Friday, October 31, 2014

CWP, 31 October 2014 A.D.

Greetings Concealed Weapons Permittees,

***** Mindset *****

     “God is strong, and he wants you strong.
So take everything the Master has set out for
you, well-made weapons of the best materials.
And put them to use so you will be able to
stand up to everything the Devil throws your
way.  This is no afternoon athletic contest
that we'll walk away from and forget about in
a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a
life-or-death fight to the finish against
the Devil and all his angels.”
– Saul of Tarsus (The Apostle Paul)
Ephesians 6:10-12,
The Message (a modern translation of the Bible)

***** Training *****

     Tom Clark points out an error in my last
email to the Conceal Weapons Permittees.  The
problem in the video was with the holstering
technique, not with appendix carry.

     "I would like to make note on your comment on
discouraging appendix carry because of the reholstering
shown in the video.
     I think, while he is probably a highly skilled
operator, the instructor in the video erred in his
reholster technique – and the gun absolutely should
not have muzzled his support hand wrist.
    What he should have done rather than grasp his
belt to clear a path to the holster was clear his
garment (if he had one) with his support hand above
the holster, forearm against his gut while pressing
in slightly on his gut.  Then there is a clear path
to the holster, and reholstering can be accomplished
without sweeping yourself.  This is the same as any
reholstering where the support hand and forearm is
against the body with appropriate muzzle discipline
– making sure the muzzle does not sweep where it
should not.
     So rather than bash the appendix carry method,
a ding on the person and the example would be in
Thomas E. Clark
NRA Certified Pistol and Rifle Instructor
Glock Certified Pistol Instructor and Armorer
SC SLED CWP Instructor

     In this past Defensive Pistol course we had
a CZ pistol that failed to fire when held upside
down and when held sideways.  Not always, but it
definitely happened twice.  How would one find
such an intermittent failure of a system if not
for the training course?  One could easily have
dismissed it as user error, or it didn't really
happen, or the gun was dirty, or I didn't pull
the trigger hard enough, etc.
     The purpose of training is to find out what
techiques and equipment don't work under stress.
     The gunsmith will probably determine that
the spring holding the pin that blocks the
firing pin is either broken or absent.  But,
firing the pistol right-side-up at the indoor
range would never have found this error.
Because when gravity pulls the firing pin block
down, everything works fine.  See part 59 in
the exploded parts diagrams:
Color coded by function,
Black and white,

***** Tactics *****

Less Is More:  The Defensive Shotgun
"... you DO have to aim with a shotgun ..."

***** Gear *****

     When I was an artillery cannoneer,
supply issued us this eye protection.
They work well.  I recommend them.
Mike Battery, 3rd Battalion, 14th Marines,
4th Division, U.S. Marine Corps out of
Chattanooga, TN.
In this gun club we shot at night without
worrying about bothering the neighbors.
We shot over each other's heads without
worrying about friendlies down range.
And if we accidentally fired when we were
not supposed to, we never got sent home.
No 180 degree rule, we fired in all directions.
It ain't a gun unless you can stick your
head in the chamber.  Yank the lanyard
and suck the swab!

Jeff:  I noticed in your syllabus under
lessons learned you mention not stuffing
magazines. I have been loading the spare
magazine I carry for concealed carry to
full capacity and the magazine in the
gun at full capacity plus one in the
chamber. I also rotate magazines every
month or so ( sometimes I forget to do
it in a timely fashion). Should I be
doing something different?

Jon:  I only say that you should not
overload your magazines.  Some magazines
allow the user to stuff 13 rounds in a 12
round magazine.  Overloading causes
malfunctions.  Loading to capacity, even
with one in the chamber, should not cause
malfunctions in modern pistols.
     Magazines need not be rotated,
as tires on a car.  They need to be
disassembled and cleaned regularly,
just as you field strip and clean your
pistol regularly.  (Disassembly beyond
field stripping should be left to a
     Keeping the magazines loaded does
not hurt the magazine springs.  Modern
metallurgy creates springs that are well
within the elastic limits of the metal
when the magazine is fully loaded. 
If loading the magazine to capacity
permanently deforms the spring, the
spring is defective.

     Lots of exploded diagrams.

***** News *****

TrackingPoint, Inc. seems to have automated
the concept of surprise break.

***** Promotions *****

CrossBreed stuff.

NRA stuff.

***** Miscellany *****

Firearms in slow motion.

Survivor Library. 
Information in case civiliation collapses.

Cut away photo of 30mm Air Burst Munition

Q: What's yellow, linear, normed, and complete?
A: A Bananach space.
Renteln, P. and Dundes, A.
"Foolproof: A Sampling of Mathematical Folk Humor."
Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 52, 24-34, 2005.
[Hey, don't blame me.  Eric Weisstein told
me the joke.  I just thought it was funny.]
     In Israel, the guys will ask, "Where are
the bananas?" meaning "Where are the girls?"
(It's a pun on the Hebrew word for girl.)
     I always liked the smell of Hoppes No. 9.
It's like bananas.

     Older postings may be found at
     Lesson plans may be found at


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

CWP, 22 October 2014 A.D.
Greetings Concealed Weapons Permittees,

     Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
Teach a man to shoot and he'll feed and protect
his family for a lifetime.

***** Mindset *****

     Adapted from the National Safety Council's
"Ten Habits of Defensive Driving".
Ten Habits of Defensive Shooting:
1.  Always carry your loaded concealed pistol.
2.  Evaluate the conditions -- yours,
the other people around you, and the
escape routes.
3.  Avoid impaired carrying.
4.  Use the "What If?" strategy to recognize hazards.
5.  Avoid distracted shooting.
6.  Always maintain emotional control --
Reflect, Reframe, Refocus.
7.  Avoid fatigued shooting.
8.  Maintain a safe distance from others.
9.  Always have a plan for every situation.
10.  Consider the innocent bystanders, armed
citizens, and plain clothes law enforcement
officers -- communicate (for instance by
yelling "STOP!" to determine the intent
of the suspect), be courteous (you don't
have to be a hero, being a good witness
is important too), and have patience
(sometimes finding a safe place to
defend is better than attacking).

***** Training *****

Shot Placement by John Hoschen

     If you're using a double action / single
action (double action on the first shot and
single action on subsequent shots until
decocked) pistol, and finding that your first
shot is impacting low left (for right handed
shooters) or low right (for left handed
shooters), it means you're not getting a
surprise break on your first shot.  It takes
a lot of training to master the long heavy
double action trigger pull. 
     If you are unable or unwilling (as I am)
to put in the training time, then the solution
is to use a single action or striker action
pistol, where every trigger pull is the same. 
     If carrying a pistol with a round
in the chamber and the hammer cocked bothers
you, I assure you that your discomfort is
due to ignorance.  The modern single action
and striker action pistols are safe.  They
can't be sold in the U.S. until they have
passed the BATF's drop test.
     They will not magically fire on their
own.  You must pull the trigger.

     Okay, I admit it.  It is possible to
magically fire the pistol even when the
safety is on and the trigger is not pulled.
But, you need a really strong magnet.

     Other schools of thought.
The instructor muzzles his left wrist when holstering.
That's why we don't recommend the appendix holster
position, and why we insist on one handed holstering.

     The National Safety Council says,
1.75 seconds for average perception time.
0.75 seconds for average reaction time.  Therefore,
2.50 seconds for an average person
from seeing the danger to pressing the brake pedal.
     Compare that time to the study
by Mike Waidelich that concluded
1.50 seconds for the average person
from perception of threat to shooting the threat.
One second is a significant difference.
The National Safety Council's average perception
time is greater than the Tueller Drill's total time.

Secretive Guerrilla Group Fighting Back Against ISIS in Syria
"We trained them ..."
     Yes, training is essential.
Vigilantes, guerrillas, and militias
without training are ineffective.
The courts and parole boards release
criminals (many of whom are
illegal aliens) to prey upon us.
The mass media calls us vigilantes
for defending ourselves.  All that
matters is that it's better to be
the victor than the victim.
Your loved ones are depending on

***** Tactics *****

Karl:  In a carjacking scenario,
does one ever shoot through a window? 
We learned the bad guy's bullet will
penetrate a side or rear window. 
If like today the bad guy has pistol drawn, ...

Jon:  Your pistol bullets will definitely
penetrate side and rear car windows,
if the angle isn't too close to parallel
to the plane of the window. 
Your pistol bullets will penetrate front
windshield windows if the angle is near
perpendicular to the plane of the windshield.
Always best to try to get perpendicular
to the barrier that you're shooting through,
because the barier will deflect the bullet. 
Shooting perpendicular to the plane of
the barrier minimizes the deflection.
     Front windshields are at least two layers
of glass with laminate (glue) inbetween. 
So, the direction of deflection is not necessarily
intuitive.  I took a sniper class at
Kaneohe MCAS in the early 80's in which
we shot at an assortment of barriers
including windshields and "bullet proof"
glass.  We learned that no matter what
angle the bullet enters, the bullets
exit at random angles; except when the
angle is perpendicular to the plane
of the barrier.  Maj. John Plaster's
book, "The Ultimate Sniper",
1st Edition, notes a similar result.
     If I can positively identify
the enemy through the window, I would
shoot through the window.  Be prepared
for the deafening report, back blast,
and glass fragments (that's why I
wear eye glasses instead of contact lenses). 
Frangible bullets, such as Glaser or
MagSafe are designed to disintegrate
on initial impact, so they would not
be effective after breaking
the window.  I would expect hollow
point bullets to deform after breaking
the window.  I would use a copper
jacketed round nose bullet for best
penetration and minimum deformation.
     You may be shooting through
the car door to stop the carjacker. 
Generally speaking, modern
automobile doors are not cover.
Again, I would use a copper jacketed
round nose bullet for the best
penetration.  Because we can't see
the inside of the car door and so
don't have intimate knowledge of
the inside of the car door,
we should expect deflection.

***** Gear *****

"Reliability is the non-negotiable baseline.
Carry the load(s) that work 100% in your
particular pistol.
     By "Reliability", Massad Ayoob is referring
to the ammunition that feeds from the magazine
and chambers without malfunction.  This is more
important than muzzle velocity, bullet weight,
terminal ballistics, or anything else.

     LED replacement for the xenon bulb in
your flashlight.
Flashlight Bulb LED Upgrade
650+ lumens
CREE T6 1 Mode Drop-in
P6 P60 Surefire
Arizona Tactical Gear
1754 South Linda
Mesa, AZ 85204
     This recommendation came from one of
our students, Karl.  The flashlight was effective.

     I bought ProEars ReVo youth active hearing
protection headsets for the kids. They were
about $80 each [the headsets, not the kids].
Had to purchase "N" type batteries for them.
They have a control knob for volume on each
ear piece (2 total) adjusted individually.
The kids were able to pick out their
favorite color (pink rain and green zombie)
and they really like them. Said they were
very comfortable and didn't complain about
wearing them for extended time. We were
able to have normal conversation on the
range yet block out noise from shots. Makes
for a much easier time coaching and talking
while shooting. I would recommend them.
-- Jeff Cole

***** News *****

Pro-gun Hollywood actors.
His wife, Angelina Jolie, is also
on the record as pro-gun, and has
stated that she would be more than
willing to shoot anyone attacking
her children.

***** Miscellany *****

     Swedish Soldier/Marine recruiting advertisement.
Making fun of U.S. Marine ad.

     Friday Night Gun Porn – the M1 Garand
Stripping and slow motion videos.

     Older postings may be found at
     Lesson plans may be found at


Friday, October 10, 2014

CWP, 10 October 2014 A.D.
Greetings Concealed Weapons Permittees,

***** Training *****

Nathan is offering some courses.
Nathan Goode, BA, PPS, CPP
NGInvestigations, Inc.

Friday-Saturday, October 31-November 1, 2014 -
BIT and Pistol Instructor course @ $400.00 Roswell, GA

Sunday, November 2, 2014 -
Personal Protection Outside the Home Instructor course @ $275.00
Roswell, GA

These courses will be conducted at our private outdoors facility in Rome, GA.

Friday, November 14, 2014 -
PPOH Student course @ $325.00
9:30 am to 9:00 pm
Low Light and Night fire Pistol clinic @ $150.00
(included for PPOH students)
5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Saturday, November 15, 2014 -
PPOH Student continued
9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Saturday, November 15, 2014 -
PPOH Instructor course, @ $375.00 Classroom
2:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Sunday, November 16, 2014 -
PPOH Instructor continued, Range
9:00 am to 6:00 pm

***** Miscellany *****

     We're starting an NRA Defensive Pistol course
at the Dowelltown United Methodist Church
170 Church Street, Dowelltown, TN 37059
on 20 October 2014 at 5:00 PM central time. 
If you'd like to attend, send me an email
for the schedule, documents, and reservations.
     Older postings may be found at
     Lesson plans may be found at


Friday, October 3, 2014

CWP, 3 October 2014 A.D.
Greetings Concealed Weapons Permittees,

***** Questions and Answers *****

Karl:  Should we use “target” ammunition for personal defense? 
I have been told to use better than “target” quality ammo,
though I do not know what that would be.  Have I been talking
with the hollow point crowd?  That we learned we should not
follow because step 1 is chambering and FMJ is more likely to
chamber than hollow point.  Plus more mass/penetration with FMJ.

Jon:  I believe that you should use "target" ammo for personal
defense.  By this I mean round nose, full metal jacket,
standard velocity (as opposed to +P or +P+) ammunition. 
Because it chambers more reliably than any other bullet type;
and reliable feeding is more important than terminal ballistics. 
The gun must go bang when you pull the trigger.
     I believe that "self-defense" ammo is grossly over priced.
     My friend, <redacted>, was attacked by a pit pull.  He fired
five rounds into the dog before it stopped its attack.  None of his
bullets exited the dog.  He was shooting copper jacketed
round nose bullets in a standard .45 ACP caliber. 
Of all the commercially available self-defense cartridges,
this gave maximum penetration; and none of his bullets
exited the dog.
     When defending against a car jacking, you may have to shoot
through your car door or window.  When defending against an assailant,
you may have to shoot through the bones of his arms and rib cage
to reach a vital organ in order to stop the attack.  So, penetration
is essential.  Full metal jacketed round nose bullets give the best
     Injury or death of innocent bystanders due to over penetration
of the intended target is a perceived liability concern, but not
statistically significant.  [citation - Police Officers Safety
Association lecture]

Karl:  Brass vs. aluminum cases.  Which do you prefer?  Why?

Jon:  Brass case ammunition is preferable because you can reload it.
Aluminum and steel cases cannot be reliably reloaded, because the
metal is not malleable enough.  The aluminum and steel cased
ammo is generally cheaper.  I have never noticed a functional

Karl:  FMJ vs. TMJ.  What is the difference?  Which do you prefer? Why?

Jon:  Full metal jacket (FMJ) refers to a copper, brass, or
bronze cup that is formed in the swaging process into a
uniform jacket of the lead bullet.  The interior of the jacket
is usually coated with tin or some other metal so that the
heat and pressure causes a chemical bond between the lead
core and the jacket.  So, they don't separate on impact.
     There is also a copper wash or copper coating that is much
thinner than the jacket referred to above.
     Total metal jacket (TMJ) refers to the bullet being completely
covered by the jacket.  FMJ bullets usually have an
exposed lead base.  The hot burning propellant vaporizes the
exposed lead, so you get some lead in the air.  The TMJ is
supposed to prevent this.
     If I were immortal, I would be concerned about lead.  But,
having worked at the National Bureau of Standards (mass
spectrometry section and activation analysis section) where
we were regularly tested for lead (mercury, radiation, and
other things), I am satisfied that my lead exposure will
not reach a significant level within my life span.

Karl:  With regards to 9mm bullets of 115, 124, and 147 grains. 
Our lesson on stopping power suggests 147 is preferred.  Correct?

Jon:  Within the context of self-defense shootings,
I believe that penetration (FBI recommends 12 to 18
inches in ballistic gelatin) is the correct quantifier of
"stopping power".  I believe that momentum (mass X velocity)
is the correct quantifier of penetration of a bullet in a human body. 
Therefore, I believe that one should maximize the mass
of the bullet so as to maximize the momentum of the
bullet after impact (terminal ballistics).
(I realize that I have skipped a lot of steps in this argument.)

Karl:  CCI seems to me to have a reputation of being a good brand. 
Reliable and clean.  Also PMC.  But that sense is not informed. 
Any brands you believe superior?  Why? 

Jon:  I have never noticed a functional difference in 
commercially available factory new ammunition.
They all seem to work just fine.

***** Training *****

"Review: NRA’s Personal Protection Outside the Home course"
by Chris Cheng
     The NRA has a progression of courses for pistol:
First Steps Pistol
Basic Pistol
Personal Protection in the Home
Personal Protection  Outside the Home
Defensive Pistol

***** Tactics *****

"Shocking Facts About Gun Fights!" by Nick Irving.
"There is a simple solution to overcoming the symptoms
of adrenaline overload and get you back on top of your
game ... deep breaths.  Your body needs the extra
oxygen to deal with the extra stress. Yes ... Just breath!"
"The key to hitting a moving target, within a combat
pistol range, is to simply aim at what you want to hit,
focus on the front sight, and squeeze."
[Don't lead the target.]

"Walk And Shoot…CQC Training Tip" by Nick Irving.

***** Gear *****

"FBI Training Division Justifies 9mm Caliber Selection"
     I've followed the links, but I have not
been able to find the primary source. 
So, I'm not sure of the authenticity.

Ammunition Demystifier
     Great pictures explaining what's
inside your ammunition.  (Click on
the headings to get to the three pages.)

***** News *****

"Port Allen restaurant offers discount to gun-carrying customers"
by Kiran Chawla

***** Promotions *****

     I recommend Target Sports USA,
I have purchased ammunition from them
many times.  There is no shipping fee
when buying in bulk, 1000 rounds.
They ship FedEx ground.  I have always
been pleased with their service.
If you get on their mailing list, they
will tell you when they have the
ammo you use.

***** Miscellany *****

     Older postings may be found at
     Lesson plans may be found at
