Greetings Sheepdogs,
“The confidence of the people will easily be gained by a good administration.
This is the true touchstone.”
—Alexander Hamilton (1788)
"No freeman shall ever be debarred the use of arms."
-- Thomas Jefferson
Table of Contents:
Situational Awareness
***** ***** ***** Prevention ***** ***** *****
Things you can do to avoid the lethal force incident.
Table of sections:
----- Mindset and Attitude -----
Figuring out the correct way to think.
"Your life is as good as your mindset." -- Nicola Cavanis
"Consummate Professional
Be polite, be professional, but have a plan."
by Steve Tarani
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.
‟We don’t decide what is necessary to survive a
lethal force encounter initiated by someone else.
That person decides what’s necessary for us to survive.”
– William Aprill
"Guns & Ammo Throwback: Jeff Cooper vs. Terrorism
Originally published in the Guns & Ammo 1975 Annual Issue."
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.
“Your excellency, 24 of your 28 men are now distinctly more efficient with their
sidearms than the generality of those who guard the President of the United States.
They are very good, but I don't know who they are. I hope you do.”
He knew what I meant. One of his predecessors in office had been murdered by
one of his own guards.
"I do not carry a pistol so that I may impose my will on others.
I carry a pistol so that others may not impose their will on me."
-- Tom Givens
"The boredom-killing business." by Orion Taraban, Psy.D.
Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025
One of the best screenplays ever written is Paddy Chayefsky's "Network". Not only
did the film adaptation win the Academy Award in this category, it was also nominated
for best picture, best director, and no less than five best acting Oscars. People often
recognize the most famous line of the movie
(“I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!”) without realizing where
it comes from. If you haven't seen it already, I would highly recommend giving it a
It would appear that very little has changed since 1976: broadcast news is still a
sham. The dignified sobriety of the newscasters and the urgent significance of their
reports all belie the news' true function: to sell advertising to its corporate partners
and to promote the ideology of its board of directors. In the service of this goal, it
will make use of death, catastrophe, scandal, and spectacle. Like Greek drama, the
news is designed to evoke terror and pity in its spectators, leaving them susceptible
to persuasion and suggestion.
The dehumanizing tendencies of television – described in detail in Jerry Mander's
excellent Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television – are also here on full display.
Everything is grist for the mill, and anything can be used for its purposes. If a newscaster's
hopeless suicidality can drive views, then so too can his angry tirades and revelatory
visions. And when even these lose their power to command attention, his life itself
can be used to promote the network's new fall lineup. Clicks lead to views, and views
lead to profit – and everything is fair game as long as it improves the relevant metrics.
-- Orion Taraban
"Survival is a mindset, not a skill set."
-- Greg Shaffer
"Same guy, much different circumstances" by John Murphy
If carrying a pistol changes your behavior. You need to fix yourself.
"Have your affairs in order."
-- John Hearne
If you are confident that you will hit where you aim, this information will
leak out, and your enemy will know that you will hit where you aim.
That's reality. It's not something that you can bluff.
‷If you look at someone bigger, faster, and stronger and immediately think,
‶I'm at a disadvantage″,
I have news for you: you are.
But that's only because you just put yourself there for no reason.
The truth is that anyone can do debilitating violence to anyone else.
Your size, your speed, your strength, your gender --
all the factors that untrained people think make the difference when it comes to violence --
all matter far less than your mindset and your intent.‴
-- Tim Larkin
"When I’m Good Enough, I’ll Carry
All the other defensive-marksmanship skills depend on you having your gun with you."
by Tess Branson
"We’ve seen time and time again in critical events across the country that speed
of access does matter when lives are at stake, but this is still not a skill that most
people practice. Practicing to get to the gun in a safe and speedy manner isn’t just
for gamers and competitors – it’s an essential skill for those of us who want to be
able to go home to our loved ones each day."
". . . you don’t truly know how to succeed until you know what your failure
points are. Learning where you’re in need of work will ultimately help you to
improve your skills."
"Taking the time to actually practice, in live fire and dry fire, is important to
build consistent skills that won’t be inadequate when your performance drops
under stress in real world situations."
When I guarded the Federal Building in downtown Nashville, TN, we would
shoot the qualification course of fire once a year (which determined seniority for
shifts and such, so it was a big deal; of course, failure meant loss of your job).
At a qualification, a security officer could not get her pistol out of her holster
on the first shot of the course of fire. The snap on the weapon retention strap
had rusted and was stuck. She had not unsnapped the strap since the last
qualification a year ago. How fortunate she learned in training rather than in combat.
"Your gunfights will always be anomalies.
So are those of all the instructors you venerate.
It’s useful to keep those facts in mind."
-- Greg Ellifritz
"Living With Your Defensive Gun
No one was ever born into the concealed-carry lifestyle."
by Sheriff Jim Wilson
"Living With Your Defensive Gun–Part II
Your defensive firearm is only useful if it's near you when you need it."
by Sheriff Jim Wilson
A good quality belt and holster are as important as selecting a good quality
defensive handgun and the proper ammunition. In the end, don’t be afraid to
experiment and stay with quality products.
“You need to have the capacity for danger. You need to be ‘dangerous’.
Yet, you need to learn how to not use it except when necessary.
And, that is not the same thing as being harmless.
There's nothing virtuous about harmlessness.
Harmless just means you’re ineffectual and useless.”
-- Jordan Peterson
Home invaders should expect to get shot in Florida.
"Be so focused on watering your grass that
you don't have time to check if someone else's is greener."
-- Nicola Cavanis
"Mental imagery is key to performance" by John Murphy
***** Situational Awareness *****
How to avoid being taken by surprise.
"Many people don't realize that your awareness skills are more important than
your marksmanship skills. Well, you can't shoot something you don't know is there,
or don't know it needs to be shot!" -- Tom Givens
"Jeff Cooper's Color Code exists to help you get your head
around the need to kill someone in the immediate future."
-- John Hearne
Jeff Cooper's Color Code of Mental Awareness
UNAWARE - of what's going on around you. (White)
AWARE - of who is around you and what they are doing. (Yellow)
ALERT - to a POTENTIAL threat and taking action to avoid the threat. (Orange)
ALARM - by a REAL threat and taking action to escape the threat,
which might include shooting to PREVENT the attack. (Red)
COMBAT - front sight, press. Shooting to STOP the attack. (Black)
----- Safety -----
How to prevent the bad thing from happening in the first place.
How to avoid shooting yourself, friendlies, and innocent bystanders.
How to prevent unauthorized persons from using your guns.
"Gut feelings are guardian angels."
-- Nicola Cavanis
“Dealing With A Dark Parking Lot
For most people, "street crime" is actually "parking lot crime." ”
by Shelley Hill
Hat tip to Docent.
I used to work security at Nashville General Hospital. They have a 5 level parking
structure across the street from the hospital. Every day before and after their shifts, as I
patrolled the parking lot, I would find women sitting in their cars on their phones.
I would tap on their windows and tell them to either go into the hospital or go home.
Don't sit in dark parking lots!
They would tell me to go away, as they had been doing this behavior for years and
nothing bad ever happened to them. This is why the criminal predators will always
have a target rich environment.
Men will not do this. Homosexual men will not do this. Even men who claim to
be women will not display this behavior. Do you understand?
Jeff Cooper′s Rules of Gun Safety
RULE V: Maintain control of your gun. -- Stephen P. Wenger
"Safety Protocols to Avoid Negative Outcomes" by Claude Werner
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.
"It's easier to stay out of trouble than to get out of trouble."
-- Claude Werner
The bully.
why this is essential to relationship success"
"Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
is a multidisciplinary approach to deterring crime from even happening."
by Matthew Maruster
"Laundry Room Drama: A Military Mindset Gone Wrong" by John Murphy
Apologize. Walk away.
Safety in schools, prevented by Democrats. Why? Because they want the murders
in the schools. It advances their political agenda.
They are not illogical. They are not emotional. They are cunning. They are willing
to sacrifice the lives of children to advance their goal of disarming the citizens,
because it gives them more power. Eventually they will be able to arrest, imprison,
and execute their political enemies with impunity. If you have any grasp of history,
you know this to be true.
More “Security Theater” by John Farnam
“Safety” and “readiness” will always be mutually antagonistic.
A gun that is acutely “ready” is accessible to anyone who can see it.
Conversely, a gun that is “perfectly safe” is perfectly useless!
"Let’s Talk Safety
The rules of gun safety are a lifestyle, not just a thing for the shooting range."
by Sheriff Jim Wilson
“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count.
Everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.”
-- Albert Einstein
"Chances?" by John Farnam
This is why we instructors must confront students of our Art with the
sincere advice that when you decide to “go armed,” be armed all the time.
Rangemaster Newsletter of February 2025
Before you can clean it, tinker with it, or show it to a buddy, you must clear it first.
If you want to shoot it—shoot it.
If you want to do anything else with it, clear it first.
Keep up with where your gun is pointed, at all times. If not in your gun safe,
the gun will either be in the holster, at the ready, or on target, period.
Pressure on the trigger is what causes the gun to fire. Keep your finger indexed well
away from the trigger unless you want the gun to fire.
Gun on target = finger on trigger. Gun off target = finger off trigger.
Know what you are shooting and why. What is behind it?
Remember that you will be held legally accountable for every bullet that
leaves your gun, regardless of your intentions or the circumstances.
In addition, we should think of these additional cautions.
Let it hit the ground, then carefully pick it up, trigger finger in register away
from the trigger guard and muzzle in the safest direction.
Children AND untrained or irresponsible adults must NOT have access
to your firearms. Wear them or lock them up.
John Farnam's rules to keep you out of trouble:
Don’t go to stupid places.
Don’t associate with stupid people.
Don’t do stupid things.
Have a “normal” appearance.
Be in bed by 10:00 PM (your own bed).
Don’t fail the attitude test.
----- Training -----
Figuring out the correct tasks to practice.
"There are three different areas, or disciplines, in which the armed person must train.
These are mindset, gunhandling, and marksmanship. Each is equally important, and
you must be at least competent in all three areas."
-- Tom Givens
"If you’re not measuring your training,
what you’re doing is called playing."
-- Chris Sajnog
"Make Your Training Priorities Match The Real World"
by Kevin Creighton
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.
"Right now, a good percentage of you are saying
“So? The police carry pistols and need to deal with crime,
and the armed citizen carries a pistol and has to deal with crime.
It’s the same, right?”
"Why are the little things called little things? They are everything."
-- Nicola Cavanis
From an email from Jeff L. Gonzales --
Hello Jonathan,
"The Importance of Movement in Gunfighting"
I’ve outlined my beliefs regarding the Essential Skills for Gunfighting,
whether with a pistol or rifle. While many skills may seem obvious, one often
overlooked yet critical element is movement.
Movement is a complex concept with numerous variables—it’s not as
simple as just "start moving." For some, moving instinctively might work,
but for those who don’t practice regularly, it’s far more nuanced.
At its core, movement in gunfighting can be broken down into three distinct types:
Movement: The act of stopping and starting.
Motion: Shooting while moving.
Running (Double Time): Operating at a sprint or rapid pace.
Additionally, there are eight directions of movement: forward, backward, left, right,
and each of the four obliques. Movement serves several purposes, including
covering ground, seeking cover, engaging a target, or fleeing.
Mastering movement requires processing all these factors to produce the desired
outcome under stress. To help simplify this, here are four tips for effectively hitting
while on the move:
1. Forget About Your Feet
You’ve been walking your entire life, so don’t overthink what your feet are doing.
Your feet aren’t the issue—they can’t stop your sights from moving while you’re
in motion. Focus instead on what matters: your sights and trigger control.
Remember, pistol bullets travel at roughly 1,100 fps. If the sight was on target
when you squeezed the trigger, it’s a hit. Channel all your mental energy into
managing the sights and trigger, and let your feet take care of themselves.
2. Grip Harder
Shooting while moving can challenge even experienced shooters. The secret to
improving? Grip the gun harder. Applying more pressure stabilizes your sights
and reduces excessive movement. Many shooters struggle because they loosen
their grip when their focus shifts to foot placement. This is a common mistake —
don’t let your grip suffer due to overthinking your movement. A solid, controlled
grip is essential for solving many shooting problems, especially when on the move.
3. Trust Your First, Best Sight Picture
Your sights will never stop moving while you’re in motion — it’s a reality of
shooting on the move. The key is to trust your sights and understand what’s
“good enough.” Avoid striving for a perfect sight picture. It’s more important
to keep your sights within the target zone and fire when they’re on target.
Use the full target zone to your advantage, allowing your sights to rise and fall
naturally within it.
4. Smooth, Swift Trigger Squeeze
Trigger control is critical when shooting on the move. The goal is to squeeze
the trigger smoothly and swiftly without disturbing an already moving sight picture.
Over-aiming can lead to jerking the trigger, which throws off your shot. Instead,
focus on applying smooth, deliberate pressure. Understand the level of precision
needed for the target — movement makes shooting harder, but it doesn’t necessarily
require greater precision.
Final Thoughts
Practicing shooting on the move is essential, but it’s even more important to apply
this skill effectively in real-world scenarios. When it’s time to move, get your
body moving and don’t stop! Mastering movement, grip, and sight trust will give
you the edge needed to perform under pressure.
Good luck,
P.S. Feel free to share this with other like-minded folks.
You need training because:
You don't know what you don't know.
Much of what you know is false.
It's good to the have the answers before the criminal tests you.
-- Claude Werner (paraphrased)
"Process Flow
A time for everything, and everything in its time."
by Steve Tarani
“Training deals not with an object,
but with the human spirit and human emotions.”
--Bruce Lee
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always
possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
-- Richard Henry Lee
Signer of the Declaration of Independence
“It may seem difficult at first but everything is difficult at first.”
-- Miyamota Mushashi
"We should not forget that the spark which ignited the American Revolution
was caused by the British attempt to confiscate the firearms of the colonists."
-- Patrick Henry
“Train, Practice, Compete
are the key elements in the development of humans.”
-- John M. Buol, Jr.
“The secret of success is this.
Train like it means everything when it means nothing –
so you can fight like it means nothing when it means everything.”
-- Lofty Wiseman
"Safe gun handling and knowing how to operate the gun competently is one thing.
How to fight with the gun is a whole other plane of knowledge."
-- Tiger McKee
"Train and practice so that you can stay in your rational mind,
and force your enemy into his emotional mind. The emotional
mind makes bad judgments which will allow you to win."
-- John Hearne
“If you are reading this and can’t put your hand on your defensive firearm,
all of your training is wasted.” -- Col. Jeff Cooper
From an email from Orion Taraban, Psy.D. --
"Ahead of its time."
Wednesday, January 29th, 2025
The planet Uranus was discovered by William Herschel in 1781. As the gas giant
is too far away to be seen with the naked eye, the world awaited the invention of a
sufficiently powerful telescope to welcome the first new addition to the solar system
in millennia. Herschel had discovered the planet empirically, carefully noting his
observations of the wandering light in the night sky. The evidence of his senses led
him to propose a theory that this light was – in fact – the seventh planet.
However, all was not as it should be. As next generation telescopes began to train
their lenses on Herschel's discovery, astronomers grew increasingly puzzled: Uranus's
orbit was unexpectedly elongated. According to Newtonian mechanics, the planet was
not where it ought to have been. This led to a flurry of speculation in the scientific
community. What could account for the mysterious deviation? Ultimately,
Urbain Le Verrier deduced that if we assumed the existence of yet another planet of
comparable mass another billion miles even further from the Sun, then the orbit of
Uranus would be entirely comprehensible.
While this explanation was admirably parsimonious, it suffered from one fatal flaw:
no one had ever seen Le Verrier's planet. Not only that, it couldn't be seen using even
the most powerful instruments in the world. However, Le Verrier was convicted: the
planet was out there. His knowledge of theory led him to propose the existence of
evidence in the form of an unseeable eighth planet. And when Johann Gottfried Galle
looked through his telescope at the patch of sky Le Verrier predicted his planet would
be, the German duly confirmed the Frenchman's discovery.
Theory often gets a bad rap in today's day and age. There are some who believe
that any assertion that can't be corroborated by a randomized controlled trial isn't
worth the breath required to utter it. However, it's important to remember not only
that empiricism needs theory – where else will it find claims in need of confirmation?
– but that theory often outpaces empiricism – given prevailing technical limitations.
Though any theory must ultimately give way to evidence, we would do well to recall
that many theories are – quite literally – ahead of their times. Just consider:
Neptune was discovered on paper decades before it was discovered in the sky.
[Do you understand why this is in the Training section? There is a lot of controversial
theory in our community / industry. Are you doing your part to substantiate or refute
it? You think it's unethical to use your students as guinea pigs? It's not as if you were
dissecting them.
-- Jon Low]
"Those motivated by a desire to improve their
gunfighting skills as opposed to a quest for trophies,
must be willing to bleed ego on the match results
to avoid shedding blood in combat."
-- Andy Stanford
"Ranking Paradoxes, From Least to Most Paradoxical" by Chalk Talk
Do you understand why this is in the training section?
"It's not a paradox. It's a fact." Well, that depends on your cultural background.
"That's obvious!" Well, no. Nothing is obvious.
What is obviously true to one person is obviously false to another person.
Sorry, that's reality.
"A mistake that makes you humble is better
than an achievement that makes you arrogant."
-- Nicola Cavanis
------------------------------ Classes and Conferences --------------------------------
"The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword;
because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force
superior to any bands of regular troops that can be, on any pretense,
raised in the United States."
-- Noah Webster
Rangemaster Certified Instructors
Map of Rangemaster Certified Instructors
Law of Self Defense, live online class upcoming dates
April 26, 2025, and
September 27, 2025
Bullets & Bibles Conference
Friday, September 6, 2024 – Sunday, September 8, 2024
Living Water Ranch, north of Manhattan, KS
For more information about lodging on site or
if you have any questions regarding the event,
contact our Bullets & Bibles Conference Coordinator,
Vonda Copeland
or call 785-293-2449.
Guardian Conference
September 19th - 21st, 2025 in Oklahoma City
Tactical Conference
Rangemaster Tactical Conference
Friday-Sunday, March 28-30, 2025
Dallas Pistol Club; Carrollton, TX
Dustin Salomon
KR Training
Kari Grayson
Citizens Safety Academy
Carry Trainer, Mickey Schuch
Paladin Training, Inc.
FPF Training, John Murphy
Defensive Training International, John Farnam
Rangemaster, Tom Givens
Trident Concepts, Jeff Gonzales
Apache Solutions, Tim Kelly
Harris Combative Strategies, Randy Harris
Mead Hall Range & Tactics
‟Training is NOT an event, but a process.
Training is the preparation FOR practice.”
-- Claude Werner
----- Practice -----
How to get proficient at that task.
"Remember, the day you plant the seed is not the day you earn the fruit."
-- Nicola Cavanis
I have read magazine articles and internet articles and had persons ask me,
"How good is good enough?" In my opinion, being able to execute the hostage
rescue drill, cold (without practice or warm up), on demand (when the enemy
demands, without warning notice, without preparation), every time, would
indicate a satisfactory level of competence.
[You don't need this level to usefully carry, because the vast majority of
incidents are solved without a shot being fired.]
What is the hostage rescue drill? From a range of about 5 yards, hiding
behind cover, holding your pistol at a compressed ready position pointing
down at the ground, step out from behind cover and ask the bad guy,
"What do you want?". When the bad guy starts to answer your question,
shoot him in the crainio-ocular cavity (triangle formed by the eyes and nose)
with your first shot.
Par time? That depends. If you are competent, the tachypsychia effect
will warp time in your favor. If you are incompetent, the tachypsychia
effect will warp time in the bad guy's favor. Sorry, that's reality.
In any disarming or hostage rescue scenario the technique is to get the
bad guy to answer your question (so you have to get his attention), because
talking is a high order intellectual activity. Very difficult to talk and shoot
or stab at the same time. Answering a question is a complex high order
intellectual activity. Almost impossible to answer a question and shoot
at the same time. Which gives you time to execute your shot.
"People rust faster than equipment."
-- John Hearne
"Getting Back to Training" by SLG
‶Practice is the small deposits you make over time,
so that in an emergency, you can make that big withdrawal.″
-- Chesley Burnett Sullenberger, III
‟Be careful what you practice.
Because you will do in combat whatever you have practiced,
no matter how ridiculous.”
-- ‶Shooting in Self-Defense″ by Sara Ahrens
Why practice?
“To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively
tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them
and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or
unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.”
-- Winston Churchill
“Willingness is a state of mind. Readiness is a statement of fact!”
-- Lt. Gen. David M Shoup, USMC Commandant 1960-1963
***** ***** ***** Intervention ***** ***** *****
Suggestions on how to deal with the incident that you failed to avoid.
Awareness, Avoidance, De-Escalation, Escape
Table of sections:
----- Strategy -----
Deciding on the end state and how to achieve it,
which tactics to use, which always includes walking away.
"Never let fear decide your fate." -- Nicola Cavanis
“How do you win a gunfight?
Don't be there.”
-- John Farnam
"Having a gun is important. But knowing WHEN to use it is even more important."
-- Greg Ellifritz
"You win gunfights by not getting shot."
-- John Holschen
“You are no more armed because you are wearing a pistol
than you are a musician because you own a guitar.”
from "Principles of Personal Defense" by Col. Jeff Cooper, USMC,
(1920 – 2006 A.D.)
‟Fear is an instinct. Courage is a choice.”
-- Rear Admiral Joseph Kernan, U.S. Navy
----- Tactics -----
Maneuver and fire in support of your strategy.
"Real fights are short."
-- Bruce Lee
"Shoot While Moving vs. Move Then Shoot" by Mike Boyle
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.
"Without discrimination, you're going to shoot the wrong person really fast."
-- Paul Howe
"You Don’t Have to Shoot First; But You Better Do Something!"
by Von Kliem, JD, LL.M
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.
"You brought a gun to the fight. That doesn’t mean it’s YOUR gun.
The gun belongs to whomever can keep it. Think about that before intervening
in other folks’ problems. When is the last time you practiced your in-hand
weapon retention skills?"
-- Greg Ellifritz
". . . if the assailant has a gun, it may actually be the easiest gun for you to access,
if you know how to take it from him."
-- Stephen P. Wenger
When was last time you practiced your in-holster weapon retention skills?
Have you taken a class on such techniques?
-- Jon Low
“Fortuitous outcomes reinforce poor tactics.”
-- Chuck Haggard
“What’s the number one reason for reloading? Missing the target!”
-- Claude Werner
"You often don't know where the bad guy is who is shooting at you."
-- Phillip Groff
“When you’re in the dark, stay in the dark;
when you’re in the light, light up the dark.”
-- Stephen P. Wenger
"The shorter the fight, the less hurt you get."
-- John Holschen
“People shoot you because they see you.
They see you because you let them.
Don’t let them see you.”
-- Clint Smith
----- Techniques -----
Ways to execute a given task in support of your tactics,
especially when disabled or under stress.
"Use only that which works,
and take it from any place you can find it."
-- Bruce Lee
"How Do I Lock Back My Pistol Slide?" by Paul Carlson
If the student is having difficulty learning how to do the technique from your
instruction, let another instructor explain the technique. It's not any failing on
your part. It's just a different perspective, a different hand size, a different
vocabulary, etc.
"Denn jedes Mal, wenn was geht, ist Platz für Neues.
Und wenn es gestern nicht sein soll, dann klappt es heut 🦋"
-- Nicola Cavanis
"What You Need to Know About Shooting From Retention" with Massad Ayoob
Massad Ayoob Group
Don't post stupid shit on social media. It is all discoverable. It will all be used
against you.
"The foundations of your grip are established
before you even draw the pistol from the holster."
-- Tanner Denton
"This Can Save Your Life" by CarryTrainer (Mickey Schuch)
Shooting from supine position.
"Grip first, then press."
-- Mike Seeklander
"Lou Ann Hamblin and Jamie Pavlischak discuss magazine releases for smaller shooters"
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.
"Beat, Break, Damage or Wait? Real “Ground” Fighting" by Hock Hochheim
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.
"One of the biggest tricks I learned in sniper school to dramatically help with
front sight focus was to look for a scratch or defect on the front sight post and
focus on that — aim small, miss small. Later (after watching an episode of
Brain Games) I improved on this idea by putting a small mark on the top-middle
of my front sight post. With this one small trick, I’ve seen people who have
struggled for years to shoot tight groups put a mark on their front sight post and
instantly start key-holing shots."
--Chris Sajnog, "The New Rules of Marksmanship" version 2.0
In the context of double action pistols (as opposed to revolvers) it is tactically and
statistically wrong to pull the trigger again upon a failure to fire. Consider the
conditional probability of the pistol not firing, given that there is a round in the
chamber. The probability of factory new ammunition not firing is very low.
So, on almost all failure to fire events, there is no round in the chamber. So, pulling
the trigger again is a waste of time. Wasting time is tactically unsound.
"Second strike capability" is marketing nonsense.
Just yesterday, I had a defective round that would not fire, even after attempting
3 times. So, thinking that a defective round will fire if the firing pin strikes it again
would be a terrible waste of time in combat.
"Pull The Trigger The Right Way | Competitive Shooting Tips with Doug Koenig"
"A Common Weakness: One-Handed Shooting"
by Chris Cypert
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.
My point of impact for one-handed shooting is 7 inches away from my point of
impact for two-handed shooting at 5 yards. But I know exactly where it is relative
to my point of aim.
"It's not daily increase but daily decrease - hack away at the inessentials!"
-- Bruce Lee
***** ***** ***** Postvention ***** ***** *****
Suggestions on how to treat your wounds or the wounds of your loved ones.
Suggestions on how to avoid prosecution, conviction, and prison time.
Suggestions on how to avoid the civil law suit and judgment.
Table of contents:
----- Aftermath -----
You must be alive to have these problems: criminal and civil liability.
“Your understanding and consent are not required
for someone to take your life, kill your loved ones,
and destroy all you hold dear.”
-- William Aprill
These Louisiana Supreme Court oral arguments are worth listening to.
"Kayla Giles Oral Argument" by Attorneys On Retainer
The back story.
"The Next Chapter in Kayla Giles' Appeal: The Oral Argument"
by Attorneys On Retainer
I Am PISSED At USCCA & This Changes EVERYTHING For Me . . . "
by Langley Outdoors Academy
Louisiana Court of Appeal Third Circuit
Search year 2022, case number 0665.
Cited case,
In the right hand column of this web page, click on "Never Talk To The Police"
or use the address,
If I am forced to incapacitate an assailant, what should I do next?
In the aftermath of a lethal force encounter --
Never talk to the police! Ask for your attorney and shut up! The police will
lie to you. Don't believe them. Don't listen to them. There are many U.S. Supreme
Court rulings saying that it is perfectly fine for the police to lie to you. (Of course,
if you lie to the police that's a crime.) The high stress of the violent encounter will
cause you to have false memories and temporary amnesia. So, if you talk to the
police, your statement will have all kinds of errors. And once you are caught in
one lie, nothing else you say will be believed. Your lying will be used as evidence
of your consciousness of guilt.
Instructors who teach "talking to the police" are WRONG!
May I invite your attention to
"You Have the Right to Remain Innocent" by James Duane
If you talk, you will be convicted because the police don't care about your
innocence or guilt. All they care about are their promotions and raises.
Arrests count. Convictions count. Exonerations don't count.
Say "no" when the police ask for permission to do anything. Just say, NO.
May I invite your attention to
"Busted! How to Handle the Police Until You Get a Lawyer" by Mary Griego
"Shut up! Please shut up."
I can beat an illegal search. I can beat a search warrant. I cannot beat your
stupidity in giving the cop permission to search. Of course, they are going to
plant evidence. They aren't stupid.
Talking to the police is criminal stupidity. Don't do it.
Giving the police permission to search is criminal stupidity. Don't do it.
Some instructors teach, point out evidence. If you do that, the police will say
that only you knew where the evidence was because you put it there. And similarly
for other things you say. Your statements will all be twisted and used against you.
That's why so many innocent people are in prison. They aren't guilty. They are stupid.
That's why the Innocence Project has gotten so many people released from prison.
My state senator, Mark Pody, worked on such a case. If the guy had just kept his
mouth shut in the first place, he never would have been convicted. Everyone thinks
they are being a good citizen and helping the police. Ya, you're helping the police
convict you.
Instructors who teach "say little" when interacting with the responding police
officers after a lethal force encounter are WRONG! The instructors teach things like,
"point out witnesses and evidence to the responding officers". Don't!
Keep your mouth shut! Don't write anything. Don't sign anything (American Sign
Language). Don't say anything.
May I invite your attention to
"Don't Talk to the Police" by Prof. James Duane of Regent University School of Law
In the aftermath of your self-defense use of lethal force you may be arrested.
When read your Miranda rights, the police officer will ask you,
"Do you understand your rights?"
Your answer is "NO."
If they ask you what you don't understand,
your answer is "I don't understand anything you said."
Never confirm an understanding of your rights.
You think you're a legal scholar? No, you're not. You don't understand your
rights. If you think you do, you're a damn fool.
In the aftermath of your self-defense use of lethal force you may be jailed.
When you're in jail, you may be beaten and sodomized. In any case you're going
to want to get out. The police will come to you with a paper to sign. They will tell
you that it's just a formality and once you sign it they will release you. DON'T sign it.
It is a confession. Once you sign the confession, you will be arrested and spend the
rest of your life in prison. Yes, as a matter of fact, this sort of thing is common practice.
Another reason to have a self-defense insurance policy that provides your bail
money. If you don't bail out before the first hearing, the judge will impose all kinds
of ridiculous conditions on your release. If you don't have an attorney on retainer,
you'll be in jail for several weeks before you see an attorney.
If you're hiring an attorney on your own without an insurance policy, you'll
have to pay the attorney in full up front. No sane attorney will bill you later.
Because the client has no incentive to pay once the charges are dropped or the
verdict is rendered.
Michael Drejka was violently shoved to the ground in a parking lot of a store by
Markeis McGlockton who was much bigger and stronger than Drejka. Drejka, while
on the ground, immediately shot McGlockton in the front of his chest (not in the back).
McGlockton retreated into the store and died.
The responding police officers declined to arrest Drejka because it was self-defense.
The county Sheriff declined to press charges against Drejka because it was
This would have been the end of it if Drejka had just kept his mouth shut and
gone on with his life.
Then, Drejka goes in to talk to the police for two hours without his attorney present.
The recorded statement was played at his trial to convict him of manslaughter.
Drejka is now getting beaten in prison on a regular basis. And will be in prison for
the rest of his life.
If you are stupid enough to talk to the police, you can talk yourself into a conviction,
even when you are completely justified, completely innocent of any crime. My father,
who was a prosecutor, judge, defense attorney, et al told me that stupid people get
convicted. Doesn't have anything to do with guilt or innocence. Arrogance is a form
of stupidity. That's why God tells us to be humble.
May I invite your attention to
"D.C. commits to sweeping post-conviction review after report
uncovers breakdowns in city’s forensics arm" by Emily Davies
Whether corruption or incompetence, the result is the same, innocent persons
convicted. This is why it is so important to never talk to the police. Teach your
children to never talk to the police. You and your children can talk to your attorney.
Then your attorney can talk to the police. But, you should NEVER talk to the police.
Andrew Branca says,
Most people are not at zero knowledge. They are at negative 20, because
they know so much stuff that is false. So, to get them to 100% knowledge is
very difficult. You have to educate them out of all of their deeply held
In the right hand column, click on the link labeled "Self Defense Insurance".
Or, the link is,
Read this before you buy insurance. You need to make an informed decision.
The various policies are drastically different.
"You need to read the fine print." -- Massad Ayoob
"Have Gun — Can Still Lose" by Ken Hackathorn
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.
"ACCEPT A PLEA BARGAIN?" by Massad Ayoob
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.
It is much easier to make the correct decision when you have a self-defense
insurance policy that is paying for everything.
“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him,
but because he loves what is behind him.”
― G.K. Chesterton
----- Medical -----
"If you prepare for the emergency,
the emergency ceases to exist!"
-- Sherman House
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care Course - NAEMT Certified, $495.00
“Your character is what you do when no one is looking.”
-- Thomas Jefferson
----- Survival -----
"Survival is a mindset, not a skill set."
-- Greg Shaffer
"If you stay fit, you do not have to get fit.
If you stay trained, you do not have to get trained.
If you stay prepared, you do not have to get prepared."
-- Robert Margulies
***** ***** ***** Education ***** ***** *****
Table of contents:
"Cogito, ergo armatum sum." (I think, therefore armed am I.)
-- John Farnam
"The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly – December 2024" by Claude Werner
"Concealed Carry Class: The ABCs of Self-Defense Tools and Tactics" by Tom Givens
Can't go wrong for $18. I have a copy. I recommend.
Active Response Training
The Tactical Professor
Rangemaster Newsletter
The picture at the end is . . .
"You will never get smarter or broaden your horizons
if you're unwilling to learn from others and read."
-- Becca Martin
----- Legal -----
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.
It is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other.
-- John Adams, October 11, 1798
"Castle Doctrine Facts vs Fiction" by Massad Ayoob on Self-Defense
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.
"Law of Self Defense" by Andrew Branca
(free book, just pay for shipping so you don't have to go to Colorado to pick it up)
"7 Ways Good Guys Can Screw Up in Armed Self-Defense Situations"
by John Boch
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.
"Can you detain a burglar? Sure, but telling them to leave is the much smarter move.
If they’ve got your TV, tell them to take the remote too and be on their way. There’s
far too much downside to using deadly force on someone who isn’t threatening you and
doesn’t truly need shooting at that moment."
"A DA (District Attorney) may move forward with a prosecution just to save face
with his or her voting base."
"God bless Clay Megan for having the heart of a lion and confronting
bad guys doing bad things. Sadly, he didn’t do so from behind some form
of cover and died, leaving behind people who loved him. People who
counted on him."
"In the aftermath of his defensive gun use in his own home, he had to move
to help protect his family from retribution from the dead perp’s pals and family."
[This is reality. Prepare for it. -- Jon Low]
"Are you still sure burning down some hoodlum taking your $500 or $1,000
TV is the right call? If so, you’re not thinking rationally."
"Even if you feel your actions were completely within the law and that should
be clear to any reasonable observer, do not talk with the police until you’ve had
a chance to speak with an attorney. As one funny man once said, you have the
right to remain silent, but very few people have the ability."
"Most people don’t realize that nothing you say to police can go to proving
your innocence. In other words, you literally have no reason to talk with the
police without your attorney present. Knowing this, why would you talk with
Law of Self Defense, live online class
upcoming dates April 26, 2025, and September 27, 2025
"7 Keys to Winning a Use-of-Force Lawsuit" by Scott Wood
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.
"Alec Baldwin Sues After Case Dismissal, All Judges Recuse Themselves"
by Emily D. Baker
Alec Baldwin is not smart enough to take his win and go home. All of the
evidence that could not be brought into the criminal trial will be brought into
the civil trial. The criminal case will effectively be litigated in the civil trial.
One has to be extremely arrogant to be so stupid.
"Can You Carry a Gun Across State Lines? Your Guide to Transporting Firearms"
"Concealed Carry on Federal Property: Carry Here and Go To Jail . . . "
"Consent to Search? What You Need To Know"
[My attorney told me, if the cops search without a warrant, we can beat that
warrantless search. If the cops search with a warrant, we can beat the defective
warrant, because the cops lied to get the warrant. If you consent to a search,
there is nothing we can do. You've screwed yourself. Of course, the cops
will plant drugs and guns. That's standard law enforcement practice.
-- Jon Low]
"How Do We Make Schools Safer?" by Nick Freitas
National Constitutional Carry Act, U.S. Representative Thomas Massie.
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) announced on Thursday that he is introducing the
National Constitutional Carry Act, which would protect the right to keep and bear arms
in all areas of the country.
To the incompetent bureaucrat, the narrative is much more important than the facts.
No, this is not an isolated incident. This is fairly common.
"Supreme Court Issues 8-1 Emergency Decision Changing
Second Amendment Preservation Fight Forever!" by Armed Scholar
Missouri 2nd Amendment Presevation Act.
"Supreme Court Set To Issue 9-0 Unanimous Decision
With Major Nationwide & 2A Implications!!!" by Armed Scholar
Smith & Wesson vs. Mexico. Oral arguments on March 4th, 2025.
"Sixth Circuit Revives Liability Lawsuit Against Sig Sauer" by Jake Fogleman
Judge Amul Thapar, a Donald Trump appointee, dissented from his colleagues
in the majority. He argued that Davis’s failure to provide any expert testimony
directly addressing the specific cause of the negligent discharge should sink his
claim. “In a complex product defect case, Kentucky requires a plaintiff to present
expert testimony showing both that there’s a defect and the defect caused his injury,”
he wrote. “But Davis didn’t present expert testimony on causation. Thus, his
product defect claim should fail.” He argued that the factual record in the case,
including Davis’s willing choice in purchasing and handling the firearm, should
caution against holding Sig responsible. “Davis bought and carried a Sig Sauer
P320 X-Carry without a manual safety,” he wrote. “Davis was free to make that
reasonable choice. But it should defeat his claim that the gun suffered from a
design defect that caused him injury.
"Fifth Circuit Strikes Down Federal Handgun Purchase Ban for Adults Under 21"
by Jake Fogleman
"Fourth Circuit hears arguments on age limits for handgun sales
The circuit judges expressed concerns about striking down a law
that prohibits firearm sales to adults under 21 years old."
by Steve Garrison
“Is there no virtue among us? If there is not, we are without hope!
No form of government, existing nor theoretical, will keep us from harm.
To think that any government, in any form, will insure liberty and happiness
for a dishonorable population represents the height of self-deception.”
-- James Madison, 1788
----- Instruction -----
"The limited time you spend with students may be the only training they ever receive!"
-- John Farnam
----- Instructors -----
Colonel Robert Lindsey to his fellow trainers:
"We are not God's gift to our students.
Our students are God's gift to us."
Never do anything for your students. Never let the boyfriend / husband / etc.
do anything for the student. Let the student struggle and learn how to do it for
herself. By doing for the student, you are preventing the student from learning
how to do for herself.
"Every time I teach a class,
I discover I don't know something."
-- Clint Smith, Director of Thunder Ranch
“The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other.
Without collaboration, our growth is limited to our own perspectives.”
-- Robert John Meehan
“He who dares to teach must never cease to learn.”
-- Richard Henry Dana
Be careful what you teach.
Because your students will do in combat
whatever you have trained them to do,
no matter how ridiculous.
-- "Shooting in Self-Defense" by Sara Ahrens
the students who require the extra effort
are the ones who need us the most!"
-- John Farnam
"You must teach skill sustainment as part of training."
-- John Hearne
----- Students -----
"Growth is uncomfortable because you've never been there before."
-- Nicola Cavanis
I know training can be difficult. Let me share some words of
encouragement that my teacher told me, that I believe apply to
all training regimens.
"Keep in mind that this is some seriously next level material.
It is totally normal that the first time you see this stuff, you find
it confusing. You find it difficult to understand. So, confusion
should not discourage you. It does not represent any intellectual
failing on your part. Rather, keep in mind that it represents an
opportunity to get even smarter."
– Tim Roughgarden, Professor of Computer Science and other
stuff at Stanford University
The test of whether or not you understand a thing is whether
you can explain it to someone familiar with the field. The test of
whether or not you have a deep understanding of a thing is your
ability to explain it to a layman.
-- Norman Christ
"It's better to be wrong than to be vague."
-- Freeman Dyson
Try again.
Try once more.
Try differently.
Try again tomorrow.
Try and ask for help.
Try find someone who's done it.
Try to fix the problem.
Keep trying until you succeed."
-- Nicola Cavanis
----- Andragogy -----
"Trends In Police Training — Part 1" by Erick Gelhaus
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.
"Testing Methodologies"
When it comes to teaching foundational skills, it is likely being done in a Silo.
Or, a stove pipe, if you will. Each skill is shown in isolation, without the impact
or influence of other issues. Think about teaching the act of reloading. Once the
instructor has explained the importance and method as well as demonstrated how
to do it, the students then imitate the instructor before starting to practice it.
This can be done in a one-shot, reload, one-shot method. At least initially.
At some point, that reload has to be executed when it is not expected. In other
words, after the skill is engrained, we need to work it in context.
A One, reload, One drill is a Closed loop skill. Doing that reload when it is
not explicitly expected is the start of Open Loop skills.
Next on the path is Interleaving, when a variety of skills are required.
In other words, the need for a speed reload – regardless of whether or not
the slide is forward – happens during the shooting part of a more involved
‟An instructor should not expect any learning to
take place the first time new information is presented.”
-- ‶Building Shooters″ by Dustin Salomon
----- Gear -----
And the safe storage thereof.
“Mission drives the gear train.”
-- Pat Rogers
"New Guns and Gear for 2025: SHOT Show Preview" by Tom McHale
"Aimpoint's New COA: Clever Optics Advancement" by Forgotten Weapons
No sheer forces on the mounting screws.
"10 Best Pistols Under $350" by Honest Outlaw
They tested all of these pistols. So they weeded out the junk.
10. Ruger Security 380
9. PSA Dagger
8. Taurus G3C
7. Beretta APX Centurion
6. Taurus TX-22
5. Smith & Wesson Military & Police Shield
4. IWI Massada (ambidextrous)
3. Canik MC9 (ambidextrous)
2. Used Glocks or M&Ps
1. CZ P10S (ambidextrous)
"How I Sharpen My Knives (Work Sharp Professional Precision Adjust)"
by Melissa Miller
"Massad Ayoob - Fit vs Feel - Finding the best gun for your hands.
- Critical Mas Ep 65"
On the right of the screen you can scroll through all the episodes.
"2025 SHOT Show, Las Vegas, NV" by John Farnam
"Since Colt has been taken-over by CZ, their quality has gone up,
as has customer service!"
"2025 SHOT Show, First Day" by John Farnam
". . . I saw the “binary trigger,” . . . Highly not recommended!"
"2025 SHOT Show, Third Day" by John Farnam
I can’t keep track of all the tactical flashlight manufacturers,
but I carry a Fenix PDRPro, and it is very satisfactory.
Output is nearly 3k lumens.
Nightcore’s MH12Pro puts-out in excess of 3k lumens.
Also recommended.
POA (Patriot Ordnance Factory) introduced their “Revolution Rifle”
several years ago. I have a copy, and it is wonderful! It is a rifle nearly
as light and compact as an M4, but chambered for 308.
Today, I handled their “Rogue,” even lighter and handier (still in 308).
Then, I handled their “LMR Base,” a no-frills version, that I liked even more!
The LMR Base is non gas-adjustable (over-gassed at the factory) utility
rifle in 308 caliber and under $1k. This is the one I recommend!
PTR, makers (in America) of the famous roller-delayed blowback PTR91 Rifle
(ascending from the H&K 91, German G3, and ultimately the Spanish CETME)
now feature the same system in 223 caliber, called the PTR63. I handled a copy
today, and while proportionately smaller and lighter than the PTR91, it handled
the same way. [I have a CETME in 308. Felt recoil is very light. -- Jon Low]
"The OG Gathering"
Of note, John Farnam at about ⅓ of the way through the 1:14:12 video.
The video does not allow one to know where one is in the video.
"INSIDE STORY, Episode 4, Part 4: The OG Gathering"
“Your car is not a holster.”
-- Pat Rogers
***** ***** ***** Cryptology ***** ***** *****
Cryptosystems are considered "arms" by federal law, ITAR,
International Traffic in Arms Regulations. That means cryptosystems are
protected by the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Never let the
government infringe on your right to keep and bear cryptosystems, to
include home made cryptosystems, to include sharing cryptosystems with
"Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe,
and preserve order in the world as well as property.
Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of their use."
-- Thomas Paine
" Primes of the form p²+nq² " by Ben Green, Mehtaab Sawhney (abstract)
Quanta magazine article,
"Mathematicians Uncover a New Way to Count Prime Numbers"
by Joseph Howlett
'Experimenting with Primes' by Dr. Holly Krieger
"Never memorize anything. Rather, study it until it becomes obvious."
-- Norman Christ
"Solving the secrets of gravity" - with Claudia de Rham
by The Royal Institute
An explanation / description of massive gravitons. Remember massive / massless
"Computer science has nothing to do with computers or science."
-- Donald Knuth
"Quicksort Algorithm in Five Lines of Code!" by Computerphile
Cited paper,
"Quicksort" by C. A. R. Hoare
"Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood. Life is not easy for any of us.
But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves.
We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing must be attained."
-- Marie Curie
"DeepSeek-R1: Incentivizing Reasoning Capability in LLMs via Reinforcement Learning"
by (over a hundred authors)
"How China’s Deep Seek Outsmarted America
AI startup developed a top system by relying on inexperienced engineers and a
loophole in U.S. export controls"
by Stu Woo
Wall Street Journal, Jan. 28, 2025 at 8:18 am ET
(I'm citing a newspaper, not a web site.)
Experience, [Liang Wenfeng] said, was a potential obstacle.
“When doing something, experienced people will tell you without hesitation
that you should do it this way, but inexperienced people will have to repeatedly
explore and think seriously about how to do it, and then find a solution that
suits the current actual situation,” Liang said.
We did the Prohibition experiment. It failed. So we repealed Prohibition.
The Biden administration did the same thing with computer chips with the
same results. Hopefully, the Trump administration is smarter.
"Deepseek R1 Explained by a Retired Microsoft Engineer" by Dave's Garage
Notice what Dave says about hallucinations.
"I Reverse Engineered Deepseek R1: Here Is The Code and Explanation Of The Method"
by Richard Aragon
"Premature optimization is the root of all evil."
-- Donald Knuth
"Amateurs Just Solved a 30-Year-Old Math Problem" by Jade
Busy Beaver (5)
"Proof checker"? Ya, right. Stop and think about that.
"You don't need to memorize theorems,
because you can always derive them from first principles."
-- Sven Hartman
"Quantum Computing: Tech's Longest-Running Hoax" by Wallstreet Millennial
Would you trust a CEO who doesn't have a command of the English language?
A conspiracy theory! No, just another hoax, just like global cooling, global
warming, and climate change.
"Advanced Topics in Cryptography" by Yael T. Kalai
Zero Knowledge Proof Protocols
Interactive Proofs
"Lecture 1: Interactive Proofs and the Sum-Check Protocol, Part 1"
by Yael T. Kalai
MIT 6.5630 Advanced Topics in Cryptography, Fall 2023
***** Signals Intelligence and Ground Electronic Warfare, Cyber Security,
(sometimes Air Electronic Warfare too) *****
"A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined,
but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain
a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them,
which would include their own government."
--George Washington
"Tucker Carlson: NJ Drones Controlled From Chinese Satellite" by Docent
Cited article,
"Tucker Carlson reveals shocking 'source of mysterious drones in New Jersey' "
"STOP using a VPN for Security! (here's why)" by All Things Secured
Your biggest security problem is YOU!
VPN doesn't increase security. HTTPS is already there. So the VPN is
Catching spies.
"backdoors like this should be illegal." by Ed, Low Level
Breaking Defense has a weekly newsletter, "Networks & Digital Warfare" at
Crypto-Gram by Bruce Schneier
‟If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it.
The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury.
Therefore what he must fear is his victim.”
-- Col. Jeff Cooper, "Principles of Personal Defense"
***** ***** ***** Intelligence ***** ***** *****
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
-- Second Amendment, U.S. Constitution
"Navy Just Revealed Tally Of Surface-To-Air Missiles Fired In Ongoing Red Sea Fight
Navy surface combatants have fired off hundreds of missiles and five-inch shells to
repel Houthi drone and missile attacks." by Geoff Ziezulewicz
Hat tip to John Zielinski (fellow Marine from Marine Forces Pacific, G-2).
From James Dunnigan --
Special Operations: Hamas Decimated and Defiant
January 21, 2025: The Palestinian Hamas militia force in Gaza has survived over a
year of attacks by the Israeli Defense Forces or IDF. Hamas fires an occasional rocket
towards Israel but these rarely cause any damage or casualties. Israel still has their
Iron Dome rocket defense system to shoot down any rockets headed for a populated
area. The IDF has thousands of troops in Gaza searching for Hamas members and
capturing or killing them. The IDF is also searching for hostages, most of them
Israelis, who were seized in late 2023.
Hamas has been around since the 1980s and is a perennial loser in its battles with
Israel. One exception was the October 2023 surprise attack that had three thousand
armed Hamas members leave their Gaza hiding places and attack unprepared Israelis.
Over a thousand Israelis and foreigners in the area for a music festival were killed.
This was the largest number of Jews killed in a single incident since the World War II
Nazi German efforts to eradicate all Jews. The Nazis killed six million European
Jews and six million non-Jewish anti-Nazis from Eastern Europe. That is the origin
of the Israeli motto, “never again.”
Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank were long-time rivals for Palestinian
leadership. Neither was able to overcome the other or form a lasting united
Palestinian government. That changed with the October 2023 attack where Hamas
took the initiative but failed get into Israel or to overcome Fatah’s nominal
government in the West Bank.
How many Palestinians belong to Hamas has always been a guessing game.
October 2023 confirmed that there were at least three thousand active Hamas members.
The problem is that Hamas recruiting is very informal, and effective. Any Palestinian
can walk into a known Hamas location, which can be a café or some retail establishment,
announce their willingness to join Hamas and offer, if necessary, to fight and die for the
cause. Hamas will often hand the new recruit a weapon. These are usually AK-47
assault rifles and RPG rocket launchers. Both of these weapons are regularly featured
in Arab language movies, TV shows and propaganda films. By the time Palestinian
children are teenagers, they know all about these weapons and how to use them.
If there is a crisis, the Palestinians on the Hamas membership list go to a location and
get their rifle or rocket launcher.
This enables Palestinian leaders to call up a large number of armed members on
short notice. More organized operations, like the October 2023 attack, required a lot
of planning. Many of these Palestinian gunmen had received some specialist training,
just in case. Hamas leaders did their work and then used the standard Hamas
mobilization system to quickly organize a force of armed Hamas members from the
local Palestinian population. Hamas members don’t wear uniforms. They are armed
civilians. When Western journalists report that many Palestinian civilians were killed
by the IDF, many, if not most, of the dead were Hamas members.
Many of the Palestinian gunmen for the October 2023 attacks were not aware of a
major attack until they were called out by their Hamas leaders. Some Hamas fighters
had been assigned to get vehicles to take down fences and get Hamas gunmen
somewhere fast.
Hamas turned pre-planned improvisation into a formidable tactic that caused a lot
of Israeli casualties but ultimately failed when the better trained, armed and led IDF
showed up. The IDF quickly killed a lot of the Hamas irregulars and the October 2023
offensive faded away.
Surviving Hamas members back in Gaza spent more time in the tunnel network
they had built during more than a decade-long effort. Hamas used foreign aid sent by
the United States and other nations to build and then rebuild their tunnel system
under Gaza. Years of effort has produced hundreds of kilometers of tunnels. Many
of the tunnels were wired for electricity. Power was obtained from above ground
generators or simply by plugging into home or commercial business supplies.
Many Palestinians made a career of working in and on the tunnels.
When the IDF recently set out to destroy the tunnel system they were shocked at
how extensive it was and how resistant it was to attack. In some tunnels there were
blast doors to protect against the IDF use of explosives to reach a blocked portion
of a tunnel. The Israelis were also surprised at the comfortable quarters for Hamas
personnel and leaders. There were tunnels equipped as administrative offices and
others were meeting rooms or offices for senior Hamas leaders.
The Israelis soon realized that there was a Hamas town and military installation
under Gaza which was difficult to destroy. The IDF is, as of early 2025, still fighting
their way through the Hamas tunnel network under Gaza. IDF troops were trained
for house to house fighting and had to adapt those tactics for the underground battles
in the tunnels. Destroying the tunnel network is not impossible. The Israelis have
decades of experience fighting, detecting, and destroying tunnel systems. It is slow
and tedious work. The IDF will stay in Gaza until the tunnel network is destroyed
but destroying Hamas is another matter. There are two million Palestinians in Gaza,
including several hundred thousand potential Hamas members. Not all armed
Palestinians belong to Hamas. There are some Islamic terrorist factions and several
armed criminal groups. Their favorite prey is the food and other aid sent to Gaza
by various foreign aid organizations. The gangsters will steal this aid and sell it in
local markets. Sometimes the IDF provides armed guards for the aid convoys so
Palestinian civilians get this food. Without the food aid, many Palestinians would
starve. There are few jobs in Gaza because since late 2023 Gaza has been a war
zone. There are some markets, mainly for food, but business is done under wartime
conditions. Merchants either hire their own security and arm themselves or pay
some of the armed groups to protect them. Life goes on, even in a war zone.
-- James Dunnigan
Global Recaps
Search for drone attacks in Russia.
"Ex-KGB Agent Speaks Out On Brainwashing Tactics,
Brutality of Russian Special Forces, and Putin"
by Dalton Fischer
Jack Barsky is a former KGB Sleeper Agent who spied on the United States from
1978 to 1988. Exposed after the Cold War, he became a resource for U.S.
Counterintelligence Agencies and was allowed to remain in the United States.
"How Foreign Spies Used Swinging Sex to Steal U.S. Secrets" by Andrew Bustamante
You can't trust your brain.
"Good habits and skill beat luck every time."
-- Sheriff Jim Wilson
"The Merge"
Breaking Defense
Global Recap
Timber Sycamore
Always cite open source. Tulsi Gabbard's DNI confirmation hearings.
***** ***** ***** After Thoughts, Politics, and such ***** ***** *****
"I hate it when I'm trying to eat a salad and
it falls in the trash and I have to eat a taco instead."
-- Nicola Cavanis
Re: Preemptive Pardons . . .
"The wicked flee when no man pursueth." — Proverbs 28:1
In case you don't understand the Los Angeles fires.
"The mere idea that people who are fighting for the dignity of unborn life
are a threat to national safety is as ludicrous as the idea that abortion is health care."
— Christine Flowers
"I'm old enough to remember the national press telling us it'd never snow
again in the South because of climate change. That was only a few months ago."
— Erick Erickson
"EXCLUSIVE: Peter Doocy reveals text of Biden's letter to Trump"
"The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it."
-- (Mary) Flannery O'Connor
He's talking about President Biden.
All Democrat women voted against
HR734 Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023.
"Why Does Kamala Harris Keep Repeating This Quote? - Eric Weinstein"
by Chris Williamson
Ya, I know it's a little hard to follow. But you're smart.
DEI in chess.
“You can’t truly call yourself ‘peaceful’ unless you are capable of great violence.
If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful, you’re harmless.
Important distinction.”
-- Stef Starkgaryen
Trump cleans house.
Pete Hegseth.
"Florida cop accidentally shoots driver with his own gun during routine traffic stop"
by Caitlin McCormack
A List Member Replies: My own summary of the details furnished by a list
member on that Jacksonville SO incident in which a motorist was shot in the
thigh with his own pistol, while being disarming during a traffic stop:
The pistol was a Glock 30 (subcompact .45 ACP) so it had no thumb safety.
It was carried in a holster clipped inside the waistband, which should have
allowed removal of the holster, with the pistol inside and the trigger area covered.
Instead, the deputy appears to have used her dominant right hand to pull the
waistband away from his body, then her non-dominant left hand to draw the
pistol from the holster, with her third finger apparently sliding onto the Safe Action
trigger, firing a round into his thigh.
-- Stephen P. Wenger
A Republican and a Democrat are on an iceberg with a polar bear swimming toward them.
"How to lead your woman: lessons from the front" by Orion Taraban, Psy.D.
"Men don't want a challenge: his life is hard enough" by Orion Taraban, Psy.D.
"A feast of crumbs: how men get used" by Orion Taraban, Psy.D.
"How to NEVER FIGHT with a woman: the greatest victory requires no battle"
by Orion Taraban, Psy.D.
"How to KEEP A WOMAN: the past is prologue" by Orion Taraban, Psy.D.
The bully.
why this is essential to relationship success" by Orion Taraban, Psy.D.
Women do not love men that they don't respect.
"Ben Shapiro Is CAUGHT Simping For 304's But Wants
To DESTROY Andrew Tate" by Pearl
"A lot of men haven't slept with enough women to be able to tell the difference."
"Women over 30: the game isn't over yet" by Orion Taraban, Psy.D.
"How to have EFFORTLESS RELATIONSHIPS with women:
the advice you wish your dad gave you" by Orion Taraban, Psy.D.
"7 Sign of A Stupid Person" by Jordan Peterson
Talk too much. Don't listen enough.
Blame others. Evade responsibility.
Lack of emotional control.
Refusing to admit when you are wrong.
Avoiding new experiences.
Ignoring constructive criticism.
Over committing and under delivering.
"The truth about good relationships: tea over rice" by Orion Taraban, Psy.D.
I love eating tea and rice. My mother and maternal grandmother would make it for us.
"There is no need to understand: the problem is the problem" by Orion Taraban, Psy.D.
"Holders and sniffers: which one are you?" by Orion Taraban, Psy.D.
"All women play blackjack: know when to hold 'em" by Orion Taraban, Psy.D.
"Your money's no good here: you cannot buy a relationship long-term"
by Orion Taraban, Psy.D.
an examination of female mating behavior" by Orion Taraban, Psy.D.
"Body count and SEXUAL JEALOUSY: moving beyond the number"
by Orion Taraban, Psy.D.
"Where the battle is won: the ten second conflict" by Orion Taraban, Psy.D.
You get more bang for the buck by stopping the bad habit than starting the good habit.
Both virtues and vices are habits.
"The truth about mental illness: how to live with it" by Orion Taraban, Psy.D.
Besides making changes, you can place yourself in an environment that values
your mental illness until it spontaneously resolves. That's why joining the Marine
Corps when you're young is useful.
"Scholar essay Hub"
My favorite,
My retirement job is protecting the Gordon Jewish Community Center in Nashville, TN.
"Member of neo-Nazi group charged with trespassing, assault for stunt at
Jewish Community Center
Travis Keith Garland is the third member of the Goyim Defense League
to be arrested here in the last six months."
by Phil Williams
"Videos, posts from neo-Nazi group's internal chats
reveal suspect's motives in anti-Semitic stunt"
by Phil Williams
"East Tennessee Neo-Nazi indicted on civil rights intimidation charges after
anti-Semitic stunt at JCC (Jewish Community Center)
Travis Keith Garland faces two counts for civil rights violations, as well as assault
and criminal trespassing a Jewish Community Center.
Judge refuses to reduce $250,000 bond."
by Phil Williams
"Dealing with Mentally Disturbed Individuals" by Tom Givens
"Guard Steps In To Stop Kidnapping In Progress" by Active Self Protection
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.
It is very difficult to make the shot in the real world.
It is also very difficult to avoid having to take the shot, in the real world.
"Маленькая смерть/Petite Mort - Иржи Килиан"
Hat tip to Orion Taraban.
"Petite Mort", named after the French euphemism for orgasm,
this short piece – choreographed by Jiri Kylian and set to Mozart's
lovely Piano Concerto No. 23.
If you've got time to "waste", check out
"Gun Bunny"
"Does the Glock suck?" by Gun Bunny
"Best Detective Noir/Book With Guns I've Ever Read" by Gun Bunny
[Hey, I liked "Wheel of Time". -- Jon Low]
"Guns in Space: TP-82" by Gun Bunny
Fathers are more important to the family.
Semper Fidelis,
Jonathan D. Low
Radio: KI4SDN