Tuesday, December 27, 2016

CWP, 27 December 2016 Anno Domini

Greetings Sheepdogs,

***** Mindset *****

     "Thus, the great irony:  the person who is
prepared to kill if they must to stop a murderous
transgression by a human predator, is the person
who is least likely to have to do so." 
-- Massad Ayoob

     "Yet my pistol is more than just security. 
Like an Orthodox Jewish yarmulke or a Christian
cross, it is a symbol of who I am, what I believe,
and the moral standards by which I live."
-- Finn Aagard

     At Front Sight Firearms Institute they teach
that you need training because you don't know what
you don't know.
     The wise person is constantly striving to
expand his knowledge.  He is a lifetime learner.
     One of the things we were taught in the Marine Corps
was to be working on a correspondence course at all times. 

***** Training *****

     "Shooting well is simple,
it just isn't easy."
~ Ray Chapman, first world champion
of the combat pistol
Unintentional Discharge (UD)
Drawing From Concealment
     Failing to properly focus on the front sight
is a widespread problem among shooters.  Every
good shooter with iron sights (as opposed to red-dot
optics or telescopic sights) whom you know can
probably remember when he or she experienced "the
epiphany of the front sight."  The realization,
"So that's what the coach meant when she said to
watch the front sight!"
     Watch the front sight hard.  Apply your
primary visual focus there.  Look at it until
you can see every little scratch in the machining
on its surface.  . . .  Then you, too, will
experience the epiphany of the front sight, and
will see your shot groups tighten as if by magic.
~ Massad Ayoob
     "The beauty of competitive shooting, and
the real reason it did far more to prepare
soldiers like McBride and Marines like Hathcock
and cops like Cirillo to win gunfights, was
that in this seemingly sporting environment,
handling their guns swiftly and surely under
significant pressure had caused that expert
handling to become a reflexive norm."
~ Massad Ayoob
References to:
World War I veteran Herbert W. McBride,
Vietnam War veteran GySgt. Carlos Hathcock,
New York Police Department Officer James Cirillo.
     So, for those of you planning a career in
the military or law enforcement (or charity
work with the A-21 campaign rescuing sex slaves),
your time in competitions is being well spent.
     I attribute all of my one shot kills to
my training in my high school rifle team,
because that is where I first learned the
     Before my son left for Marine Corps recruit
training at Parris Island, I took him to Front
Sight Firearms Institute to do a 4-day M-16
course.  He had already shot smallbore competitively
for several years, but full auto M-16's are a
little different, and I didn't want his first
experience with one to be at boot camp, where
the pressure is high.
     Learning in a club or team environment
with a coach to guide you, taking courses at
gun schools, and competing in tournaments
makes all the difference in the world when
the time comes to use your skills in combat.


[Excerpt from an email to my junior rifle team.]

     If you can't do a pull up, you can't shoot standing.
That's the truth.
     Tutorial on how to do your first pull up.
Starts at 1:19.
     "Exercise.  Strengthen your hands and forearms particularly.
The usual warnings about checking with your doctor before beginning
any exercise regimen apply.
     I know this may seem odd in a low intensity basic class,
but grip strength is one of the most important, and overlooked,
factors in the ability to shoot well.
'Well' as in quickly and accurately."
-- Steve Cooper, Paladin Training, Inc.
     Motivational pull up video.
     All of these little girls are older than you and
heavier than you. [Talking to my junior shooters.]
     Notice the slow downward release of tension,
negative pull up.
     Notice that some of them are doing their pull ups
with weights.
     In case you don't recognize the animal, it's a pig.
     "But Coach, I'm too heavy to do a pull up."
     Then lose weight by running 3 miles every day.
     "But Coach, my knees are bad.  I can't run."
     Then swim 2 miles every day.  (Your knees aren't
bad.  You're just lazy.)
     "But Coach, the chlorine hurts my eyes."
     For a minuscule fee, you can join the
Gordon Jewish Community Center,
801 Percy Warner Blvd. Nashville, TN 37205
(615) 356-7170
They have a salt water pool, no chlorine.
Pool schedule,
(Or, you could wear goggles.)
No more excuses, just do it.
     "I could just eat less to lose weight."
     No, that would be stupid.  Don't do that.
You will pass out and perhaps die.
     A few decades ago after going to Kaiser Hospital for
a check up, my father and little brother were walking
along the pier by the hospital in Waikiki.  My brother
fell into the water.  My father jumped in to save him.
In order to get out of the water my father had to do
a pull up with my brother clinging to his back (including
wet clothes).  [This was a pier, not a beach one could
walk out of.]
     Being able to do a pull up was the difference
between having something funny to talk about over
dinner and a tragic death in the family.
     Statistically speaking, several children die every
day.  Often with the parent or guardian present.  I'm not
talking about the mother or baby sitter smoking meth.
I'm talking about the adult unable to rescue the child
because they lack basic physical strength (not even
basic first aid skill, just strength).  [I used to
look at this data all day long every day as part of
my job.]
     If you are out of shape, you won't be able to
run down those 43 flights of stairs to escape the
burning building where you work.  And you certainly
won't be able to carry your child if you brought
her to work with you that day.  The others in the
stairwell mean you no ill will, but they are
scared and panic.  So, don't take it personally
when they trample you.
     Or, you could be leading them to safety.
The choice is always yours.  Failing to train
is choosing to be a victim.  Neglecting to do your
pull ups is just as much an act of volition
as is the self discipline to work on your
pull ups daily until you can do 20 on demand
at any time.
Who Dares Wins!


     "When the breath wanders the mind also is unsteady.
But when the breath is calmed the mind too will be still,
and the yogi achieves long life.  Therefore, one should
learn to control the breath."
-- Svatmarama, Hatha Yoga Pradipika


***** Tactics *****

     "If you need to get to one side or the other of the
car when you're [seated] on the wrong side or in the middle,
lean forward and then pivot your upper body "gun turret"
toward the threat!  This can give you more range of
movement and allow you to safely extend your handgun
past a passenger on either side of you.
     Use your feet, extending them sideways.  This will
allow you to push much more toward the window on either
side, and give you far more range of movement with which
to engage the threat."
-- Massad Ayoob

***** Techniques *****

     The single most likely place we're going to be hit
may well be somewhere in the gun arm.  It is imperative
to a "full survival skill set" to be able to shoot fast
and effectively "weak hand only."  Kudos to IDPA for
making that "part of the program." 
-- Massad Ayoob

***** Gear *****

Carry what you practice with

SIG Sauer MCX Recall

***** Instructors *****

"Trainers:  Have you trained lately?" by Tom Givens

***** Pedagogy *****

     Share your skills when the opportunity develops,
it will make you a better practitioner yourself.
Teaching is instructive in both directions.  At the
Society of Law Enforcement Trainers, our motto was
qui docet, discet.  From the Latin, it means
"who teaches, learns."  When you deliver hands-on
training in particular, you quickly lean which
techniques are the most intuitive and the fastest
to pick up, and which are so complicated that only
the most dedicated student will be able to master
them.  Teaching forces you to delve deeper into
the source of each concept or technique, and to
deeper research its validity and applicability.
When you learn to diagnose technique failures in
others, you better grasp how to perform those
techniques yourself.  Teaching sharpens the
instructor's own skills as a practitioner, as
double-stamping sharpens the imprimatur on a coin.
~ Massad Ayoob

***** Education *****

Gun Digest has many free downloads for you.
     "Essentials in Firearms Training: Safety, Practice and Getting Started"
is good for beginners and has lots of high resolution pictures. 
No author is cited, but I suspect the author is a student of
Front Sight, based on the techniques he teaches and the people
he chooses to quote.
     "Concealed Carry Guns"
The first page has some interesting history.  The rest of
the book describes pistols suitable for concealed carry. 
A bit dated, 2014, but lots of good information.

***** Legal and Political stuff *****

“Capitalism harnesses human self-interest. . . ."


     My mother said she took me to the opera to balance out
my "Mad" magazine reading.  She took us to church to
balance out all the lies we are exposed to in worldly
     May I invite your attention to
to balance out all the propaganda you are exposed to
in the media and the government schools.  Church
may not be sufficient, because many pastors are
scared of the IRS and so won't speak out on cultural
issues for fear of losing their tax exempt status.
     The tax collectors abuse their power under color of law
today just as they did in Jesus' time.
Several of the Republican presidential
candidates had promised to abolish the IRS if
elected, and for good reason.  The Democrats use
the IRS to oppress their political opponents (Ever
heard of Lois Lerner?).  So, the conservative Republicans
are always trying to reign in the power of that bureaucracy.
President Reagan cut all funding to the IRS,
but could not make it permanent.

***** Survival Tips *****

     "If you live where a CCW permit is available,
get the damn permit.  If you don't, move to someplace
that does.  Yes, it IS that simple." 
-- Massad Ayoob

***** Miscellany *****

     Lesson plans may be found at
or send me an email requesting the latest


Jonathan Low

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

CWP, 7 December 2016 Anno Domini

Greetings Sheepdogs,

***** Mindset *****

Steve Cooper of Paladin Training, (843)618-1381,
paladintraining@sc.rr.com, www.paladintraining.com,
sends us the following --
This narrative is from a friend who has worked overseas
security details multiple times. He has seen the future,
first-hand, and confronts us with this specter:
     "I was personally involved in an extended gun-battle
in January of 2010, in the heart of downtown Kabul,
Afghanistan, in the middle of Masood Circle.
     My driver and I were ambushed by Taliban thugs.
For the next half-hour, we had to run and shoot
simultaneously, using what cover we could find
along the way. It was mainly poor marksmanship
and the inherent disorganization of the Taliban
(and expert marksmanship on our part) that kept
us alive!
     After a short time, we exited our vehicle,
as it was drawing too much fire. We, both now on
foot, started shooting them as they were trying
to get out of their cars. We fortunately killed
a bunch before they could effectively shoot at
us. That slowed them down a little.
     The Taliban were shooting at Afghan Police,
Afghan National Army, and just about everyone
else, including children, women, and us.
Beslan-style, Taliban gunmen attempted to protect
themselves with human shields they grabbed off
the street, and then they advanced on us, pushing
their human shields out ahead of them. We had no
choice but to shoot them all!
     I was forced to use both my pistol (G19) and
AK. I shot as many of them as I could, and ended
up at the Serena Hotel, 1km away, after expending
nineteen magazines of 7.62X39! At the Serena Hotel,
other contractors were shooting over us (with
covering fire) from the inside as we entered
through what was left of the glass entry-doors.
     I don't know how many people I shot, but I
do know, of twenty AK magazines in my kit, I had
only one (partial) left when shooting finally
stopped. I was nearly hit so many times, I lost
count. By the grace of God, both my driver and I
lived through it!
     The point is this: These people are coming
to the USA. In fact, they are here now, thanks
to our non-borders! And, when they pull something
like the foregoing here, in an attempt to ambush
our police, and others, this is what we need to
keep in mind:
     1) There will be no time! No time to 'plan,'
no time to establish a CP, no time to cordon-off
the active area, no time to coordinate, no time
to control traffic, no time to get SWAT there.
In my experience, action is sudden, fluid,
rapidly developing, not likely confined to any
one area, extremely violent, and starts with
no warning. We should not be surprised when they
take innocent hostages, including children, and
then use them as human shields. They will use
military rifles and explosives, maybe RPGs.
They'll likely be poorly trained, but there
will be a lot of them. They have absolutely no
morals, and they all know that their mission
is 'one-way!'
     2) Every patrol officer must have instant
access to heavy firepower, and it matters not
where you work. You will desperately need it.
Mark my words! Shotguns are no longer adequate.
We need high-capacity, military rifles in the
cab-portion of our patrol vehicles, not the
trunk. You won't have time to retrieve your
rifle from a trunk. Ask me how I know this!
     3) For each rifle, we need at least a
dozen fully-charged magazines, in easily-carried
bandoleers. For each pistol, we need at least
six fully-charged magazines, on the belt and,
again, in bandoleers. In an intense, protracted
gun-battle, you won't believe how fast you will
go through ammunition!
     4) We probably have far less time to
prepare than any of us think. We can't,
at our level, confuse political symbolism
with reality, just as 'restraining-orders' and
'warning-signs' are not to be equated with a
bullet. 'Treaties' and 'understandings' mean
nothing to these thugs.
     Brothers and sisters, the time to prepare is now!"


     "The Art of War teaches us to rely,
not upon the calculated likelihood of the
enemy's coming or not, but on our own
readiness to receive him . . . no matter what he does."
-- Sun Tzu

     "Revolution is not a dinner-party.
It is an act of violence through which
one class overthrows another"
-- Mao Zedong


***** Training *****

    Paladin Training
"Paladin Training" <paladintraining@sc.rr.com>
is conducting Urban Break Contact,
an advanced three day two person team tactics class.
     Details at
     If you think it could never happen here, you're wrong.


     If you're struggling to do something,
you're wrong.  The Taoist philosophy is
that everything is done easily if done
correctly.  So, search for the proper
technique.  Everything can be done easily
if the correct technique is applied.  You
never have to revert to brute force.
Strive for elegance in your solution.
Strive for simplicity in your solution.
     Alexander cutting the Gordian Knot with
a sword, was a brute force solution.
(Knot Theory is a well developed branch of
mathematics.)  Comparing encrypted forms
of words in a dictionary against the
encrypted form of your password, is a
brute force attack.  (Cryptanalysis is
a well developed branch of cryptology.)
Such "solutions" are unbecoming of the
sophisticated persons that we are.
     You will correct most errors
automatically with practice.  That's why
we practice.  The correct technique will
become obvious to you.  The correct
position will feel natural and comfortable
to you.  With practice.
     How much practice?  This varies from
person to person, but generally 2000
correctly executed shots (dry or live)
will put you on the first plateau.
     If you're still making baby errors,
you're not practicing enough.  (The errors
that I have repeatedly cited in the notes
that I give you after every match.)
     The shots fired in your matches
should be a minuscule fraction of your
shots recorded in your journal.  If your
match shots are a significant fraction
of your total shots fired, you are not
practicing enough.
     Prone shooting is a vast body of
knowledge.  But, I can't teach it to you
unless you practice prone shooting (a lot).
Because, without experience, it won't make
sense to you.  We will be exchanging English
words without semantics (meaning).  Because,
we would share no common experience.
     I am observing the SCATT traces and
ask the prone shooter, "Are you breathing?"
He responds, "Yes."  But, the SCATT trace
shows no up and down motion associated
with breathing.  In prone, assuming you
have a correct natural point of aim, your
sights will be on the center of the bull
during your respiratory pause between
your exhale and your inhale.  When you
inhale, your sights will move down,
(hopefully straight down) below the center.
When you exhale, the sights will move
up (hopefully straight up) to the center.
And stop dead-center on the bull at your
natural respiratory pause.
     So, the shooter was not breathing
during his shot process.  He was not
aware of what correct sight movement
looked like while breathing during
the shot process.  He believed that
he was breathing.
     What we think can be completely
disconnected from reality.  (For instance,
all of liberal ideology.  Listen to
Barry Soetoro (also known as Barack Obama)
talk.  As President Reagan said,
"The trouble with our Liberal friends is
not that they're ignorant; it's just that
they know so much that isn't so.")
That's why you have coaches.  The coach
will point out to you what you are doing,
even if you are sure that you are doing
something else.  But, in order to get this
coaching, you have to show up to practice
and ask the coach to watch you.  You have to
make a reservation for the SCATT system,
so the coach can observe your traces.
     Yes, you have to do this.  You have
to initiate.  "Reaching out to the coach"
by email is not sufficient.  You have to
follow through.
     "My sights are wobbling all over
the place."
     No, that is false.  Your movement
is very smooth and controlled.  Any
movement under extreme magnification,
which is what the SCATT system is doing,
will appear to be jerky and jagged.
Look at the smooth glass of a mirror
under a microscope and you will see a
rough surface.
     Even the surface of a neutron star
will appear rough under sufficient
magnification.  It has to, if you
believe in the Heisenberg Uncertainty
Principle and Perturbation Theory.
(Einstein did not believe in Quantum
     A national level coach said to me,
"What are you doing spending money on a
SCATT system for a high school team?
Even some college teams don't have such
systems.  You should be spending your
money on . . . "
     I disagree.  When I was in grad
school, some of the students were
complaining to the professor that the
tests were too hard.  It was impossible
to finish the test.  It was impossible
to do some of the problems on the test.
(Prof. Lee Lady liked to give take home
tests that were due a week later.)
To which Prof. Lady explained that the
tests contained problems that his C students
could do to give them a sense of
accomplishment.  There were problems
that challenged his B students to make
them feel they were getting their money's
worth in this class.  And there were
problems to keep his A students
entertained, so he wouldn't lose them.
(A good grad student is useful as slave
labor for the professor.)
     In a similar vein, our rifle team is
normally distributed (a mathematical
distribution, not a colloquial term)
with respect to skill (as are all large
populations).  At the high end of the
distribution are those who could make
a national team.  (This has nothing to
do with potential.  This is purely a
matter of dedication.)  But, the SCATT
system is not just to keep the dedicated
shooters entertained.  It is a diagnostic
tool to see the things that are not
visible with eyeball observations.
     So, if you are on the team and
not making regular use of the SCATT
system, you are wasting a valuable
     Besides your daily practice, you
should be on the SCATT with a coach
once a week, at least once every other
week.  You'll find out all kinds of
things that you're doing that you didn't
know that you were doing.  You'll discover
all kinds of things that you're not
doing that you thought you were doing.
     I'm planning on taking Rangemaster's
Instructor Development Course
Friday, 9/29/2017, 09:00 to
Sunday, 10/1/2017, 18:00 in
Franklin, TN (just south of Nashville on I-65)
     Let me know if you plan to go. 

***** Tactics *****

Swift, Short, Violent. Realities of CCW

***** Techniques *****

Reloading: Essential or insignificant?

Man Dies Attempting Appendix Carry Reholster In Milkwaukee
     Appendix carry violates our safety rule,
"Never cover anything you are not willing to destroy."
How are you going to avoid muzzling yourself?  Some
awkward contorted presentation and holstering
     Shoulder holsters also violate our
safety rule.  How are you going to avoid muzzling
your support side arm?  Again, some awkward contorted
unrealistic technique?
     "If I practice it enough, I can make it work."
     What a ridiculous waste of practice time and
effort.  The sensible thing to do is to carry on
your belt at 3 o'clock for right handers and 9 o'clock
for left handers.
     There is quite an industry of trainers teaching
appendix carry and manufacturers making appendix
carry holsters.  That does not mean it's correct or
even makes sense.  For instance, the U.S. Army has purchased
millions of Blackhawk SERPA holsters.  But, the
Department of the Interior and the Department of
Homeland Security have both banned the holster
for good reason. 
(See previous postings for the primary source documents.
Or, send me an email and I will send them to you.)
     Stupidity runs rampant, and will in any free
society that has freedom of the press and freedom
of speech.  It is your responsibility to figure things
out for yourself.

***** Gear *****

     A friend gave me a short sleeve shirt.
So no, I did not buy it.  But, I did not
receive it free of charge from the dealer
either.  It is a Propper Tactical Sweep,
manufactured by Propper in Haiti and the
Dominican Republic. 
It is designed for civilian concealed carry. 
The features are:
     reinforced neck (subtle, but effective),
     pockets to hold pens on the sleeve (so
they are out of the way of a shoulder holster
presentation, as they would be on the left
breast for a right handed shooter),
     two front pockets with magnetic closures,
     front buttons are visible but fake (front
closure is by hidden snaps),
     Velcro side closures to allow easy
access to a pistol carried on side of the hip
without tearing the shirt or getting stuck
on anything,
     underarm gussets to allow lifting the
arms without pulling the shirt up to reveal
the pistol on your hip.
     There is also a zippered pocket on the
lower left front of the shirt that the
manufacturer advertises as a feature, but
I have not found it useful.
     I recommend this product.

     May I invite your attention to Life View Outdoors,
2844 Logan Street
Nashville, TN 37211
     Mr. Mike Merryman is the proprietor.
     I went just to look and spent way too
much money there.  You have been warned.
I bought a
Pelican 7600 LED USB Rechargeable Flashlight
for $89.95.  It is way too complicated for
combat use, but it was just so cool I couldn't
     He recently sponsored sniper training for
law enforcement at Nissan Stadium. 
See the photos on his Facebook page at

***** Instructors *****

11 Ways To Help a New Shooter Succeed

***** Pedagogy *****

***** Education *****

Greg Ellefritz's
Weekend Knowledge Dump
is always very informative.

     Sterotypes may be politically incorrect,
but they are true.  Otherwise, they wouldn't be
stereotypes.  Trust your intuition when looking at someone.
     For those who don't want to do the heavy reading of a peer
reviewed journal paper, here is the Pscychology Today magazine article.
"Criminals Look Different From Noncriminals"
     The cited link to the primary source is obsolete. 
The journal got taken over by another organization. 
The correct link to the primary source is,
The abstract is at

Vision and Shooting and Aging (Part 1)
Shooting, Vision, and the Effects of Aging (Part 2)

How Close Is Too Close?
(Original article by by Dennis Tueller )
     The original experiment was done by Mike Waidelich. 
Tueller wrote up the results of the Waidelich study, and
published in the March 1983 issue of SWAT magazine.

***** Legal and Political stuff *****

State Gun Laws
     State constitution provisions.

***** Survival Tips *****

***** Miscellany *****

     Lesson plans may be found at
or send me an email requesting the latest


Jonathan Low

Sunday, November 20, 2016

CWP, 20 November 2016 Anno Domini

Greetings Sheepdogs,

***** Mindset *****

     In a RAP (Rape Aggression Prevention) course
pre-course questionnaire, 67% of the women responded
that they had survived a violent sexual assault.
(They waste a lot of time talking about making coffee
in this pod cast.)
     How do we get in front of this?  Train your
women folk.  Color Code of mental awareness,
Combat Mind Set, don't sit in your car in dark
parking lots playing with your electronic
devices, don't go to stupid places, don't do
stupid things, don't hang out with stupid people,
etc.  Of course, there is a sampling bias.  The
women were in the class because they had been
attacked.  A woman who has never been attacked
might not think she needs such a class and so
doesn't attend in the first place.  It's very
difficult for people to see into the future
to prepare.  Because the person would have to
think.  And as Henry Ford said, "Thinking is the
hardest thing a person can do, that's why so
few people do it."  So, your job is to help
people think, so that they prepare by seeking

The Code of the Lawman

“Farnam’s Code”

***** Training *****

Front Sight Reality Check
     Brad Ackman is wrong about shooting the bad guy
in the back.  If the bad guy had dropped his weapon
and surrendered (or ran away), there would have been
no threat.  But, that is not what happened. 
The bad guy kept his weapon and ran in a particular
direction that incidentally exposed his back to the
good guy.  Retreat is a tactical maneuver.  Retreat
is not surrender.  As long as the bad guy had his gun,
he was a threat.  Even if the bad guy had lost control
of his gun, he would still be a threat by virtue of
his body size and physique.

Two for Flinching: How to Stop Anticipating When You Shoot
     Dry practice the surprise break.
Meditation and visualization.  This is
exactly what they teach in the Riflery
and Archery coaches courses at the
Olympic Training Centers.

     I love this video.

***** Tactics *****

Suspect Disarms Officer, Shoots Bystander
     "If you are open carrying as either
a cop or an armed citizen without having
extensive weapon retention training you
are absolutely foolish." -- Greg Ellifritz
     [I train my students to always carry
concealed to maintain the tactical element
of surprise.  Because carrying open will
make you the primary target in any criminal
scenario.  You will be mistaken for a cop
or a courier of high value items. -- Jon Low]

Check 360 Explained
     This is significantly different from the
Sul position (pistol held against your
chest pointed down in front of you [The standard
Sul position is a one handed grip.  The
retention Sul position is a two handed
grip. (But, not a two handed firing grip.)] )
or the cheek index (pistol held against side of
your head outside your field of vision
pointed up [This is a two handed firing grip]). 
Dave Spaulding advocates a one handed grip
in a close contact position with the pistol
pointed down and far enough in front of you
to avoid muzzling your legs.

***** Techniques *****

The danger of retention and contact shooting

Shooting Through Glass
     Lessons learned --
The bullet doesn't go where you aimed it. 
Multiple shots through glass don't group.

Critical-Space Pistol by Dave Spaulding AAR (After Action Report)
     At 16:17 / 22:09 Mr. Spaulding demonstrates his version of
Tap, Rack, Point.

How to Avoid Bouncing Bullets | HANDGUN COMBATIVES 2

***** Gear *****

Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers
ban the SERPA holsters.
     The design is just wrong,
for all the reasons cited.

[Cartridge] Nosedive And Feed Angle In The 1911 .45 ACP

Detailed animation and explation of Glock firing cycle

There are several "Meltdown" videos on YouTube.com
where they fire the gun full auto until it fails.
This is one done with a Glock.
     An infrared video is inserted in the
lower right corner.
     Recoil spring guide rod melts and is
replaced with a steel guide rod.
     Trigger melts, preventing the action
from resetting, thus stopping the experiment.

***** Instructors *****

***** Pedagogy *****

***** Education *****

On Saturday February 25, 2017
Nashville Armory
4290 Kenilwood Dr, Nashville, TN 37204
will be hosting Andrew Branca as he teaches
his LEVEL 1 Law of Self Defense Class,
specific to the laws of Tennessee and Kentucky. 
You've armed yourself to win the physical fight. 
Attend this class to prepare yourself to win
the legal fight.  To find out more go to:

Rangemaster newsletter
"Training and practice build skill.
Skill builds confidence.
Confidence leads to coolness.
Coolness prevents panic.
This is what wins fights."

***** Legal and Political stuff *****

***** Survival Tips *****

***** Miscellany *****

     Lesson plans may be found at
or send me an email requesting the latest


Jonathan Low

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

CWP, 11 October 2016 Anno Domini

Greetings Sheepdogs,

***** Mindset *****

Short Circuiting The OODA Loop

***** Training *****

Slow in practice means fast in combat

Sight alignment is far more important than sight picture.

Self Defense Training vs. “I’m Trained”

Thunder Ranch - Defensive Tactics (PART 1) 

Thunder Ranch Defensive Tactics (Part 2, flashlights)

The Top 3 Firearms Training Myths: Recoil + Dry Fire + Live Fire

"Get that training before you need it."

Improving Marksmanship: Call Your Shots

Sheriff's Tips: Practice With Either Hand

***** Tactics *****

  Fighting while carrying a child.

***** Techniques *****

What’s the fastest way to reload a pistol?
     This video does a grave disservice to its intended
audience, because the underlying assumption is that the
slide will be locked back when the pistol is empty. 
This is a false assumption, especially in combat
situations when people and things are bumping into you
and persons are attempting to foul your actions.


     I’m aware of what I think is your aversion to
Appendix Carry and offer this for your review: 

Hi Tom,
     Thank you very much.
     It's not a matter of shooting your penis (because
that is not life threatening).  It's a matter
of shooting your femoral artery in your support side leg
(because this is life threatening in a matter of seconds).
     It's not a matter of shooting your firing side leg.
It's a matter of shooting your support side thigh.
(Pincus is creating and defeating a straw-man argument.)
Because as normally used by most people, the pistol
is pointed at the femoral artery of the support side
thigh.  Not pointed straight down, as in the video
with Rob Pincus.
     People carry in the pelvic crease, which points
the muzzle at the femoral artery of the support
side thigh.  It violates our safety rule,
"Never cover anything you are not willing to destroy."
     The way Pincus has his pistol holstered, the
pistol is pointed down into his firing side thigh.
I can't believe he can sit comfortably with this
carry position.  Try it, you'll see what I mean.
     A pot belly makes the pistol inaccessible
in appendix carry.  No matter what Bob Leatham

***** Gear *****

Advantages of Striker-Fired Pistols
     I agree with this article.  I always recommend
striker action pistols to my students.

What Makes A Good Handgun Holster?

What not to buy and use.

     John Farnam says, "Ambidextrous magazine-release buttons
are considered by the naive to be modern and trendy,
but for one, I don’t want my magazine flying out of the
pistol when I fall on my strong side!"
     I think Mr. Farnam is wrong.  Just because you are
right handed in practice, does not mean you will be
right handed in combat.  Arms, shoulders, hands, fingers,
etc. are commonly injured in high stress situations. 
Falls, pinching, friendly fire, enemy fire, etc. can force
you to use your support side hand.
     I believe your self defense pistol should be
ambidextrous.  Your spouse or buddy who picks up your
pistol might be left handed.  One has to be optimistic
in combat.  (Hey, they could have just run away and
left you.)
     You might be sleeping on your support side when
the truck bomb goes off.  Leaving your firing side
injured with shrapnel and stuff.

     May I recommend Mason Henry rifles (AR type rifles) and pistols (1911 type pistols)
These are custom jobs with attention to detail and fine craftsmanship.
Life time guarantee on everything.  Support local small business.

     I have never taken money from anybody. 
So, I can write honest reviews.
     When Smith & Wesson sided with former President
Clinton against America's gun owners, I promised to
never buy another S&W gun.  Nothing good every comes
of breaking a promise to one's self.
     I bought a new S&W M&P 15 in caliber .22 long rifle,
serial number HCE6249. 
The adjustable stock was jammed in place.  The lever
that unlocks the adjustable stock for movement did
not work, because the knurled knob was screwed too
far out.  I could not screw it down because there
was a pin holding it in place and preventing it
from moving.  So, I attempted to contact S&W on their
web site.  After filling out the online form, you
have to type in some characters from an image. 
The web site repeatedly told me,
"The characters you entered did not match those
in the image. Please try again."  After several
tries, the web site stopped giving me captcha
images.  So, I could not send the message.  I
suspect S&W does this intentionally because
they are overwhelmed with complaints.
     I then sent them an email.  I have not
received a reply.
     I then phoned.  The customer service
representative said, "We make the rifles that
way.  There is nothing wrong with the rifle.
The fixed stock is required by Massachusetts law."
     I said, this rifle was shipped to Tennessee
for purchase in Tennessee.  To which the S&W rep.
responded, "You got what you ordered.  Take it
up with your retailer."
     They did not ask me to ship it back for
replacement.  They did not allow me to ship
it back, at my expense, for replacement.
     Truly world class customer service.
     I had to have a gunsmith fix the rifle.
     I bought a new Weatherby PA-459 tactical 12
gauge pump action shotgun, serial number AK33899. 
     The action repeatedly jammed when attempting to
rack the slide. 
     The mechanism for holding the shells in the
tubular magazine is unreliable, causing
double feeds and jamming in the receiver
when two shells are in the receiver, instead
of one. 
     This also causes stoppages when
attempting to load the tubular magazine. 
After loading one round, the loaded round
will pop out of the tubular magazine into
the receiver preventing you from loading
the next round into the magazine.
     After having a gunsmith take it apart
and inspect it, it is clear that the design
and workmanship are poor.
     The shotgun is made in Turkey.
     I had to have a gunsmith fix it.

***** Instructors *****

     Instructors, you must demonstrate every technique
for your students.  No, it is not obvious.  No, the
student will not figure it out.  The student
has to have a model to copy. 
     This includes rhythm, the timing between the
things you do. 
     This includes pace, the speed at which you do
things.  (Two shots at 3 yards will be much faster
than two shots at 25 yards.  The student has to know
how fast to shoot.  How fast he is expected to shoot. 
How fast it is reasonable to shoot at that distance.)
     You must let the student see the demonstration from
both sides of your body.  You must demonstrate it
left handed if you have left handers in your class.
(If you're not comfortable performing left handed,
practice.  That's your duty.)

***** Pedagogy *****

***** Education *****


***** Legal and Political stuff *****

Self Defense Insurance Comparison

     NRA Self Defnese Insurance
     I don't know anything about it.
Just saw the advertisement and thought you
might be interested.

***** Survival Tips *****

     The Crossroads Mall was, and is still, posted as a Gun Free Zone.
This ensured that the victims were unarmed.  Hence, 8 stabbed
before a person who violated the posting shot the
"soldier of the Islamic State".  Hanging out in gun free zones
is an act of stupidity, because such zones attract criminals. 
A hero who had the courage to violate the posting is the only
reason another 100 persons were not stabbed.

Emergency fire starters

***** Miscellany *****

2012 NRA Annual Meetings - Women's Tactical Association
Excerpt: (in the context of police departments)
"It's cheaper to pay lawsuits than to pay the
annual cost of training [police officers]."
at 1:57


     Lesson plans may be found at
or send me an email requesting the latest


Jonathan Low

Saturday, September 10, 2016

CWP, 9 September 2016 Anno Domini

Greetings Sheepdogs,

***** Mindset *****

     This is what happens when you are unable
(because you're not carrying a pistol) or
unwilling (because you haven't had the
training to develop the proper mindset) to
shoot the dogs that are attacking you.

Someone you know is attacking you. Could you respond appropriately?

Officer Brandy Roell: 'You never give up, no matter what!'
     This is an example of a combat mindset.
Strive to achieve this mindset and survive.

     All mass murders occur in gun free zones.
We are not boycotting gun free zones because
the owners are anti-gun liberals, who we don't
want to support with our dollars or participation. 
We are just obeying John Farnam's dictum:
Don't go to stupid places. (gun free zones)
Don't associate with stupid people. (those who would frequent gun free zones)
Don't do stupid things. (being defenseless in gun free zones)

"Maximizing Your Performance Under Stress"

***** Training *****

Safe Gunhandling Rules

The Four Rules of Safe Gunhandling

***** Tactics *****

Position for shooting under a car while taking cover behind the wheel.

***** Techniques *****

Pre-attack indicators: Conscious recognition of telegraphed cues

***** Gear *****

***** Instructors *****

***** Pedagogy *****

***** Education *****

***** Legal and Political stuff *****

"New York To Shell Out $4.1M To Family Of
Man Killed By Incompetently-Trained Cop"
It’s a simple cost/benefit equation for the City:
. . .
     Life is cheap. 
[$4.1 million amortized over several decades]
     Training is expensive. 
[Cost of officers time in training. 
Cost of officers covering the duties of those officers in
training.  Cost of expert instructors.  Cost of ammunition. 
Cost of wear and tear on equipment.  Cost of ranges to
facilitate training.  Cost of replacing competently trained
officers.  (Competent officers are in high demand by
private security firms who pay much better than the police
department and whose work conditions are much better than
the police department's.)  Not amortize.]

     The truth will set you free. (Not false narratives.)
and this one

Excerpt from "Law of Self Defense" by Andrew F. Branca. 
(Appendix by state, Hawaii.)
     "Hawaii has the same obligation to urge retreat as Delaware,
but adds even more conditions.  If the attacker was demanding the
person you defended do something that isn't illegal, and doing so
would end the altercation, then you have to urge them to comply
before helping them.  So if a mugger tells a woman, 'give me that
purse or I'll hurt you.'  You have to urge her to give it before
you can help her."
     Can you imagine state law that requires cowardice? 
Can you imagine the legislators who would enact such a law?
a Governor who would sign such a law? or the people who
would elect such politicians?
     Lucky you don't live in Hawaii.

***** Survival Tips *****

     Reliable intel from first person accounts
on the ground in the affected areas.
     Don't for an instant think that it can't
happen here.  Terrorist attacks have already
occured in the U.S.

A few Survival Tips and Tricks

First rule of gunfighting:  Have a gun.
     The French good guys never fired a shot.  The good
guys suffered no casualties.  The North African Muslim
immigrants were detered. 
     I saw this behavior under the Eiffel Tower when
I chaperoed my daughter's high school language and
art history summer trip to Spain and France in 2004. 
The Madrid subways had just been bombed.  The security
forces were out in mass.  But, the security forces
did not deter the North African Muslim immigrants. 
One of the teachers in our group had to explain
to the aggressive bad guys who I was and that I
would kill them if they did not leave.  Always
good to have someone in your group who can speak
the bad guy's language.  I did my best to project
command presence, but sometimes bad guys are just
too stupid to read body language.  (Or, I was just too
small and skinny.)

***** Miscellany *****

     Lesson plans may be found at
or send me an email requesting the latest


Jonathan Low

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

CWP, 23 August 2016 Anno Domini

Greetings Sheepdogs,

***** Mindset *****

"There are no dangerous weapons. There are only dangerous men."
-- Robert A. Heinlein

     You always wear your seat belts
when in a car, because you cannot predict
when the intoxicated driver will hit you.
You always keep a fire extinguisher in your
house, because you cannot predict when a
fire may start.  No one can predict when
the mugger or the terrorist will attack. 
You will be the first responder.  In Nashville,
the police response time is several minutes. 
Out in the rural areas, the response time
from the Sheriff can be half an hour or more.
Unless the bad guy is stopped within the
first few seconds, the event will be a mass murder.
     Last Sunday, I was standing in the
entry way to my church watching the people enter. 
A young lady, who serves on the launch team of
our church, urged me to go sit down.  I told
her that I was watching for terrorists. 
She told me that there are no terrorist.
I asked her how she knew that.
     If you assume responsibility for the safety of
your loved ones, your community, and yourself
(as only the courageous do), you will have a
high level of training and always carry concealed
     Some people shirk this responsibility
and expect/demand that others protect them. 
That the government protect them. 
Do you think that's possible?

     You have patriotic duties:
1.  Vote.  (Intelligently, with research aforethought.)
2.  Serve on juries when called.  (So that justice may be served. 
The citizen protected from abuse of power under color of law. 
The community protected from the predator.  If you think you're
smart because you got out of jury duty, you're wrong.)
3.  Serve in the armed forces. 
(Serving in the Reserves or National Guard counts. 
Otherwise, someone else has to protect your family
from the barbarians for you.)

     You have community responsibilities:
1.  Clean up after yourself.  (Don't litter.  That includes chewing gum.)
2.  Donate blood.  (Selling your blood to corporations does not count. 
Modern technology cannot make blood, only you can. 
Your neighbors and relatives depend on your donations to stay alive.)
3.  Raise your children to be productive law abiding citizens.
(Otherwise, the tax payers will end up taking care of them.
Having volunteered as a chaplain in the South Carolina
penal system, and having worked at TennCare, I can
assure you that taking care of the unproductive and
the criminal is extremely expensive.)

5 concealed carry pistol laser-sight myths

Skill Set: Home Carry

***** Training *****

"Your best weapon is between your ears . . . provided it's loaded."
-- Robert A. Heinlein

     Nathan Goode has several courses you might be interested in,

Grip Strength Training: Part II

Landon Tactical has classes you might be interested in,
***** Tactics *****

"A good plan violently executed now is better
than a perfect plan executed at some indefinite
time in the future."  -- George S. Patton Jr.
Store owner defeats armed robber
     Analysis of the event by Brad Ackman.

***** Techniques *****

"It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is,
it doesn’t matter how smart you are.
If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong."
-- Richard Feynman
How to Rack a Slide

***** Gear *****

Bullet Penetration and Expansion
     Notice how the calibers are distributed throughout
Table 2.  Notice how the velocities are distributed
throughout Table 2.  The point is they are scattered,
not bunched up. So, caliber and muzzle velocity are
not determining factors in wound volume (the amount
of tissue damaged by the bullet).
     The underlying assumption is that the cartridge
fired successfully and hit the intended target
successfully.  But, before that can happen the cartridge
must feed and chamber correctly.  So, the shape of the
bullet, length of the cartridge, etc. are the
determining factors in whether or not the gun goes bang.
Feeding and chambering are more important than the
terminal ballistics, because they precede the terminal
impact in time.

     I sent an email to Oakley (the shooting glasses
manufacturer) and got the response below.
     --- Original Message ---
From: Jonathan Low <jon_low@yahoo.com>
Received: 8/16/16 12:25:40 PM PDT
To: "standardissue@oakley.com" <standardissue@oakley.com>
Subject: Your polarized lenses
Dear Sir,
     Are your lenses vertically or horizontally polarized?
I ask because glare off the ocean (or other bodies of
water) is horizontally polarized,
so vertically polarized lenses would be most effective
at blocking that type of glare.
Whereas, glare off of certain ice structures is vertically
polarized, so horizontally polarized lenses would be
most effective against that type of glare.
Jonathan Low
     --- Reply Message ---
From: Oakley Standard Issue <standardissue@oakley.com>
Received: 8/18/16 9:36 AM CST
To: jon_low@yahoo.com
Hello Jonathan,
Thank you for your email regarding our polarized lenses. 
Our polarized lenses are horizontally polarized.
If you have any questions or would like immediate assistance,
please contact our Customer Care department at (800) 525-4334.
Best Regards,

     So, Oakley glasses would be good at preventing snow
blindness from glare off of some ice structures,
but not optimal at the beach or at sea (if you're
in the surface fleet).
Unless you turn your head 90 degrees to the side.
(Oh, you thought that was to eat a taco.)

***** Instructors *****

     How to avoid your students shooting
themselves while holstering their pistols.

***** Pedagogy *****

Debunking Training Myths: Myth 1—People Have Different Learning Styles.

***** Education *****

     I enthusiastically recommend Andrew F. Branca's seminar,
The Law of Self Defense.  I attended on Saturday, 20 August 2016
at the Nashville Armory in Nashville, TN.
     He gives these seminars all over the country.
     He encourages self defense and firearms instructors
to teach the material in their courses.

***** Legal and Political stuff *****

"You carry a gun so you’re hard to kill.
Know the law so you’re hard to convict."
--Andrew F. Branca

Report: Concealed Carry Permit Holders Are Most Law Abiding Demographic
     More law abiding than police officers.

Texas businesses that ban guns should be liable if unarmed patrons are hurt, Dallas senator says

Could Increase in Gun Ownership Impact the Election?

***** Survival Tips *****

What Should You Do If Protestors Surround Your Car?
By Kevin Michalowski // 07/29/2016
     Have everyone in your car stick their fingers
in their ears (so they don't go deaf) and close
their eyes (so they don't get glass shards in
their eyes) before shooting from within a closed car.

***** Miscellany *****

Hillary Refuses to Seek the Endorsement of Police Unions
     The Democratic National Convention further alienated
many police officers by announcing that it would only host
mothers of victims of police shootings, not the relatives
of police killed in the line of duty.


     Changing good passwords is cryptologically wrong.
Because, passwords do not become stale.
Those who advocate changing passwords periodically, 
don't understand cryptology.
-- Jonathan D. Low
Honor Graduate, Cryptologic Communications School,
Naval Technical Training Center, Cory Station,
Pensacola, Florida.

"Frequent password changes are the enemy of security, FTC technologist says"

Microsoft: Changing Passwords Isn't Worth the Effort


     Lesson plans may be found at
or send me an email requesting the latest


Jonathan Low

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

CWP, 10 August 2016 Anno Domini

Greetings Sheepdogs,

***** Mindset *****

Becoming the Civilian Defender
***** Training *****

The Time Differences Between Carrying A Round In The Chamber… And Not

***** Tactics *****

***** Techniques *****

Practicing Awareness – Part III

***** Gear *****

Handgun Self-Defense Ammunition Ballistics Test
By Chris Baker, Updated on 8/4/2016
     As a statistician, I love data.  Check out how many
of the bullets did not mushroom at all.  Check out the
variance in the penetrations.

Brass vs. Steel Cased Ammo

Urban Carry Holsters
     Requires two hands. (So, I can't recommend it.) 
But, the concealment is better than
normal inside the waistband holsters.
Video at

***** Instructors *****

***** Pedagogy *****

***** Education *****

***** Legal stuff *****

Attacker’s Reputation for Violence
By Andrew Branca, February 15, 2013

     At the Hebrew Hogger self-defense seminar in
Nashville, TN on 7/31/2016 A.D., attorney, Dana McLendon,
recommended removal of all provocative bumper stickers from your car,
removal of all provocative posts from your social media web sites,
etc. because they will appear as exhibits in your trial, if you
should ever shoot someone in self defense.
     Not only do you need to know an attorney before the
event, you also need to know a bail bondsman before the
event.  So, you can call them if you need them, or if some
friend or relative needs them.
     In home invasion incidents, it is usually the female
who does the killing of the invader.  So, get your daughters
and wives trained, now.  They have to have the training
before the event.  Why?  Because the primary target of the
invader will be the adult male.
     If you travel through Maryland, their automated license
plate readers will read your license plate and match it to
your concealed weapons permit.  With 100% probability the
state troopers will stop you and search for weapons.  So,
Mr. McLendon recommends you rent a car and not use your car.
     Claude Werner (The Tactical Professor) recommends you
read "The Law of Self Defese" by Andrew F. Branca.

"The Five Critical Principles of the Law of Self Defense"
Excerpts (paraphrased):
     Maintain a log of your training, so that you can
get it entered at trial.  This allows you to call
expert witnesses to testify about what you learned.
     Retreat is always a good idea, even in stand
your ground states.  It allows you to recover your
innocents.  It allows you to show you did everything
possible to avoid the incident before you used
lethal force.
     Ask for medical attention.  You won't know
that you've been injured.  You won't feel anything.

Legal Definition of Lethal Force

***** Survival Tips *****

***** Miscellany *****

     Police officers apprehend theft suspect in Stockholm, Sweden.

     Because the truth will set you free.

     Lesson plans may be found at
or send me an email requesting the latest


Jonathan Low

Friday, July 29, 2016

CWP, 29 July 2016 Anno Domini

Greetings Sheepdogs,

***** Mindset *****

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil:
God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.”
-- Greg Ellifritz

A Pistol?

***** Training *****

The Art of Instructing (Part 1 of 2)

Range Conduct & Firearms Safety
     Be careful what you teach.
Because your students will do in combat
whatever you have trained them to do,
no matter how ridiculous.
     Be careful what you practice.
Because you will do in combat whatever
you have practiced in training, no matter
how ridiculous.

Skills Check: The 3-Second Drill

Shooting Scans
". . . on the battlefield, sometimes it’s not who’s the best
trained or who has the coolest gear, a lot of times it boils
down to who sees who first . . ."

"Lessons for the Ladies"
by Il Ling New - Thursday, April 28, 2016
     You may have family and friends who are shooters.
They may be sure they were put on this earth to
teach you, and insist upon doing so.
     But, here are some proper responses.
"No." "Stop." "Don't." You get the idea.
     Remember, just as in driving or cooking,
the fact someone has been doing something a
long time doesn't mean he does it well. Even
if he does it well, that doesn't mean he can
teach others to do it well.
     As I say to men and women alike, guns are like shoes.
They have to fit. That means they have to fit both the
occasion — training, carry, car, etc. — and the user.
Much like shoes, you are the best, and possibly the only,
person to judge that fit. Even more like shoes, guns are
best chosen after being tried out a bit.
     And don't buy cheap. Just like with shoes,
you get what you pay for.
Just Another Appliance
     Do not be afraid. Remember, ladies, firearms are
a part of our heritage. In the pioneer days, women
treated guns like just another household tool.
Pesky bear in the garden? Grab that rifle and take
care of the problem.  Cupboard bare and men off in
the fields? That shotgun leaned up in the corner
ought to bring a bird or two for supper.
     Last, but absolutely not least, always remember
your mind is your primary weapon. A good defensive
firearm course will teach you things above and beyond
what you can do with a handgun. Just in the act of
taking a class, you're on your way to gaining the
most important protective asset of all — the foundation
of a strong defensive mindset.
     Learning to shoot: fun.
Having my own pistol or pistols: cool.
Knowing how to use it: priceless.

***** Tactics *****


***** Techniques *****

Recoil management for fast double taps
     The author is assuming that the reader is using
an isosceles grip, as opposed to a Weaver grip.

***** Gear *****

Do NOT Use These Types of Holsters

To Flap Or Not?
(Whether or not to have a flap on your magazine pouch.)

     Cleaning the bore of your barrel has always
been the most difficult part of gun cleaning
(especially with 155mm Howitzers, we used nylon
bristled bore brushes and CLP, no joke).  I used
to use chamber brushes to bore out my .45 ACP
barrels.  I used to put my cleaning rods in the
chuck of my electric drills.
     But, now Brownells sells the
"Double Tuff Bore Brush" in every size imaginable. 
These bronze bore brushes are much stiffer than
ordinary bore brushes. It takes quite a bit more
effort to push and pull these brushes through
your bore.  But, the cleaning effect is much better. 
I can now get my bores glassy smooth in 40 strokes
instead of the usual 120 strokes. 
I'm anally retentive.  I use a bore scope.
     If you are satisfied with rough spots in
your bore from fouling, shame on you.  That
"good enough for government work" attitude
will get you killed.

Arma Dynamics, printable targets,

***** Instructors *****

***** Pedagogy *****

***** Education *****

Safety in Thailand: Tips & Advice
(of course this applies every where in the world)

Criminals Think Differently – Understand Them & Remain Armed
Posted on July 13, 2016 by Col. Ben Findley

John Farnam's videos

The Reliability of the Revolver vs. the Semi-Automatic Handgun

***** Legal stuff *****

Drunk, angry guy is kicking your front door,
but the court decides that YOU are the aggressor?
By Andrew Branca, March 22, 2013

Self-Defense Immunity Laws: Which States Protect You Best?

Excerpt from Andrew Branca's email on
why you need to know the self-defense law:
. . .
     The first is an extension of the adage,
"when seconds count the police are only minutes away." 
In the same way, when you see that aggressors' knife
you won't have time to pick up the phone, chat with
your lawyer's receptionist, get forwarded through to
his office, explain the situation, wait for him to do
some research, then finally get his call back with
the expert opinion you require.  By then it will be
far too late.
     The second is that, sadly, your lawyer may not
be as good at self-defense law as you'd like to think. 
Not possible?  Think again.  The typical lawyer is
not well trained in self defense law.  In my three
years of law school we spent perhaps as many minutes
on the subject of self-defense, and that experience
is common to all the lawyers with whom I'm familiar. 
In addition, few lawyers encounter "genuine"
self-defense cases in their practice (that is,
self-defense claims by otherwise law-abiding citizens,
as opposed to the ridiculous claims of self-defense
often raised by thugs).
     So what happens if your lawyer doesn't know
what he needs to know?  You go to jail. 
Don't believe me?  Just ask Adam Barker, whose
lawyer's mistake cost him ten years hard prison time:

Can a “colorful” past damage a claim of self defense?

***** Survival Tips *****

Take a defensive driving course.
It may save your life. 
It may reduce your insurance rate.

Breaking through road blocks
     The technique described is correct.
But the physics is a bit more subtle
than the given explanation.

***** Miscellany *****

Crime Prevention Research Center (John Lott, et al)
Excerpt:  "6.1% of the adult population now has a concealed handgun permit."
(not including states with Constitutional Carry)

Take a survey to help establish a database of
public opinion on what constitutes reasonable
force for police officers.

     Lesson plans may be found at
or send me an email requesting the latest


Jonathan Low

Thursday, July 21, 2016

CWP, 21 July 2016 Anno Domini

Greetings Sheepdogs,

***** Mindset *****

"Missouri liquor store robber almost wins Darwin Award"
(legal analysis of an armed robbery and
the good guy who stopped it without firing a shot)
Posted by Andrew Branca      
Sunday, September 8, 2013 at 4:15pm
***** Training *****

". . . sight alignment, sight picture, and trigger control . . ."

Good Shooting Habits by Sheriff Jim Wilson
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
     You will execute in combat what you have
practiced in training, no matter how ridiculous.

"The Law of Self Defense" seminar by Andrew Branca
Nashville Armory
4290 Kenilwood Drive
Nashville, TN 37204 United States
August 20, 2016
09:00 to 16:00
    I'm attending.  Hope you can join us.

***** Tactics *****

Skill Set: Problem Solving

***** Techniques *****

     I met a gentleman at Strategic Edge Gun Range,
of which I am a member.  He and his son had recently
attended a class given by Sergeant Major Pat McNamara,
U.S. Army retired.  My friend at the range told us
that SGM McNamara teaches wrapping your trigger
finger around the trigger so that the tip of your
trigger finger is pointing back towards you.  With
a standard 1911 type pistol, this means you cannot
lay your firing side thumb flat against the side of
the pistol, but rather the thumb sticks out away
from the pistol.  This means the barrel is not in
line with the bones of the firing side forearm.
     I couldn't believe the SGM would teach this
because it contradicts what I had learned at
several gun schools.  But, it's true, that is
what SGM McNamara teaches,
     However, I notice that SGM McNamara does not
use this technique when he shoots,

***** Gear *****

Browning 1911's in .380 ACP
     These are supposed to be 85% the size of
standard 1911's in .45 ACP.  Which would appeal
to persons with smaller hands or shorter fingers.

Scope primer

     A student brought his Sig Sauer P320 to class.
It field strips easily.  The trigger mechanism is
the only serialized part.  The grips can be changed
to fit your hand.  The barrel and slide can be
changed to accommodate different caliber ammunition.
     The student neglected to bring dummy ammo to
the live fire exercises.  So, I inserted one of his
9mm rounds backwards into his magazine, as this
had always worked to induce malfunctions with other
pistols.  The P320 automatically ejected the
backward round and chambered the next round as if
the backward round were not there.  I was surprised.
So, we tried it several more times and the P320
automatically ejected the backward round and
loaded the next round every time the action was
cycled.  I can only conclude that it is designed
that way.
     The magazine release button may be set up
left or right handed, similar to the Smith & Wesson
M&P.  But, it is not ambidextrous, as is the
Springfield Armory XD and others.

***** Instructors *****

***** Pedagogy *****

***** Education *****

***** Miscellany *****

Mass Public Shooting at Nightclub in South Carolina
stopped by Concealed Handgun Permit holder
Primary source,
Many other cases,

     Lesson plans may be found at
or send me an email requesting the latest


Jonathan Low