Thursday, August 29, 2024

CWP, 29 August MMXXIV Anno Domini

 Greetings Sheepdogs, 
Table of Contents:  
         Situational Awareness
*****     *****     ***** Prevention *****     *****     *****
Things you can do to avoid the lethal force incident.  
Table of sections:  
----- Mindset -----
Figuring out the correct way to think.  
     ‟We don’t decide what is necessary to survive a 
lethal force encounter initiated by someone else.  
That person decides what’s necessary for us to survive.”  
– William Aprill
     Andrew Branca explains why you need to carry lots of high capacity magazines.  
     This actually happened.  So it could happen to you.  
     "Your gunfights will always be anomalies.  
So are those of all the instructors you venerate.  
It’s useful to keep those facts in mind."  
-- Greg Ellifritz
"Out of Control!" by John Farnam
     In Germany, as here, open borders, along with the government’s absolute refusal 
to deport anyone, even violent criminals/terrorists, makes effective unilateral 
self-protection on the part of individual citizens a critical priority.  
     Leftist, of course, are working relentlessly to make that impossible, as we see!  
     Sensei Cat Fitzgerald taught us to cover our necks with our support-side hands 
when fighting someone armed with a knife.  Other teachers say that is wrong because 
you need to use two hands in a fight.  But, Sensei was teaching those without a lot 
of training and without the desire to get much more training than this one class.  
So when you analyze it, it makes sense.  
-- Jon Low
     ‟Fear is an instinct.  Courage is a choice.”  
-- Rear Admiral Joseph Kernan, U.S. Navy
"Mind Vision Break
Get your head in the game before the trigger is pressed."  
by Steve Tarani
     ‷If you look at someone bigger, faster, and stronger and immediately think, 
‶I'm at a disadvantage″,  
I have news for you:  you are.  
But that's only because you just put yourself there for no reason.  
     The truth is that anyone can do debilitating violence to anyone else.  
Your size, your speed, your strength, your gender -- 
all the factors that untrained people think make the difference when it comes to violence -- 
all matter far less than your mindset and your intent.‴  
-- Tim Larkin
     “Willingness is a state of mind.  Readiness is a statement of fact!”  
-- Lt. Gen. David M Shoup, USMC Commandant 1960-1963
***** Situational Awareness ***** 
How to avoid being taken by surprise.  
     In the Armed Forces of the United States of America, an officer may be forgiven 
for losing a battle.  But, being taken by surprise is unforgiveable.  Because it 
demonstrates a dereliction of duty.  
     “You need to have the capacity for danger.  You need to be ‘dangerous’.  
Yet, you need to learn how to not use it except when necessary.  
And, that is not the same thing as being harmless.  
     There's nothing virtuous about harmlessness.  
Harmless just means you’re ineffectual and useless.”  
-- Jordan Peterson 
"Surveillance Detection is a lifestyle not something you pull out of your pocket 
on occasion.  It’s better to avoid trouble than to get out of trouble."  
by Claude Werner
     “Sheriff Judd said Jenkins has 53 previous felony charges and 18 previous 
misdemeanor charges and has been to state prison five times.”  
     "There are a lot of low lifes out there and they won’t cut you one bit of slack.  
Notice that this attack escalated to ‘gun violence’ almost immediately." -- Claude Werner
     "We've always felt safe in our home.  Safe in the neighborhood," Chambliss said.  
     Such feelings are counterproductive.  And often delusional.  
"Surveillance Detection Principles" by Claude Werner
     [Could two thugs follow you around indoors for 2 hours without you noticing?  
And if you did notice, would you have taken any action to evade the surveillance?  
And if you did take evasive action, how far would you go to escape the pursuit?  
     If you don't think about this sort of thing ahead of time, you won't notice, you 
won't take action, and you won't go far enough to be effective.  
     If you had ambushed them, the legal system would hammer you {if you were 
suspected (which would demonstrate incompetence on your part), if you were 
arrested (which would demonstrate a higher level of incompetence on your part), 
if you were prosecuted (if you're that incompetent, you shouldn't be playing this 
game in the first place)} because our legal system considers your prediction of 
future events the same as witchcraft (oh, wait, witchcraft used to be illegal; 
people used to be prosecuted and executed for witchcraft), even though the 
purpose of the fields of science and intelligence analysis is to predict future events.  
So you can't argue in court that you killed the thugs because if you had not, they 
would have followed you home, robbed, and killed you.  The judge would not 
allow the argument, because he would rule that your belief in future events was 
not reasonable.  The court would not consider your preemptive strike reasonable 
unless you feared immediate threat of death or serious injury.  So, what do you 
need to articulate in order to make your preemptive strike self-defense?  It's worth 
thinking about now, because after the fact it's going to be much harder.  You must 
prepare, because it's ". . . not something you pull out of your pocket on occasion."  
-- Jon Low]
     "Jeff Cooper's Color Code exists to help you get your head 
around the need to kill someone in the immediate future."  
-- John Hearne
     Jeff Cooper's Color Code of Mental Awareness  
UNAWARE - of what's going on around you.  (White)  
AWARE - of who is around you and what they are doing.  (Yellow)  
ALERT - to a potential threat and taking action to avoid the threat.  (Orange)  
ALARM - by a real threat and taking action to escape the threat, 
     which might include shooting to PREVENT the attack.  (Red)  
COMBAT - front sight, press.  Shooting to STOP the attack.  (Black)  
----- Safety -----  
How to prevent the bad thing from happening in the first place.  
How to avoid shooting yourself, friendlies, and innocent bystanders.  
How to prevent  unauthorized persons from using your guns.  
Jeff Cooper′s Rules of Gun Safety  
RULE I:  ALL GUNS ARE ALWAYS LOADED.  [Believing this is true, as opposed 
to pretending it is true. -- Jon Low]  
                  ANYTHING YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO DESTROY.  [Because being 
startled, losing your balance, or grabbing something with your support-side-hand will 
cause you to instinctively do a 5 finger grip with your firing-side-hand (sympathetic 
action). -- Jon Low]  
                   UNTIL YOUR SIGHTS ARE ON THE TARGET.  [Because under the stress 
of combat, you can easily press the trigger without intending to. -- Jon Low]  
RULE IV:  BE SURE OF YOUR TARGET.  [Because under the stress of combat your 
perceptions may be distorted. -- Jon Low]  
Safety rule V:  Maintain control of your gun. -- Stephen P. Wenger
     [Use a holster that retains your pistol when you fall and wrestle with a full force 
full speed enemy.  Always carry concealed.  (Open carry is the same as flashing 
cash, wearing expensive jewelry, or wearing provocative clothing.)  If your pistol 
is not attached to your body and in a holster specifically made for your pistol, 
it must be locked up.  Absolutely no exceptions! -- Jon Low]  
     Avoidance is self-defense.  Shooting, hand to hand combat, et al are failures to 
avoid the lethal force encounter (because all violent encounters have the potential 
to be lethal).  
"The Gold Standard For Self-Defense" by Tim Larkin
     Win!  Great big WIN!  Self defense is the avoidance of violence.  
     "It's easier to stay out of trouble than to get out of trouble."  
-- Claude Werner
     Which is more probable? that the smoking hot 10 finds you irresistible? or that someone 
paid her to get you into this room?  More operators have been killed by self deception than 
falling off the toilet and breaking their necks.  
     Which is more probable? that President Emmanuel Macron of France would like to 
have dinner with you? or that you will be arrested when you get off the plane at the 
Paris airport?  
"The thin line between safety and tragedy: Muzzle control in policing"
by Warren Wilson
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.  
     Note the picture of the historical document in the article.  Jeff Cooper originally had 
3 safety rules, not 4.  
     Related article.  
"Pointing Guns at People" by Greg Ellifritz
"Imported Criminality" by John Farnam
     Many people live in self delusion.  Don't be one of them.  
     NEVER leave your gun unsecured.  If it's not securely attached to your body, 
it must be locked up.  
"Utah family left devastated as five-year-old boy shoots himself dead"
by Stephen M. Lepore
     As noted, it's unclear at this point how the gun was stored.  When I got 
interested in shooting, several decades ago, it was common for gun writers 
to refer to “nightstand guns.”  Clearly, placing a gun in an unlocked nightstand 
drawer does not secure it from a curious child who's not been through the 
demystification process.  Toddlers playing with handguns sometimes shoot 
themselves in the face or head when thy turn the gun to get both thumbs on 
the trigger because their hands are too small for a firing grip and may lack 
the strength for one finger to work the trigger.  
-- Stephen P. Wenger
"What It Takes
Don’t look like prey, and the predators won’t mess with you, says Sheriff Jim."
by Sheriff Jim Wilson
     "Our crook also said that this was usually the kind of guy who kept a gun under 
the counter which, in this case, was exactly right.  So this store had been avoided 
simply because one man looked like a hard target."  
     "My point for armed citizens is that we should all give thought to how we look 
and act in regards to giving the impression that we are a hard target.  While it is 
usually a mistake to go around acting like we are Wyatt Earp Junior, it is an excellent 
idea to give the appearance of being alert and unafraid.  With some thought and 
practice, we can do this while still being polite and soft spoken.  You stand erect 
with your head on a swivel and if you have any fears, you keep them to yourself.  
It would also be a good idea to be dressed in a manner that is appropriate to the time 
and occasion; keeping in mind that how we dress speaks to our personal pride and 
     "What message does your appearance and conduct give off to those around you? 
What can you do to improve that image and, thereby, possibly avoid a criminal attack?"  
     [When you cause the bad guy to go away before attacking, that is a psychological stop.  
Psychological stops are much less dangerous for everyone.  Anytime you use force to 
stop an attack, there is a non-zero probability of death or serious injury.  Because you 
don't know how crazy the other person is.  
-- Jon Low]  
     “Affirmation, without discipline, is the beginning of delusion” -- James Rohn
“Affirmation without discipline” by John Farnam
     This violent felony was committed within sight of, and only a few meters away from, 
several unformed NY/NJ Port Authority Police Officers, who saw what happened and 
made an arrest more-or-less instantaneously, performing their duty as expected.  
     Yet, their close and high-profile proximity apparently did not function as any kind 
of deterrent!  
John Farnam's rules to keep you out of trouble:  
Don’t go to stupid places.  
Don’t associate with stupid people.  
Don’t do stupid things.  
Have a “normal” appearance.  
Be in bed by 10:00 PM (your own bed).  
Don’t fail the attitude test.  
----- Training -----
Figuring out the correct tasks to practice.  
     You need training because:  
You don't know what you don't know.  
Much of what you know is false.  
It's good to the have the answers before the criminal tests you.  
-- Claude Werner (paraphrased)
     Why are there so many automobile crashes everyday?  Because all drivers think 
they know how to drive, but many don't.  
     Why are there so many negligent discharges every day?  Because all gun owners 
think they know how to handle guns, but many don't.  
     No one is born with instinctive knowledge on how to safely use any tool.  
     "Handling a gun ain't rocket science."  
     No, handling a gun in self-defense is much more complicated and difficult than 
rocket science.  (Actually, yes, I have done rocket science when I worked at LMMS 
(Lockheed Martin Mission Systems, not to be confused with Lockheed Martin 
Missiles and Space).  So I know what I'm talking about.)  
     The Chief Scientist of the Clinton administration (I think it was Jack Gibbons 
if memory serves) came to Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space to give a talk.  
He said, "Software engineering ain't rocket science.  Software engineering is 
several orders of magnitude more complicated."  He also commented that 
software was by far the most expensive component of the rocket, while taking 
up zero volume and zero weight in the spacecraft.  
     The software to handle a self-defense situation (which is by nature surprising, 
unplanned) is orders of magnitude more complex than any other non-combat task.  
Tell your friends and relatives.  They may not believe you, but at least you have 
exposed them to the truth.  
     “If you are reading this and can’t put your hand on your defensive firearm, 
all of your training is wasted.” -- Col. Jeff Cooper
"Drones!" by John Farnam
     Where I work, we have witnessed enemy reconnaissance using drones.  
Our pre-school and elementary school were targeted.  Electronic counter-measures 
may be more effective than shotguns.  Jammers don't make noise that humans 
can detect without specialized equipment.  Such equipment can be procured 
using money from Department of Homeland Security grants.  We received such 
a grant because we are a "soft terrorist target".  
     You can find, on the internet, all the common frequencies and modulations 
used by commercially available drones.  If the enemy has made their own to avoid 
common wavelengths and modulations, the Russian jammers flooding the market 
will still work.  
     “Training deals not with an object, but with the human spirit and human emotions.”  
--Bruce Lee
     "One shot return" drill.  
"A drill that can fix your shooting" by Ben Stoeger
     A different mindset.  
     Aim in (at a point, not an area).  On the signal fire and return the sights to the target 
(point, not area).  Just one shot.  Relaxed.  Break through?  Epiphany?  
     “Train, Practice, Compete 
are the key elements in the development of humans.”  
-- John M. Buol, Jr.
"The Quest For Excellence" by Clint Smith
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.  
     “All fire should be precision fire.”  
[Because the stress of combat will cause your groups to open up.  A lot. -- Jon Low]  
     “The secret of success is this. 
Train like it means everything when it means nothing – 
so you can fight like it means nothing when it means everything.” 
-- Lofty Wiseman
"Twisted Casino Drill Rules 2 and 4 extrapolation!"
by Jim Shanahan
     "Safe gun handling and knowing how to operate the gun competently is one thing.  
How to fight with the gun is a whole other plane of knowledge."  
-- Tiger McKee
     I got so many requests for this email that I decided to just print it in the newsletter 
and then refer persons to the blog.  
Hi Team, 
     I went to the "Active Shooter Response" training at Royal Range in Nashville, TN.  
This is a state mandated class for state licensed armed guards who guard schools.  
(There is also a "Dallas Laws" special training for those who guard places that sell 
alcohol.)  Some of the things I learned:  
     Are you competent to distinguish the bad guys from the good guys from the innocent 
bystanders in a chaotic high stress environment?  Is your vision good enough?  Do you 
need glasses?  Do you actually wear the glasses that you need?  (If your eyes are bad, 
get a red dot sight.)  Is your hearing good enough?  Do you need hearing aids?  Do you 
actually wear your hearing aids?  Can you hear the person screaming at you, "Don't 
shoot him!  He's the good guy!"  Because he is holding the bad guy at gun point.  
     Can you run 100 yards from where you are to where the kids are being shot, fast 
enough to save lives?  (Or is everyone going to be dead by the time you get there?)  
Are you physically fit?  Are you going to arrive on scene, only to have a heart attack 
and die?  When you arrive on scene gasping for air, with elevated pulse rate, will 
you be able to distinguish between shoot and no-shoot targets, and apply accurate fire?  
[This was part of the live fire exercise.]  This is a crowded school, so every miss is 
killing a child.  
     Are you willing to kill bad guys?  How do you know?  Have you ever killed before?  
Even if you have, will you be willing to kill in the future?  One of the bad guys 
shooting kids in the building was a young white pregnant female.  Several of the 
armed guards did not shoot her (so she shot and killed them).  Several armed guards 
hesitated to shoot her (so she got off a few shots, and probably killed them, before 
they killed her).  I admit, I shot her immediately upon seeing the gun in her hand.  
I guess that says something about me.  [This was part of the Simunitions exercise.]  
     Place ballistic film on all glass windows, walls, and doors.  This will prevent 
the glass from being shattered.  So it prevents entry.  Several mass murderers have 
shoot out glass doors or walls to gain entry when the doors were locked.  On the 
other hand, you won't be able to get through it, until the firemen arrive with their 
circular saws.  
     Note that when the fire alarms go off, all of the magnetic door locks will unlock.  
     Place bollards to prevent vehicle ramming attacks.  On the other hand, if the 
doors are locked preventing good guy entry, consider ramming with a vehicle.  
Don't ram through walls, as teachers are taught to line up students against walls 
to prevent them from getting shot through doorways.  
     Do you have the keys for the external doors.  They are generally locked.  
     Observe the parking lot.  The Covenant shooter reconned for 2 years.  
On the day of the attack, she sat in her car for 2 hours before entering the 
Covenant school building.  
     Besides the uniformed armed guards, you must have plain clothed sleepers.  
The uniforms will be the first ones shot in any criminal scenario.  This will 
give the sleepers a chance to shoot the bad guys.  
     Feel free to shoot the bad guys in the back.  If you can't do this, 
find another job.  
     Place 4 foot diameter concrete tubes in the playground for the kids to play in.  
They will provide cover for the kids in the event of an attack on the playground.  
     Carry "Don't Shoot Me" sashes and use them (which means you have to practice 
putting them on and folding them up).  So the responding officers don't shoot you.  
So the other good guys don't shoot you.  So your partner, whom you got separated 
from, doesn't shoot you.  
     We learned two man team room clearing tactics.  COMMUNICATE!  
"Contact front.", "Contact right.", "Contact back.", etc.  
     If you have multiple directions to search, DO NOT split up.  Stay with your 
partner.  Lots of documented cases of partners shooting each other because they 
separated and lost track of where the other one was.  
     Squeeze your partner's arm to let him know you're ready to go.  
"Set.", "On me."  
     The first one through the door is never wrong.  Whichever way he turned, 
you turn the other way and cover his back.  Stay close.  Don't get separated.  
     When in plain clothes, wear patterned shirts to better conceal your pistol.  
     If the bad guy is wearing body armor, shoot the hips.  Head shots are difficult 
and usually not effective (because you missed or didn't penetrate the skull).  
Pistol bullets bounce off the skull.  Remember, we are in reality, not the movies.  
     Keep your priorities straight!  
1.  The hostages / innocents / children.  (So, you can't leave.  You must charge in.)  
2.  You.  (You need to get home to your spouse and kids.)  
3.  The bad guy.  (Do whatever you have to do to stop the attack.  If you're 
worried about hurting the bad guy, your priorities are wrong.)  
     Learn and practice weapon retention.  You can't let the bad guy take your gun.  
     "Some shots can't be made."  Too many people in the background.  People running 
around in the foreground.  The available target area is too small.  The target is too far 
away, beyond the range at which you can guarantee a hit.  The target is moving too 
fast.  The target is moving between innocent persons.  Etc.  You MUST know when 
you cannot, should not, take the shot.  
     If someone offers to help you, what do you do?  
     If you know they are competent and have training compatible with your training; 
"Follow my lead."  "On me."  
     If you don't know them; "Stay here and watch my back.  Tell the responding 
officers which way I went and what I am wearing."  
     Pay attention to "hands", "threat", "action".  
     Look first, then drive.  
     When crossing doorways:  
Cross cover - one of you on each side of the doorway, "Set." to make sure the other 
guy is ready.  "On me."  So there is no confusion as to who is leading the task.  
Whoever said, "On me." will initiate the entry.  Don't muzzle your partner.  
- or - 
Slice - both of you on one side of the doorway.  Leader says "Set." telling the 
second man to get ready.  Second man squeezes the arm of the first man to let 
him know that all is ready.  First man initiates the entry.  J-hook around the 
     Stay close to your partner.  Stay within touching distance of walls.  
Eyes go to corners.  
     When shooting moving targets, either:  
Move sights with the target, track target, smoothly press trigger while tracking 
- or - 
Set up sights on point that you know the bad guy will cross.  Track the target 
with your eyes.  Release shot when bad guy crosses your sights.  
[Remember, we are talking about pistol distances.]   
     Do you have breaching tools?  Do you know how to use them?  Do you have 
breaching rounds for your shotgun?  Do you know how to use them?  
Do you have bolt cutters?  (Real bolt cutters, 4 feet long.)  
     Use support to stabilize your position.  There is always a wall, table, 
or something you can use.  
     Be able to shoot out to 100 yards.  Know exactly how high or low you need to 
hold at every distance from 0 to 100 yards.  This is with your carry ammo, not 
your practice ammo.  
     Your holster must hold your pistol securely.  If your pistol fell out during the 
100 yard run, fix your gear.  
     In the class we reviewed and analyzed the video from the 
Columbine high school in Columbine, Colorado; 
Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX; and 
Covenant Elementary school in Nashville, TN.  What a world of difference.  
     The Nashville cops searched when there was no stimuli; and charged in when 
they heard the gun shots.  The Covenant shooter was shooting through a window 
at the cops outside in the parking lot when the police team made contact.  
So the police shot her in the back.  
[There is nothing wrong with shooting bad guys in the back.]  
     The cops at the Columbine high school and Robb elementary school waited 
outside until all victims were dead.  What would you have done?  Obey superiors 
in your chain of command? or charge in and kill the bad guy?  Think about it now!  
Decide!  If you would obey orders to let children be murdered, you need to find 
different job.  
     They told us a lot of stuff that was not released to the media.  You'll hear it when 
you take the class.  
"Guest Shot: Facing the Active Killer" by Dave Spaulding
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.  
     "Those motivated by a desire to improve their 
gunfighting skills as opposed to a quest for trophies, 
must be willing to bleed ego on the match results 
to avoid shedding blood in combat."  
-- Andy Stanford
     Unexpected ways to train.  
     How's your imagination?  Can you think of new ways to trains?  
"Acute Stress Inoculation For Defensive Shooting" by Docent
     "Train and practice so that you can stay in your rational mind, 
and force your enemy into his emotional mind.  The emotional 
mind makes bad judgments which will allow you to win."  
-- John Hearne
------------------------------ Classes and Conferences --------------------------------
Rangemaster-Certified Instructors
FPF Training
Defensive Training International
Trident Concepts
Outpost Armory
     ‟Training is NOT an event, but a process. 
Training is the preparation FOR practice.”  
-- Claude Werner
"Training Versus Practice: Why You Need Both" by Salvatore
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.  
     "Shooting is actually a very perishable skill, it is not like riding a bicycle.  
While the mechanics of shooting are actually quite simple, they are not easy.  
A consistent practice routine is necessary to maintain an adequate skill set."  
----- Practice -----
How to get proficient at that task.  
     Why practice?  
    “To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively 
tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them 
and fitted to their talents.  What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or 
unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.”  
-- Winston Churchill
"Rangemaster Professional Trainer’s Symposium 2024"
by Karl Rehn
     "The old saying I learned was that amateurs train until they can do it right once.  
Professionals train until they can’t do it wrong.  
In the study John referenced the over-learned students had fewer errors and 
were faster than the other two groups . . . even 8 weeks after the overlearned 
skill wasn’t used or practiced."  
     "As Dr. David Yamane says, guns are normal and normal people own guns – and more 
and more normal people that didn’t grow up around guns are buying guns.  And need 
proper guidance and training.  As Kathy Jackson once said:  beginners benefit most 
from having the most experienced, most expert instructors."  
     The line I used to close my talk was 
“Be the trainer you wish you had found when you first got started.”  
     "People rust faster than equipment."  
-- John Hearne
"Armed Citizen Rescues Abducted Baby" by Liberty Doll
     The liberal media neglected to report that the good guy with a gun rescued the baby 
and held the bad guy at gun point for the cops.  
     ‶Practice is the small deposits you make over time, 
so that in an emergency, you can make that big withdrawal.″  
-- Chesley Burnett Sullenberger, III
"Dry Preparation Equals Superior Performance" by George Harris
     Try this dry (otherwise you won't notice what we're looking for).  Rapid fire at a 
target in a quiet place with no distractions.  Hold the sights on the target and rapidly 
press and release the trigger.  What do you notice?  
     If you haven't practiced this a lot, you're probably moving your thumbs.  You're 
probably squeezing your grip more tightly with each trigger press.  
     Isolating your trigger finger from the rest of your two hands and 9 fingers 
is difficult.  It's not instinctive.  It's not natural.  You have to train yourself to isolate 
the trigger finger.  It takes disciplined practice.  The juice is worth the squeeze.  
     Now you understand why you have been missing those shots.  Recognizing the 
problem is the first step toward solving the problem.  Start slow.  Isolate the trigger 
finger motion.  A tight grip before you start the exercise will help.  Push with the 
firing side hand.  Pull with the support side hand.  Trap the pistol in this vice.  
Then touch the trigger.  Take the slack out of the trigger.  Smoothly press through 
the sear release.  Repeat until perfect.  Speed comes with practice, not by forcing 
yourself to go faster.  
     ‟Be careful what you practice.  
Because you will do in combat whatever you have practiced, 
no matter how ridiculous.”  
-- ‶Shooting in Self-Defense″ by Sara Ahrens 
*****     *****     ***** Intervention *****     *****     *****
Suggestions on how to deal with the incident that you failed to avoid.  
     Awareness, Avoidance, De-Escalation, Escape 
Table of contents:  
----- Strategy -----
Deciding on the end state and how to achieve it, 
which tactics to use, which includes walking away.  
     “You are no more armed because you are wearing a pistol 
than you are a musician because you own a guitar.”  
from "Principles of Personal Defense" by Col. Jeff Cooper, USMC, 
(1920 – 2006 A.D.) 
     "Have your affairs in order."  
-- John Hearne
     “How do you win a gunfight?  
Don't be there.”  
-- John Farnam
     "Having a gun is important.  But knowing WHEN to use it is even more important."  
-- Greg Ellifritz
     "You win gunfights by not getting shot."  
-- John Holschen
----- Tactics ----- 
Maneuver and fire in support of your strategy.  
     "Real fights are short."
-- Bruce Lee
"Rifle Tips for Fighting Around a Car"
by Kyle Lamb
     Rolling (as opposed to pitching or yawing) your AR-15 style rifle 90 degrees to 
the side also avoids hitting the barrier (car) with your bullet, as this type of rifle 
has significant offset between the line of sight and the bore.  If you hold the rifle 
vertically (normally) there is a good chance that you bullet will hit the car because 
the bore is 2.5 to 3 inches below your line of sight.  
     "You brought a gun to the fight.  That doesn’t mean it’s YOUR gun.  
The gun belongs to whomever can keep it.  Think about that before intervening 
in other folks’ problems.  When is the last time you practiced your in-hand weapon 
retention skills?"  
-- Greg Ellifritz
     ". . . if the assailant has a gun, it may actually be the easiest gun for you to access, 
if you know how to take it from him."  
-- Stephen P. Wenger
     When was last time you practiced your in-holster weapon retention skills?  
It's easy for the bad guy to take your pistol.  They practice such in prison.  Oh, 
what did you think criminals did in prison?  
"Motion!" by John Farnam
     "When “avoidance” fails (despite our most sincere efforts), your very life will 
depend on your preparedness, skill, equipment, decisiveness, courage!"  
     You can avoid getting yourself boxed in a drive through queue by parking your car 
and walking into the fast food restaurant.  If only drive through is available at that 
restaurant, go to a different restaurant.  I like Waffle House, open 24/7/365.  Or, go 
home and graze in your refrigerator or pantry.  
"Follow-up" by John Farnam
     “Fortuitous outcomes reinforce poor tactics.”  
-- Chuck Haggard
     A lot of instructors teach to move to cover.  But in my humble opinion, in the real world, 
you won't have time.  I think the correct solution is to immediately attack the bad guy.  
Explosive counter-attack!  Without telegraphing your intentions.  
     Of course, if you live in one of the 11 slave states, you have a duty to retreat.  
"No, master.  Please don't hurt me."  I hope that works out for you.  
     If you live in one of the free states, as Gabe Suarez says, "Shoot him in the face."  
     It's a matter of how you choose to live your life.  It's a theological, philosophical 
     "You often don't know where the bad guy is who is shooting at you."  
-- Phillip Groff
     “When you’re in the dark, stay in the dark; 
when you’re in the light, light up the dark.”  
-- Stephen P. Wenger
     "The shorter the fight, the less hurt you get."
-- John Holschen
----- Techniques -----
Ways to execute a given task in support of your tactics, 
especially when disabled or under stress.  
     "Use only that which works, 
and take it from any place you can find it."
-- Bruce Lee 
"Shoot Better in 15 Minutes" by Greg Ellifritz (Combined trigger control drills)
     The combination of visual and tactile training.  Creating a visual image of what's 
going on.  Creating a tactile neurological trace of what's going on.  
     The term "surprise trigger break" is never used.  
     "The foundations of your grip are established 
before you even draw the pistol from the holster."  
-- Tanner Denton
"Good Samaritan shoots man attempting to carjack woman and child" by Kassidy Brown
     According to Major Harold Heatley with the Tazewell County Sheriff’s Office, 
the incident happened at Lee’s Kar-Go when the suspect, identified as Cody Dailey, 30, 
“attempted to carjack a truck, assaulted the female driver of the vehicle and told her 
child that was in the vehicle, ‘I’m going to rape your mommy.’ ”  
     It sounds as though Dailey initially shoved the good Samaritan with enough force 
to throw him to the ground, suggesting that Dailey was shot at an upward angle.  
     First, in my view, it is foolish to approach within grappling range with gun in hand 
as it risks being disarmed.  
     Second, when targeting the chest of an upright assailant from the ground, 
the aiming point typically needs to be below the diaphragm in order for the bullet 
to make it into the thorax.  [“Capias” is a term for an arrest warrant.]  
-- Stephen P. Wenger
     "Grip first, then press [the trigger]."  
--  Mike Seeklander
"How To Deal With Cross-Eye Dominance" by Richard Nance
     Tilting your head is bad idea, because your inner ear (which controls balance) 
is in your head.  If you tilt your head, your inner ear will think that your body is tilted 
and your brain will send signals to every muscle in your body to right your body.  
Which will cause an involuntary swaying motion in your body.  
     Every try to walk with your head tilted and your eyes closed.  You're not going 
to walk in a straight line.  
     [Ya, I know that a lot of balance is from visual cuing, not inner ear.  But, when 
you're focused on a target (concentrating on a target) you will lose the visual cuing.  
Such is inattentional blindness.  Conflicts between visual cuing and inner ear balance 
is what causes motion sickness (sea sickness).  Those who don't get sea sick, are 
genetically defective.  Their brains don't connect the two inputs and so don't seem 
to think anything is wrong.  (I'm joking.)]  
     Tilting your pistol is a bad idea on long range shots, as the sights are no longer 
aligned with gravity.  Which means the trajectory isn't going to be what it was when 
you zeroed your pistol at long range.  If you have rolled (as opposed to pitched or 
yawed) your pistol clockwise, your point of impact will be off to the right.  If you 
have rolled your pistol counter-clockwise, your point of impact will be off to the 
left.  How much?  It depends.  
     You have arms and hands.  Just move your pistol in front of your aiming eye, 
without tilting your head or your pistol.  Yes, as a matter of fact, it is that easy.  
"Video How-To: Pistol Trigger Control (ft. Brian Zins)"
     "Align the sights while pressing the trigger."  As opposed to,  
"Align the sights and then press the trigger."  
     Only two things to be concerned with:  
"Aiming" (sight alignment, sight movie, where to focus, etc.) and 
"Trigger control" (where on your finger to place the trigger, touch the trigger, 
take the slack out of the trigger, press though the sear release, trap the trigger 
to the rear, get the sights back on target, reset the trigger).  [Assuming your grip is consistent and 
you're not increasing grip pressure while pressing the trigger.  (A common mistake.)]  
     "Trapping the trigger to the rear and getting the sights back on target" 
is also known as "follow through".  
     Imagine pulling the front sight back through the rear sight by pressing the trigger.  
     "It's not daily increase but daily decrease - hack away at the inessentials!" 
-- Bruce Lee
*****     *****     ***** Postvention *****     *****     *****
     Suggestions on how to treat your wounds or the wounds of your loved ones.  
     Suggestions on how to avoid prosecution, conviction, and prison time.  
     Suggestions on how to avoid the civil law suit and judgment.  
Table of contents:  
----- Aftermath ----- 
     You must be alive to have these problems:  criminal and civil liability.  
     “Your understanding and consent are not required 
for someone to take your life, kill your loved ones, 
and destroy all you hold dear.” 
-- William Aprill 
     Submitting to a polygraph test is an act of criminal stupidity.  
     “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, 
but because he loves what is behind him.”
― G.K. Chesterton
     In the right hand column of this web page, click on "Never Talk To The Police"
or use the address, 
     In the right hand column, click on the link labeled "Self Defense Insurance".  
Or, the link is, 
Read this before you buy insurance.  You need to make an informed decision.  
The various policies are drastically different.  
     "You need to read the fine print." -- Massad Ayoob  
----- Medical -----
"How to Treat Penetrating Chest Wounds" by Joe Alton, M.D. 
     "If you prepare for the emergency,
the emergency ceases to exist!"
-- Sherman House
----- Survival -----
     "If you stay fit, you do not have to get fit. 
If you stay trained, you do not have to get trained. 
If you stay prepared, you do not have to get prepared."
-- Robert Margulies
*****     *****     ***** Education *****     *****     *****
Table of contents:  
     "You will never get smarter or broaden your horizons 
if you're unwilling to learn from others and read."
-- Becca Martin
"Defensive Use of Firearms", 3rd Edition by Stephen P. Wenger
The final PDF can be downloaded by going to 
click on the picture of the book.  
"80 Essential Books for Self-Defense" by Wim Demeere
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.  
Active Response Training
Weekend Knowledge Dump
"The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly – July 2024" by Claude Werner
"tacticalprofessor" articles
Concealed Carry Corner
     "Cogito, ergo armatum sum." (I think, therefore armed am I.)
-- John Farnam
----- Legal -----
     "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. 
It is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other.
-- John Adams, October 11, 1798
     Where is your carry permit honored?  
"Build A Reciprocity Map:" by Concealed Carry Inc.  
"Concealed Carry Laws in America" by CCW Safe
From an email from Phil Steen -- 
     Here are the questions that we determined we should be asking any sheriff, 
and really we should be expecting from any law enforcement commanding officer.  
     Are you willing to sign a pledge to act as a "constitutional sheriff", one who 
recognizes the United States and Tennessee constitutions as the supreme law 
of the land and actively defend against infringement upon those rights?  
     Do you support constitutional, permit-less carry?  
     What specific actions will you take in the event that a federal agency or 
other government entity attempts to infringe upon citizen's rights in your 
county with OR WITHOUT the sheriff department's assistance?  Example 
would be the ATF attempting to confiscate or prosecute Sumner County 
citizens for "prohibited" items such as high capacity magazines, bump stocks, 
binary triggers, etc.  
     Will you be willing to forego any federal funds for the sheriff's department 
in order to ensure that the 10th amendment is upheld?  
     What is your stance on being a member of the National Sheriff's Association, 
a group that has traditionally stood against 2nd amendment rights.  
     How will you guard against abuse of civil forfeitures in our county by county 
or city law enforcement officers?  
     How will you handle stay-at-home or mask mandate orders?  
     How do you intend to ensure that all deputies are fully aware of the rights 
assured by the constitution, and where they may supersede unconstitutional 
state law?  
-Phil Steen
Tennessee Firearms Association
     "Law of Self Defense" by Andrew Branca 
(free book, just pay for shipping so you don't have to go to Colorado to pick it up)  
"Why some gun makers in CT have been downsizing or 
relocating their operations to other states"
by Paul Schott
     "In 2013, Bristol-based PTR Industries announced that it would move to 
Aynor, South Carolina.  PTR officials said that the legislation passed that year 
made the company’s entire product line illegal in Connecticut."  
     "Among other signs of dissatisfaction with the business climate in Connecticut, 
Stag Arms announced in 2019 the relocation of its headquarters from New Britain 
to Cheyenne, Wyoming."  
     "In 2021, Smith & Wesson announced that it would move its headquarters to 
Maryville, Tennessee, from Springfield, Massachusetts — a city that comprises 
the northern end of the “gun valley” and the company’s home since its incorporation 
in 1852.  Company officials cited their concern with proposed legislation in 
Massachusetts that they said would prohibit the company from making certain 
firearms in the state."  
     More examples of the government convincing conservatives to vote to defund the police.  
"Second Circuit Rules Legal Gun Ownership Not Probable Cause for Warrantless Search"
by Cam Edwards
     Sometimes we win.  
     Indiana's predatory civil forfeiture of cash transiting through a Fed Ex hub.  
     Dogs can be trained to alert on paper money just as easily as they can be trained 
to alert on any particular drug.  Dogs can be trained to alert on the handler's command.  
Any judge who allows the police to use the dog's behavior as probable cause is 
working with the police, not independently of the police.  
     Why hard core conservative pro-police citizens vote to defund the police.  
"Federal judge dismisses most serious charges against 2 officers 
involved in Breonna Taylor raid"
by Jason Riley
     As John Farnam says, "Don’t associate with stupid people."    Drug dealers are 
stupid people.  Living with a drug dealer is criminal stupidity.  Resulting in death.  
     The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals and the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals have both 
ruled that the ATF's "pistol brace ban" (rule, not a law passed by Congress and signed 
by a U.S. President) is unconstitutional.  
"Court Rules Machine Guns Protected Under 2A!" by Liberty Doll
"New Hampshire Attacks Mass Gun Laws" by Liberty Doll
     Why the ATF needs to be disbanded.  
     Why the IRS needs to be disbanded.  
"Tennessee Secretary of State Rejects Memphis Gun Control Push:  
City ‘Can’t Override State Law’ " by AWR Hawkins
"Illegal migrants do not have gun rights protected by 2nd Amendment:  
federal appeals court
'Our court has held that the term ‘the people’ under the Second Amendment 
does not include illegal aliens,' U.S. Circuit Judge James Ho wrote"
by Michael Dorgan
Hat tip to Stephen P. Wenger.  
     A three-judge panel of the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals 
ruled on Tuesday that federal prohibitions on illegal immigrants owning firearms 
was lawful, and Second Amendment rights do not apply to those who have entered 
the country illegally.  
"Some Second Amendment News" by Docent
    “Is there no virtue among us?  If there is not, we are without hope!  
No form of government, existing nor theoretical, will keep us from harm.  
To think that any government, in any form, will insure liberty and happiness 
for a dishonorable population represents the height of self-deception.”  
-- James Madison, 1788
----- Instruction -----
     Colonel Robert Lindsey to his fellow trainers:  
"We are not God's gift to our students.  
Our students are God's gift to us."  
     "The limited time you spend with students may be the only training they ever receive!"  
-- John Farnam
----- Instructors -----
     Be careful what you teach.  
Because your students will do in combat
whatever you have trained them to do, 
no matter how ridiculous.
-- "Shooting in Self-Defense" by Sara Ahrens
     Talking doesn't mean you're communicating.  
the students who require the extra effort 
are the ones who need us the most!"
-- John Farnam
"The Role of Wonder in Teaching and Training" by Greg Ellifritz
     Being able to let go of dogma and not take yourself too seriously is an important 
quality to have.  Not only as a teacher, but as a human.  
     That takes integrity and a willingness to be wrong.  
That takes a willingness to change one’s opinion.  
     "You must teach skill sustainment as part of training."  
-- John Hearne
----- Students -----
     I know training can be difficult.  Let me share some words of encouragement that 
my teacher told me, that I believe apply to all training regimens.  
     "Keep in mind that this is some seriously next level material.  It is totally normal 
that the first time you see this stuff, you find it confusing.  You find it difficult to 
understand.  So, confusion should not discourage you.  It does not represent any 
intellectual failing on your part.  Rather, keep in mind that it represents an opportunity 
to get even smarter."  
– Tim Roughgarden, Professor of Computer Science 
and other stuff at Stanford University
     "It's better to be wrong than to be vague." -- Freeman Dyson
If you are wrong, the instructor can correct you.  
If you are vague, no one can help you.  
----- Andragogy -----
     ‟An instructor should not expect any learning to take 
place the first time new information is presented.”  
-- ‶Building Shooters″ by Dustin Salomon
     “The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other.  
Without collaboration, our growth is limited to our own perspectives.”  
-- Robert John Meehan
----- Gear -----
And the safe storage thereof.  
     “Mission drives the gear train.”
-- Pat Rogers
"Concealed Carry Glossary of Terms" by Elizabeth Bienas
     The red dot is not projected onto the target.  The red dot is projected onto a concave 
reflector to make the virtual image of the red dot appear to be on the target.  Important 
distinction, because the sight has to be properly aligned for the dot to appear at all.  
Finding the dot is a real problem under stress and awkward positions.  
     "Cartridge" is the standard term for a unit of ammunition.  
     "Dry practice" is a better term than "dry fire" for practice without live ammunition, 
because nothing is being "fired".  
"Dress for Success [Men's clothing.  Women's clothing article is coming.]  
Dress for the occasion, especially for self-defense."  
by Sheriff Jim Wilson
     "For some, the difficulty in concealing their firearm is the first step to occasionally 
leaving the gun at home—and that is something to be avoided."  
     "Hawaiian shirts have become quite popular among gun toters, 
and their typically loud colors help to break up any print lines that might exist."  
     "When selecting the shirt to cover your gun, it is a good idea to go with one 
that is loose fitting and of slightly heavier material so the handgun doesn’t print."  
"Why Iron Sights Still Matter 
The basic iron-sight configuration of notch-and-post remains unexcelled."  
by Tamara Keel
Hat tip to Greg Ellifritz.  
    Simple is more reliable.  Solid steel is more reliable than anything requiring 
micro electronic circuits and a battery.  Iron sights won't fog up on you.  
Water droplets clinging to your iron sights won't obscure the sight alignment.  
Light coming from the wrong direction won't cause glare on your sight obscuring 
your view.  Light from the wrong direction won't let the enemy see the reflection 
from your sight window.  
FlexCCarry℠ Solutions
     Off body carry solutions and training.  
Because sometimes you cannot carry on your body.  Sorry, that's just reality.  
"Fanny Packs for EDC are a Terrible Idea...or are they?" by Trident Concepts
"Big Man's Concealed Carry" by Mike "Duke" Venturino
     May I invite your attention to the section on how to draw your pistol with your support 
side hand, and Clint Smith's recommendations, should you not be able to reach your pistol?  
I think you should wear your pistol in a position that allows you to draw it with either hand.  
And I think you should practice doing so.  
     Just goes to show you can use just about anything as a "bullet".  
"Stay safe with this quick fix" by ShivWorks
     Preventing persons with thin fingers from firing your pistol in your holster.  
     Glock Generation 5 pistols have engraved, not stamped, markings on the slide.  
That means that if you impress a strong magnetic field through the slide and sprinkle 
iron filings on the slide you probably won't be able to see what was there before it 
was ground off.  
     Glock Generation 5 10mm and 45 Auto pistols have ambidextrous slide locks.  
Still don't have ambidextrous magazine releases.  Just reversible magazine releases.  
Ambidextrous pistols:  
     Because, being right handed doesn't mean you're going to be right handed in combat.  
And because left-handers should have pistols that work correctly for them.  
     Sinistral and dextral.  Left handers are not sinister, they are blessed.  Now, a sinistral 
red head, that's something to watch out for.  Remember the Sherlock Holmes story?  
("The Red-Headed League" by Arthur Conan Doyle, 8 August 1891)
The following are truly ambidextrous -- 
     Springfield Armory, XDM Elite
Striker action.  ~$653 MSRP.
     FN (Fabrique Nationale Herstal), 509 and others
Double action / single action.  MSRP: $719.00.  
     The H&K (Heckler & Koch), VP9 
Striker action.  Retails for around $600.00. 
     Ruger, American
Striker action.  MSRP:$669.00.  
     Global Ordnance, Arex Delta Generation 2M
Striker action.  MSRP $535.  
     IWI (Israeli Weapon Industries), MASADA 
Standard version, 
Tactical version, 
Striker action.  MSRP $480.  
The following has an ambidextrous magazine release, 
but not an ambidextrous slide stop --
     The Springfield Armory XD type pistols.  
Striker action.  MSRP $440 - $568.
Louis Awerbuck recommended the XD in 45 ACP.  That's why I use it.  
The following have ambidextrous slide stops, but not ambidextrous magazine releases -- 
(being able to move the magazine release to the other side is not the same as being 
     The Generation 5 Glocks.  ~$600 to $700.  Striker action.  
     The latest Walthers.  MSRP:  $649.  Striker action.  
     The S&W M&P's.  MSRP: $ 665.  Striker action.  
     Grip when wet (water, blood, etc.).  
     For locking accessories to your stock.  
     My son has confirmed to me that he owns a KRISS Vector and that it does not have 
any muzzle flip when fired.  It is chambered in 45 Auto and takes Glock magazines.  
It has an ingenious internal recoil compensator.  
     I took my Dremel tool and ground and polished the sharp edges off of a belt buckle 
for one of my students.  An injury avoided is better than a Band-Aid on a cut.  
Or as Taylor Swift says, Band-Aids don't fix bullet holes.  
     When I sell weapon systems (pistol, holster, belt, mag pouch, flashlight pouch, 
flashlight, ammunition, magazines, suspenders, magazine charging tools, etc.; 
because I don't sell firearms by themselves, too high a probability that the buyer 
will acquire equipment that does not work correctly together), I explain that the 
gear is not used, rather it is tested.  I would never sell anything that I had not 
tested.  Because I understand that lives will depend on the equipment.  
     Just because the manufacturer says that that holster works with that pistol does 
not mean that that holster works with that pistol.  Craig Douglas has demonstrated 
several holsters that allow a child or woman with thin fingers to fire the pistol 
while in the holster.  Lots of documented cases.  
     A habit from my days working as a software engineer at Lockheed Martin.  
When you release software that doesn't work correctly, lots of people die.  
     When I travel, if I'm not going to be too long, I will pack enough clothes so that I 
don't have to do laundry until I get home.  Similarly, when going to a shooting class, 
I charge enough magazines so that I don't have to charge magazines until I get back 
to the hotel.  
     I always bring a spare everything.  
     Making the class wait for you is disrespectful.  
     You never have enough time.  
     “Your car is not a holster.” 
-- Pat Rogers
     *****     *****     *****  Cryptology  *****     *****     *****
     "Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, 
and preserve order in the world as well as property.  
Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of their use." 
-- Thomas Paine
     Cryptosystems are considered "arms" by federal law, ITAR, 
International Traffic in Arms Regulations.  That means cryptosystems are 
protected by the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  Never let the 
government infringe on your right to keep and bear cryptosystems, to 
include home made cryptosystems.  
     "Never memorize anything.  Rather, study it until it becomes obvious."  
-- Prof. Norman Christ
"these compression algorithms could halve our image file sizes 
(but we don't use them) #SoMEpi" by JentacularGent
     Why don't we use them?  
     "Computer science has nothing to do with computers or science."  
-- Donald Knuth
"Feynman: Knowing versus Understanding"
     Do you see the problem?  
     "Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood.  Life is not easy for any of us.  
But what of that?  We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves.  
We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing must be attained."  
-- Marie Curie
     "Space-time tells matter how to move; 
matter tells space-time how to curve."  
-- John Archibald Wheeler
From the Merge -- 
They Said It
     “These people have lost their minds and have spent too long in Army contracting 
to understand how the real world works.  There is no one on the globe that does 
software development on a cost-plus basis.”  
— Bill Greenwalt, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), 
on the recent kerfuffle caused by the “say-do gap” from the US Army on how 
it buys software.  
     [It's important that you understand this.  What is a "cost-plus" contracts?  How do 
they work?  
     Do you understand software development?  If you haven't worked in 
the field, you need to study it.  The software is the most important part of any 
weapon system.  
     Why is Army (and other branches) contracting so incompetent?  Affirmative Action, 
Quotas, Diversity Equity Inclusiveness, etc. hiring.  When it's not a meritocracy, it's a 
     When Greenwalt talks about the "real world", he is saying these bureaucracies  
are not operating in reality.  But, because they are government bureaucracies, they 
don't care.  They don't need to succeed in any sense to get their pay, raises, and 
-- Jon Low]  
     "Premature optimization is the root of all evil."  
-- Donald Knuth
     Genetic Algorithms, the stuff I worked on / with in grad school to find sonar targets 
for the Navy.  
     Genetic Algorithms find local optima, not the global optimum.  Do you see the 
advantage in that?  Do you see how you can use that in your cryptanalysis?  The 
persons a the Puzzle Palace don't because they are all DEI hires or led by DEI hires.  
That's why we are falling dangerously behind.  Meritocracy and competition foster 
excellence.  Political correctness gets friendlies killed; on the battle field and in the 
dark corners.  
     "You don't need to memorize theorems, 
because you can always derive them from first principles."  
-- Prof. Sven Hartman
***** Signals Intelligence and Ground Electronic Warfare, Cyber Security, 
(sometimes Air Electronic Warfare too) ***** 
     “Your character is what you do when no one is looking.”  
-- Thomas Jefferson
US approves new ITAR rules for Australia and UK, in order to speed AUKUS arms exports
by Colin Clark and Justin Katz (Aaron Mehta in Washington contributed to this report.)
     Do you remember the stamp that we used on documents to allow sharing of 
classified information?  Who is missing?  
"Critical Windows Exploit: 
What You Need to Know, Explained by a Windows Developer"
by Dave's Garage
     An excuse to talk about Pegasus II.  
"Unpatchable 0-day in surveillance cam is being exploited to install Mirai
Vulnerability is easy to exploit and allows attackers to remotely execute commands."
by Dan Goodin
     A video on the above article.  
"this is extremely frustrating..." by Ed
Breaking Defense has a weekly newsletter, "Networks & Digital Warfare" at 
Crypto-Gram by Bruce Schneier
     ‟If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it.  
The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury.  
Therefore what he must fear is his victim.”  
-- Col. Jeff Cooper, "Principles of Personal Defense" 
     *****     *****     *****  Intelligence  *****     *****     *****
Gathering, Analyzing, Disseminating
     "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, 
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."  
-- Second Amendment, U.S. Constitution 
     The art and practice of Intelligence is an arm protected by the 2nd Amendment 
to the U.S. Constitution.  Never let anyone infringe upon your God given right 
to keep and bear intelligence.  (The enemy, foreign and domestic, will try to dumb 
you down.  Resist!)  
The “Master Plan” by John Farnam
     There are actually Americans who listen to the Communist rhetoric at the Democratic 
National Convention and don't recognize it as such.  A failure of the education system.  
Or, success?  I'm sure the teacher's unions and Democrat Party are quite pleased.  
     It's important to understand what's really going on.  
"Ex-CIA Officer Reveals The Mistake Abu Zubaydah Made To Get Caught" 
by John Kiriakou
     Association chart (spider web, remember making them at Intel School (NMITC)?).  
     Intelligence is a cash business.  
     Raid at two o'clock in the morning.  Always attack while they are asleep in their beds.  
Hey, that's how the SEAL's did Osama bin Laden.  That's how the ATF does law abiding 
gun owners in America.  
     Sensitive sources and methods.  It wasn't a walk in.  
     Do you understand why he had to go back to tell the story?  Did you notice the 
hesitation?  Heaven forbid he give ISI the credit.  
     Do you know Dalton Fischer?  About him?  His background?  
     Who is doing telephone intercepts at this time in this place?  GTD-5's?  DMS-100's?  
No, no, no (my Liz Wheeler impersonation).  They were not digital switches.  They 
were mechanical rotary switches.  They were multi-party land lines.  Do you know of 
multi-party lines?  Or were you never that poor back then?  You probably weren't born 
yet.  I have to be careful of my audience.  
Dan Bongino | "Dark Conspiracy or Deadly Mistake? New Video Sparks Outrage!"
by Little Noob
     Cell phone video of the enemy sniper moving into position and setting up.  
Dan Bongino analyzes Trump assassination attempt.  Way beyond gross incompetence.  
     What was the Secret Service Protective Intelligence team doing?  
From 1440 -- 
Pakistan Militant Attacks
     The death toll from coordinated attacks 
"More than 70 dead after militant attacks in Pakistan's Balochistan"
by Saleem Ahmad and Saud Mehsud
in Pakistan's southwestern Baluchistan province has risen to at least 73 people since Sunday.  
Separatist militants reportedly struck multiple areas, including police stations, highways, 
and railway lines, in one of the most widespread assaults in recent years on the 
resource-rich region.  
     The separatist group, known as the Baluchistan Liberation Army, seeks to create a 
sovereign state in Baluchistan, separate from Pakistan's central government in Islamabad.  
Baluchistan is Pakistan's largest region by land mass, accounting for roughly 44% of the 
country's territory, and historically includes portions of Afghanistan and Iran.  While the 
area is abundant in resources like oil and gas and minerals like gold and copper, it is one 
of Pakistan's poorest.  As much as 70% of Baluchistan's population of 15 million people 
is estimated to live in poverty.  See the history of Baluchistan here.  
"A Brief History of Balochistan 
How did the Baloch nation come to be?"  
by Akhilesh Pillalamarri
     The Baluchistan Liberation Army is the largest ethnic insurgent group fighting against 
Pakistan's government and has been designated a terrorist organization by Pakistan, 
the US, and the UK.  
-- 1440
     [The ChiComs are backing the Baluchistan Liberation Army.  Hence, our interest.  
-- Jon Low]
18 August 2024 
By Sandy Patterson, Retired Picador (1989–present)
     Will Putin move Russian troops in Ukraine back to Russia to protect their cities 
from Ukraine’s advances into Russia?  
     He probably won’t.  Putin currently doesn’t have sufficient manpower to 
simultaneously attack Ukraine while defending Russia, and he’s terrified of inciting 
a rebellion by announcing widespread conscription.  He’s in a bit of a catch-22 really…  
     Unsurprisingly, Russia’s border with Ukraine is exactly as long as Ukraine’s border 
with Russia.  This presents a problem for Putin because he’s trying to take and hold 
Ukrainian territory.  It presents an opportunity for Ukraine because they are not trying 
take and hold Russian territory.  As a result Ukraine can stage an opportunistic attack 
anywhere along the lengthy border and cause a massive headache for Russia.  It does 
not work the other way around.  
     The reason it does not work the other way around is because Ukraine, with no real 
desire to take Russian territory, can attack any undefended stretch of the borderlands, 
drive as deep as is practical, dig in a bit, and wait.  They can force Russia to fight on 
ground Ukraine chooses, or to continually highlight Russian disorganization and 
incompetence the longer they remain in place.  
     Consider:  If Russian troops DO attack they will have come from a location Russia 
would rather not have taken them from, and historically attackers die at a rate three 
times that of the defenders.  If Russian troops DON’T arrive, then Ukrainian troops 
can rotate in green troops to season them against the Rosguardia (jumped up police 
officers with little to no military training) and give them a taste of victory while they 
gain combat experience and confidence.  
     If Putin moves troops from the ground he holds in Ukraine to fight in Russia, 
then Ukraine stands a better chance of retaking their own territory.  If Putin does not 
move troops, then Ukraine is able to hold ground in Russia with minimal effort, 
while at the same time making Putin look weak and disorganized.  Eventually, Russia 
will have to attack, or negotiate, to regain the Ukrainian occupied territories.  
     Part of the Catch-22 is that Putin cannot afford to negotiate.  Once the war ends 
Ukraine will very shortly be a member of NATO.  So Putin must remain at war with 
Ukraine in at least some capacity despite dwindling resources and support if he 
doesn’t want to have NATO on his border.  
     In the meantime, expect Ukraine to make further incursions of the same nature 
into other areas of the borderlands until they’ve taken quite a bit of undefended 
territory, holding it if possible, but ceding it if challenged in force.  It’s an effective 
tactic to change the tune and make Russia dance the Hopak instead of having 
Ukraine dance the Barynya.  
     And one last thing…  
You might have noticed that the areas occupied by Ukraine are not bombed out 
hellholes, that the stores have not been plundered, the women have not been raped, 
and the children have not been separated from their families.  If Ukraine is able to 
maintain the status quo in the territories they occupy it presents an even greater 
challenge to Putin.  By keeping the peace Ukraine will force Russia to be the 
aggressor against Russian citizens.  People won’t forget that “It was fine when the 
Ukrainians were here.  It didn’t get destroyed until Putin ‘liberated’ us”.  
-- Sandy Patterson
     [Do you understand?  The occupied territories could decide to stay with Ukraine 
after the war.  
     How is your history?  Do you remember when this happened in the past?  That's 
the beauty of precedent.  NATO will recognize the occupied territories as being 
independent or as being part of Ukraine.  Either way Russia loses.  At one point in 
history Kiev was the capital of what was then sort of Russia.  Some people know 
their history and are willing to fight for it.  
-- Jon Low]  
     The POTUS will not give the evacuation order.  So I will.  If you have subordinates 
in Moscow or St. Petersburg get them out now.  
-- Matos     29133231ZAUG24
     The purpose of a spy is to betray trust.  
     On 29 August 2024 Glenn Beck was live on his radio show describing a narration 
he had done for a documentary movie.  The producer sent a rough draft of the movie 
to Mr. Beck for his review.  Mr. Beck couldn't remember doing the narration, but was 
certain that it was his voice, his style, his inflection, etc.  
     The producer informed Mr. Beck that the narration was an Artificial Intelligence 
generated narration just for timing and editing.  This was not high end AI.  It was a 
cheap commercial off the shelf AI tool.  No audio engineering had been done by an 
audio engineer.  
     Mr. Beck was scared, because he understood what this meant.  
     "Good habits and skill beat luck every time."
-- Sheriff Jim Wilson
"The Merge"
Breaking Defense
2600 (Ya, as a matter of fact they do still have meetings.  Some are even useful.)  
Very interesting news letter.  
     *****     *****     *****  After Thoughts, Politics, and such   *****     *****     *****
"The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it."  
-- (Mary) Flannery O'Connor
     Oppression.  Not tolerance, submission.  
     How homosexuals took control of the Boy Scouts of America.  
     Free speech.  Coward journalist vs. brave man.  
     Imagine loading this gun without a loading tool.  
     When words don't have meaning.  
"Local PD Sniper Took Out Trump's Would-Be Assassin?" by Docent
     Cited article, 
"Details Surface:  
USSS Counter Snipers Did Not Stop Assassin Crooks, 
Butler SWAT Did – 
Also, FBI Quickly and Quietly Released Body for Cremation" by Sundance
     Cited report, 
"Preliminary Investigative Report to Chairman Mike Kelly" 
by U.S. Congressman Clay Higgins
     [The U.S. Secret Service knew of the enemy sniper for hours before the incident, 
but neglected to detain the enemy sniper.  The U.S. Secret Service refused to place 
anyone on the roof top to deny access to the enemy sniper.  After the enemy sniper 
fired 8 shots at Trump and others, the USSS neglected to shoot the enemy sniper.  
The FBI released the enemy sniper's body for cremation 10 days after the incident.  
What's wrong with this picture?  
-- Jon Low]
"Bodycam Footage: Cop at Trump Shooting Says He Warned Secret Service About Roof"
by Akela Lacy
    “You can’t truly call yourself ‘peaceful’ unless you are capable of great violence.  
If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful, you’re harmless.  
Important distinction.”  
-- Stef Starkgaryen 
     Demonstrating his bad memory, on 26 August 2024, Brandon said that no Armed Forces 
service members had died on his watch.  So a journalist on WWTN 99.7 FM in Nashville, 
Tennessee read off the names of the 13 service members who died during the botched 
retreat from Afghanistan three years ago.  
Then they read the names of the 49 wounded.  
Semper Fidelis,
Jonathan D. Low
Radio:  KI4SDN
     Italian food.  
     Unaware of what your language sounds like to the English speaker.  
     Hey girlfriend, I'm having company over, please sweep the house.  
     Creating memories.  
     I too missed the sexual innuendo.  
     It' only racist when Trump says it.  
     Obama says the exact same thing and all the Democrats cheer.  
And the hypocrisy never occurs to them.  
     Husband haul.  
     Fake gold coin.  
     Got to get me one of those.  
     This is important.  
"This Is Absolutely INSANE" by Ben Shapiro
     The Democrats in Michigan are keeping RFK Jr. on the ballot (even though he 
dropped out) to take votes away from Trump and removing Cornell West from the 
ballot (even though he qualified to be on the ballot) to prevent him from taking 
votes from Harris.  I guess Democrats love democracy.