them off to a psych
ward, if we can find one that will accept them.  (And most won't
because they are infected with Covid-19.)  And guess who has to hold
them down so the nurse can inject them? 

     There are courses that teach you how to escape from restraints. 
This assumes you have submitted or been forced into the restraint. 
     Do not submit to any kind of restraint.  For this is akin to
submitting to being moved (kidnapped).  Submitting to anything that
the bad guy wants you to do is WRONG.  The situation will never get
better, it will only getting worse.  Better to fight with everything you
have now.  Right now, without telegraphing your intent.  Explosive
attack, now!  Gouging eyes is always good. 
     If you think you can't win, so you should not fight, you are
WRONG; and desperately need to read  "Principles of Personal Defense"
by Jeff Cooper. 
     If you think that if you submit, your attacker will show you
mercy, you are WRONG, statistically and practically.  Your attacker
is not like you.  He does not think as you do.  He is not civilized. 
He is not decent.  To assume that he is, is criminal stupidity. 

"Your Firearm As Your Last Resort" by Dr. Michael Sweeney
(Check out the author's bio at the end of the web page. 
UPS endowed a chair at Hillsdale College.  That's significant. 
It says which side of the culture war they are on. 
I used to work for UPS.  My son presently works for UPS.)
     "Concerned about the cost, I talked to my wife, who advised
“You should spend at least as much for training as you spent on
the gun.”  A wise woman and a good rule to follow."
     [My father told me to judge a man by the women he associates with: 
wives (in Saudi they have up to 4), girlfriends, business partners, etc. 
-- Jon Low]

"I Am Afraid to Start Concealed Carrying" by Carrie Lightfoot

Concealed Carry Mindset by Carrie Lightfoot

Cultivate the habit of treating other people like *people.* by Kathy Jackson
     A firearm can never get you out of the kind of trouble a big mouth gets you into.

‘I live in a nice neighborhood’ by The Tactical Professor (Claude Werner)
     "Serious crime knows no borders, regardless of how nice your neighborhood is."

     In my classes, I teach that you need to decide, now, how much physical abuse
you are willing to tolerate before you use lethal force.  If you don't establish
a clear line in the sand now, you will never use deadly force in self-defense,
because the situation will escalate until you are dead without you deciding to
react, because you won't know when to react, because you haven't established any
     Some of my students are surprised when I tell them my personal decision;
that I have decided that I will will not let anyone punch me.  Because at my age,
61, and my physical condition, not that great, I don't think I could survive a punch. 
(And yes, as Greg Ellifritz suggests, I have been punched; in sport and in combat.)
For those who think my decision is unreasonable, please consider the following: 
"Deaths from a single punch not that uncommon" by AIMEE GREEN
     So, think about it, and decide now.  Because you won't have time to decide in combat. 
You won't be able to decide in combat. 

Self-defense From A Former Woman International Protection Agent by Mary Beth Wilkas Janke
     I have noticed that everyone who writes about self-defense mentions physical
fitness.  Fat couch potatoes may live long enough to procreate in a peaceful society. 
We are always playing with probabilities.   

Avoidance, Deterrence, and De-escalation
-- John Farnam

----- Safety -----

Jeff Cooper's Rules of Gun Safety

The Four Rules of Firearm Safety by Jeff Gonzales

". . . someone's gun went BANG!!! when they only expected a click." by Kathy Jackson
     So now he is holding an "empty" gun in one hand, and the other hand has
the magazine and the newly un-chambered "Barney" round.
. . . when he pressed the trigger ...
How did this happen?

     Yesterday, I drove home from Strategic Edge Gun Range with the key for the
range control system in my pocket.  The owner, Tony, had to phone and email me
to tell me to bring the key back, because they could not make the rifle range
hot without the key (the lights, sirens, and such are all controlled by the
computer system, and without the key the range stays cold, because the system
thinks someone is still down range, because you take the key when you walk or
drive one of the golf carts down range).  Extremely embarrassing for me. 
So, why did it happen?  What causes such mishaps?  The Marine Corps says,
1.  Distraction, i.e. allowing yourself to be distracted.
2.  Time compression, i.e. rushing (usually self imposed and unnecessary). 
3.  Breaking habits, i.e. failure to follow established protocols.
[Why does the Marine Corps care?  Because the guy who explained this all to
us had crashed an F-18.  And the Marine Corps wanted to prevent such mishaps. 
So, the entire Marine Aircraft Group - 49 stood down for a day to listen to
this pilot and review all of our protocols.]
     Solution to the problem -- Pay attention to what you are doing. 
Take your time to do what you are doing carefully.  Do what you are
supposed to do, no short cuts.  Protocols are established for a reason,
even if you don't know the reason, even if you think you are smarter
than the guy who established the protocols. 
     Sgt. Maj. Troy told me that upon arriving at a new command, observe
for the first month, before making any changes.  Because they may be doing
it that way for a good reason. 

Don't go to stupid places.
Don't do stupid things.
Don't hang out with stupid people.
Be in bed by 10 PM.  Your own bed.
Don't look like a freak.
Don't fail the attitude test.
-- John Farnam

Why handgun retention training is essential by Marty Katz
"It is highly likely that if someone gets your firearm ‒ for any reason ‒ that person will kill you"
     Wow, these techniques (12 all together) are very different from what
was taught at the Tactical Conference recently (year before last, because
this year's conference was canceled) by Fletch Fuller of
The technique taught at Tac Con was much simpler, just one technique, not 12. 
Much easier to remember, much easier to execute, and keeping both of the
defender's hands on the pistol or the attacker's hands which are on the pistol. 

"The fast and/or emphatic reholster is an awesome way to shoot yourself."
-- Chuck Haggard

----- Training -----

“You are no more armed because you are wearing a pistol
than you are a musician because you own a guitar.”
from Principles of Personal Defense by
Col. Jeff Cooper, USMC, (1920 – 2006 A.D.)

Terrorism for the Security Professional

TACTICAL CONFERENCE 2021 (will be sold out by October 2020)
Fri, Mar 26, 2021, 8:00 AM – Sun, Mar 28, 2021, 6:00 PM CDT
Dallas Pistol Club
1830 West Beltline Road
Carrollton, TX 75006

     Tom Givens says you need to be able to do 4 things: 
1.  Get the pistol out of the concealed holster and on target.
2.  Get good hits at 7 yards. 
3.  Reload if necessary.  (A low probability event in civilian self-defense.) 
4.  Clear malfunctions if necessary.  (A low probability event, if you have kept
your pistol clean, are using factory new ammunition that you have practiced
with to know that it feeds and chambers reliably, and don't cause a malfunction. 
You won't cause a malfunction if you have had competent training and have
recently practiced what you were taught.) 
     The 4 things are listed in chronological order.  You have to practice
presentation from the concealed holster to the target a lot in order to make
it reliable.  Otherwise, your presentation will get fouled under stress. 
[For example, after the gunfight, assuming you survive, you won't be able
to figure out how you jammed your thumb.  You jammed your thumb by ramming
it into the back strap of your pistol, because you hadn't practiced
establishing your proper grip enough to automatically get your hand into
the correct position under stress.]
     Only when you have gotten your pistol on target do you have the option
of shooting.  Yes, that's the way you should think about it.  Presenting to
the target does not mean you will shoot.  Shooting is not part of the
presentation.  So, shooting should not be practiced as part of the presentation. 
Shooting should always be a separate intellectual decision. 
Trust me, you don't want to engrain the habit of shooting every time you
present to the target.  Because if you do, you might not be able to override
that habit in combat.  ("I didn't mean to shot him.  It was an accident." will
get you charged with negligent homicide.  Remember, self-defense shootings
are intentional, not accidental.)
     Only after you shoot, may it become necessary or prudent to reload. 
If you've run the gun dry, it's necessary.  If not, it may be prudent, if you
are behind cover and you feel the situation allows you the time.  You should
consider the amount of time that the reload would take if you fumble the
reload.  Just as we always consider the amount of travel time to a new
location in the event we get lost.  (And we always get lost, because the maps
are obsolete.  [We are Marines, not James Bond.]  The enemy is jamming the
GPS.  [Yes, even encrypted GPS can be jammed.  The Russians have very good
jammers.  Some of our former allies have our jammers, which work very well.] 
And nobody practices enough with the Lensatic Compass and maps to be competent,
because we have GPS.)
     Only after you have fired, might it become necessary to reduce a stoppage. 
(If you have to reduce a stoppage before firing, because you carry your pistol
without a round chambered, you are WRONG on many levels.  An instructor told
us about an incident in which the 1st defender wimped out and cowered behind
cover.  So, the 2nd defender took the 1st defender's pistol and attempted to
shoot the bad guy.  The pistol did not fire.  So, the 2nd defender automatically
cleared the malfunction and shot the bad guy, effectively stopping the incident. 
Unfortunately, the amount of time taken to clear the malfunction gave the
second bad guy, the opportunity to wound the 2nd defender.  I paraphrase and
summarize, as the incident was much more chaotic and complicated than that. 
But, the point is that not carrying your pistol with a round in the chamber
may cause some other good guy to get grievously wounded.) 
So, you should know Tap, Rack, Point; and Lock, Strip, Rack, Load; or
Unload, Load.  Various schools teach stoppage reduction in all kinds of ways. 
     For all of the foregoing, find a technique that you can understand and do,
and then practice it to the point of unconscious competence.

Defensive Handgun Training: 3 Critical Fundamentals by Sheriff Jim Wilson

". . . practical knowledge, though teachable, cannot be truly mastered without experience . . ."
-- Mortimer J. Adler

After Action Report of Tom Givens' Combative Pistol course
     The reason you have to rack the slide when reloading after your pistol
has run out of ammo, rather than pressing the slide release lever, is that
your slide might not be locked back.  You must use a technique that will
always work, not one that only works when the slide locks back. 
     Ya, you can tape your hands to avoid blisters.  But, the better solution
is to deburr your pistol and all other equipment that you will be using. 
Admittedly, you might not know where to remove material until you get
the blisters.  But, if your pistol feels like a used bar of soap, you're
     Yes!  Taking the slack out of the trigger after reset is essential! 
     Yes!  You have to have a working gun and ammunition.  You can tell
real gunfighters, especially infantry, they are always happy to carry extra
water and ammo. 
     Yes!  Recency of practice is far more important than volume of practice. 

Active Self Protection
     All kinds of good stuff at this web site. 

     Dr. Tony Kern and Gordon Graham discuss how leaders in high-risk industries
can better understand the factors that lead to human error and develop strategies
to help personnel make safer decisions under time pressure.
     Understand that self-defense combat is a high-risk low-frequency event. 
The discussion in the video has that underlying assumption. 
     Tragedy is caused by error.  Error is identifiable and manageable. 
Small mistakes snowball into fatal mistakes.  In the example given,
within 31 seconds. 
     Political correctness and popular culture have corrupted classical
"To err is human, but to persevere in error is only the act of a fool."
-- Cicero
It's not, "to forgive is divine."  That's just popular culture stupidity. 
[This is akin to self-professed Christians thinking that when you die
you go to heaven and become an angel with wings.  That is not Christian
theology.  God created the angels before the humans.  They are entirely
different.  Or, the stupidity of "God helps those who help themselves." 
That is not Biblical.  That is not Christian theology.  It's just pop
culture, like the Easter Bunny.  And the most widespread and perverse,
that good people go to heaven and bad people to go hell.  The Bible and
Christian theology says -- First, there are no good people.  Second, only
repentant people go to heaven.  -- Jon Low]
     Solution:  Avoid the first mistake by training and practicing. 
Recover from the first mistake (as opposed to letting it snowball) by
training and practicing.  This is not a thought experiment, you actually
have to do it.  Your company will not pay you to do it.  You have to
do it on your own time, at your own expense. 
     The "violation" that they talk about is to us, breaking a safety
rule (yes, I'm talking about during combat). 
     "But, Staff, it's combat.  Things are chaotic.  We can't be expected
to follow all the safety rules in combat." 
     WRONG!  If you don't follow the safety rules in combat, you'll shoot
the good guys, you'll shoot the innocent bystanders, you'll shoot yourself.
     "DON'T VIOLATE!  STAY COMPLIANT!"  That means obey the 4 safety rules.
     Time pressure causes errors.  Solution:  Practice slowly and correctly. 
Speed will come automatically with correct practice, because slow and
correct is efficient.  Efficient is fast, because all extraneous wasted
motion is eliminated.  [I know this is counter-intuitive, but it is true.]
     The problem occurs when the enemy takes you off your behavioral
script.  A competent chess player will intentionally make a move that is
not in any of the books (especially when playing against computers),
even if the move is inferior to known moves, because it takes the opponent
off script (or out of the book).  The opponent is now in uncharted territory.
It is much easier to kill your enemies when they are off script.
[The Marine Corps first taught me this at Marine Forces Pacific, G-2
at Camp Smith in Hawaii in the early 1990's.  I didn't get an opportunity
to use this until Operation Iraqi Freedom.  We implemented the technique
in Riyadh, KSA; Ankara, Turkey; and various locations in Iraq.  It works.]
     If you sprung a leak in your spacesuit and only had 10 seconds to
live, what would you do? 
     "Plan for 9 seconds and then execute." -- Neil Armstrong
     We learn from experience.  Unfortunately, experience kills a lot
of people in the first failure. 
     Meeting minimum standards does not ensure survival.  You may have to
be performing at a high level to survive.  [Whoa!  Stop and think about that.]
I was on a Delta Airlines flight landing at the Philadelphia, PA airport. 
Just before we touched the runway, the pilot pulled up sharply forcing
everyone back into their seats (high G force for a commercial airliner). 
Banked to the left and came around to attempt another landing.  After
we landed, the pilot got on the intercom and informed us that the air
traffic controllers had two airplanes landing on the same runway and he
didn't think we would both fit.  (I later found out that the airplanes
were approaching the runway from opposite directions.  Stop and think
about that.  You're supposed to land into the wind.)  [I don't like
using the word aircraft because you don't know if they are airplanes or
helicopters.]  The point is that we, passengers, are alive today because
the pilot had situational awareness, recognized the problem, and acted
decisively.  It was actually a very difficult maneuver, because there
were multiple runways, so there were other aircraft that he had to avoid
colliding with. 
     If you are not using a check list, you are WRONG!
     "In government, changing a curriculum is more difficult than moving
a small town graveyard."  That's why you have to get your training in
the private sector.  Tom Givens says, if your instructor hasn't taken a
class in the past 10 years, he's teaching obsolete doctrine.  I make
changes to my curriculum after every class I attend or every book I read,
always striving to incorporate best practices.  [Ya, I disregard a lot
of stuff too.  And I experiment with a lot of stuff before deciding
whether or not to implement it.]
     What you learn from experience is mediocrity.  To progress, you
have to get expert training. 
     Expert is not necessarily professional. 
(Many instructors object to the government regulations and taxation,
and so don't take money for their services.)  As the gentlemen in the
video say, government regulators destroy quality.  That is why I would
never be a licensed Professional Engineer.  Like the free masons of
ancient Europe, not the modern boys club, I was a software engineer. 
Software engineers are not licensed in any state in the United States. 
This is important.  When your children ask you what profession to go into,
think about this. 
     Expert is not necessarily expensive. 
(Many instructors work through non-profits or church ministries and
don't charge money for their services.  Because they believe in our cause.)
     It's your responsibility to get trained.  Because only you and
your family will suffer the consequences of your failure. 
     "Professional" first uttered in 1420 A.D.  Trade guilds. 
Life time of continuous improvement and opportunities. 
Novice, apprentice, journeyman, craftsman, master craftsman.
Over a 25 year career.  The Master craftsman is expected to add something
new to the craft, as a Doctorate is expected to contribute something
new to his field in his dissertation.  I would add that it is the
duty of the Master to teach, to ensure the next generation is competent. 
     You have to be, not seem to be. 
     As seen on a tee shirt,
"SWAT because not every cop can get through motorcycle school."

The Home Defense Rig by John Connor
     . . . he had gone through the motions of “being prepared” while really
being completely unprepared.  . . . 
Simply put, he had the hardware, but not the enabling software.
     [You have to be able to carry your defensive tools with your hands free.]

Front Sight 4-day Defensive Handgun class (free)
Let the video play through and then click on the green button. 
Fill out the form.  Ya, you're going to be put on their emailing 
list, so you might want to use a different email address.  But,
it's still a great deal. 

Things You Can Learn From Watching Yourself Train by Joshua Gillem

Terrorism Prevention for Security, a seminar presented by Michael Mann on 7/14/2020
     In small scale attacks such as against your church, expect the enemy
to recon one to two weeks before the attack.  (Large scale such as the 9/11
attacks would be on the order of years.) 
     The purpose of the attack is to get you to over react and to create an
environment of fear.  So, your planning should be to avoid these results. 
     The attack requirements are: 
1.  Select the target.  So, you should cause the enemy to not select your facility
as a target.  [Publicly announcing that your facility is a gun free zone,
as the United Methodists have done on their web site, will cause the enemy to
select your facility.  Holding regular defensive pistol courses at your church
will make it common knowledge that your church is not a gun free zone, will cause
the enemy to decide not to select your facility.  -- Jon Low]
2.  Gather intelligence.  The enemy does most of this online, but someone
from the enemy unit will come to your facility in person one to two weeks
before the attack to verify ingress and egress, count persons, count security
personnel, verify traffic patterns, verify floor plans, etc.
3.  Surprise victims.  Without surprise, the enemy is at a horrible disadvantage
and will generally abort the mission.  [So, you have to have personnel out in
the parking lot greeting people and observing.  You must interdict in the
parking lot.  Once the enemy is in the building, it's too late.  -- Jon Low]
4.  Maintain control.  If the enemy cannot maintain control of the environment,
they will not be able to accomplish their mission.  So, you must plan to deny
them control.  [Train your people to immediately counter-attack. -- Jon Low]
5.  Mobile.  The enemy must be mobile in order to accomplish his mission. 
So, plan to deny him mobility.  [Know the choke points in your facility. 
Train your people to immediately move to the choke points and to control them.
-- Jon Low]
Cell phones, apps to turn your cell phones into dedicated walkie-talkies
     for your people.
Suspicious Activity Reports, fill them out and keep records.  So, the next
     time the guy shows up, you know he's a bad guy.  Otherwise, he's just another
Medical supplies, tourniquets, pressure dressings, chest seals, and the
     training to use them correctly.
Flashlight, this is a weapon.  If your flashlight cannot blind the enemy,
     you don't have a weapon. 
Utility tool, Leatherman or something like that.
Weapons, pistol, pepper spray, baton, Taser, etc. and the training to
     use them effectively, and the certification to legally use them.
     Strive for prevention, not response.  Train for deterrence and detection
by observation.
     Do not harden your target, because that will conflict with the mission
of your church.  No displays of force.  All weapons should be concealed. 
     Observe who is aware.  They will be either protectors, police, or
predators.  You should know who is who because you have introduced yourself
to all of the good guys, previously. 
     Identify system weaknesses by constantly observing.  Strive for
continuous improvement.  [If the powers that be won't make the necessary
changes to improve security, work around them.  Because this is a matter
of life and death.  -- Jon Low]

"Training is NOT an event, but a process.
Training is the preparation FOR practice".
-- Claude Werner

----- Practice -----

Why practice?
    "To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment
when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and
offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique
to them and fitted to their talents.  What a tragedy if
that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that
which could have been their finest hour."
-- Winston Churchill

Gunfighter Moment by Ken Hackathorn
     "For most people the decision phase is the most time consuming part of the equation."
     "You are what you practice . . . "
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz of Active Response. 

"The real value of training and practice isn't gaining technical competence,
it's achieving confidence in your abilities."
-- Claude Werner the Tactical Professor

     The students you may have --
0.  Intentionally unsafe.  Consciously incompetent. 
    This student should be asked to leave, as he is a danger to everyone. 
    This student will point his pistol at people, and when told not to do that, he will say,
    "It's okay.  It's not loaded."  This student will negligently shoot himself or others
    if you allow him to stay. 
1.  Unsafe gun handling, because he doesn't know any better. 
    Unconsciously incompetent.  You need to teach this student the safety rules. 
2.  Safe gun handling.  He knows that he needs training. 
    Consciously incompetent.  This student is ready for the manual of arms and marksmanship. 
3.  Competent gun handling.  Knows what to do, but has to think about what he's doing. 
    Consciously competent.  This student is ready for tactical scenarios without a shooting enemy. 
4.  Competent gun handling without conscious thought, so mental bandwidth may be
    used to make threat decisions, use of force decisions, and tactical decisions. 
    Unconsciously competent.  This student is ready for force-on-force training. 

     "Be careful what you practice.
Because you will do in combat whatever you
have practiced, no matter how ridiculous."
-- "Shooting in Self-Defense" by Sara Ahrens

----- Techniques -----

"Use only that which works,
and take it from any place you can find it."
-- Bruce Lee

     May I recommend you study magic (as in the performance art, not the occult)? 
You will find the principles very useful in your practice of self-defense. 
DO 9 Mind-Blowing Magic Tricks (Learn the Secrets Today!)
Deception, Perception, and the Psychology of Belief
     Remember the video I posted a few months ago where the guy lifts his shirt
and turns around to show that he is not armed, only to produce a pistol (that
was in his waistband) and shoot the victims?  He was using several principles
that are taught and studied in the art of theatrical magic. 
     Penn and Teller have several videos where they explain their tricks.  You
can find them on
     Utilizing the principles of misdirection (and others) will give you
valuable seconds in a fight, which may be the difference between life and death. 
Simply causing the enemy to see something that he doesn't understand
may be enough to disrupt his OODA loop. 
     As Sam Harris says, you don't have to practice and perfect several techniques,
you have to know the principles.  The execution will follow naturally from the
principles.  If the victims were aware of the principles they would not have been
deceived when the bad guy pulled up his shirt and turned around to show
that he was unarmed.  They would have understood what the bad guy was doing.
[Just as I was able to see a psych patient palm a hydrocodone tablet.]

The 3-E’s of Being Elusive by Evan D.

Instinctive Advantage Of The Laser Sight by Richard A. Mann
     This assumes you can see the laser dot on the target.  What if the dot
and the target are the same color?  What if the dot is too small for you to see? 
Which it will be at some distance.
     Do you know at what distance you can no longer resolve the dot?  in daylight
conditions?  in low light conditions?  If you are using your tactical flashlight
to illuminate the target, can you see your laser dot in the 500+ lumen shine
of your flashlight?
     What if the target is too bright for you to see the dot on it?  What if the
environment is too bright to see the dot?  Problems you don't have with a
passive iron sight system.  What if the batteries die?  What if the electronics
malfunction?  Iron sights don't require batteries and don't have electronic
circuits.  Combat is all about reliability.  Reliability is all about simplicity. 
     We do not recommend adjustable sights because they are fragile.  Fixed
sights have no moving parts and are thus reliable.  Laser sights are adjustable.  
If they were not, how would you zero them?
     If you don't have enough light to silhouette your sights against your target,
you don't have enough light to identify your target.  So, you should not be
shooting it.  The laser is not going to illuminate your target.  You need a flashlight
to illuminate your target. 
     The author says you can use the laser to aim the pistol when you can't
bring the pistol to your line of sight.  I don't think he has thought this out
or trained this.  The only time one would be shooting without using the sights
would be in a close contact situation.  Seeing the laser dot in such a situation
seems unlikely. 

THE DRAW by Stav and Mack (Stav's boyfriend)
     Good detailed descriptions and explanations. 
Notice that she machined her rear sight so that it doesn't tear her hand when
she racks her slide.
     She muzzles her left hand when holstering.  That's a problem with belly bands
that don't stay open.  Might want to put a kydex holster inside the belly band to
allow a one handed holstering operation. 
     She sent me an email saying she is not muzzling her hand,
that it's just a bad camera angle. 

Best AR-15 Battlesight Zero Distance by Travis Pike
Maximum Point Blank Range - the maximum range at which you can aim at your
intended target and expect to impact within a few inches of the point of aim
at all closer ranges. 
     There is an excellent hand drawn diagram about half way down the web page. 
(As Travis says, at least it's not drawn in crayon.  I don't know why people
are always joking about us, Marines, drawing with crayons.)
     "Hey, Staff, why are just about all of the people you cite, Marines?"  
     Bias, I guess.  Actually, it's cute chicks and Marines.

     Ralph Mroz says to zero your pistol at 25 yards, because from 0 to 25 yards
your point of impact will be within an inch of your point of aim.  So, 25 yards is
your Maximum Point Blank Range. 

"6 Reasons Why You Should Carry Defensive Tools in Front of the Hips" by Salvatore

     I'm sorry, I was not clear about squatting.  The Vietnamese general was
saying that the American soldiers could not squat because they lacked the
physical flexibility; and by metaphor, they lacked the mental flexibility to
understand the culture in which they were operating, so they could not assimilate,
so could not win the hearts and minds of the local people.  It would take a study
of Vietnamese literature to catch his allusions.  (I had studied some Vietnamese
literature as part of an Oriental Literature course at Punahou, before "Oriental"
became politically incorrect.)  But, the intelligence analysts got it, because
that's their job. 

Your Tactical Training Scenario . . . Injured Hands by Greg Ellifritz

How I Fooled Penn & Teller!! (FULL EXPLANATION) by Wes Barker
     This video is about methods.  Can you see how to apply these methods to
gain seconds in a gunfight? 

"It's not daily increase but daily decrease - hack away at the inessentials!"
-- Bruce Lee

----- Tactics -----

How do you win a gunfight?
Don't be there.
-- John Farnam

"Arc to the [enemy's] 9 o'clock or 3 o'clock position." -- Craig Douglas
See Craig's chapter in "Straight Talk on Armed Defense", ISBN: 9781440247545,
for details.  Do not turn your head to look behind yourself,
because that forces you to take your eyes off the threat in front of you.
Do not move backwards, because you are moving into territory you can't see.
(And tripping over things you can't see.  And moving into another bad guy.)

Post Auto Accident Tips by John Murphy

Lessons from a Texas Church Shooting by Massad Ayoob
     ". . . He is in a Chapman-style modified Weaver stance, gun arm locked straight
and support arm bent and pulling tight . . ." 

     Jack Weaver’s original Weaver stance had both arms bent.  Chapman’s modification
was to lock out the firing side elbow (so the firing side arm acts as the stock
of a long gun), bend the support side elbow and pull it down in front of the chest
(to allow pulling with the support side bicep muscle); push with the firing side
and pull with the support side. 
     Why do we teach the Weaver platform?
The advantages of the Weaver stance are that:
1. It places your support side arm in front of the vital organs in your torso, making
it more difficult for the enemy to strike your heart and lungs. (For those of us who
do not regularly wear body armor. If you are wearing body armor, it makes sense
to present the front of your armor to the enemy and not expose the side of your
2. It is the same stance for pistol and long gun. So, transitioning between the two
is easier than with other positions. We expect to transition. ["The purpose of the
pistol is to give you time to get to your rifle." – Jeff Cooper
If the forest is too dense to maneuver a long gun, or the building's passages are too
narrow for a long gun, or the tunnels are too small for a long gun, we will
transition to our pistol.]
3. It allows the shooter to pull with the support side arm bicep. If the support side
arm is locked out straight (as in the isosceles stance), you can't pull with the
support side arm. You have to pull with the support side arm to prevent the muzzle
from flipping up on recoil. If the muzzle flips up on recoil, it takes longer and is
harder to get the sights on the target for the second and subsequent shots.
4. It looks more aggressive to the enemy (a significant psychological advantage)
because it is a fighting stance similar to a boxing stance. The body language says,
“I am ready and willing to fight.”
5. It reduces the width of the target that you present to the enemy. This has a
strong psychological affect on the enemy as it makes his target smaller and thus
reduces his confidence in hitting his target.
6. It gives the shooter a supported position when the shooter transitions to the
kneeling position or the squatting position.
7. The Harries flashlight technique uses the Weaver stance.
8. It flows naturally from the interview position that you assumed, because you
were aware of the situation, because you were in condition yellow when the enemy
started the incident.

     I read a gun magazine web page article in which the author (a young kid)
(At 61, I can refer to 30 year olds as young kids.)
referred to the Weaver stance as "old and dusty".  Freedom of speech and a free
internet.  You have a duty to practice due diligence.  Because stupidity runs
rampant on the internet. 

Finding a “Hard Corner” by SHAWN VINCENT
     Mr. Vincent advises to find a hard corner and wait for police to arrive. 
I wouldn't bet my life on the police arriving at all.  My downstairs neighbor
called 911 when some guys tried to kick in her front door (attempted home
invasion).  The Metro Nashville police never showed up.  Hey, Saturday night,
lots of activity.  I get it.  But, the fact remains, the police never arrived. 
So, waiting for the police to arrive is not good advice.  How long are you
going to wait?  Until the enemy is able to break the door?
     Escape out of the residence?  Counter attack?  Call friends for help?
(Which is what my neighbor did.  I arrived in 15 minutes. Her husband nee
boyfriend arrived in 30 minutes.  She left to sleep at a friend's house.
I waited for the police to show up.  They never did.)
     If the police in your jurisdiction get de-funded, how long are you going
to wait?  Oh, I'm sorry.  That was a sarcastic rhetorical question.  There
won't be any police left when there is no funding for the police and the
active police officers are all being prosecuted by the District Attorney. 
In Nashville, District Attorney Glenn Funk is prosecuting Metro Police Officer
Andrew Delke for 1st degree murder in the shooting of Daniel Hambrick in
July of 2018.  The facts of the case are known and were made public.  No one
is arguing facts.  The prosecution is purely to appease Black Lives Matter
and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. 

You win gunfights by not getting shot.
-- John Holschen

----- Education -----

"You will never get smarter or broaden your horizons
if you're unwilling to learn from others and read."
-- Becca Martin

     My pastor, Heath Cross, says,
     Books are meant to be read cover to cover. 
In order to learn how to read, he recommends,
     "An Experiment in Criticism" by C. S. Lewis, 1961.
C.S. Lewis says there are three types of readers: 
Illiterate - cannot read at a high level. 
Aliterate - can read at a high level, but don't.
Literate - actually read at a high level. 
(Aliterate in the sense of asocial, as opposed to antisocial or social)
[I am not misspelling the word "alliterate".]
Some will not read.  Some will read a book only once.  Some will read a book
many times, getting more out of it every time.
     "How to Read a Book" by Mortimer Jerome Adler, 1940.
Do you take the things that you have learned from the book along with you in your
     "Conscientious Objections" by Neil Postman, 1988.
Some read for entertainment, some for information, but very few engage the text. 
     He recommends reading the King James version of the Bible.  It will
open Shakespeare to you. 
     Pastor Cross recounts at seminary how many confessed that they had never read
the Bible cover to cover.  In the first century, Jesus of Nazareth revealed
God to the illiterate masses through spoken parables.  In our times, God
reveals Himself to us through a book. (because the masses around here are
at least functionally literate)  You have to be able to read at a high level
in order to understand.  Because the Bible is a translation of
a translation of a translation of ancient man's way of explaining things
in the context of that time.  There are many things not mentioned because
they did not exist at that time.  There are many things mentioned that
no longer exist. 
     In order to read, you have to have a scholarly dictionary at hand. 
May I recommend American Heritage,
and Random House,
Without the etymology and connotations, you won't get the allusions. 

The Psychology of Deterring Attackers–Part I, An Interview with William Aprill
The Psychology of Deterring Attackers–Part 2, An Interview with William Aprill
     Ask, Tell, Make. 
     We ask once, we tell once, and then we make ready.
     Ask, Tell, Make provides a layered, articulable explanation for
what you did and why you did it.
     Every inch is your friend, so keep moving. 
     “No, I’m sorry, I don’t.”  Tape loop.

"Four Cases That Show How An Eyewitness Can Be Unreliable" by Massad Ayoob
     If you are not looking for something, you very likely will not see it.
If you are not listening for something, you very likely will not hear it.
And if you do not understand what you have seen or heard,
it is as if you had not seen or heard it at all.

     Check out the resources at USA Carry.
Concealed carry maps.
State reciprocity maps.
     Check out the resources at
"Straight Talk on Armed Defense" edited by Massad Ayoob.  The authors are: 
John Hearne, Dr. Anthony Semone, Dr. Alexis Artwohl, Dr. William Aprill,
Craig “Southnarc” Douglas, Massad Ayoob, Tom Givens, Spencer Blue,
Ron Borsch, Harvey Hedden, Jim Fleming, and Marty Hayes.
ISBN: 9781440247545
     I recommend this book. 
     A collection of essays by subject matter experts.  Though some of
their discussions are not in line with their expertise as given in
their short bios.  Some of the authors have given citations in a scholarly
manner.  Others, not so much. 
     I got the downloaded PDF version, so I could read it immediately;
thinking that I could copy and paste excerpts into my review.  No such
luck.  The PDF file is "Secured".  Can't copy, can't print, etc.  Ya,
I could have broken it, but if they don't want people to excerpt, I'll
respect it. So, I paraphrase below and the text in quotes might have typos. 
     Study Craig's comments on "un-equal initiative" and "un-proportional armament". 
". . . the criminal has no ego investment in who wins or loses." 
[Well, I don't believe that's true.  Tom Givens told us of a study
in which the vast majority of interviewed convicts reported that the
reason they attacked/killed the victim was because the victim "dissed"
(displayed disrespect toward) the convict.  I think your failure to
submit would be perceived as a show of disrespect.  But, my experiences
are not statistically significant.  -- Jon Low]
Close range, multiple assailants, presence of a weapon.
"Every criminal assault that is not an ambush will begin with an encroachment problem."
"Arc to the [enemy's] 9 o'clock or 3 o'clock position."
     Study Col. Grossman's comments on "virgins discussing sex". 
"Lone Citizen Heroes" by Ron Borsch
     Only about half of rapid mass murders were stopped by anyone. 
     Of the half that were stopped, 2/3rds were stopped by on-site citizens
(mostly unarmed) or on-site security, not off-site police officers! 
     Winners and survivors are those who arrive at the act stage before
their adversary does.  (In the context of the OODA loop.)  The prepared
and practiced always act faster. 
     We tend to assume that the police will recognize we are one of
the good guys and this assumption can get us killed. 
     [Mr. Borsch advocates rendering first aid to the person you just
shot.  Because it will look good in court.  I disagree.  You should
assume the person you just shot is playing opossum and will kill 
you if you get close enough.  -- Jon Low]
     Mr. Borsch's words are more elegant than mine, but the sentiment
is that all mass murders happen in gun-free-zones. 
"Moving Forward" by Massad Ayoob
     We fear what we do not understand, and what we cannot control. 
[Ayoob then urges the reader to educate himself to understand the
enemy, and then get training and practice to be able to control
the situation.]

5 words of advice for millenials in college
(actually for everyone, especially the part about reading)

Free books of the day by the Tactical Professor
     cognoscente = A person with superior, usually specialized knowledge or
highly refined taste; a connoisseur.

"Cogito, ergo armatum sum." (I think, therefore armed am I.)
-- John Farnam

*****     *****     ***** Hardware (which includes you) *****     *****     *****

"I would like to see every
woman know how to handle
guns as naturally as they
know how to handle babies."
-- Annie Oakley

     I shot an AR-15 type match with iron sights at my club this morning. 
I hadn't shot a rifle match with iron sights since my last Known Distance
qualification course in the Marine Corps in 1985.  I knew I was going to have
trouble because I could not see the targets at 100, 200, 300, and 500 yards. 
(I could barely resolve the berm at 500 yards.)  The targets were 8" diameter
steel plates. 
     My eye glass prescription is correct.  I can focus.  But, I couldn't
resolve.  I can see the tree.  It's bright, clear, and in focus.  But, I
can't distinguish individual leaves as I used to be able to.  Resolution is
a function of the objective lens size.  Humans can't change their lens
size at will.  (lens, not pupil)  And unlike goats who have rectangular
pupils, human pupils are circular.  So, I couldn't improve target resolution
by turning my head 90 degrees to either side.  This is the result of aging
from 20 to 60.  But, any alternative to aging is suboptimal.  Not to worry,
as a human I can buy telescopic sights.  We do whatever we need to do to
stay at the top of the food chain. 

     The shooters were talking after the match and one old timer said,
"Shooting 100 yards is the same at shooting 500 yards.  Same technique,
same sight alignment."
     Another old timer replied,
"I've been in construction my whole life.  You put a 2X4 on the ground and
anyone can walk on it without falling off.  But, you suspend it between
scaffolding a couple floors up and you won't be able to find anyone willing
to walk on it, much less able to.  As long as you know it ain't the same,
it ain't the same."
     That's why you have to practice your long range, 25 yard, pistol shots. 
Practicing at 7 yards will not translate to being able to hit at 25 yards. 
Cause it ain't the same.  Ya, you're going to use the same sight alignment. 
But, not the same sight picture, because the front sight will be huge
compared to the target.  Not the same trigger control, probably much slower. 

----- Gear -----

“Mission drives the gear train.”
-- Pat Rogers

Issues with Weapon Mounted Lights by Greg Ellifritz
     "Weapon Mounted Lights are for shooting.  Handheld lights are for searching."
More Info on Weapon-Mounted Lights by Greg Ellifritz

"Always inspect ammo regardless of brand."  by Jeff Boren
     In case you don't understand the picture, the bullets are seated at
an incorrect depth in the case.  This is factory new Federal ammo.  If you
look carefully, you can see the bulge in the brass case indicating the
back end of the bullet. 
     If you make peanut butter in your kitchen, you can make it with
zero percent rat feces.  But, if you mass produce peanut butter, you
get a certain percentage.  That's why the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
has standards that tolerate a certain percentage of rat feces in your peanut
butter.  The cost of maintaining a zero percentage would make the retail
price of peanut butter prohibitive.  Another one of the lovely things you
learn in business school (or industrial engineering courses in engineering
     The analogy does not hold, because loading modern ammo safely is much
more complex (difficult) than making peanut butter safely. 

     I listened to a pod cast,
in which a panel of firearms instructors from Firearms Trainers Association said,
     A student will bring a revolver to your class.  You have to be able
to teach the student how to run that revolver.  Because that student
doesn't want to hear "That revolver is not an appropriate gun for self
defense."  [I paraphrase.]
     Yes, you as a instructor need to be knowledgeable in the running
of a revolver, so that you can teach the student how to do a support
hand only reload. 
     The student is paying you to tell him the truth, whether he wants
to hear it or not.  If you fail to explain to him why the revolver is
not appropriate for self-defense / combat, then you are negligent in your
duty to instruct. 
     As Tom Givens says,
The revolver is inappropriate for self-defense because it takes too
long to reload, is too difficult to reload, and has to be reloaded
too often. 
     I would add that the modern double action revolver is inherently
a "double-action-only" tool for combat.  Cocking the hammer (if it exists)
is inappropriate for combat because the trigger pull becomes too light
to control in a high stress situation and requires the operation of cocking
which costs time.  The double action trigger pull is long and heavy.  This
makes accuracy very difficult for persons with short fingers or weak hands;
or those who don't train enough (which is the vast majority of our community). 
     So, the truth is that the revolver is inappropriate for self-defense. 
If you don't explain this to your students, you are doing them a grave

10 Top .45 Pistol Options For Any Budget by Elwood Shelton
     The real advantage of a 45 ACP cartridge is that it is slow, as in
sub-sonic (~850 feet per second).  (Sonic is 1100 to 1200 feet per second,
depending on the environment.)    So, the 45 ACP is a much more efficient
projectile, because it is not losing energy to a super-sonic shock wave. 
Lower speed means less air resistance, less energy loss to the environment. 
That means more energy on target.  Almost all other self-defense pistol
rounds are super-sonic at the muzzle. 
     But, doesn't that mean that its trajectory is not as flat as the
faster rounds?  Yes, but the deviation from a Least Action space-time
line (light beam) is not significant at self-defense pistol distances. 
If zeroed at 25 yards, the point of impact will be within an inch of
the point of aim from 0 to 25 yards. 
     If zeroed at 7 yards, the point of impact will be about 9 inches
high at 25 yards.  So, if you aim at the center of the 8" diameter
(4" radius) plate at 25 yards, your bullet will miss over the top of
the plate by about an inch. 
     As long as super-sonic bullets are super-sonic they are in front
of their shock wave moving through clear air.  When they slow to make
the transition from super-sonic to sub-sonic speed, they are in their
own shock wave, which means turbulent air, which means unstable flight;
and a huge loss of energy.  The sub-sonic rounds don't have this problem. 


How to carry (and DRAW) from different outfits and holsters!
     Information starts at 1:44.  This is a women's clothing and concealment video. 
Women's Concealed Carry (play list)
Gear Reviews (play list)
     She is one of those who can rock a between the thighs holster.
     Ms. Avramidis offers a free book on Home Defense,
     Her web site,
     Good web site for female beginners.  Very friendly. 
I appreciate her reading list.
TOP 7 SELF-DEFENSE BOOKS | Books I recommend for concealed carry and self defense
TACTICA DEFENSE FASHION | Try-on and review of concealed carry clothing and holsters
Use code "Stavroula10" for 10% off your purchase at
BELLY BAND COMPARISON AND REVIEW | Rating 4 belly bands! Bravobelt, Tactica, Crossbreed, CanCan


Safest Belly Band Holster | Tactica Belly Band

Kim's Corner Ep 7: Belly Band Holster: Crossbreed Modular Belly Band Review

Concealed Carry in Skirts and Dresses!
     Apparently there are women who can rock the between the thighs holster. 

     The advantages of thigh carry when wearing a coat.
     Skirts give you options.  You have access to the waistline and to the thighs. 
     I would wear the garter belt, because I would worry about the thigh holster
sliding down my leg. 
     I would go with the sticky stuff against my skin to prevent the belly band
from moving around. 
     If you're going to wear a purse holster, the strap has to have a steel cable
running through it, and has to be across your body, not just over one shoulder. 

Concealed Carry for Women Summer Style Guide
     Knowing you can defend yourself without sacrificing your style. 
     Knot your shirt in front. 
     [Check out the outboard thigh holster. 
     Ya, I love chambray shirts.]

A montage of stylish concealed carry.

Concealed Carry Options For Women - What Is Right For You?
     A review of carry methods suitable for women.  Some interesting hacks for purse carry. 

5 Ways To Conceal in Summer
     The problem with the Sticky holster is that when you use the toilet
you have to put the holstered pistol somewhere.

Dene Adams Concealed Carry Holsters
     What a great video.

     So, the purpose of the foregoing was to prove that women can wear stylish
clothing and carry concealed.  So, don't use fashion as an excuse as to why you
aren't carrying.  No one's going to care about the excuse when the bad guys attack. 

     Can't find pipe cleaners because they are politically incorrect?
Don't like the "fuzzy sticks" at Hobby Lobby because they have too much lint? 
Try "Randy's bristled pipe cleaners" in regular and extra long.  Available at
your local smoke shop.  The bristles are stiff nylon.  So, they are not going
to scourer as would a bronze bore brush.  But, they work pretty well for gas
tubes and trigger mechanisms. 

     Tactical Target Systems
sent me some cardboard targets that are designed to hold 2 ceramic trap or skeet
targets, one in the center of the head and one in the high thoracic cavity.  So,
that from a distance you can see when you hit the target.
     They work.  I thought you might be interested in using them. 
No, I did not pay for them.  No, I did not ask for them. 

Is Hollowpoint the Best Defensive Ammo for Concealed Carry? by Massad Ayoob
     An essay explaining why the threat of over penetration should cause you
to choose to use hollow point ammo.

Tuckable holsters
     As in you can tuck your dress shirt over them. 

Streamlight Stylus PRO USB Penlight by Tom McHale
     apophthegm = A terse, witty, instructive saying; a maxim.

“Your car is not a holster.”
– Pat Rogers

----- Technical -----

"Real fights are short."
-- Bruce Lee

Hoppe's Videos
     Check out the videos on how to clean your firearm. 

How to Adjust Open Sights on a Handgun by Mark Dye
     Ya, you've got to have a sight pusher tool.  But, that might not be enough. 
The Springfield Armory XD's are extremely tight.  I've never been able to push
the rear sight on those pistols.  Got to put it in a vice (make sure you put a
piece of leather between the pistol slide and vice jaws) and tap it with a
bronze punch and hammer.  Got to etch some marks on the rear sight and the slide
so you can tell how far you've moved the sight. 

"The shorter the fight, the less hurt you get."
-- John Holschen

*****     *****     ***** Instruction *****     *****     *****

Colonel Robert Lindsey to his fellow trainers:
"We are not God's gift to our students.
Our students are God's gift to us."

----- Instructors -----

Remember, the students who require the extra effort are the ones who need us the most!
-- John Farnam

What All Instructors Need To Know (quotes from Tom Givens)
     Any trainer who hasn’t taken any training himself in the last
ten years is probably teaching obsolete doctrine. 

"How I Changed How I Teach Self Defense Law In My CCW Classes" by Jacob Paulson

     I always have one of Andrew Branca's Law of Self Defense classes (live or online)
as part of my Defensive Pistol course.  I must admit that sometimes the students neglect
to attend.  But, one can only lead a horse to water. 

     Be careful what you teach.  Because your students will do in combat
whatever you have trained them to do, no matter how ridiculous.
-- "Shooting in Self-Defense" by Sara Ahrens

----- Pedagogy -----

Teach positive.  Teach what to do.  Don't talk about what not to do.
-- John Farnam

On The Range: Mars vs Venus by Tatiana Whitlock

“I Grew Up Around Guns.”
The civilian equivalent to "Qualifying Expert" on the rifle or handgun range.
by Keith Finch
“If you’re incompetent, you can’t know you’re incompetent . . . 
The skills you need to produce a right answer are exactly the skills
you need to recognize what a right answer is.” -- Dunning

An instructor should not expect any learning to take
place the first time new information is presented. 
-- "Building Shooters" by Dustin Solomon

*****     *****     ***** Legal, Political, and Philosophical *****     *****     *****

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.
It is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other.
-- John Adams, October 11, 1798

Man Exploits Man! by John Farnam
     “Under capitalism, man exploits man.
Under Communism, it’s just the opposite!”
-- John Kenneth Galbraith

     We used to deride each other by asking,
If it went to trial, would there be enough evidence to convict you of being a Marine?
     If the communists (Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Democrats, etc.) take control,
will there be enough evidence to convict you of being a capitalist? a patriot?
a Constitutionalist? 

Escalation of Force by Don West and Andrew Branca
     The enemy with a knife is a deadly force threat at 21 feet (7 yards),
which means at 21 feet it's a tie, which means you get stabbed and die.  It doesn't
matter that you shot him.  You win the fight by not getting stabbed. 
     After being shot with a shotgun in the heart, the bad guy still has 5 to 15
seconds of mobility.  That's more than enough time to kill you. 

Voters need to demand change from the GOP by Tucker Carlson
Freedom of speech is freedom of thought.
Serve the middle class.

Five (5) Things Every Gun Owner Needs To Know by Arizona Attorney Marc J. Victor
1.  Just shut up.  (Mr. Victor gives many reasons.)
     Exceptions:  call 911, traffic tickets, only after consultation with your attorney.
2.  It all comes down to reasonableness. 
3.  Lawyers don't argue about the law, they argue about the facts.  (Not even the
     facts, but rather what witnesses say happened.  And of course, everyone is lying;
     intentionally or unintentionally.)
4.  Mandatory minimum sentences.  (That the jury never knows about.) 
     Would you risk a 50% chance of 20 years to life in prison against a 100% chance of probation? 
     That's a plea bargain.
5.  You will be prosecuted.  So, is what's going to happen worse than being prosecuted? 
Wow, this guy practices in Hawaii.  That's a tough jurisdiction; corrupt and full of nasty people. 

What the MSM (Main Stream Media) Was Afraid to Tell You
     What you believe depends on the sources you choose to consume.  I offer the
above as an alternative to the main stream media.  (As are John Farnam's Quips.)
     Security clearances are for consumers of intelligence.  Producers don't care
or need clearances.  The intelligence services are massive bloated bureaucracies. 
They produce very little useful intelligence.  The vast majority of what they
write in their reports and stamp classified comes from open sources.
     We are productive citizens.  We are not consumptive citizens. 
     The consumptive citizens are well defined.  The multi-generational welfare
recipients.  The drug addicts and homeless who use our hospital emergency rooms
as hotel rooms and never pay.  The recipients of government grants.  et al
     Never confuse compassion with criminal stupidity.  Such misinterpretation of
truth has tragic consequences. 

Little Choice!

     Tom Givens writes,
June 2020’s NICS-adjusted background checks were nearly off the chart.
It was the highest figure ever recorded in June and the second highest
on record since instant background checks began more than 20 years ago.
The June 2020 NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 2,177,586 is an increase of
135.7 percent compared to June 2019.
     Associated Press report,
     Chipman, a retired agent with the federal Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said the numbers are not mere blips. 
“This can no longer be characterized as a spike. This is a sustained
uptick in sales that has continued for an unprecedented amount of
months now,” he said.

Virginia Gun Sales Surge 157 Percent in June 2020

NYTimes: ‘Nothing to See’ as Murders Spike 22 Percent Amid Protests

     The big Democrat cities defund their police departments and release
all arrested suspects without bail.  So, violent crime skyrockets.  So,
the people buy guns to protect themselves.  What's not to understand? 

One America News Network
Check out Liz Wheeler on

     The following is in the legal section because it is legal advice concerning
liability aimed at the large number of people who carry a pistol, but are incompetent
to do so, because of lack of training and practice. 
"Why You Should Never Keep a Round Chambered in Your Firearm" by Firearms Attorney Marc J. Victor
     Every gun school that I have attended teaches to carry your pistol with
a round in the chamber, because there will not be time to chamber a round, and
you may not have the mental or physical capacity to chamber a round. 
     Mr. Victor is speaking to persons who carry, but are incompetent because
of lack of training.  Such persons present a danger to themselves and others
by unintentionally firing their pistols.  For such persons Mr. Victor advises
carrying with an empty chamber.  This is legal liability advice to incompetent
gun carriers.  This is not tactical advice to competent operators. 

Appropriate Force - A Citizen's Guide to Self Protection by Michael Mann
     Minimal reasonable force does not mean equal force. 
     You must have a training program for your security team for physical protection. 
     Force continuum: 
1.  Avoidance
2.  Presence (demonstration that you are aware of the threat, not a show of force)
3.  Call for help, call police
4.  Verbalization (tell them what you expect from them, ask them to stop, ask them to leave)
5.  Physical control (hands, intermediate weapons, etc.  In TN you need training and a
    certificate to possess a baton.  I said "possess", not "use".)
6.  Deadly force
     Escalation may be very fast.
     Appropriate force considerations: 
Relative strength
Skill level
Multiple assailants
     Display of a firearm.  Study the law. 
     Threat is intent (you can't read their minds, you have to look at behaviors and
what they are saying) and capability (do they have the means?).
     Practice low ready (not pointing at the assailant).  Know how to do it. 
Know when to use it.  Research the laws of your state. 
     Consider your weapons handling and where you are pointing your muzzles. 
     Ignorance of the law is no defense.  You don't have the immunity and privileges
that the police have. 

Disparity of Force by Don West and Andrew Branca
     Proportionality, not disparity.  Force is either deadly force
(death or serious bodily injury) or non-deadly force. 
What is in each category depends on state law.  Use of a pillow can be
deadly force if used to smother the other person.  Position of disadvantage. 
Injury.  Knowledge of the enemy at the time.  Past experience of the
other person. 
     The battered spouse can't shoot the abuser while he's sleeping
and use the legal defense of self-defense.  But, there have been cases
where the beating wasn't imminent, but was inevitable / unavoidable. 
Battered spouse syndrome.  And so, was acquitted.  Details were given
at a lecture at one of the Tactical Conferences in one of the past 5 years.

The MUST AVOID Self-Defense Insurance Trap by Attorney Andrew Branca
     Lockton is offering self-defense insurance that reimburses expenses
only after the charges are dropped or you are acquitted.  So, there is a
huge financial incentive for Lockton to ensure you get convicted.  So,
buying this insurance is criminal stupidity. 
     As Andrew says, "This insurance program is not fit for purpose."
Here are a couple of articles that review self-defense insurance programs. 
Pre-paid legal services:
6 Concealed Carry Insurance Options To Protect Your Six (2019)
by Gun Digest Editors
Self-Defense Gun Owner Insurance Programs Compared
     This web page, the chart, and the PDF file are updated on a regular basis.
     Be careful about USCCA,
     The headlines in The Town Talk (a Louisiana news organization, I'm trying to be polite)
articles claim Giles twice admitted that she murdered Thomas Coutee Jr. (the ex-husband).  Nothing
could be further from the truth.  She admitted to shooting him.  She admitted to killing him. 
She also claimed self-defense.  Which means she claims that the killing was righteous. 
     One has to be very careful when reading "news reports".  As my English professor, Yerkes,
once told me, "There is no journalism.  There is only propaganda.", referring to the Columbia
University Journalism School.

Symptoms! by John Farnam
And now for the other side of the coin --
     Black Lives Matter thought they had a great relationship with the Nashville
politicians, as Mayor Cooper attended one of their recent rallies in spite of
the Mayor's order forbidding gatherings of 10 or more persons.  But, the extremely
liberal Democrats of the Nashville City Council and Mayor stabbed BLM in the back
by increasing the Metro Nashville Police Department budget by 1.5 million dollars
in the budget passed last week. (They also increased property taxes by 37%.)
     It's one thing to mouth support for a cause.  It's an entirely different
thing to give up your police bodyguards.  No one in their right mind would do
that, said the council rep. from my district. 

All Time High: Now Over 18.6 Million Concealed Carry Permit Holders by Chris Eger
     Primary source,

Gun Laws by state

Gun laws --

"Indiana Waives 5-Year Gun Permit Fees, Protects Owners From Civil Suits" by Personal Defense World

By July 2020 Indiana Carry Licenses Will be Completely Free by Luke C.
     . . . [S]tarting July 1st, 2020 Indiana will be the first state to offer
a permit without any sort of fee and one of only eight states that require no
training of any kind in order to obtain the license.

Make The Aggressor Work For The Fight by Don West and Andrew Branca

Trump Administration Legalizes Commercial Exportation of Suppressors
     Higher sales volume of any commodity leads to lower consumer prices,
as the manufactures can realize economy of scale.  This will also create a
larger international constituency for suppressors, making rescinding this
policy very difficult for future administrations or congresses.

What You Say WILL Be Used Against You . . .
     "Don't make any statements.  Don't make any witnesses."  [If your spouse runs down
the stairs and you tell her what just happened, you have made a witness.  She can
testify to what you said.  Excited utterances.  "She would never testify against me." 
Maybe not, now.  But, you get into a nasty divorce a decade in the future, she might
change her mind.  There is no statute of limitations on murder. -- Jon Low]
     Take all the stupid bumper stickers off your car. 
     Deal with reality.  Suck it up. 
     Have lawyer immediately available.  [This takes money and action on your part.]
     Don't say stupid/extremist things on social media. 
     911 call:  your name, where you are, you are the victim, ask for police,
ask for an ambulance, and hang up the phone.  Don't worry about being rude.  Just hang up. 
     Saying, "I'm sorry." is consciousness of guilt.  Don't say it.  Because you are
not saying anything. 
     "I invoke my right to remain silent.  I invoke my right to an attorney." 
And then shut up.  Your silence cannot be used against you at trial. 
     If you have the incident recorded, let the cops download it.  If you attempt to
download it, and accidentally format the drive, you have tampered with evidence. 
The attorneys on the panel mentioned this because it actually happened.
     What you say before being Mirandized will be used against you. 
     What you say when you are not in custody will be used against you. 
     What you say when you are not being interrogated will be used against you. 
So, be silent. 
     The government may hold your weapon as physical evidence for the entire statute
of limitations.  (There is no statute of limitation for murder.)  So, you have to
have another identical pistol.  Because if the government returns it, it may be rusted
beyond recognition.  Or, tested to the point of destruction.  Or, lost. 
     You legally have to identify yourself to the police:  name, address, date of birth;
maybe more depending on your state.

“Is there no virtue among us?
If there is not, we are without hope!
No form of government, existing nor theoretical, will keep us from harm.
To think that any government, in any form,
will insure liberty and happiness for an dishonorable population
represents the height of self-deception.”
-- James Madison, 1788

*****     *****     ***** Survival, Medical, Security, and such *****     *****     *****

"If you prepare for the emergency,
the emergency ceases to exist!"
-- Dr. Sherman House

Lessons Learned from a Home Invasion Attempt by Greg Ellifritz

Willingness is a state of mind.  Preparedness (or lack thereof) is a fact.

*****     *****     ***** Basics *****     *****     *****

“Often, it’s what you don’t know that kills you!”
-- Carr

CONCEALED CARRY: WHERE DO I START? by Ms. Stavroula Avramidis
Step-by-step guide to licensing, classes, and getting started!

Range Commands by NRA Staff

Advice For Your First Shooting Class(es) by David Zakar

     Are you able to rack the slide of your pistol?  If not, read this article. 
[How-To] Rack a Pistol Slide With Weak Hands by By Alice Jones Webb
     Eventually, we have to move you to a real pistol.  The 380 Auto is
just too weak.  Statistically, it will not stop an attacker with two shots. 

How to Keep Shooting Fun For Beginners by Sheriff Jim Wilson

     "Train, Practice, Compete
are the key elements in the development of humans."
-- John M. Buol, Jr.

*****     *****     ***** Miscellany *****     *****     *****

"Good habits and skill beat luck every time."
-- Sheriff Jim Wilson

Remembering Charlie Daniels, a True Second Amendment Advocate by Mark Chesnut
     Every year we would auction off a fiddle autographed by Charlie Daniels
at the Friends of the NRA banquet. 

Testosterone: The World’s Most Potent Poison by Will Dabbs, MD
     A funny story and great pictures.  I never got to watch the combined arms
exercises.  We were always inside, running the comm center. 

“In the long-run, there is no such thing as ‘luck’.
However, the short-run is longer than many individual lifetimes!”
-- Anon

/* Random data from the HotBits radioactive random number generator */
unsigned char hotBits[128] =
{   168, 53, 251, 18, 158, 9, 108, 232, 248, 79, 166, 69, 3, 162, 172, 78,
    96, 34, 88, 230, 129, 80, 129, 28, 27, 164, 150, 79, 20, 215, 40, 0,
    30, 147, 207, 210, 176, 126, 173, 63, 236, 254, 17, 11, 39, 48, 49, 156,
    49, 175, 62, 98, 147, 162, 18, 55, 123, 219, 159, 55, 175, 165, 255,
    234, 229, 148, 110, 219, 63, 24, 142, 227, 166, 165, 219, 146, 19, 109,
    236, 147, 79, 31, 83, 89, 127, 82, 118, 135, 178, 159, 226, 88, 25, 211,
    145, 148, 139, 72, 150, 100, 199, 8, 190, 132, 19, 187, 104, 79, 45,
    203, 161, 208, 169, 141, 194, 229, 225, 17, 97, 126, 66, 44, 160, 74,
    96, 80, 207, 14
};  // The unsigned char data type contains values from 0 to 255.

Semper Fidelis,
Jonathan D. Low

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