Monday, November 29, 2021

CWP, 29 November MMXXI Anno Domini

 Hi Sheepdogs, 
The Warrior's Prayer
Dear God,
     Please give us discernment to distinguish 
friend from foe from innocent bystanders. 
Give us clear vision so our aim is true. 
Give us calm so we execute correctly. 
Give us spiritual maturity so that we stop the enemy's attack 
without excessive force, without revenge. 
In Jesus name, Amen.
     This newsletter is continuing education for my students and friends.  I am 
constantly getting new students.  So, stuff in this newsletter is repeated from 
previous newsletters.  I could cite links to articles in past newsletters, but that 
would make reading difficult.  If you have ever read laws, you know what I mean.  
*****     *****     ***** Software *****     *****     *****
----- Mindset (figuring out the correct way to think) -----
"Better to stay out of trouble than get out of trouble."
-- Tactical Professor (Claude Werner)
"Refuse to Be a Victim: I Object to Your Objection" by Kristin Benton
     "It would be irresponsible of me to teach anyone how to shoot without also giving 
them the skills to not have to."  
     Kristin's home page, 
Avoidance, Deterrence, Escape
     The goals of civilian self defense are avoidance, deterrence, and escape.
     If you avoid, you don't have any problem.  You win!  (Read Farnam's rules below 
on how to avoid just about all problems in your life.)
     If you fail to avoid, you should deter; and then you don't have any problem.  
You win!  If you get expert training and practice what you have learned, your 
personality will change, your body language will change, your posture will change, 
your mannerisms will change.  The criminals may be crazy, but they are not stupid.  
They will take one look at you and decide that you are a hard target.  And they will 
move on to an easier target.  Criminals are not looking for a fight.  They are looking 
for a victim.  They are looking for easy money or easy sex.  They are looking for 
someone who will submit immediately and not cause them any problem.  
     If you fail to deter, you have a problem.  Now your goal is to escape.  
The pistol is an emergency rescue tool used to prevent anyone from interfering with 
your escape.  
     If you have to use lethal force to stop the attack, you have to make the 
decision to use deadly force.  You have to be decisive.  If you dither, you will die.  
     If you obey John Farnam's rules, you will avoid almost all problems in life.  
The stuff in parentheses is my 2 cents.  
Farnam's rules for safety: 
Don't go to stupid places.  (Including all political rallies, protests, riots, looting events.)
Don't do stupid things.  (Including everything illegal.)
Don't hang out with stupid people. * 
Be in bed by 10 PM.  Your own bed. ** 
Don't look like a freak.  (No, it's not self expression.  It's an invitation for violence.)
Don't fail the attitude test.  (If you're rude, you deserve the beating you get.)
-- John Farnam

* Breonna Taylor was living with / sleeping with a convicted drug dealer.  So, when the 
police raided her home to arrest him, she got killed.  "Don't hang out with stupid people."  
Yes, dealing drugs is stupid.  Drug dealers, generally speaking, statistically speaking, 
get killed, usually by other drug dealers, sometimes by customers, rarely by police.  
Stupid people will drag you down with them, just like addicts.  Dave Ramsey says, drug 
addicts steal 100% of the time and lie 100% of the time.  Dave always sees the good 
side of people.  What drug addicts do when they are not stealing and lying is really bad.  

** The defendant, Robert D. Williams, sat in jail for 4 years awaiting his acquittal.  
Basically because he violated Farnam's rule:  
"Be in bed by 10 PM.  Your own bed."
     Appellate Court ruling --
[Williams was in bed with a female stranger who had only minutes before sent him a text 
message to come over for sex.  When the female's boyfriend comes home, Williams has to 
shoot the boyfriend in self defense.]  
“You are no more armed because you are wearing a pistol 
than you are a musician because you own a guitar.” 
from Principles of Personal Defense by 
Col. Jeff Cooper, USMC, (1920 – 2006 A.D.)
     Thought experiment -- There is a mosquito on your arm.  What do you do?  
You have determined that it is carrying the West Nile virus.  What do you do?  
Your child is near you.  What do you do?  
     At one end of the spectrum there is the Christian who believes God has given him 
dominion over all creatures on Earth and so immediately kills the mosquito.  
At the other end, there is the vegan pacifist who holds the mosquito's life in 
such high esteem, that he would allow it to bite his child, which results in his child's 
death.  It is important for you to know where you are on the spectrum.  Because eventually, 
you will be tested.  And it's always better to know the answer before the test.  
I [Stephen P. Wenger] rank my priorities as follows:
     Mental Awareness:  Know the current status of your surroundings and its occupants.  
Take note of people and things that depart from normal patterns.  You should actually 
be able to avoid most unpleasant encounters.  
     Mental Preparedness:  You must decide in advance what circumstances will trigger 
your use of deadly force; you cannot wait until you are threatened to make the decision 
that you will respond with such force.  Once you recognize that you have become a 
target you must become proactive.  
     Tactics:  In the simplest terms, this is using common sense to take any "unfair" 
advantage which will help you under the circumstances.  While most instructors 
emphasize use of cover, most attacks come at close range, where side-stepping, 
coupled with deflection of the attack, are the crucial tactics that can give you the time 
to access your firearm.  
     Skill:  For the shooter this includes being able to place shots where you need them 
in a reasonable time frame, one-handed, with either hand, if need be.  This is but the 
lowest-common-denominator example.  
     Choice of Equipment:  Last on the list is the actual choice of the gun and its 
ammunition.  It's on the list, but the other issues are more crucial.
"A WINNING ATTITUDE" by Stephen P. Wenger
     My late friend and mentor, Jim Andrews, who had to kill men while wearing the uniforms 
of his country and those of a few law enforcement agencies, repeatedly told me that it had 
been a totally different experience killing men in a military environment and in a civilian 
environment.  When pressed for an explanation, he responded that in the military the soldier 
has his enemy systematically dehumanized for him in the training process, whereas in civilian 
life, "a human being suddenly turns into a monster before your very eyes."  
"You Are Always the First Responder to Your Personal Emergency" by Paratus (South Africa)
     "Guns are the Most Effective Personal Defence Tools"
     "Stay Safe. Be Dangerous. Be your own First Responder."
"There are no victims, only volunteers.  
You volunteer by looking uncertain and afraid.  
You volunteer by being, as grass-eaters invariably are, 
unprepared to confront the hazards of life."
— Jeff Cooper
"Do One Thing Everyday to Make Yourself Better at Personal Defense" by STEVE TARANI 
----- Aftermath -----
(You have to be alive to have these problems:  criminal and civil liability.)
“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, 
but because he loves what is behind him.”
― G.K. Chesterton
Problem I, the physical battle
     You have to get expert training, and practice what you learned in training.  
(This takes a great deal of self discipline.)  
Otherwise, you lose the fight, and you don't have problems 2 and 3.  
You only have problems 2 and 3 if you are alive.  
Court martials are only awarded to the survivors.  (Yes, court martials are awarded.)
Problem II, the criminal legal battle
     You will be arrested and held in jail.  The police will approach you with a document 
to sign, just a formality, to get you released.  Don't sign it.  It is a confession to all 
kinds of crimes.  Once you sign it, you will immediately be re-arrested; and you will never 
get out of jail.  
     "Life is hard.  It's even harder if you're stupid." -- John Wayne 
Yes, as a matter of fact, police use this trick all the time.  The U.S. Supreme Court has 
ruled on many occasions that the police may lie to you.  
     When the police ask you, "Do you understand your rights?", your response is, 
     "No, I do not understand my rights."
If the police ask, what you don't understand, your response is, 
     "I don't understand anything."
     "I want my attorney."
By law, the police are forbidden from continuing to question you after you request your attorney.  
But, if you start running your mouth, you effectively waive your right, and anything you say, 
will be used against you.  It may not be electronically recorded, so it's your word against 
the police officer's memory (real or fabricated).  If the police officer wrote it down, it's 
your word against the police officer's contemporaneous notes.  Think about that.  
     "I do not consent to a search."
Your attorney can fight a search warrant.  Your attorney cannot fight your stupidity in 
consenting to a search.  
     "But, I got nothing to hide."
That may be, but the police may plant drugs and incriminating evidence in their search.  
Remember, getting evidence is how the policeman gets promotions and raises.  It's not wrong 
to expect the worse from the police.  Remember, we are all sinful creatures.  
     Remember Michael Drejka.  The responding officers declined to arrest, because
it was self defense.  The Sheriff declined to press charges, because it was self defense.  
This should have been the end of the story.  But then, Drejka talks to the police without
an attorney.  The video recording of Drejka's two hour interview with the police was 
played at his trial.   And he was convicted of manslaughter.  
     Learn from the mistakes of others.  Keep your mouth shut.  Let your attorney talk for you.  
     There are many effects of a high stress situation.  False memories.  Temporary amnesia.  
Auditory exclusion.  Tunnel vision.  And a long list of others.  
So, if you talk to the police, you won't be able to get the facts right.  This will be used 
at trial to prove that you lied to the responding officers and will indicate a consciousness of guilt.  
     Police officers involved in a shooing are not questioned for up to 72 hours, at least 
not before they get a good night's sleep.  So, why in the world would you talk to the 
police after what was probably the most traumatic event of your life?  You would have to 
be criminally stupid to do so.  Ask for your attorney and shut up.  
     Any competent attorney will demand payment in full up front.  Because after the case 
is finished, you will have no incentive to pay the attorney.  You may even be suing your 
attorney for "Ineffective assistance of counsel".  So, you better have insurance that will 
pay your attorney in full up front.  And if you're smart, you will have insurance that 
will pay for expert witnesses, private investigators (because the police are not on your 
side and will withhold exculpatory evidence, remember they are looking for promotion and 
raises), and expert consultants (subject matter expert attorneys to help your attorney).  
     If you have an insurance policy that reimburses you for legal expenses only if you are 
acquitted, you have committed an act of criminal stupidity.  Your insurance company (NRA 
Carry Guard, Lockton, etc.) has a huge financial incentive to ensure you get convicted.  
You need the money up front to hire the experts who will testify for you.  The money 
doesn't do you any good after you win at trial.  And you don't get anything if you lose 
at trial.  So, no attorney is going to work for you based on the fact that he will get 
paid some small portion of his fees, if he gets you acquitted.  And if he is willing to, 
you certainly don't want him working for you.  
Problem III, the civil legal battle
     In America, you may be sued for any reason, with or without merit.  Even if you
are acquitted of all criminal charges.  In a criminal trial, the prosecutor has to convince 
the jury beyond a reasonable doubt.  In a civil trial, the plaintiff only has to convince 
the jury to a preponderance of the evidence.  So, it is fairly easy for the plaintiff 
to win a civil law suit.  That's why insurance companies settle with the plaintiffs, rather 
than go to trial.  That's why O.J. Simpson won the criminal trial but lost the civil trial.  
And that was significant.  He lost all of his assets.  Could you take care of your family, 
if you lost all of your assets?  Your home, your savings, your cars, all of your other 
     The rules of evidence in a civil trial are very different from that of a criminal trial.  
So, you better get rid of all those bumper stickers on your car.  (I don't call 911.)  
You better get rid of all those tee shirts.  (Kill 'em all.  Let God sort them out.)  
You better stop making stupid posts on social media.  
Because they will be used to prove that you are an extremist.  
     "But, I have the Constitutional right to free speech."  
     Yes, you do.  That means the government cannot censor you.  But, actions have 
consequences.  Your exercise of freedom of speech could easily contribute to your 
ending up destitute.  
     The plaintiff's attorney will work on contingency.  So, the plaintiff doesn't have 
to pay any money up front.  
     Your defense attorney will not work on contingency, because there is nothing to win.  
Any decent attorney, that you would want to hire in the first place, will not work for you 
until you pay in full up front.  Because after the case has ended, you will have no 
incentive to pay your attorney.  And good attorneys aren't stupid.  
So, you better have insurance that will pay your civil attorney up front in full.  
     So, I encourage you to buy life insurance, medical insurance, and insurance for 
legal expenses.  Because neglecting to do so is irresponsible and immature.
“Your understanding and consent are not required for someone to take 
your life, kill your loved ones, and destroy all you hold dear.” 
-- William Aprill 

----- Safety -----  
(how to avoid shooting yourself, friendlies, and innocent bystanders)
Jeff Cooper's Rules of Gun Safety  
     "Consider that the primary function of a safety belt is to keep you from being ejected 
from the vehicle, while that of an airbag is to limit how far you can be thrown inside the vehicle."
-- Stephen P. Wenger, W2MRA
     "Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a
weapon in the other, and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he
worked." -- Nehemiah 4:17-18
     "... each had his weapon, even when he went for water." -- Nehemiah 4:23,
New International Version Bible
     Scripture used by the 14th Marine Regimental chaplain in a sermon urging us
to carry our weapons at all times.
Crime Prevention Tip of the Week:  Shatter proof film for glass windows is a great way 
to help prevent a burglary or slow the suspect down to give a victim time to defend 
themselves and police to respond.  On a recent burglary attempt, we saw a suspect hit 
the glass with a hammer.  The glass broke but the window held together because of the 
film.  Discouraged, he moved on.  He could have broken through, but it would have 
taken much longer.  When properly installed, you can’t even tell it’s there.  
-- Sgt. John Bourque
West Precinct Community Coordinator [Metro Nashville Police Department]
5500 Charlotte Pike Nashville, TN 37209
     This is why you have to have situational awareness.  There is time to escape, if you 
are paying attention to your surroundings.  
"Driver of rampaging SUV that tore through Waukesha Christmas parade leaving 
at least FIVE dead and 40 injured was 'fleeing a knife crime': 
Cops hunt 'second suspect' after taking one person into custody and refuse to rule out terror"
     "Whether or not the driver had a valid license – as many Progressives demand 
even to own a firearm is likely to be of little concern to the injured and to the families 
of the deceased.  It's unclear where the shot[s] fired by the officer struck but it's 
very challenging to try to stop a moving vehicle with gunfire."  
-- Stephen P. Wenger, W2MRA
"10 Tips for Surviving a Terrorist Vehicle Attack" by Greg Ellifritz
John Farnam's rules to keep you out of trouble:  
Don't go to stupid places.  
Don't do stupid things.  
Don't hang out with stupid people.  
Be in bed by 10 PM.  Your own bed.  
Don't look like a freak. 
Don't fail the attitude test.  
----- Training (figuring out the correct tasks to learn) -----
     You need training because:  
You don't know what you don't know.  
Much of what you know is false.  
It's good to the have the answers before the criminal tests you.  
-- Claude Werner (paraphrased)
Law of Self Defense ADVANCED Live Online Course
Saturday, January 8, 2022 
9AM-4PM Mountain time
The Guardian Conference 2022
September 16th - 18th, 2022 in Oklahoma City
Early Bird Price: $650
Standard Price: $750
Tactical Conference 2022 (sold out, but you can get on the waiting list)
Friday to Sunday, March 25-27, 2022. Classes run all day, from 8am to 6pm.
Dallas Pistol Club
1830 W Belt Line Road
Carrollton, TX 75006.
Sept. 24-26, 2022
Outside of Manhattan, KS
Primary & Secondary Training Summit 2022
May 20 - 21, 2022
Cache Hunter Education Center, 2851 W 200 N, Logan, UT 84321
$1100 for general entry.
     P&S Training Summit 2022 Schedule
2022 TFALAC Annual Event will be Saturday, September 3, 2022 
Tennessee Firearms Association 
at the Farm Bureau Expo Center, Lebanon, TN
$60 per person.  Groups of 6 are $350 per group.
     “The secret of success is this. 
Train like it means everything when it means nothing – so you can 
fight like it means nothing when it means everything.” 
-- Lofty Wiseman
     In a past Tactical Professor blog posting, Claude Werner notes that there are millions 
of defensive gun uses every year in America, and in the vast majority of those incidents 
the good guy defender has had no training what so ever.  This is also well documented on 
John Lott's web site.  Far from an argument showing that training is not necessary, what 
this shows is that training prevents the incident in the first place.  The training changes the 
person's choices, behaviors, body language, and such.  So, when the bad guy looks at 
the trained person, the bad guy immediately decides that the trained person would not 
make a good victim, and moves on to easier prey.  And the trained person WINS!  (And 
probably never notices that an incident has occurred.)  The criminal predator then goes 
on to victimize the untrained person, who might have a gun.  It's really easy to distinguish 
between trained and untrained persons.  
     Tom Givens keeps records of his students who have been involved in gunfights, 
and notes that 26 have won and 2 have lost by forfeit in the sense that they were not 
carrying their guns at the time of the incident and so could not defend themselves.  
What is impossible to record is the number of times bad guys have decided not to 
attack the students.  So, what this unfortunately demonstrates is that there are incompetent
criminals who will attack trained persons.  So, training isn't enough, you have to carry 
your gun.  
     The NRA statistics, taught in the Personal Protection class, say that upon competent 
presentation of your pistol to the ready position, the criminal will flee 90% of the time.  
This means that 10% of the incompetent criminals are also stupid and will continue to 
attack you, forcing you to shoot them to stop the attack.  So, you have to carry your gun!  
“If you are reading this and can’t put your hand on your defensive firearm, 
all of your training is wasted.” -- Col. Jeff Cooper
"Pepper Spray" by John Murphy 
     I often cite information that I don't agree with, because I believe in diversity of thought 
and I believe that you should get the information and make up your own mind.  
     I don't carry pepper spray because it debilitates me, and it is ineffective on 10% of the 
population.  In my experience, it is ineffective on 50% of the young, strong, aggressive, 
criminal population.  I've seen Marines fight through CS tear gas, which is much worse 
than pepper spray.  The criminal predator who will be attacking you will not be a weak 
wimp.  He will be a big strong tough guy.  The time it takes to deploy pepper spray and 
find out that it is not working, might be all the time you have.  Pepper spray requires a 
head shot into the eyes.  Can you make such a shot?  
     All kinds of neat training videos on Recoil TV.  
Rangemaster newsletter December 2021
“Training” [only] every two years is criminally negligent . . . 
"Training is NOT an event, but a process. 
Training is the preparation FOR practice". 
-- Claude Werner
----- Practice (how to get good at that task) -----
     Practice is the small deposits you make over time, 
so that in an emergency, you can make that big withdrawal. 
-- Chesley Burnett Sullenberger, III
Broko's 6 second drill
     This is quite challenging.  
From standing, go prone and fire as many shots as you can into an 8 inch circle at 20 meters in 6 seconds.  
From prone, stand up and fire as many shots as you can into an 8 inch circle at 20 meters in 6 seconds.  
From standing, kneel and fire as many shots as you can into an 8 inch circle at 20 meters in 6 seconds.
Why practice?
    "To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment
when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and
offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique
to them and fitted to their talents.  What a tragedy if
that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that 
which could have been their finest hour."
-- Winston Churchill
     "Practice is performed slowly, methodically working through the various steps 
of a sequence.  Speed is your worst enemy.  If you’re making mistakes, slow down.  
Efficiency, not speed, is the goal.  Slow, deliberate, mistake-free practice with no 
wasted motion makes you efficient.  Speed or quickness develops with time and 
     "Dry practice is your “homework.”  Range trips are “tests” to confirm 
the dry repetitions are paying off.
"Three Skills Every Officer Should Have" by Lindsey Bertomen
     1. Headshot at 7 yards
(Again, the psychology is much deeper than the author lets on.)
     2. Negotiate, communicate while staying on target
(The author doesn't go deep into it, but the psychology is very deep here.  For those who 
have read "Dune" by Frank Herbert, consider the "voice".  Everything in science fiction 
has a basis in reality.  Otherwise, it wouldn't be science fiction, it would be fantasy.)
     3. Ability to operate with elevated vital signs
"Exercise is inoculation against stress, increases survivability, and reduces depression."
[I often tell the athletes that I coach, "If you exercise, at the end of the match, you will be 
thinking, 'That was fun.  Let's do it again.'  If you don't exercise, you will be thinking, 
'I'm sore.  I'm tired.  I want to go home.'  Exercise affects attitude.  Exercise affects 
ability. -- Jon Low]  
     "Be careful what you practice. 
Because you will do in combat whatever you have practiced, 
no matter how ridiculous."
-- "Shooting in Self-Defense" by Sara Ahrens
----- Strategy (deciding on the end state and how to achieve it) -----
How do you win a gunfight? 
Don't be there.
-- John Farnam
"The Four Modes of Combative Pistolcraft" by Dave Spaulding
Law Enforcement.
Armed Citizen -- armed citizens ARE NOT DUTY BOUND TO APPREHEND, 
You win gunfights by not getting shot.
-- John Holschen
----- Tactics (tasks that you should strive to be able to do in support of your strategy) -----
"Real fights are short."
-- Bruce Lee
     “Because automatic processing is not attention demanding, 
it allows performers to focus on other tasks, while executing basic 
skills, and to do several tasks at the same time.  Not only do athletes 
need to be able to perform basic skills without conscious thought, 
they need to be able to make smart decisions automatically as well.” 
-- Burton et. al “Sport Psychology for Coaches”
     "There’s a game I teach my students to help develop observational skills.  
I call it Starbucks Stalker. The game is easy. Every time you walk into a 
Starbucks (or Coffee Bean, or McDonalds, or however you roll), look 
around the interior and make a note of how many males and how many 
females there are.  Write the numbers down in a small notebook (or enter it 
into the notes on your phone).  This forces you to not only scan the room 
(analyze, or break down the information into easily understood parts), but 
to actually recognize what you’re looking at (synthesize the information, 
gather the important parts and re-assemble it so it’s useable).  As the game 
gets easier, you can scale the difficulty up by adding other small details, 
such as how many women have blonde hair or how many men are wearing 
hats.  After a couple of weeks, you’ll be surprised with how much 
information that you’re analyzing and synthesizing without even thinking 
about it."
-- Jeremy Stafford
From "Just The Tip: Situational Awareness" 
"The shorter the fight, the less hurt you get."
-- John Holschen
----- Techniques (ways to execute a given task, skill, or tactic) -----
"Use only that which works, 
and take it from any place you can find it."
-- Bruce Lee
"THE ROLE OF THE WRIST" by Stephen P. Wenger
"POINT SHOOTING" by Stephen P. Wenger
     This is deep and detailed and so will take time to digest.  
     Mr. Wenger doesn't go into detail about how fields of vision are processed by the 
brain and refers to the processing as being in the field of biology.  But, it is studied in 
the field of psychology.  And the details are that the right field of vision of both eyes 
is processed by the left hemisphere of the brain, and the left field of vision of both 
eyes is processed by the right hemisphere of the brain.  Of course, it is way more 
complicated than that.  
     Concerning your pistol when in your car -- 
"Mine is removed [from my holster] at every use of a drive-up ATM or drive-through 
food/drink operation.  
I will also do so when stuck in a traffic jam, such as a railroad crossing, or accident ahead."
-- List Member of the Defensive Use of Firearms emailing list
     ". . . deputies with whom I used to ride who'd unbuckle the safety belt before 
the unit had even come to a stop at the scenes of calls." -- Stephen P. Wenger
     If you think that shooting one second splits (one second between shots) is hard, 
you are wrong.  Because your perspective is wrong.  Firing on the count, as you count 
"1-one-thousand, 2-one-thousand, 3-one-thousand, . . ." will give you one second 
splits.  Firing on the count, as you count "1-and, 2-and, 3-and, 4-and, . . ." will give 
you half second splits.  Firing on the count, as you count "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . ." will 
give you quarter second splits.  As with other techniques, you will be able to do it 
by talking yourself through the drill, by counting aloud or silently to yourself as you 
     Going faster than 4 rounds per second is fine for competitions, but is probably 
shooting faster than you can think.  Which in combat is a problem.  Because you 
might shoot the guy in the back (even if you thought you were shooting him in the 
front), which is always difficult to explain to a jury, without an expert witness.  And 
just because your expert witness explains it to the jury, doesn't mean they are going 
to believe the explanation.  
     Massad Ayoob has written several articles on this problem and has testified as 
an expert witness in such cases.  So, this is a real problem.  That's why using 
automatic fire for self defense is criminal stupidity.  Automatic fire, even from the 
very slow UZI, is 600 rounds per minute, that's 10 rounds per second.  Much faster 
than any human can think.  If you think you can control automatic fire because you 
can modulate the trigger of an UZI, you don't understand.  If you release a 3-round 
burst from your UZI while the bad guy is facing you and advancing toward you, 
you can still end up with 1 or 2 bullets entering his back.  Because that's how fast 
he can turn.  
     Your reaction time to unanticipated stimuli is probably about a quarter of a 
second.  If you're shooting every quarter of a second, you probably have time to 
decide not to shoot him again when you see him turning away from you.  
"Vagus Nerve Reset - most effective way to Destress your Body!" by Renee Ostertag
"It's not daily increase but daily decrease - hack away at the inessentials!" 
-- Bruce Lee
*****     *****     ***** Instruction *****     *****     *****

Colonel Robert Lindsey to his fellow trainers:
"We are not God's gift to our students.
Our students are God's gift to us."
----- Instructors -----
Remember, the students who require the extra effort are the ones who need us the most!
-- John Farnam
     A friend of mine, who is a firearms instructor is very proud of his law enforcement background 
and proudly displays his badge on his belt during classes.  His web site cites his law enforcement 
rank and experience.  He believes this draws students.  
     Another friend of mine, who is a firearms instructor, never mentions his military history, his 
graduation from West Point, or anything along those lines.  He doesn't want to scare off students.  
     Another instructor never mentions his Jewish heritage.  
     Some people don't like the military.  Some people don't like Jews.  Some people don't like cops.  
     As long as the Dixie Chicks kept their political view to themselves, they made lots of money 
and filled concert halls.  Now days, not so much.  (They even changed their name to the Chicks.  
But, no one can really run away from their heritage.)  Until Taylor Swift endorsed Bredesen for 
governor, she had a strong country following.  Now she depends on the pop demographic to buy 
her music.  
     Your students attend your classes to learn a skill.  Not to hear your politics.  If you run your 
mouth about pro-gun conservative issues, you've lost 20% of your potential student population.  
". . . 20 percent of gun owners in America self-identify as politically liberal." -- David Yamane from 
"Kyle Rittenhouse does not represent American gun owners today"
Also, in the article, "Data from Northeastern and Harvard Universities on the great gun buying spree 
of 2020 show that half of new gun buyers were women, 20 percent were Black, and 20 percent 
Hispanic.  News reports also highlight a surge in gun buying among Asian Americans."
Maybe you don't want them in your class to begin with.  You fill your classes, so you don't give 
a shit.  As we said in the Marine Corps (the old Corps), ATTITUDE CHECK, FUCK THAT SHIT!  
     The pundits like to say, "Go woke, go broke."  But, it works both ways.  So, check your attitude.  
A little introspection never hurt.  
     Also, from the article, "Gun trainers I have interviewed report unusually high levels of interest 
among people of diverse genders and sexualities.  According to membership director Eric Meyers, 
as the Liberal Gun Club swelled last year, the proportion of members who identify as L.G.B.T. 
also grew."  
     If you want their money and good word of mouth, keep your politics out of your classes.  
Polite to everyone.  
     Most of my students come to me after some tragedy or close call has forced them to seek training.
I outreach, as I do to you, because I know that if they had the training before the incident,
they would have been able to avoid the incident.  The training changes your personality and your
body language.  So, when the predator looks at you, he thinks to himself, she looks like a hard target.  
And he moves on to find an easier target.  You win!  
     Be careful what you teach.  
Because your students will do in combat
whatever you have trained them to do, 
no matter how ridiculous.
-- "Shooting in Self-Defense" by Sara Ahrens
----- Andragogy -----
     An instructor should not expect any learning to take 
place the first time new information is presented.  
-- "Building Shooters" by Dustin Solomon
"Instructor 101: Answering Student Questions" by Justin
     If you're going to say, “I don’t know, but I will find out, and get back to you.”, 
you better write down the question in your note book and say something like, 
"I will email the answer to everyone."  Being anally retentive is essential.  In the 
Marine Corps they would say "Attention to detail."  If you fail to answer the 
question, you've missed a detail.  And that always reflected in your fitness report.  
     "The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other.  
Without collaboration, our growth is limited to our own perspectives."  
-- Robert John Meehan
*****     *****     ***** Education *****     *****     ***** 
"You will never get smarter or broaden your horizons 
if you're unwilling to learn from others and read."
-- Becca Martin
"THE NAKED EMPEROR" by Stephen P. Wenger
     A series of informative articles.
     I read "Armed Response" by David Kenik.  Here are some points I thought interesting, 
in the sense that while I might disagree with them, I will have to give them serious 
consideration, because Kenik makes cogent arguments. -- 
     Page 18, "A knife threat from 50 feet is not a lethal threat, . . . "
I have to disagree.
     Page 18, "If you are threatened as intimidation, you do not have the right to use lethal 
force . . ."
I disagree.  You would have to be able to read the other guy's mind to know that the 
threat was only intimidation and not a pre-assault cue.  If a guy threatens to kill you, 
you owe it to your family to take him at his word.  
     Page 21, "If you have a safety or a decocker, engage it."
I don't think you should engage a safety or decock your pistol until just before you holster it.  
On the philosophy that your holster is your safety.  
     Page 24, "I think that half of what I read or hear is not correct, I am not always sure 
which half."  
     Page 25, "Don't believe anything you read or see unless you try it yourself.  Many 
techniques and products don't work as advertised; many look good in articles or videos 
but don't work at realistic speeds; some are just plain bad advice; and even worse, 
some are almost willfully wrong."  
     Page 34, "Rather than program ourselves to respond to a threat based on the severity 
of the threat, we should be training ourselves to respond based on the time available to us."  
     Page 35, "The way we train for reality is, as always, with realistic force-on-force 
scenarios . . . If all of our firearms training consists of shooting at targets, then we aren't 
really training for engage in a fight, but simply honing our shooting skills."  
     Page 42, "Do not release the external safety (if your gun has one) until you are on 
target and ready to fire."  
I disagree.  I think the safety should come off as soon as the pistol leaves the holster.  
On the philosophy that the holster is the safety.  So, your pistol should not have a safety.  
Because neglecting to defeat the safety is a common mistake under stress.  
     Page 43, 'Don't cup your hand over the ejection port to catch the ejected round, 
because it might detonate and hurt your hand.'  
I disagree.  If it is possible for the round to be detonated by being ejected, the design 
of the pistol is wrong.  And if you are using an incorrectly designed pistol, shame on you.  
     Page 49, ". . . I now feel that firearms with single action triggers are unsafe for 
defense use in all but the most highly trained hands, . . ."  
I disagree.  
     Page 51, ". . . I came across details of a law enforcement study that demonstrates 
that under stress, the trigger finger often subconsciously travels to the trigger to 
'confirm its position.'  Lt. Dave Spaulding, of the Montgomery County Ohio Sheriff's 
Office, observed that 632 out of 674 officers tested periodically placed their fingers 
in the trigger guard during FATS [a firearms training simulator] training.  This is 
astounding -- 94% of the trained police officers tested placed their fingers on the 
trigger under stress!  This number included many highly-skilled and motivated officers.  
The officers that he observed doing these "trigger searches" had no memory of doing so."  
     Page 70, "This means that the gun needs to be aimed slightly lower for closer distances, 
and slightly higher for longer distances."  
This is wrong.  Pistols are zeroed at the first crossing of the bullet trajectory with 
the line of sight.  At this crossing the bullet is going up.  So, the bullet will impact 
below the line of sight at any distance closer than the zeroed distance, and will impact 
above the line of sight at any distance further than the zeroed distance.  So, in close 
you have to aim above the intended target, and from your zeroed distance to about 
50 yards you have to aim below the intended target.  
     Pistols shooting 230 grain round nose bullets at 850 feet per second, 
the standard military load, will be zeroed at 2 yards and 100 yards.  Between 0 yards 
and 2 yards the bullet will be below the line of sight because the muzzle is below the 
line of sight.  Between 2 yards and 100 yards, the bullet will be above the line of sight.  
Beyond 100 yards the bullet will be below the line of sight.  Because the trajectory 
is approximately a parabola.  
     Page 97, "If you don't or can't practice enough with the safety system to achieve 
the level of unconscious competence, I strongly recommend using a pistol that does 
not employ a manual safety."
That's why 65% of the police in the U.S. use the Glock, and very few of the others 
use a pistol with a manual thumb safety.  They don't train enough to make the use 
of the safety automatic.  
"Cogito, ergo armatum sum." (I think, therefore armed am I.)
-- John Farnam
*****     *****     ***** Hardware (which includes you) *****     *****     *****
"I would like to see every
woman know how to handle
guns as naturally as they
know how to handle babies."
-- Annie Oakley
----- Gear ----- 
“Mission drives the gear train.”
-- Pat Rogers
"HOLSTER SELECTION" by Stephen P. Wenger
"How to Buy a Used Gun: 5 Tips" by John Zent
     A student came to class with a Taurus PT709 chambered in 9mm.  The pistol very often 
would not extract the spent casing.  The extractor claw was trying to do its job, sometimes 
ripping right through the brass rim of the case (steel cases, not so much).  So, there was 
enough movement to give the slide enough momentum to attempt to extract the case and 
load another round in the chamber causing a double feed malfunction.  Upon examination 
of the spent cases, we saw that the cases were bulged.  The chamber was not machined 
correctly, allowing the case to bulge in the chamber, causing the case to get stuck in the 
chamber.  The owner is shipping the pistol back to the manufacturer for repair.  
     Greg Ellifritz did warn us about Taurus pistols.  
     In my last posting, I recommended that you polish all bearing surfaces in your trigger 
mechanism.  Please note that by doing so, you may remove any coating that the manufacturer 
had put on the surface.  So, it may rust if you don't keep it clean and lubricated.  But, 
this will never be a problem for you, because you clean/inspect your pistol every week 
whether it needs it or not.  Because cleaning guns is fun.  
     In fact, you can accurately gauge the maturity of a child/person by their desire to clean 
your/their guns.  If they come back from the range and don't immediately clean their guns, 
you don't want to go into combat with that person.  
The Russian Ammo is gone... It will BACKFIRE on the LEFT GLORIOUSLY... Here's how...
     God bless our capitalist economy!  
"Laugo Arms Alien First Shots: The Future of Handguns" by Honest Outlaw
"Laugo Arms Alien 1000 Round Review: Everything You Need To Know" by Honest Outlaw
$4000 for the pistol, $100 for a magazine (the magazines are unique, won't interchange 
with any other type of magazine), target trigger (not a combat trigger)
Gas operated.  Low bore axis (very little muzzle flip).  
"Alien Pistol - After Action Report" by Larry Vickers
Glock 43 and Glock 48 type pistols will take the
Shield Arms 15 Round Magazines
Shield Arms 20 Round Magazines
If you want higher magazine capacity.
Craft Holsters
For 20% off use code:  BLACK20
I have always found the quality to be very good and the customer service excellent.  
They start making the holster when you order it, so it takes time.  
Tactical Target Systems
“Your car is not a holster.” 
-- Pat Rogers
----- Technical / Maintenance -----
     Front sight repair, using “Brownells Front Sight Insert Kit.”  
"3D Animation: Smith & Wesson M&P (Part 1)" by 3DGunner
"How to Sight In a Red Dot on your Pistol" by Vortex Optics
     You don't have to co-witness the red dot to the iron sights.  Because they are two 
different sighting systems.  
     New leather sometimes needs a little push to achieve a glove like fit.  
Just like a pair of new leather shoes, the leather holster sometimes needs 
to undergo a break-in.  Thankfully, leather holster break-in is as easy as 
pie & we’ve got some guides for you below. -- Craft Holster
     Holster Break-in video
     Holster Break-in Guide
     Break-in Guide PDF
"ALIAS by NEOMAG | **NEW** Belt holster system!" by She Equips Herself
*****     *****     ***** Legal *****     *****     ***** 
     "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. 
It is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other.
-- John Adams, October 11, 1798
"Jury finds Rittenhouse not guilty in Kenosha shootings" 
     "Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges Friday after pleading self-defense 
in the deadly Kenosha shootings that became a flashpoint in the debate over guns, 
vigilantism, and racial injustice in the U.S."
     Sometimes we win.
     A reprint of Dave Kopel's article, "Just Say NOTHING", 
that appeared in Dillon Press copyright, 1998 by Dillon Precision Products, Inc.  
(reproduced with permission)
"DEADLY FORCE" by Stephen P. Wenger
     When my children were young, they liked to play board games.  But, they were too 
lazy to read the rules.  So, I would not play with them, and they constantly fought 
because the other person was cheating.  If you don't know what the rules are, how can 
you cheat?  Eventually, no one would play with them because they were not playing the 
     In the real world, if you don't know the rules, you won't be able to obey the rules, 
and you will end up in prison for the rest of your life.  Because it doesn't matter how 
righteous you think you are.  All that matters is what the prosecutor or jury thinks.  
So, you better know the law.  
     "But, my buddy told me . . . "
     "But, I read on the internet that . . . "
Such statements are indicative of criminal stupidity.  Don't be that guy.  
     If you make a mistake, you may not be able to bring up the legal defense of 
"self defense".  The judge may forbid it.  The judge may refuse to read the self 
defense instruction to the jury.  It happens all the time.  Don't let it happen to you.  
     Acquire a copy of the book, "Law of Self Defense" by Andrew Branca.
Law of Self Defense Principles Softcover $24.95
Law of Self Defense: Principles eBook $14.95
     If you are too lazy to read, you can get this info graphic free of charge, 
But, looking at pictures is not really the same as reading.  
    “Is there no virtue among us?
If there is not, we are without hope!
No form of government, existing nor theoretical, will keep us from harm.
To think that any government, in any form, 
will insure liberty and happiness for an dishonorable population 
represents the height of self-deception.”
-- James Madison, 1788
"Crime Prevention Research Center"
Kyle's Law
     Please sign up to support this grass roots effort.  
"Jury got it right finding Rittenhouse not guilty" by Tulsi Gabbard
     If you're stupid enough, you can turn a justified self defense incident into 
multiple murder convictions.  
"Men who killed Ahmaud Arbery doomed by their own words" by RUSS BYNUM and KATE BRUMBACK
     "Greg McMichael, who was in the bed of a pickup truck when his son killed Arbery, 
told police the Black man "was trapped like a rat" and he told Arbery: "Stop, or I’ll 
blow your fucking head off!”
     “It’s those statements that screwed the defense more than the video.  If they had 
never talked to police and they said we saw him taking something from the property 
and running — there’s an OK shot the jury might have acquitted them," said appellate 
attorney Andrew Fleischman, who followed the trial from Atlanta.
     "The shooter, Travis McMichael, his dad, Greg McMichael and neighbor 
William “Roddie” Bryan all spoke extensively and candidly with Glynn County 
investigators just hours after Arbery was killed in their Brunswick, Georgia, 
neighborhood in February 2020."
     "That left the attorneys for the men to struggle to explain away their statements."
     “You only have a handful of defenses to deal with what is basically a confession,” Page said.
     District Attorney Jackie Johnson handed off the case to an out-of-town prosecutor, 
who cited the citizen's arrest law in recommending no charges.  A third prosecutor 
was reviewing the case when the video surfaced and handed it off to the state.
     Talking to police is an act of stupidity.  Talking to police "just hours after" the 
extremely high stress incident is an act of criminal stupidity.  NEVER TALK TO POLICE!  
Invoke your right to counsel, and shut the fuck up.  If you run your mouth, your 
attorney can't fix all the stupid things you said.  Yes, as a matter of fact, everything 
you say will be used against you at trial, as in will be used to convict you.  No, as 
a matter of fact, you ain't that smart.  No matter what you say, you will talk yourself 
into a conviction.  
     "I've got nothing to hide.", "I was justified.", "I want to tell the cops what happened.", 
etc. are the words of idiots.  Keep your mouth shut.  If you start talking, you have 
waived your right to remain silent.  Everything you say will be twisted, taken out of 
context, mis-interpreted, mis-remembered, mis-recorded, and used against you.  
You would be better off, biting off your tongue, than talking to the cops.  
     The video did not "surface".  The moron defendant published it on  
If you've got video of the incident, give it to your attorney.  DON'T RELEASE IT 
TO THE PUBLIC!  That is criminal stupidity.  Prosecutors have to give the defense 
counsel copies of all evidence, including exculpatory evidence, during discovery, by law.  
Defense attorneys don't have to give the prosecutor anything.  Because it is all 
work product.  It is all covered by client attorney privilege.  It's all covered by the 
5th Amendment right to not incriminate one's self.  If the prosecutor doesn't know 
about the video, he can't subpoena it in the first place.  
"Ahmaud Arbery Case Trial: Final Thoughts" by Andrew Branca
"Ancient Tales of Wisdom: A Dumb Witness" By Epoch Inspired Staff
     Another reason to never talk to the police after you have had to defend yourself.  
You never want to turn the situation into a he-said-she-said.  
My father would tell me, just act dumb.  
"Family Concerns for Armed Citizens", Massad Ayoob being interviewed, 
     Ayoob: Make sure immediately that you invoke the fact that, “These are my children.  
They are juveniles.  They cannot be interviewed without my permission.  They will be 
interviewed only in the presence of defense counsel after we have spoken with defense 
     This is a really "different" sort of interview.  Remember, Mas is not an attorney.  
Generally speaking, your spouse cannot be forced by the court to testify against you, 
in the sense that the judge is not supposed to be able to hold the spouse in contempt 
of court for refusing to answer questions.  But, some judges are tin pot dictators in 
their fiefdom.  So, if you are in jail unable to post the required bail (which can be set 
as high as the judge chooses, or denied entirely because you're a flight risk, don't you 
know?) and your spouse is in jail for refusing to answer questions, there is a huge 
amount of pressure on your family.  Who is going to take care of the kids?  If you 
are not familiar with foster care, let me assure you, as a Court Appointed Special 
Advocate for children in the Tennessee Family Court system, that you don't want 
your children in state custody.  
     The prosecutor could charge your spouse with being an accomplice to your 
crime.  Oh, I'm sorry, you didn't know that that is how prosecutors work?  The 
prosecutor will threaten your spouse with long prison time and loss of her children 
unless she testifies against you.  [How do you think the prosecutors got Timothy 
McVeigh's sister to testify against him?  They threatened her with putting her in 
prison for the rest of her life.  Would you be able to resist that?]  
     But, it could be worse.  A worst case scenario would be that your spouse willing 
testifies against you.  If you're in prison, she gets sole legal and physical custody of 
the children, which allows her to get a child support order, which allows her to take 
all of your assets.  Actually, it happens all the time.  Especially, if you've married 
a foreigner.  (She could also take out a life insurance policy on you.  People die in 
prison all the time, don't you know?  And if you're not connected, it could be as 
cheap as $1000 or a case of beer.)  
"Verbal Warnings
An Interview with Massad Ayoob" by Gila Hayes
     Talking is a high order intellectual activity.  Answering a question is an engaging high 
order intellectual activity.  It is impossible to talk and shoot at the same time.  
So, the generally accepted and taught method to stop the bad guy holding a hostage 
is to ask him a question, "What do you want?" and when he starts to answer the 
question, shoot him in the cranio-ocular cavity.  When attempting to disarm a person, 
ask him a question, when he starts to answer the question, strike.  [Never attempt 
to disarm anyone.  Your mission is to escape.  Your pistol is an emergency escape 
tool.  Use it to ensure your escape.  (If you don't have a pistol, you're a damn fool.)]
     Unfortunately, the bad guy knows this too.  So, he will ask, "What time is it?"  
"Could you spare a dollar?", etc.  DON'T ANSWER HIS QUESTIONS!  In a loud 
command voice, say, "Sorry sir, I can't help you."  If he continues to approach, say, 
"Get back!"  If he continues to approach, he has demonstrated malice.  If you let 
someone (who has demonstrated malice) touch you, you're a damn fool.  
     "Law of Self Defense" by Andrew Branca
Free of charge.  Just pay shipping.  
     Educate yourself.  So, you don't spend the rest of your life in a cage.  
"Info Graphic" by Andrew Branca
     "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, 
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."  
-- Second Amendment, U.S. Constitution 
*****     *****     ***** Survival *****     *****     *****
"If you prepare for the emergency,
the emergency ceases to exist!"
-- Dr. Sherman House
"Stop the Bleeding!" by John Murphy
     Good sources:  
North American Rescue
Dark Angel Medical
Mountain Man Medical
      Don't buy fake junk on Amazon.  
"If you stay fit, you do not have to get fit. 
If you stay trained, you do not have to get trained. 
If you stay prepared, you do not have to get prepared."
-- Robert Margulies
*****     *****     *****  War Stories, History, and such   *****     *****     *****
"Good habits and skill beat luck every time."
-- Sheriff Jim Wilson
Pat Rogers, Rest In Peace
(I didn't know that he had died in 2016.)
The Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round Up At Gunsite!
All these years, I had been quoting him as if he were alive.  
Tom Givens writes -- 
People sometimes ask me why we have so many students in Memphis who have been 
involved in a defensive gun use.  Here is some data from 2020 that makes the reason 
apparent.  The most dangerous city in the United States was Memphis. Here are the 
• Violent crime rate: 1,359 per 100,000 people (18,324 total crimes) (1 for every 74 residents)
• One-year change in violent crime rate: +21.3%
• Homicide rate: 24.2 per 100,000 people (327 total homicides)
• Poverty rate: 15.4%
The Memphis metro area ranks as the most dangerous in the United States. 
More than 18,000 violent crimes were reported in the metro area in 2020, or 1,359 for 
every 100,000 people.  That is more than three times the U.S. violent crime rate. 
The number of homicides committed in Memphis climbed by 38%, from 237 in 2019 to 
327 in 2020.  At 24.2 per 100,000 people, the homicide rate in Memphis is the 
second-highest of any U.S. metro area.  
[Andrew Jackson (1767-1845)]"
     I have been to the Hermitage, as it is here in Nashville, TN.  
I remember studying President Jackson in high school.  
"Your character is what you do when no one is looking."
-- Thoms Jefferson
"Winchester’s 1894 and the 30-30" BY JOHN FARNAM
"STORY OF THE .30-06: AMERICA’S CARTRIDGE" by Wayne van Zwoll
     When I shot smallbore rifle in high school (Punahou) and college (Columbia University),
my Anschutz 1407 and 1413 loved RWS (Rheinische-Westphalisch Sprengstoff ) .22 long 
rifle ammo.  
     I went hunting goat in Haleakala crater with a .35 Whelen in the mid 1970's, 
when I was in high school.  So, I think the author has the date of the Remington 
adoption (1987) wrong.  Or, maybe the ammo that I was using was handloaded.  
Hard to remember, so long ago.  
"Kyle Rittenhouse speaks to Tucker Carlson in first TV interview"
     Seventeen years old and well trained and practiced enough to apply immediate 
action during combat.  OORAH!  
"Jordan Peterson Educates Climate Activist Student with FACTS and LOGIC!"
"Opinion | Democrats Should Ditch the Anti-Gun Rhetoric If They Want to Survive 2022"
     If you're too lazy to read the article, Langley Outdoors Academy will read it to you.  
     As the reader mentions, this article was written by a Democrat operative, Richard Feldman.  
Politico is a liberal Democrat journal.  Do you see what's happening?  
     I was at Cracker Barrel having Thanksgiving dinner.  I did the golf tees in the wooden 
triangle puzzle, and completed it.  The first time that I have ever gotten down to one golf 
tee.  The trick is to start with one tee in the middle of a perimeter row, and then run the 
algorithm backwards to construct the initial state.  So, I guess the trick was to figure out 
that the last golf tee has to end up in the middle of a perimeter row.  Which I figured out 
by imagining the algorithm running forward in such a way so as to make one tee jump 
all remaining tees.    [That's the train of thought to use to break the encryption you're 
working on.]
Denzel Washington: The Only Hollywood Star Telling the Truth About Race | Larry Elder
Let's go Brandon!  
     I love sleeping.  It's like being dead without the commitment.  
What did Yoda say when he saw himself in 4K?
"HD am I." (HDMI, get it?  You got to say it in Yoda's voice.)

What is a zombie cooking stir fry called?
Dead man wokking.  (Wok is the Chinese pan used for cooking.)
Semper Fidelis,
Jonathan D. Low

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

CWP, 17 November MMXXI Anno Domini

 Hi Sheepdogs, 
     “Then Jesus said to His disciples, whoever does not have a sword should sell
his coat and buy a sword.”
– Book of Luke 22:36, New Life Version of the Bible
     This is a transliteration of an ancient text.  The sword was the standard sidearm 
of the time.  Jesus is saying that self-defense is more important than staying warm in 
the winter.  A modern translation would be, “Then Jesus said to His disciples, 
whoever does not have a pistol should sell his smart phone and buy a pistol.”  
"Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, 
and preserve order in the world as well as property.  
Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of their use." 
-- Thomas Paine
*****     *****     ***** Software *****     *****     *****
----- Mindset (figuring out the correct way to think) -----
"Better to stay out of trouble than get out of trouble."
-- Tactical Professor (Claude Werner)
"Too Much Situational Awareness?" by Greg Ellifritz
     Keep in mind that Greg is a tough, strong, imposing, gorilla.  Criminals generally leave 
the area when they see him, even out of uniform.  
Awareness, Avoidance, De-Escalation, and Escape
"The Element of Surprise: Understanding your Greatest Defensive Weapon" by Salvatore
     "One trend that is universal, however, to the point of being truly consistent, 
is that criminals are taken by surprise when victims fight back."  
     "Just as the majority of good people have a hard time breaking out of the 
freeze and acting quickly against an unexpected attack, criminals also have a 
hard time dealing with what is out of the ordinary.  An immediate force 
response from an intended victim is not expected, it is a surprise, and it is 
your greatest asset if dealing with criminal violence."
“You are no more armed because you are wearing a pistol 
than you are a musician because you own a guitar.” 
from Principles of Personal Defense by 
Col. Jeff Cooper, USMC, (1920 – 2006 A.D.)
"Nuances of Detecting Danger" by Matt Landfair
     "Look for things out of the ordinary or outside accepted social norm."
"There are no victims, only volunteers.  
You volunteer by looking uncertain and afraid.  
You volunteer by being, as grass-eaters invariably are, 
unprepared to confront the hazards of life."
— Jeff Cooper
"When the time for talking is over" by tacticalprofessor
"That's A Thing Episode 9 Pre-Decisions" by John Murphy

----- Aftermath -----
(You have to be alive to have these problems:  criminal and civil liability.)
“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, 
but because he loves what is behind him.”
― G.K. Chesterton
"Don’ts in the news" By tacticalprofessor
Don’t go outside to investigate noises in the night.
Don’t challenge people who are not on your property.
Don’t shoot someone in the back when he is running away from you.
Don’t make comments on a public forum that you think this 
kind of behavior is justifiable and/or commendable.
     Please read and act on the information in the article at the link 
in the right hand column labeled, "Self Defense Insurance".  Leaving your 
family destitute because you didn't have the foresight to buy insurance 
would be gross negligence.  
     There is a new entry for FTA, FIREARMS TRAINERS ASSOCIATION.  
"If some among you fear taking a stand because you are afraid of reprisals . . . 
recognize that you are just feeding the crocodile hoping he'll eat you last." 
-- Winston Churchill (via Ronald Reagan)
Discount code KC for 10% off for CCWsafe.   
     When you wake up in your prison cell after 20 years of incarceration, 
you have to be able to say to yourself, "It was worth it.  I would do it again."  
“Your understanding and consent are not required for someone to take 
your life, kill your loved ones, and destroy all you hold dear.” 
-- William Aprill 

----- Safety -----  (how to avoid shooting yourself, friendlies, and innocent bystanders)
Jeff Cooper's Rules of Gun Safety  
"Safe Places?" BY JOHN FARNAM
     All these armed law abiding citizens make you safer.  
     Why you need situational awareness at public ranges.  
John Farnam's rules to keep you out of trouble:  
Don't go to stupid places.  
Don't do stupid things.  
Don't hang out with stupid people.  
Be in bed by 10 PM.  Your own bed.  
Don't look like a freak. 
Don't fail the attitude test.  
----- Training (figuring out the correct tasks to learn) -----
“If you are reading this and can’t put your hand on your defensive firearm, 
all of your training is wasted.” -- Col. Jeff Cooper
"Home Defense" by John Farnam
     They have fixed their servers, so the videos play without interruption.  
"Low Light" by John Farnam
     More reasons for not using a strobe.  
     John advises to turn the light on for about 2 seconds and then to move when 
your light is off.  I find that it takes several seconds for me to regain my night 
vision when I turn my light off, so I keep my light on once I turn it on.  
     You have to practice and experiment to determine what works for you.  
There are no short cuts.  You can't rely on the advice of others, because everyone 
is different.  How good is your night vision?  How long does it take for you to get 
your night vision back when the light goes out?  At what amount of illumination 
does your night vision kick in?  (You see in black and white, as opposed to color.)  
     The important thing is that you have to search all spaces:  in the closet, 
under the pool table, etc.  Otherwise, you're going to get ambushed.  
     You need training because:  
You don't know what you don't know.  
Much of what you know is false.  
It's good to the have the answers before the criminal tests you.  
-- Claude Werner (paraphrased)
"Concealed Carry: Vehicle Environment Skills" by John Murphy
     "Accept victory and seek cover."  (Don't chase the bad guys.  They might 
shoot you.)
     Don't get out of your car in a road rage situation with your kid strapped 
into the car seat in your car.  
     Leave your windows up.  Lock your doors.  But, that's not enough, you 
have to have a gun.  Otherwise, the bad guys will pull you out and beat you 
to death.  
"Training To Win" By Chad Winkler
     “The secret of success is this. 
Train like it means everything when it means nothing – so you can 
fight like it means nothing when it means everything.” 
-- Lofty Wiseman
"Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting (Part 1)" by tacticalprofessor
"Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting (Part 2)" by tacticalprofessor
"Friday Fundamentals (Segment 3) Properly gripping an autoloading pistol" by tacticalprofessor
     Claude Werner teaches a bent wrist with thumbs forward on theory that 
"The wrist is most stable when it is extended downward."
     Tom Givens teaches a straight wrist with thumbs up on the theory that 
a straight wrist gives a stronger grip, better for weapon retention.  
     This list could go on for pages, but you get the idea.  You have to 
take classes to learn best practices and then you have to decide what 
works for you.  
"Can't find the dot? Here is how to correct this problem!" by Brian Hill
     I read "Be Fast, Be Accurate, Be the Best" by Bill Rogers.  The first 
half of the book is historical and biographical.  The second half delves 
into techniques for "reactive shooting".  Allow me to point out some 
philosophical and doctrinal differences from what I am used to.  (Things 
that I will seriously consider.)  I studied psychology at the Columbia 
University Psychology Department, so I kind of know what I'm talking 
about in my comments below.  
     Page 63, My interpretation of Rogers' writing is that he considers 
speed as paramount.    I think that precision is paramount because every 
miss is destroying property, injuring innocent bystanders, maybe killing 
them.  (As Bill Hayes points out, it's "Rogers Shooting School", not 
"Rogers Self Defense School".)
     Page 69, "Cooper promoted a support hand grip that placed the forefinger 
in front of the trigger guard of the pistol."  
     I have never read or heard of this, ever.  All photographs and videos that I have 
seen of Jeff Cooper show him with his left index finger under the trigger guard.  
     The checkering on the front of trigger guards is a design feature to appease 
the U.S. State Department import requirements.  Pistols have to have so 
many "features" in order to be imported into the U.S.  
     Page 74, the photo shows and the text says that the shooter should have 
his trigger finger on the trigger guard.  This is extremely dangerous, as any 
startle response will cause the trigger finger to slip off the trigger guard and 
hit the trigger.  All of the gun schools that I have attended teach, "trigger 
finger on the frame of the pistol".  Massad Ayoob teaches, as high up on the 
frame as you can.  
     Page 75, second paragraph, 3rd line, Rogers teaches holding the pistol 
with the thumb touching the middle finger.  Holding the pistol as one would 
hold a hammer (as Massad Ayoob puts it).  This induces an involuntary 
milking of the grip, as milking the teat of a cow.  All of the gun schools that 
I have attended (such as Rangemaster), teach thumb high to avoid this 
involuntary milking action (and to keep the writs straight to maintain a strong grip).  
     Page 76, second paragraph, Rogers teaches to use the hand corresponding 
to the dominant eye.  In particular, he tells right handed shooters to shoot left 
handed if they are left eye dominant.  
     The left side of the body is controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain.  
The right side of the body is controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain.  
Left or right handedness corresponds to the way the opposing hemisphere is 
hard wired.  
     Eye dominance is different.  The left field of vision of both eyes is processed 
by the right hemisphere of the brain.  The right field of vision of both eyes is 
processed by the left hemisphere of the brain.  Eye dominance is perceptual, 
not physiological, and so can and does change with stress or change in visual 
attention.  As in "inattentional blindness".  
     So, I think Rogers' instruction is wrong on many levels.  
     Page 77, Rogers advocates a response to stimulus shooting within 0.5 
seconds.  The typical reaction time to an unanticipated stimulus could be as 
much as 4 seconds.  So, his paradigm is shooting much faster than a typical 
human can think.  [Out running your headlights.  Out running your GPS. 
     Page 78, middle of first paragraph, Rogers advocates pressing the trigger 
before the sights are on the target and before the shooter has decided to shoot, 
or at least before the shooter has enough information to decide whether or not 
to shoot.  This is very dangerous and counter to what is taught in every gun 
school that I have attended.  (But, I'm sure it gets the shot off sooner.)  
     Page 78, middle of second paragraph, Rogers says that the shooter is 
reducing the weight of the trigger by staging the trigger.  This is false.  There 
is no trigger that I know of that has a displacement to weight function where 
the trigger weight decreases when the trigger is pressed.  Quite the opposite 
is true of every physical spring and every trigger mechanism that I know of.  
     Page 81, "Remember, in reactive shooting, you have already initiated 
the trigger pull well before the muzzle is aligned on the intended spot."  
This violates 
-- Jeff Cooper 
Excerpted from: The Modern Technique of the Pistol, by Greg Morrison, 
Gunsite Press, Paulden, Arizona, ISBN 0-9621342-3-6, 
Library of Congress Number 91-72644  
     So, I think this is an unsafe technique.  
     Page 90, third paragraph, 3rd line, ". . . with both eyes open."  
Anytime a person shoots with both eyes open, he will get a double image.  
Shooting with both eyes open runs the risk of shooting at the wrong 
image.  For a shooter intending to aiming with his right eye, 
using the wrong image will cause misses way off to the left.  
For a shooter intending to aim with his left eye, using the wrong 
image will cause misses way off the right.  
     I was taught and teach to close the non-aiming eye for the fraction 
of a second that it takes to release the shot, ensuring that the shooter 
does not have a double image.  
     Page 91, 3rd paragraph, "This is part of my whole program to train 
the subconscious not to react to an OPE caused by pulling the trigger 
of a weapon."  
     OPE is the same as report, the BANG! from the pistol.  (Why coin 
a new term for a well defined English word?)  
     Involuntary reactions to the recoil and report are not subconscious 
responses.  They are autonomic nervous system responses.  
Theoretically, one could train them out of your system.  But, that is a 
bad idea on many levels.  Autonomic nervous system responses serve 
a good purpose for your survival.  You want your hand to jerk away 
from something hot so you don't get burned.  You want your eyelids 
to close when something approaches your eyes to protect your eyes.  
     The way to defeat autonomic nervous system responses for the 
purpose of shooting is to strive for and achieve a surprise trigger break.  
     Page 94, "Since your mind knows when a dummy round is coming 
it is more likely not to flinch."
     Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the dummy round?  If not, 
what is the purpose of mixing dummy rounds in with live rounds?  
Marcus Wynne and Carol Martinson
     Check out the case studies, downloadable PDF files at bottom of page.  
"Training is NOT an event, but a process. 
Training is the preparation FOR practice". 
-- Claude Werner
----- Practice (how to get good at that task) -----
     Practice is the small deposits you make over time, 
so that in an emergency, you can make that big withdrawal. 
-- Chesley Burnett Sullenberger, III
From an email by Mike Ox -- 
     Real life isn't static.
And real fights don't look like the "average engagements" we read about and practice for.
They don't look like standards, qualifications, or drills.  They're chaotic, unstable, and 
Which is why it's so critical that you figure out things like:
> How far can you lean around cover before you lose your balance?
> How long does it take you to pop out over, around, or under cover, 
fire an aimed shot, and pop back?
> How do you engage targets in a 360 degree environment more effectively 
(something you can't safely learn or practice at your local range).
> How fast/accurate can you shoot on the move and how do you get better?
> How do you shoot better after being knocked to the ground?  
Or after just making the move from standing to sitting on the ground?
     Most people don't find out that they've got a problem in one of these areas 
until they're in a fight for their life, behind the curve, and realize that their current 
situation is NOTHING like what they trained for.  But when you take solid 
fundamentals and then start pushing your limits . . . with speed, balance, 
position, distance, precision, orientation, movement, light, stress, etc. you do 
3 really important things:
>1. You learn and internalize what your limits are and become familiar 
with the feeling of shooting from awkward positions/situations. 
>2. As you find your limits, you'll expand your limits.  You'll be able to make 
accurate shots from positions/situations that used to challenge you.  
(This is especially important for people who have nagging injuries preventing 
them from being as fast & mobile as they used to be.)
>3. When you find yourself in a high-speed shooting situation . . . whether it's 
competition, force-on-force, or a life and death situation, you'll be more 
comfortable, have less hesitation, and perform better.
Why practice?
    "To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment
when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and
offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique
to them and fitted to their talents.  What a tragedy if
that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that 
which could have been their finest hour."
-- Winston Churchill
     "Be careful what you practice. 
Because you will do in combat whatever you have practiced, 
no matter how ridiculous."
-- "Shooting in Self-Defense" by Sara Ahrens
----- Strategy (deciding on the end state and how to achieve it) -----
How do you win a gunfight? 
Don't be there.
-- John Farnam
----- Tactics (tasks that you should strive to be able to do in support of your strategy) -----
You win gunfights by not getting shot.
-- John Holschen
"Home Defense Tactics: Tips For Home Defense" by Dave Z.
----- Techniques (ways to execute a given task, skill, or tactic) -----
"Use only that which works, 
and take it from any place you can find it."
-- Bruce Lee
"Skill Set: Follow Through for Defense" by Tiger McKee
"6 Dead Giveaways That You’re Armed" by Sam Hoober
     Make sure your pistol is unloaded before any dry practice.
     Please practice your presentation from your holster to the target in a mirror.  
You will get immediate positive feedback.  You will automatically correct 
errors in your form.  (Head erect.  Shoulders down.  Pistol up to your line of sight.)
     If you don't practice in the mirror, your form will be all jacked up.  
And no matter how much your coach or peers tell you that you are all hunched 
up and twisted, you won't believe them, because the position will feel good to 
you.  Trust me, I have coached shooters at the Olympic Training Center in 
Colorado Springs, CO as a level 3 coach.  False beliefs are impossible to 
change without immediate objective feedback, which the mirror provides.  
"The Surreptitious Draw:  A Neglected Skill" by Salvatore
"It's not daily increase but daily decrease - hack away at the inessentials!" 
-- Bruce Lee
----- Education -----
"You will never get smarter or broaden your horizons 
if you're unwilling to learn from others and read."
-- Becca Martin
"True History of Assault Rifles" by Liberty Doll
"Causes of Gun-Related Deaths in the US: Beliefs vs. Reality" by David Yamane
     "The story included a GIF that highlights a fascinating discrepancy between 
what Americans think the main causes of gun death are (murder, mass shootings) 
and what the reality is (suicide)."  
"What we know about the increase in U.S. murders in 2020" 
by JOHN GRAMLICH, senior writer/editor at Pew Research Center
     "The year-over-year increase in the U.S. murder rate in 2020 was the largest 
since at least 1905 – and possibly ever."
     "The percentage of murders that were solved – known as the “clearance rate” – declined 
from 61% in 2019 to 54% in 2020."
     "Americans remain far less likely to die from murder than from other causes, 
including from suicide and drug overdose."
"Bullet Resistance of Typical Suburban Homes" by Don Shift
     "Just because you can’t see your target doesn’t mean that your bullets won’t hit him.  
If you need to kill someone and they are hiding behind something, odds are you can try 
shooting through it.  Cinder blocks appear to be solid and capable of stopping bullets, 
but they aren’t."
     "Your suburban home will not offer true cover."
"Gun ownership is rising: Here’s why" by Kim McGrath
     "Negative outcomes with guns are often tragic, 
but given the number of guns and gun owners we have in the U.S., 
they are quite rare."
"Stuart Firestein: The pursuit of ignorance"
     "You always get what you screen for."
     "When we are testing, are we evaluating or weeding out?"
     "Education is not about filling buckets.  It's lighting firers."
(No, I didn't know he was a Columbia faculty beforehand.)
"Slaying the Parrot with Erik Lund"
"That Weems Guy" by Lee Weems
Excepts (paraphrased):  
     Racking the slide rather than pressing the slide release tab is because the 
slide might not be locked back, and it is essential to use a technique that works 
in all conditions.  Gross motor skill vs. fine motor skill has always been a silly 
     Shooting faster, while allowing the shot group to open up, is always a judgment 
trade off.  Shooting tight groups on the range is good, because in the real world 
everyone will be moving, so you won't have tight groups.  
     "The combative applications of competitive processes." -- Mike Seeklander
     You have to know the capabilities and limitations of night vision systems, 
so you can train your guys on how to use them, and so your guys will know 
how to deal with the enemy using them.  
     You have to know red dots to teach them.  You have to know left handed 
techniques so you can teach them.  You have to know revolvers so you can 
teach them.  You have to know double action techniques, so you can teach 
them.  Because they are out there and they are not going away.  
     Demo everything.  Demo slowly.  
     There is no universal terminology or technique.  Demonstrate everything.  
Messing up a demo is no big deal.  Diagnose what you did wrong.  Ask the 
students to diagnose what you did wrong.  
     "If you've got a 2 second skill, the 1 second window of opportunity is not 
the time to deploy it.  If you've got a 1 second skill, the 2 second window is 
the time to go." -- John Murphy (paraphrased)
     The arguments that closing one eye to shoot is bad, are nonsense.  
     Look at what you're doing.  Looking around instead of looking at what 
you're doing is wrong.  
     Tactical reloads during a lull in the gunfight?  What's a "lull"?  Informed 
discussion worth considering.  Tactical reload when you feel safe.  
     There are guys out there who don't critically think.  They just parrot what 
they have heard.  
     Don't be a damn parrot.  Develop your craft.  Be an instructor who critically 
thinks.    Express what you want with appropriate words and concepts, do the 
demos to support them, and stop trying to develop stuff in a square range.  
Think about the real world and consider what mimics it here on the range.  

"Cogito, ergo armatum sum." (I think, therefore armed am I.)
-- John Farnam
*****     *****     ***** Hardware (which includes you) *****     *****     *****
"I would like to see every
woman know how to handle
guns as naturally as they
know how to handle babies."
-- Annie Oakley
----- Gear ----- 
“Mission drives the gear train.”
-- Pat Rogers
     If you're carrying any pistol with a thumb safety, you have to have safety 
levers on both sides of your pistol.  Otherwise, you won't be able to thumb 
the safety with your left hand only in a high stress situation when you need to.  
     If the safety is too small for you to easily thumb, replace it with an extended 
thumb safety.  And then keep your thumb on top of it as part of your manual 
of arms, as part of your grip.  You have to keep pressing it down, otherwise 
something will bump it, and you won't be able to fire.  
     Don't put extended magazine releases or extended slide locks on your pistol.  
They will prevent your pistol from functioning correctly in combat.  
They will drop you magazine when you're trying to shoot.  They will lock your 
slide when you're trying to shoot.  Yes, it's Murphy's Law.  Like the 
Law of Gravitation, Murphy's Law always operates, 
whether you believe in it or not.  
"Fail-Safe" by JOHN FARNAM 
"Design Errors!" by JOHN FARNAM
     If you can't get your little finger on your grip, your grip is too short.  Get a 
full length grip.  Otherwise, you won't be able to manipulate your pistol correctly.  
You won't be able to retain your weapon when the bad guy attempts to take it 
from you.  You won't be able to shoot accurately, if the grip is too short, 
because it is your little finger that provides the leverage to prevent muzzle flip.  
"How Often Do You Clean Your Guns?" by Matthew Maruster
     "I've found that, in general, quality guns will run even if they are filthy.  
Lubrication is far more essential to keeping the gun functioning than being 
so clean that you're ready for a white glove test."
     If you believe your life and the lives of your loved ones depends on your 
tools working properly, your tools are always clean and lubricated.  
Pistol, car, boat, etc.
     Please clean your equipment (even if new) before using.  
That way you won't get sticky price tags on the magazines 
causing malfunctions.  
"My Favorite CCW Belt" by Greg Ellifritz
Galco Gun Leather
20% discount code:  GIFT20
Galco Gun Leather, BELT HOLSTERS
25% discount code:  OWB25
Target Sports USA
Wolf Performance 9mm Luger Ammo 115 Grain FMJ Steel Case, 
box of 50 rounds for $15.99 which is $0.32 Per Round
Russian ammo with steel cases.  
Tufloc gun racks
     I haven't used one, just looks interesting.  
     Deburr the pistol, otherwise the user will get their hands cut and require 
Band-Aids and medical tape to continue the training.  Yes, such action will 
reduce the resale value of the pistol to the ignorant, but the educated will 
appreciate the deburring job.  For years I have used hand tools, metal files 
on metal parts and wood files on plastic parts.  But lately, I have been 
preparing a lot of pistols for students and customers.  So, I bought a 
Dremel tool today, 17 November 2021.  (Use high speed and light pressure.)  
     All sharp points, everywhere on the pistol should be smoothed out, including 
corners of sights.  The square edges of the sight will be visible to the shooter.  
The sharp corners are not necessary.  
     Even if sharp protrusions are not noticeable when the pistol is assembled, 
they will cause problems during field stripping, cleaning, and assembly.  
     Polish all bearing surfaces:  (a fine grain polishing compound is useful) 
     The face of the slide that rubs against the case when the slide is moving 
     All surfaces that contact the cartridge when feeding from the magazine 
into the chamber.  
     All bearing surfaces of the trigger mechanism.  (No, this is not gunsmithing.  
You're not cutting any metal.  You're just polishing surfaces.)  This will make a 
world of difference in the feel of the trigger.  (If you're sensitive enough to 
feel it.  If the trigger sear surfaces aren't already polished.)  
     All bearing surfaces of the rails that the slide moves along.  
     All bearing surfaces that move the chamber down when the slide moves 
backward, and that move the chamber up when the slide moves forward.  
     The wear marks on the pistol should be smooth and spread out.  There 
should not be any scratches or gouges.  If you see scratches or gouges, 
smooth out the offending protrusions.  
     Surfaces that are smooth (on a fine macroscopic level or microscopic level) 
will not allow carbon and dirt to accumulate on the surface.   The will stay clean 
longer and will be easier to clean.  
“Your car is not a holster.” 
-- Pat Rogers
----- Technical / Maintenance -----
"Real fights are short."
-- Bruce Lee
"Massad Ayoob's Pros and Cons of Red Dot Optics for Every Day Carry Handguns: 
Critical Mas Ep. 08" by Wilson Combat
     If the iron sights are co-witnessed with the red dot sight, where in the window are the 
iron sights?  When co-witnessed, how much of the window do the iron sights obscure?  
     Cat Trap defogger.  
     The big advantage is being able to focus on the target.  Focusing on the target with 
iron sights guarantees a miss.  
     Chapman version of the Weaver position.  Firing side arm locked out and pushing.  
Support side arm bent at the elbow and pulling.  
"How a Shotgun Works" by Matt Rittman
"How a Glock Works" by Matt Rittman
"Colt’s Manufacturing Company Issues Voluntary MSR Recall"
Primary source, 
"Incident at Ottawa-area range prompted special forces to pull SIG Sauer P320 pistols out of service"
by Murray Brewster
"The shorter the fight, the less hurt you get."
-- John Holschen
*****     *****     ***** Instruction *****     *****     *****

Colonel Robert Lindsey to his fellow trainers:
"We are not God's gift to our students.
Our students are God's gift to us."
----- Instructors -----
Remember, the students who require the extra effort are the ones who need us the most!
-- John Farnam
     Small thin pistols may be good for concealed carry, but they are not good for 
training.  If you provide loaners for your students, you should have full size pistols 
with adjustable grips.  Bigger is easier to manipulate.  The student must be able to 
get all of their fingers on the grip.  The little finger floating in space is wrong.  
     If you teach, you need to carry general liability insurance (in case something bad 
happens) and professional liability insurance (in case someone sues you for something 
that you taught the student to do).  The two big players in the arena are:  
Lockton (the NRA recommendation)
     You need to read the fine print because there are all kinds of policies with different 
caps (maximum amounts that they will pay) and different exclusions (conditions under 
which they won't pay).  
     Ask your insurance agent.  She may be able to beat the big guys.  
     Everyone is different.  Some people don't have significant autonomic nervous system, 
ANS, responses (They don't flinch.  They don't anticipate events and so don't react to them.  
They don't tense when exposed to shock such as concussion.  They don't get motion 
sickness.  They don't get excited or panic when you tell them you're pregnant.  Etc.), 
so they don't teach the 'surprise trigger break'.  Because it doesn't make sense to them.  
     The purpose of the surprise trigger break is to defeat autonomic nervous system 
responses to the report and recoil of the firearm.  For those who have ANS responses, 
the surprise trigger break is essential to allow them to get accurate shots on demand, 
every time, by delaying the ANS responses until after the bullet has exited the muzzle.  
     As we learned in Lee Weems' Instructor Camp, "Your students are not you."  
     Another problem is that being a good shooter and being a good instructor are two 
entirely different skills.  They are not necessarily orthogonal, but they are usually 
independent.  A good shooter may not understand what he is doing.  So, he may not 
be able to explain what he is doing to a student.  (This is actually very common.)   
He may think he is doing a task in a particular way, but he doesn't know what he 
is doing because he has never viewed a high speed video recording slowed down 
and analyzed frame by frame, as we do at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado 
Springs, CO.  So, he's teaching his students a technique that he believes is correct 
because it works for him.  But, he's not using the technique.  
     Superstitious beliefs are difficult to discover and hence difficult to change.  
     Clint Smith says, "Every time I teach a class, I discover something that I didn't know."
In the class that I am presently teaching, one of my students (who is a retired nurse) taught 
me how to correctly pronounce "decubitus" as in lateral decubitus (lying on your side 
while shooting).  Other instructors us the terms "urban prone" or "sideways prone", which 
of course are wrong.  Prone is lying on your stomach.  Supine is lying on your back.  
Lateral decubitus is lying on your side.  Which is useful for shooting under cars and 
around corners while keeping most of your body behind cover.  
"Saudi women flock to GUN ranges as new-found freedoms in the conservative Gulf state 
that allowed them to drive now let them handle weapons" by STEWART CARR
     My, how things have changed.  Amazing what you can do in an absolute monarchy.  
     In hard core Islamic cultures, women are not allowed to teach men.  And men may 
not interact with women other than their wives, sisters, and mothers (or other close 
relatives).  So, you have to find male instructors for a male class, and female 
instructors for a female class.  But, as you see, at least in the big cities like Riyadh, 
such is starting to happen.  Sometimes we win!  
     "Using Blanks in Scenario Training" by Greg Ellifritz
     Greg's recommendation, don't use blanks in training.  
     If you are teaching deaf students, use your flashlight to light up the student's 
target to signal him to start the drill.  If your flashlight isn't bright enough to do 
this in daylight, get a real flashlight.  
     Make an effort to learn American Sign Language.  You don't have to.  It is 
possible to communicate with printed (not hand written, nobody can read your 
hand writing) flash cards.  It's not that hard to get a sign language interpreter 
to help you with the class.  But, the effort on your part will make a world of 
     Unfortunately, there are dialects of sign language.  So, even if you learn 
ASL, you might not be able to communicate with your students.  Especially in 
the rural Southern United States.  
     Keep a positive attitude and keep trying.  This is what Jesus means by 
store up your treasure in heaven, not on Earth.  
     I had a "discussion" with another instructor about how some instructors 
don't have the high stress (not necessarily combat) experience to know that 
a technique is stupid.  So, they teach it, because academically, it makes sense 
to them.  
     He said he never had an instructor tell him that the instructor had ever 
pissed or shit in his pants.  I said, that means that either the instructor has 
never been in a high stress situation, or he has been in a high stress situation 
and is too embarrassed to admit to you that he shit himself.  Which is stupid, 
because as Sara Ahrens says, tell the cops that you shit yourself because 
that proves you feared for your life, which justifies your shooting.  (proof 
of subjective reasonable fear, not necessarily objectively reasonable fear)
     I've always been happy to tell people how I've gotten erections, pissed 
on myself, shit on myself, and had my legs shaking uncontrollably after 
killing someone (and often before the killing).  Of course, no one will listen 
to my war stories unless I'm buying the drinks.   
     Be careful what you teach.  
Because your students will do in combat
whatever you have trained them to do, 
no matter how ridiculous.
-- "Shooting in Self-Defense" by Sara Ahrens
----- Andragogy -----
     An instructor should not expect any learning to take 
place the first time new information is presented.  
-- "Building Shooters" by Dustin Solomon
     If you're going to teach a technique, you must be able to answer the question, WHY?  
I teach closing your non-aiming eye for the fraction of a second that it takes to fire the 
shot.  The following (below) is my reasoning.  Compare it to the reasoning of those who 
teach keeping both eyes open when firing the shot.  And decide.  Yes, you have to come 
to a conclusion.  Decisiveness is a character trait.  If you can't decide, you can't commit 
to a course of action.  Wishy-washy teaching is worse than incorrect teaching.  
     "It is better to be wrong than to be vague." -- Freeman Dyson
Because if you are wrong, you can be corrected.  If you are vague, no one can help you.  
     Aiming with both eyes open causes the shooter to see a "double image".  
You can prove this to yourself by sticking your thumb up at arm's length, 
place it over a distant target, focus on the target and you will see two thumbs, 
focus on your thumb and you will see two targets.  
     So, if you are focused on the target and using the wrong front sight 
image, you will miss the target.  If you are focused on the front sight and 
use the wrong target image, you will miss the target.  
     The shooter won't automatically use the image from the dominant eye, 
because eye dominance is perceptual, not physiological.  So, it can and does 
change with stress and attention.  Eye dominance is not necessarily left 
or right.  It can be 50% - 50%.  It can be 70% right - 30% left.  Etc.  Everyone 
is different.  Any time a person aims with both eyes open, he will get a 
double image.  
     Assuming a hard focus on the front sight (because target focused shooting 
is stupid.  See next paragraph.), a person using his right eye to aim, who uses 
the wrong target image will be shooting way off to the left (damaging property, 
injuring innocent bystanders, maybe killing them).  A person using his left eye 
to aim, who uses the wrong target image will be shooting way off to the right.  
This is why it is essential to eliminate the double image by closing the non-aiming 
eye.  Murphy's Law says that anything that can go wrong will go wrong, 
at the worst possible time.  So, the person shooting with both eyes open will 
be shooting at the wrong image, and hitting unintended objects.  No such thing 
as a miss, only unintended hits.  "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong."  
So, we must eliminate anything that can go wrong from our weapon system.  
So, the non-aiming eye must be closed.  
     Visual focus is equivalent to mental concentration.  You are concentrating 
on whatever you are visually focused on.  If you focus on the target, you 
won't notice the front sight.  The front sight will wander off the target and 
you'll never notice it.  Such is "inattentional blindness".  So, you will miss 
the target.  If you don't understand inattentional blindness, view this video, 
     There is nothing natural or instinctive about shooting.  Shooting is a 
specialized skill peculiar to a specific tool.  Comparing shooting to any 
other day-to-day operation in normal life is incongruous.  
The shot process for ensuring you hit every time on demand:  
     Sight alignment - 
With a correct grip, align the sights.  With iron sights, this means keeping the top 
of the front sight level with the top of the rear sight and keeping the front sight 
centered in the rear sight notch.  
With red dot sights, this means keeping the dot centered in the window.  
(Yes, as a matter of fact it does matter.  The physics of optics is not something 
you can change with advertising propaganda.)  
     Sight picture - 
With iron sights, striving to keep the top of the front sight on the intended point 
of impact with a hard focus on the front sight.  (Strive to see the scratches on 
your front sight.)  Close your non-aiming eye to eliminate double images.  
With a red dot sights, striving to keep the dot on the intended point of impact.  
     Trigger control - 
Touch the trigger.  Take the slack out of the trigger.  Smoothly increase pressure 
on the trigger without intentionally firing the shot.  Let the pistol fire when it 
wants to.  The surprise trigger break will defeat all autonomic nervous system 
responses to the report and recoil.  
     Follow through - 
Keep pressing the trigger and keep aiming, until you get your second sight picture 
after the shot.  Only then should you reset the trigger.  Follow through ensures 
that you hit your intended target.  Without follow through, it's just luck.  With 
follow through, you are in control.  
     Yes, I know this seems to be a long complex process.  But, with practice 
it will compress in time and become very fast.  Of course, the overridingly 
important thing is that you will hit your intended target every time, on demand.  
And that is more important than speed, because you can never miss fast enough.  
     I teach the Weaver platform.  My reasons for teaching the Weaver are as follows:  
1. It places your support side arm in front of the vital organs in your torso, making 
it more difficult for the enemy to strike your heart and lungs.  (For those of us who 
do not regularly wear body armor. If you are wearing body armor, it makes sense 
to present the front of your armor to the enemy and not expose the side of your 
armor.  That's why police are taught the isosceles position.)  
2. It is the same stance for pistol and long gun. So, transitioning between the two 
is easier than with other positions. We expect to transition.  
     "The purpose of the pistol is to give you time to get to your rifle." – Jeff Cooper  
     If the forest is too dense to maneuver a long gun, or the building's passages are 
too narrow for a long gun, or the tunnels are too small for a long gun, we will 
transition to our pistol.  
3. It allows the shooter to pull with the support side arm bicep.  If the support side 
arm is out straight (as in the isosceles stance), you can't pull with the 
support side arm.  You have to pull with the support side arm to prevent the muzzle 
from flipping up on recoil.  If the muzzle flips up on recoil, it takes longer and is 
harder to get the sights on the target for the second and subsequent shots.  
4. It looks more aggressive to the enemy (a significant psychological advantage) 
because it is a fighting stance similar to a boxing stance.  The body language says, 
“I am ready and willing to fight.”  
5. It reduces the width of the target that you present to the enemy.  This has a 
strong psychological affect on the enemy as it makes his target smaller and thus 
reduces his confidence in hitting his target.  
6. It gives the shooter a supported position when the shooter transitions to the 
kneeling position or the squatting position.  
7. The Harries flashlight technique uses the Weaver stance.  
8. It flows naturally from the interview position that you assumed, because you 
were aware of the situation, because you were in condition yellow when the enemy 
started the incident.  
     I also teach the Isosceles platform and have a similar list for it.  As should you, 
if you are teaching it.  You must be able to answer the question, WHY?  
     Lee Weems conducts an Instructor Camp in which he strives for 
a "doctrine free" course.  Of course, that's impossible, because 
anytime you teach anything, you are teaching in accordance with 
some doctrine.  
     "The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other.  
Without collaboration, our growth is limited to our own perspectives."  
-- Robert John Meehan
*****     ***** Legal *****     *****
     "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. 
It is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other.
-- John Adams, October 11, 1798
    “Is there no virtue among us?
If there is not, we are without hope!
No form of government, existing nor theoretical, will keep us from harm.
To think that any government, in any form, 
will insure liberty and happiness for an dishonorable population 
represents the height of self-deception.”
-- James Madison, 1788
"Recognizing and Controlling Courtroom Tricks" By Calibre Press
     An article about the Kyle Rittenhouse case by LAURA COLLINS
     Not noted in this article, but reported earlier, one of the jurors was dismissed 
by the judge because she said that she took the 6th Commandment, 
"Thou shall not kill.", literally.   How sad that she would believe such an obvious 
mistranslation of the Bible.  How sad that she would believe that God would say 
such a theologically and logically inconsistent thing.  May I invite your attention 
to the article "Lost in Translation" by Tom Givens on page 2 of the January 2016 
Rangemaster newsletter at, 
The correct translation is "Thou shall not murder.", an entirely different meaning.  
As God told the Israelis in the Old Testament, there are a lot of people 
that need to be killed, go out and kill them.  
     Never think for an instant that propaganda doesn't run rampant.  
Why do you think it's called the King James Bible?  Because King James 
commissioned it to advance his agenda.  It's not the same as the Bibles 
commissioned by the Popes in Rome or Constantinople.  Who had their 
own agendas.  
(The different Bibles don't even have the same books.  Apocrypha.  Etc.)
     "Law of Self Defense" by Andrew Branca
Free of charge.  Just pay shipping.  
     Educate yourself.  So, you don't spend the rest of your life in a cage.  
"Info Graphic" by Andrew Branca
     "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, 
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."  
-- Second Amendment, U.S. Constitution 
*****     *****     ***** Survival and War Stories *****     *****     *****
"If you prepare for the emergency,
the emergency ceases to exist!"
-- Dr. Sherman House
"Some Preparedness Activities You Should Do In The Next 30 Days" by Paul T. Martin
" “Old Jack” Hinson: Civil War Sniper Back When Sniping Wasn’t Cool " by WILL DABBS
     Excerpt from Docent at Practical Eschatology
     John W. “Jack” Hinson was born in 1807.  A wealthy Scots-Irish farmer in Stewart County, 
Tennessee, Hinson was known as “Old Jack” to his friends.  He was a prosperous slave owner 
who attempted to remain neutral in the face of the brewing Civil War.  He lived on his tobacco 
farm with his wife and ten children and was known for his temper.
     When the Federal General U.S. Grant rolled through the area with his army, Jack welcomed 
him into his home.  In February of 1862 Grant moved on to attack Fort Donelson and Fort Henry.  
As he departed, however, Grant left a Federal garrison behind.  
     “Bushwhackers” was the term applied to unconventional guerilla fighters who attacked Union 
forces from positions of concealment.  In the fall of 1862, Hinson’s sons 17-year-old Jack and 
22-year-old George were out deer hunting near their homestead.  They came across a Union 
detachment that mistakenly took the two boys for bushwhackers.  The Federal soldiers tied the 
two young men to trees, shot them to death, paraded their bodies around town as a message to 
others, and then stuck their heads on the gateposts back at the Hinson homestead.  This turned 
out to be a really bad idea. . . . 
     At age 55 Jack Hinson sent his family away to safety and contracted with a local gunsmith to 
build him a very special .50-caliber Kentucky Long Rifle.  This custom-built weapon sported a 
41-inch barrel as well as set triggers and weighed a whopping 18 pounds.  Hinson used this 
weapon to engage in a one-man sniper war against the occupying Federal troops.  He sniped 
Union soldiers both in garrison as well as in military columns and transports.  He also engaged 
Union gunboats while they were slowly plying the waters of the Cumberland and Tennessee 
Rivers.  His first two victims were the Lieutenant and Sergeant responsible for murdering his 
two sons, both shot cleanly from ambush.  
     Using that obsolete muzzle loading long rifle “Old Jack” Hinson accumulated more than 
100 kills.  He sniped Union naval personnel off the decks of their warships and shot men out 
of the saddle as they passed by in supply convoys.  His longest confirmed kill was nearly half 
a mile.  Ultimately units from four different Federal regiments tracked him unsuccessfully.  
     Hinson was never apprehended by Union forces.  He died at home, of natural causes, 
on April 28, 1874.  
     Now here is an enlightened perspective on Kyle Rittenhouse.  
Hat tip to Mark Fitzhenry.
"If you stay fit, you do not have to get fit. 
If you stay trained, you do not have to get trained. 
If you stay prepared, you do not have to get prepared."
-- Robert Margulies
*****  For our friends behind the Iron Curtain / Bamboo Curtain / Woke Curtain / Communist Curtain  *****
"Good habits and skill beat luck every time."
-- Sheriff Jim Wilson tells me that persons in Brazil, Canada, United Kingdom, France, 
Greece, Mexico, Germany, Austria, Australia, New Zealand, Colombia, Japan, Spain, 
Czech Republic, as well as the United States are using my Defensive Pistol material.  
That's gratifying.  But, what really turns me on is persons in foreign lands writing to me 
to ask questions.  Wow, talk about an ego boost.  
     SmashWords also tells me that the channels used to get my materials are:  
Amazon, Apple, Baker & Taylor's Axis 360, Barnes & Noble, cloudLibrary, 
Gardners Extended Retail, Kobo, Library Direct, Odilo, OverDrive, Scribd.
     Yes, you too can reach out across the world to spread the gospel of Defensive 
Pistolcraft from the comfort of your living room.  
" 'The View' host says she owns a new gun and audience laughs... 
Until they realize she's serious . . . "
by Langley Outdoors Academy
     "It's about who is laughing at you when you embrace your rights."  
     "Computer science has nothing to do with computers or science."
-- Donald Knuth (the K is pronounced, it's German)
     Because computer science is pure mathematics.  
Information wants to be free.
"Bad Furniture"
The wardrobe has lost a lobe,
The blender has gone on a bender,
The pouf is rather uncouth,
The armoire is not for moi,
The icebox is full of rocks,
The credenza has influenza,
And worst of all,
The encoignure is full of manure.
-- Neil J. A. Sloane
Yes, this is the Neil Sloane as in "The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences®" 
"Your character is what you do when no one is looking."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"Handbook of Applied Cryptography"
by Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot and Scott A. Vanstone

"Computer Security and the Internet: Tools and Jewels"
by Paul C. van Oorschot.
144^5 = 27^5 + 84^5 + 110^5 + 133^5
L. J. Lander and T. R. Parkin, 
"A counterexample to Euler's sum of powers conjecture", 
Math. Comp., 21, (1967), pp 101-103.
Let's go Brandon!  
Random, not pseudo-random, and unique.  1024 hexadecimal values in the range 00 to FF.
Initialization vector name Dulcinea.  
“In the long-run, there is no such thing as ‘luck’. 
However, the short-run is longer than many individual lifetimes!”
-- Anon
     It is an old tradition to hide information in poems.  
Semper Fidelis,
Jonathan D. Low
The Warrior's Prayer
Dear God,
     Please give us discernment to distinguish friend from foe from innocent bystanders. 
Give us clear vision so our aim is true. 
Give us calm so we execute correctly. 
Give us spiritual maturity so that we stop the enemy's attack 
without excessive force, without revenge. 
In Jesus name, Amen.