Tuesday, November 25, 2014

CWP, 25 November 2014 A.D.

Greetings Concealed Weapons Permittees,

***** Mindset *****

"Real World Survival!" by Walt Rauch.
"If you don't want to be eaten,
don't look like food."
May be ordered from
Rauch & Company, Ltd.
P.O. Box 510
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444

"Avoiding Negative Outcomes" by Claude Werner
Excerpt:  [Bracketed comments are mine.]
Negative outcomes can result from problems such as:

• Gunhandling issues
o Negligent discharges - shooting yourself unintentionally
o Negligent discharges - shooting someone else unintentionally
o Losing or forgetting your gun in a public place

• Marksmanship issues
o Lacking confidence in your ability and getting too close to a criminal
o Shooting beyond your skill level and hitting an innocent downrange
  [That's why training is so important.  How else
    are you going to get an objective measure of
    your skill level?  You have to know your skill level.
    Yes, IPSC or IDPA competitions will give you a
    measure, but simulators or force on force with
    simunitions is much better for our purposes.]

• Tactical issues
o Shooting at someone without identifying the target
  [If you shot the wrong target in the night shoot,
   this is talking to you.  This is not a matter of
   skill.  This is mindset.  This is attitude. 
   Taking the situation seriously, and caring enough
   to shoot only when you can positively identify
   the target.]
o Chasing criminals after they break off contact
  [A gentleman whom we will call Joe, was drinking sake with his
   friends in a restaurant.  Someone walks in and
   announces, "Some guys are stealing a motorcycle
   off the back of a truck in the parking lot."
   So, Joe rushes out, hops in his truck and chases
   the thieves.  Joe catches up with them, exits
   his truck and confronts the theives, who proceed
   to beat Joe into unconsciousness.  Joe now has
   thousands of dollars of dental bills and permanent
   life altering injuries.]

• Legal issues
o Shooting when it's not justified
  [You have to understand "justifiable use of lethal
   force", the difference between "immediate" and
   "imminent", "ability, opportunity, and intent",
   "disparity of force", "escalation of force", and
   "retreat".  Otherwise, you have no business
   carrying a gun.  Operating from a position of
   ignorance is an act of stupidity.  As John Wayne
   said, "Life is hard.  It's even harder if you're
o Carrying where it's illegal
o Firing warning shots, a la Joe Biden
  [Never fire warning shots.  Never shoot to wound.
   Joe Biden says he advises his wife to fire two
   shots into the air to scare away the intruders,
   her double barrel shotgun is now unloaded, and
   useless as a weapon.  Which the intruders know.
        Of course, Jill is much smarter than Joe
   and does not listen to his nonsense.  Because
   firing the two shots into the air is a criminal
   offense where they live.]

***** Tactics *****

"Flashlight Techniques" by Dave Spaulding
Other videos in the Ruger series,
Tactical Tips Part-5:  HolsterSkills
"You will acquire a fast draw by doing less."
Tactical Tips Part-7:  Proper Training
Tactical Tips Part-18:  Extreme Close Quarters

***** Training *****

     "What is the value of training?"
by Claude Werner
9 November 2014
“Why should I take training?”
1.  You don’t know what you don’t know.
2.  Much of what you know is wrong.
3.  It’s good to have some of the answers
    to the test before taking it.

Davidson:  Did you notice the detail of scoring at the IDPA
match we just shot?  Several people that had much better
scores than we did had much, much worse hits on target. 
Next time I am going for spray and pray.  I think misses
( unless it is failure to neutralize  ) don’t matter,
time is all that counts.

Jon:  That's why the IDPA match when played as a game
is not good training for our purposes.  But, when shot
in a tactically correct manner is excellent training
for self defense.
     It's important to keep the two separated in your
mind.  I can't.  So, I always shoot in a tactically
correct manner.  Because in combat, you will revert
to your training.

Batting Cages
     I once took a girlfriend and her son to the local
batting cages to practice batting.  I was thinking this
will be fun (and easy, even though I had never done it
before).  At 45 miles per hour, the ball wizzed by so
fast, I couldn't see it.  It took me about 15 strikes
before I fouled the ball off into the net behind me.
     Her son was in another cage and had his machine
turned up to 90 miles per hour.  Ah, to have the eyes
and reflexes of youth.
     I thought to myself, how silly to think that I
could execute this skill without training or practice.
Self defense is several orders of magnitude more
complex than batting.  And yet we all know persons who
buy a pistol, fire a few rounds at the indoor range,
and carry it around thinking that they can defend
themselves.  Talk to them.  Urge them to get training.
You are doing them a great favor.

     Training changes over the years in all industries,
because we are always striving to include the best
practices and discard the suboptimal.  For example: 
     "tap, rack, bang" was the standard way to clear
malfunctions.  But, now days it's "tap, rack, assess",
because we always want the shooting to be an intellectual
decision, never a programmed reflex response.
     When I went through Marine Corps Recruit Training,
our fingers were always on the triggers.  Now days, the
Primary Marksmanship Instructors and Drill Instructors
will ensure your finger is in the register position.
    There are many other examples.  The point is that
you should be willing to suggest improvements in doctrine
to your instructors.  In a worst case, they will ignore
you.  In a best case, they will implement your suggestion
and cite you in their next book; and you may be responsible
for saving a life or preventing a self inflicted injury.

     "Shooting Yourself By Accident"
"The person most likely to shoot you is YOU.
Why? Because you’re always there." -- John Farnam

     "Things I learned from the Masters"
"In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities,
but in the expert’s there are few."

     In the class that I am presently teaching, a student
was grouping well, but occasionally the group would open
up vertically.  I thought his form looked good.  So, I asked
to see his pistol.  He had a pistol with a white disk
painted on the front sight and a white square painted on
the rear sight.  I noticed that I had to tilt the pistol
a noticeable amount to align the disk and square as opposed
to when I aligned the top of the front sight with the top
of the rear sight.  I asked him which sighting system he
was using.  Because there were two distinct sighting systems
with different points of impact.
     Since, he would not be able to see the white disk and
square in the dark, we decided to take a black indelible
marker and blacken out the disk and square.
     Problem solved.

Rule 4 violations

     Yes, Virginia, there is a correct way to breathe.

***** Gear *****


***** News *****

     "Around The Water Cooler, Part Two"
by Rich Grassi
A study of active shooters showed that they
"almost exclusively seek out 'gun free' zones for their attacks."
-- Brendan Keefe, a reporter from WCPO-TV 9,
an ABC Affiliate in Cincinnati, OH.
     That's why so many parents home school their children.

***** Miscellany *****

     Older postings may be found at
     Lesson plans may be found at


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

CWP, 18 November 2014 A.D.

Greetings Concealed Weapons Permittees,

***** Events *****

Fund raiser for the Hume-Fogg high school
rifle team.
McKay's Bookstore
636 Old Hickory Blvd
Nashville, TN 37209
(615) 353-2595
Saturday, January 10th, 2015 A.D.
4:00 to 5:00 PM
Book signing, "Defensive Pistol" by Jonathan Low.
Readings from the book, questions answered,
opinions given, paper and CD versions of the
book exchanged for a donation to the Hume-Fogg
high school rifle team.  Buttons for sale.

***** Mindset *****

     Sensei Fitzgerald says that a primary
initiator of a violent confrontation is the
perception by one party that the other party
showed disrespect toward them.  A solution
to prevent this situation would be to make
eye contact and say, "Good morning, Sir.",
"Good evening, Ma'am.", or something like

     Which is more important, the stranger
getting beaten or your family?  A legitimate
argument against intervening.
page 32.

***** Tactics *****

Student:  What do you think about point shooting?

Jon:  The only time it is reasonable to shoot
without aiming is when you are in a close
contact position, holding your pistol against
your rib cage to prevent the assailant from
grabbing your pistol. 
     By point shooting, I assume you mean
pointing the pistol at the target without
using the sights to aim the pistol.  That
will often result in a miss.  As ethical
moral people, we do our upmost to avoid
missing, because every miss is destroying
property and injuring or killing innocent
bystanders.  So, I think you should always
aim your pistol (except in the situation
cited above).

***** Training *****

     Coach Harvey invites our attention to,
"Much Ado About Nothing"
Sometimes it's hard to sort the truth from
the propaganda with regards to training.

     Griffin recommends the LaserLyte chamber lasers.
"I've found that using one adds some verification to
the sight alignment and trigger-control I practice
in dry-fire training.  They're a little pricey,
but can be had for 20-40% less through Amazon. 
I think mine has been worth the price.
As a bonus, the company has really good customer
service.  They're giving me a new one, out of
warranty, after I burned mine out."

     Shooting from a vehicle in the dark.  Yeah!

"If you aren't seeing the flame -- you're blinking."
page 22.

Technique for 200 yard pistol shooting.

     In the Defensive Pistol class that I am
presently teaching, I made some statements
concerning the use of force as we were taught
in Marine Corps Military Police training
back in 2002.  Here is a different opinion,

***** Gear *****

     Dave has found that replacing the magazine
release button and the slide lock lever with
extended versions on his Glock has made the pistol
much easier to manipulate.  A gunsmith at
Guns and Leather in Hendersonville, TN did the
job in a few minutes while Dave waited.
     That's why it is so important to take
classes.  We must learn what does not work
in training, not in combat.  We must fix the
problems at our convenience, not under deadline.

     Ralph Mroz has a nice article on holsters.
page 62.

     How are high end leather holsters made?

***** News *****

     U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
(arguably the most liberal circuit) strikes
down "good cause" requirement for concealed
carry in California.
     On February 13th, 2014 the Ninth Circuit
(a three judge panel)
ruled that the Second Amendment is sufficient
cause for bearing arms for self-defense. 
     The California Attorney General appealed,
asking for an en blanc hearing
(the full 11-judge panel) to reverse the decision.
     November 12th, 2014 the court denies the
petition.  That means the court didn't even
bother to hear the appeal.  That is a very
aggressive way of upholding and defending the
Consitution against domestic enemies. 

     Yes, Virginia, registration does lead to

***** Miscellany *****

     Why are that statistics of police shootings
so bad? 
     "Most police retire without ever
having fired their weapons." -- Joe Sexton
     "nearly 95 percent of New York City's 38,000
officers have never fired their weapons while
fighting crime" -- Joe Sexton
     "Cops, at least most of them,
don't like to shoot their guns." -- Jack Ryan,
a deputy district attorney in Queens
[This was said in the context of practice,
not combat.]
     So, there exists an extreme sampling
bias concerning police shootings.  Correct
statistics are therefore extemely difficult
to calculate. 

     Older postings may be found at
     Lesson plans may be found at


Jonathan Low

Monday, November 10, 2014

CWP, 10 November 2014 A.D.

Greetings Concealed Weapons Permittees,

***** Mindset *****

Another great quote from Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper,

Concealed Carry and Printing
May I invite your attention to the
included video?  Unfortunately,
there are such law enforcement
officers.  So, you have to be
careful.  That's just part of our
imperfect real world.

***** Tactics *****

Guns and Yoga
“Absence of body is better than presence of mind.”
What this means is that we must be responsible,
aware, and vigilant to avoid potentially dangerous
Practice Ahimsa (non-violence) but be prepared to
be a virabhadra (warrior).

***** Training *****

     May I enthusiastically recommend
Quick Draw Nashville?
1720 General George Patton Drive
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
This is high quality simulator training.
After each scenario, the computer tells you
how many: rounds you fired, lethal hits,
non-lethal hits, innocent bystanders hit,
and much more.  The replay shows you
where your firearm was pointed at every
instant of the scenario.  The scenarios
react to your actions during the scenario.
     The guns are real, but have been gutted
and the innards replaced with the laser
and the pneumatic system (compressed CO2)
to cycle the action.  So, the manual of
arms is correct.
The price is $20 for 30 minutes.
Memberships are available.
Groupon coupons available at

Review of
"Intro to Concealed Carry for Ladies"
DVD or online streaming may be ordered at

     A gentleman showed me his targets and asked
for help with his marksmanship.
     I offer this advice without having seen you shoot.
So, my suggestions are from experience,
archery and riflery coaching courses at the
Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO, and
firearms courses that I have attended over the decades. 
     - Keep your aiming eye open when you shoot. -
It is an instinctive reaction to recoil and report
to close one's eyes.  You must force yourself to
keep your aiming eye open and watch your sights
move through the recoil and back to the target. 
You must keep pressing the trigger as you watch
the sights move.  When you get the sights back on
the target that you were shooting at, that's the
end of your shot process.  Only then should you
move your sights to the next target or reset the
trigger.  Follow through is essential.
     - Don't worry about your wobble. -
"My hands are shaking.  My sights are moving all
over the place."  It doesn't matter.  Your brain
is God's masterpiece of engineering.  You will
automatically release the shot when the sights
are moving toward the center of the target, if
you let your subconscious fire the shot by
striving for a surprise break.  Your attempt to
force the sights to stay in the center of the
target causes you to miss or shoot large groups
instead of tight groups. 
     This is basic Taoist philosophy.  Don't try
to shoot accurately.  Let your body shoot
     Do not intentionally fire the shot.  Simply
hold the sights on the target and smoothly
increase pressure on the trigger.  Thus achieving
a surprise break.  Your subconscious mind is much
better at estimating time and distance than your
conscious mind.
     Believe this.  Your hold is perfect, stable,
steady.  There is a gremlin down range moving
your target around.  All you can control is your
inner state.  There is nothing you can do about
the gremlin.  So, there is no point in worrying
about him.  In fact, the gremlin doesn't matter. 
No matter what he does, he cannot prevent you
from shooting a tight group.
     Loose groups due to shaking or wobble are a
psychological problem, not a technical problem.
You have to believe that the wobble doesn't
matter, then it won't matter.
     - Dynamic tension. -
"A heavier pistol seems to help, as the muscle
tension against the weight of the pistol reduces
the shaking."
     Following this train of logic --
Push the pistol into the target with the firing
side arm.  Pull the pistol back toward you with
the support side arm.  You should be generating
forces with your arms significantly greater
than the weight of the pistol.  So, the weight
of the pistol should be negligible compared to
push and pull forces.  This is an isometric
     This is very different from the isosceles
position where you can feel the weight of the
pistol because there is no push-pull, but
rather just the muscles around the shoulders
supporting the weight of the pistol at the end
of the arm's length lever arm in a very static,
not dynamic, manner.
     - Hard focus on the front sight. -
See the serrations and scratches on the front
sight blade.  If you focus on the front sight,
you force concentration on the front sight.
If you focus on the target, the front
sight will wander off, and you'll never notice
     - Surprise break. -
Slow down the trigger press to get a surprise
break.  Don't fire the shot.  Let your
subconscious fire the pistol.
     Touch the trigger, take the slack out of
the trigger, slowly increase pressure on the
     In fact, you don't even need to increase
     "Oh, this is taking too long.  Nothing
is happening.  It's not firing."  That's because
your subconscious knows that the shot would miss
if you fired it.  Be patient.  Trust your
     The more you practice, the less your wobble,
the sooner your subconscious will fire the shot.
Eventually, the whole process will become very fast.

***** Gear *****

Liz:  Could you explain what you mean by
concealment garment?

Jon:  A loose fitting front button shirt would be an
appropriate concealment garment.  It should have a
pattern such as plaid, not a solid color, as this
makes printing (the impression of the pistol through
the fabric) much less obvious.  The shirt should be
wrinkled, as this makes printing much less obvious
than a smooth ironed fabric surface.  The material
should be opaque, so that light shining through will
not betray the presence of a pistol.

Liion Defense Holsters
"Light or no light, retention is always very good."
"More times than not I’ve found holsters getting
their retention point at the trigger [guard],
but the Liion seems to gain the retention by
utilizing various areas of the handgun."

Candle Power:  Every Day Carry Light Essentials
This article has some links to some impressive

World Guns (English version)
The web site is very slow to load pages.

***** News *****

Louis Awerbuck
Rest in Peace

Sheepdogs save lives.
"Will you be able to protect your sheep
against wolves like the one that
murdered Colleen Hufford?"

Second Amendment Crushes Gun Control Candidates In Midterm Elections

Jay Hollis Vs. Eric Holder
This is significant and well worth a contribution.

About One in Four U.S. Households Victimized by Crime
Twenty-six percent of Americans say they or a member
of their household have been a crime victim in the
past 12 months, similar to what Gallup has measured
since 2000. Two-thirds of crime victims reported
the incidents to police.

***** Miscellany *****

     Older postings may be found at
     Lesson plans may be found at


Jonathan Low