Wednesday, November 8, 2017

CWP, 8 November 2017 Anno Domini

Greetings Sheepdogs,

***** Mindset *****

"The Thick of the Fight!"

The Test, Ready or Not!

Self Defense Success – It’s All In Your Head


***** Training *****

MAG-20 course (Massad Ayoob Group) JANUARY 27-28, 2018 in Summerville, SC
Armed Citizen's Rules of Engagement
     Even flier at
     Registration at
     at the Palmetto Gun Club

Train For Pain

Gunfighter Logic: 10 Rules for Conceal Carry


Real & Imaginary Dangers of Firearms Training Classes

Skill Set: Simple and Effective
"There are no advanced skills. Responding to a threat
is a matter of being able to apply the fundamentals."
     Simple is always better.  Because it is more reliable. 
Simple is not easy.  Simple things are often very difficult
to do, and require self discipline to cause yourself to

Why you should stop plinking and start training at the gun range
Training means knowing when it is time to seek professional
instruction in order to push your individual limits to get
better, faster and more accurate. A second set of eyes
helps identify weaknesses and target areas of needed
improvement. A quality firearms instructor will give you
new ideas on ways to improve your weaknesses when practicing
on your own. They can help you self-diagnose and
self-correct your mistakes so you can work on improving
your skills outside of class. In other words,
you don’t know what you don’t know. Instructors can help
bring your previously unknown weaknesses to light so that
you can work on turning them into strengths.

Reality Training: Distance and cover
     How would you deal with a hostile bystander?
     You don't dictate the use of force.  The other
guy determines how much force you have to use.

Fact-based Decision Making
     After basic firearms training, people who's training
has moved up through shoot house simulators to force on
force will tell you that when they did their first
simulator it was a mess. They made mistakes and their
hearts pounded, but after a dozen times through the
simulator it became fairly mundane.
     Then when they added force on force training, the
training became much more challenging again. In one’s
first force on force exercises, one becomes more excited
and more agitated, and makes mistakes. You do that for
a while, and you get better.
     What makes people think it takes any less practice
to evaluate circumstances and make a decision while
under pressure, under a compressed time frame, than
it does to make a difficult shot under pressure?
These are both skills that can be learned and practiced.
Some will be better at either or both skills than others,
but everyone will benefit from training and preparation.

Adequate Learning Vs Overlearning: How Many Repetitions Is Enough?

Negligent Discharges During Training — Lessons Learned

Active Shooter Response Training Tip

Concealed Carry Training Mistake: Hollow Points

     For those of you who do not practice,
Proverbs 13:4 ESV The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing,
while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied.
Proverbs 10:4 ESV A slack hand causes poverty,
but the hand of the diligent makes rich.
Galatians 6:9 ESV And let us not grow weary of doing good,
for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Louis Awerbuck
Muzzle Awareness
Body sizes
Target Selection
Close Quarters

***** Tactics *****

***** Techniques *****

Important information on recognizing threats and trigger control
     May I invite your attention to,
Behavioral Cues to Impending Aggression
Mastering Trigger Control

AR Optics (pertinent to all systems)
Excerpt:  "It all looks great in the showroom" -- Anon

Richard Dimitri explaining the Shredder. 
In section 2 of this article,
A technique worth exploring.  Especially when lethal force
is not appropriate.

***** Gear *****

October 2017 Rangemaster Newsletter
     Paint your front sight a color that will contrast
with your probable targets.
     ". . . a big factor is the bad guy's training,
education, and life experience.  Most bad guys go
through the entire careers without ever running
into an armed citizen on the street.  Only about
4% of the U.S. population has some kind of carry
permit, and I'd bet less than 1% of them actually
carry on a routine, daily basis.  So, when a bad
guy confronts a citizen who is actually armed and
produces a weapon, the resulting mental lag time
for the bad guy allows even an untrained or
minimally trained defender a golden opportunity. 
The one who starts the fight has an enormous
advantage.  In this context, the bad guy started
the incident, but the student starts the fight."

The 2016 LEOKA Report- Studying the Cop Killers
In practical numbers, the Taser is only effective
a little more than half of the times it is deployed.

     Wire mesh goggles never fog up as do plastic
safety glasses.  That's why firefighters and forest
rangers use them.  This is the same technology
we used for fencing masks.

Skill Set: Holster Tips

     The company I work for, ATM Solutions Inc.,
requires us to wear at least level 1 retention
holsters, because we open carry when servicing
the automatic teller machines.  I could not find
an inside the waist band retention holster that
I liked.  Outside the waistband holsters flop
around when you move.  With an inside the
waistband holster, your gun belt holds the holster
tight against your body.  So, I got a Safariland GLS
holster (releases the pistol with pressure from
the middle finger when establishing a high tight grip),
unbolted it from the paddle that it comes with, and
bolted it to my Alien Gear leather holster backing. 
So far so good. 

     My Springfield Armory XD in .45 ACP was
giving me a blister on the inside of my right
thumb at the joint that connects the thumb to
the hand (sesamoid bones).  I'm right handed. 
So, I took a round file, removed a couple
millimeters of the grip and rounded the area
of the grip that was rubbing. 
     Leave the lines from the file.  You don't
want to take fine sand paper and make the
finish smooth.  You want the rough surface for
a high friction grip.  If you have sharp edges
in the surface, scratch them off with your
fingernails.  The plastic is really soft.
     If you don't shoot a thousand rounds in
a weekend in a high intensity course, you
will probably never get blisters. 
     I also got blisters on my brain.

Wash. PD to add suppressors to all service rifles
     134 decibels is still pretty loud. 
Ya, I know decibels are measured on a logarithmic scale.

     My company is constantly posting reports of our
colleagues getting shot (and sometimes killed) to
prevent us from becoming complacent, so I bit the bullet
and bought "soft" body armor.  I got a Safariland Level III set. 
It has lots of adjustments.  You really need someone
who knows what they are doing to fit you with a proper
set of body armor.  (I went to Greene Military and Police
in Nashville, TN.)  Just as your pistol has to fit your
hand.  One size does not fit all.
     Overview of body armor,
     Thoughts for buying body armor,
     National Instutute of Justice, Body Armor,
     Body Armor that Complies With NIJ Ballistic Resistance Standard, 0101.06
     The truth is that once you wear it for a while,
it becomes comfortable and you won't want to leave
home without it.  Just like your pistol.
     You have to wash the cloth carrier every
week at a mininum.  Otherwise, no one is going
to sit next to you.
     My son would buy helmets and body armor at the
gun shows, just to shoot them up to see what happens. 
But, if you're going to wear the armor for protection,
buying at a gun show is not a good idea, because you
don't know how old it is and you don't know what
abuse it has suffered.  Age is directly related to

***** Instructors *****

"Give more than you have to,
charge less than you can."
-- Pat Goodale

To Be A Good Instructor, You Have To Be A Student
     The first time I was in Israel for training,
a group of us were having a conversation and the
lead instructor said "When Imi gave us our black belts,
he said 'congratulations . . . now go learn the next thing'."
     That’s profound right there. The guy that invented
the system, gave him a black belt, then made a point to
tell them to go learn something else.  Expand your
knowledge base.
. . .
     If you do not MAKE TIME to be a student,
you will fall into mediocrity. You will puff
yourself up by telling yourself lies about
how much you know and how the others don’t
know shit.

***** Pedagogy *****

***** Education *****

Concealed Handgun Licensing: Asset to Texas
     Collating conviction data reported by Texas Department of Public Safety,
crime data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and census data,
it’s possible to determine relative criminality of handgun carry
licensees to their equivalent non-licensee population. This paper
analyzes Texas carry licensees versus non-licensee Texans over
age 21 to determine relative criminality, and also cites research
enabling a comparison between police officer malfeasance and
carry licensees.
     There are five sections in this report:
• Conviction rates determine relative criminality of each population.
• Carry licensees more law-abiding than police officers.
• Carry licensees are more law-abiding than non-licensees.
• Over 96% FBI crime reduction, if non-licensees were as law-abiding.
• About $10 billion annual savings, if non-licensees were as law-abiding.

Law of Self Defense
Live online session, every Wednesday, at 1PM Central time,

Confirmation Bias: Why You Make Terrible Life Choices
     Why is this article so important to your shooting? 
Because shooting is a high order intellectual activity. 
(At least if you're striving to shoot well and legally.)

Language Lessons: Normalcy Bias

11 Research Based Concealed Carry Tips From Criminal Video Analysis
     Prior to this analysis I would have thought that the vast majority
of assaults and robberies, which is what these scenarios generally
are, would have been one on one.  This is simply not true!
1.    Carry a high capacity weapon, ideally 8 rounds or above.
2.    Be able to access your gun with one hand.
3.    Keep your head on a swivel, checking your 6, the most dangerous area.
4.    Delay your draw.
5.    Obscure your draw.
6.    Do not engage immediately unless you must.
7.    Practice pivoting and engaging threats
8.    Practice gun grappling and one handed engagement within 3 feet
9.    Shoot from cover if available
10.   Practice shooting and moving at man sized target at 3-5 yards
11.   Validate all live training with force on force training

Signs Someone Has a Hidden Gun
     ". . . none (as in zero) of the criminals interviewed used a holster."
     "I always looked at their eyes, face and neck. 
People tense up before they launch and you can see
this as their eyes narrow or squint, their facial
muscles tighten and their carotid arteries in the
neck throb as their pulse quickens." -- Ed Head

***** News *****

Why police use of deadly force does not equate to intend to kill
     Instructors, carefully train your students. 
     "Why did you shoot him?"
     I feared for my life.  I shot him to stop his attack.
     "Were you trying to kill him?" 
     No, I was trying to stop his attack.

Texas man who shot, chased down Texas church gunman was NRA instructor
     The question is, "Why didn't anyone in the church shoot back? 
Why did a Good Samaritan have to rescue the congregation?" 
     Some churches have publicly declared all of their facilities
to be weapon free zones.  Even though Jesus told his disciples
to get swords, and if you don't have a sword,
sell your coat and buy a sword.  Luke 22:36

Lots of interesting stuff at
Crime Prevention Research Center

***** Survival Tips *****

Texas Rangers: Armed Citizen 'Engaged' Killer, Ending Rampage

What Most of Us Don’t Think About When Staying in Hotel Room

Is Carrying a Knife for Self-Defense a Good Idea?
. . . training is a must in order to effectively
use a knife for personal defense, . . .

Women: Reconnect with Your Innate Ability to Physically Defend Yourself

***** Basics *****

How To Make Sure Your Handgun Fits You

How To Use An AR-15

Gun Cleaning

     For rifles, the effective range is the distance over
which the bullet is supersonic.  Rifle bullets come out
of the muzzle at supersonic speed (except for smallbore
rifles firing match ammo, whose bullets are subsonic
from muzzle to target).  This puts the bullet in front
of its shock wave.  So, the bullet is traveling through
calm air.  (And hence laminar flow, at least around the
front of the bullet.  The idea of a boat tail bullet is
to reduce the area of the base of the bullet,
because at the edge of the base is where laminar flow
is lost to turbulent flow.)  When the bullet makes the
transition from supersonic to subsonic speed, it is
traveling through its own shock wave.  This means the
bullet is moving through turbulent air, an unstable
     For pistols, the situation is different.  Some
pistol bullets, such as a standard 230 grain .45 ACP
comes out of the muzzle subsonic [about 850 feet
per second (speed of sound is about 1100 to 1200
feet per second, depending on temperature, pressure,
humidity, and other things)]. 
So, there is never a trans-sonic transition. 
     For those bullets that leave the muzzle at supersonic
speeds, such as most 9mm cartridges, over pistol ranges
(25 yards) the bullet remains supersonic.
     The only problem you could run into would be when
you reload or buy extremely light bullets at extremely
high muzzle velocities.  They could undergo sonic
transition at pistol ranges.  But, you can determine
this, as there are many free online ballistic calculators.
     "Staff, that doesn't make sense.  Won't a bullet
with a higher muzzle velocity take longer to slow to
subsonic speed than a bullet with a lower muzzle
     No, at the speeds we are talking about,
air friction is approximately proportional to
the cube of the speed.  So, the faster bullet suffers
much more air friction, and so loses much more speed.
     A slow moving projectile suffers very little
air friction.  That's why precision air rifles (an
Olympic sport) are so efficient.
     A car traveling at 55 mph is using about half
of the energy from the engine to overcome air resistance. 
(Only half of the energy from the gasoline is converted
to mechanical energy.  The other half is lost as heat.
Electric cars are stupid, because half of the electrical
energy generated at the power plant is lost in the
transmission lines.  Where does the electricity come
from?  Burning oil and coal.)

***** Miscellany *****

     If you would like the lesson plans for my
NRA Defensive Pistol course, send me an email,
and I'll send you the latest version.
