Wednesday, April 15, 2020

CWP, 15 April MMXX Anno Domini

Hi Sheepdogs,

*****     *****     ***** Software *****     *****     *****

"Fear is an instinct. Courage is a choice."
-- Rear Admiral Joseph Kernan, USN

----- Mindset -----

"Panic is simply the lack of preprogrammed responses." 
-- Tom Givens

Situational Awareness 101 by Tom Marlowe

Why You Need to Stay Alert in a Crisis Situation by Sheriff Jim Wilson

Top 10 Tips For Urban Survival
Increasing Your Situational Awareness
by Tom McHale

“Choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”
-- Aristotle

The Super Ego, or Why Men are Afraid to Train by Paul Markel
     In the end, the self-taught shooter is much like the self-taught
motorcycle rider.  They are an accident waiting to happen. The self-taught
rider and shooter can get by on nominal instruction and luck as long as
they maintain low speeds and never face a challenge.  However, if forced
to accelerate and negotiate the obstacles fate sometimes puts in their
path, both are doomed to injury and failure.

9 Things To Avoid When Shooting Outdoors by NRA Staff
     Such is courtesy.

Avoidance, Deterrence, and De-escalation
-- John Farnam

----- Safety -----

Don't go to stupid places.
Don't do stupid things.
Don't hang out with stupid people.
Be in bed by 10 PM.  Your own bed.
Don't look like a freak.
Don't fail the attitude test.
-- John Farnam

Firearms Accidents Have Reached and All-Time Low by Luke C.

"The fast and / or emphatic reholster is an awesome way to shoot yourself."
-- Chuck Haggard

----- Training -----

"Reasons for training: 
1.  You don't know what you don't know.
2.  Much of what you know is wrong.
3.  It's good to have some of the answers to the test before taking it."
-- Claude Werner the Tactical Professor

     I took Tatiana Whitlock's "Carry with Confidence" class.  One of
the things I learned was,
     "You do not train to pass the class.  You train to prepare for
the day when you are the only thing between life and the grave."
-- Tatiana Whitlock
     Other things I learned:  [I paraphrase from my notes.  All errors
are mine. -- Jon Low]
     Fitting a pistol to a person's hand correctly requires understanding
of the person's hand. 
Hyperdolichocheir hands have very long fingers and a narrow smaller palm. 
Dolichocheir hands have long fingers and a narrow small palm. 
Mesocheir hands have long fingers but short small palm. 
Brachycheri hands have short fingers and a long large palm. 
Hyperbrachycheir hands have short fingers with broader large palm. 
Hand length is measured as a straight distance from interstylion to
dactylion of the middlefinger. 
Hand breadth is measured as straight distance from metacarpal radialis
to metacarpal ulnare.
     Some persons have a deep indentation in their palms.  So, a palm
swell will fit them and they will feel comfortable.  Other have no
indentation.  So, a palm swell grip is wrong for them. 
     Female hands are different from male hands, not necessarily smaller
or thinner.  Juvenile hands are different from adult hands, not
necessarily smaller.
     Is the shooter double jointed?  Does the shooter have medical
conditions? arthritis? gout? injuries that have healed and had an
affect on range of motion? hypermobility?
     Can the shooter access the controls?
     How does the hand fold around the pistol?
     Right hand and left hand may not be the same hand type.  May
not have the same range of motion.  The pistol must work in both
     [Ever wonder why Olympic trap shooters are able to shoot so
many targets without getting fatigued?  It's because their shotgun
fits their anatomy.  Similarly, the pistol has to fit the shooter's
anatomy. -- Jon Low]
     Can the trigger finger press the trigger correctly?  If not,
can we move the trigger on this particular pistol?
     Visual concerns - Can the shooter use iron sights?  If not,
will a red dot sight work?  Color sensitivity?  Should the shooter
be using a green dot instead? 
     If you don't consider all these things, you are doing your
student a disservice. 
     Holster - Consider placement first, then choose an appropriate
holster for that placement on the body.  Consider body type.  (She
gave an in depth presentation of human body types.)  You have to
be able to get a correct grip on the pistol while it is in the
holster and your spine is straight and your shoulders are down
and relaxed.  You may have to cant the holster to avoid printing
and banging the back of the chair when you sit.  The holster
must fit on the body.  Must not hit any bone.  Consider the
shooter's range of motion. 
     The gun must be supported as in holster, belt, pant combo. 
The width of the belt must match the size of the holster's belt
attachment devices.  Consider the rise of the pants, that is
the distance from the pelvic crease to the top of the pants. 
This distance effectively determines the maximum barrel length. 
     Belts should be continuously adjustable.  Having a few
holes for the belt buckle is not sufficient.  The free end of
your belt should be away from your gun. 
     [There was a whole long section on off body carry that I
will not recount, because I have a real problem with off body
carry. -- Jon Low]
     There was a whole section on appropriate clothing for
concealed carry; drawing attention away from your waist line,
avoiding clothing that may foul your draw, choosing clothing
that conceals by camouflage or optical illusion, and such. 
     You have to test drive your gear and clothing before taking
it out in public.
     When all is done correctly, the pistol will disappear under
the concealment garment.  For those who were skeptical, she showed
a series of pictures of Melody Lauer (Limatunes), a petite woman,
concealing a full size pistol, extra magazine, and knife. 
     Consistency is key.  Always carry in the same place.  You
are training your body and mind to go for the gun in that place. 
Don't confuse yourself. 
     Train with gloves (the ones you wear in the winter to avoid
frost bite). 
     There was a lot of other stuff in the class.  I enthusiastically
recommend the class.

     I see a lot of NRA and videos teaching breath control. 
I do not teach breath control to my defensive pistol students, nor do
I teach it to my junior rifle team athletes.  (I am a level 3 rifle coach,
certified by the NRA, CMP, and USA Shooting.)
     I believe that breath control in a combat situation will happen
automatically, as an autonomic nervous system function.   So, I don't
waste time teaching it. 
     Studies by USA Shooting at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado
Springs, CO and the United States Army Marksmanship Training Unit
demonstrate that with practice, the shooter will automatically (without
instruction) release the shot at the respiratory pause, after the exhale
and before the inhale.  After significant training and practice the
shooter will automatically release the shot between heart beats. 
     By automatically, I mean without training to do so, without
conscious effort to do so.  So, teaching something that will happen
automatically with practice is unnecessary, and perhaps counter productive.

     You have to keep your finger in contact with the trigger when shooting. 
If your finger is flying off the trigger after a shot, you're wrong. 
This truth is not obvious, nor is this information easy to get.  You have
to have someone watch your trigger finger when you shoot or you have to
video record yourself shooting. 
     If you have this problem, the solution is to dry practice multiple
shots while transitioning between targets at different distances and
varying angular displacements.  And then to SLOWLY live fire multiple
shots while transitioning between targets at different distances and
varying angular displacements.

     At a meeting of the Tennessee Firearms Association, a Metro Nashville, TN
police officer told us of a gunfight he was in in which he fired 14 rounds
at a suspect.  None of his rounds hit the suspect.  Fortunately (not
intentionally), a wooden fence caught all of his bullets.  He said he
never saw his pistol's sights.
     A Lebanon, TN police officer told me of shooting a suspect.  He fired
one round that struck the high thoracic cavity and killed the suspect
immediately.  The officer said, his front sight was as big as a basketball. 
     I hope that when you shoot, you will be focused on your front sight. 
Because that is the guarantee that you will hit your intended target. 
Which means you will not be hitting the innocent bystanders in the background.

The ‘Real World’ Bachelor’s of Tactical Science by Graveyard
     Recommendations for training.

In person training --

Tactical Confernce 2021 ($465)
To register,
Fri, Mar 26, 2021, 8:00 AM – Sun, Mar 28, 2021, 6:00 PM CDT
Dallas Pistol Club
1830 W. Beltline Road
Carrollton, TX 75006

"You train for the people who love you."
-- Tatiana Whitlock

Paladin Training Inc., Steve Cooper

Tactical Professor, Claude Werner

Rangemaster Firearms Training Services, Tom and Lynn Givens

Defense Training International, Inc., John and Vicki Farnam

John Holschen
     Shooting isn't what it's all about.  Thinking is what it's all about. 
     You don't win gunfights by shooting the other guy.  You win gunfights
by not getting shot.
     You can shoot the other guy without exposing any of you.  It just
takes a change in thinking.  You don't have to get a center of mass shot. 
Shoot an elbow or foot.  The first person to get a hit will usually win.

Tatiana Whitlock, Training in Context

Active Response Training, Greg Ellifritz

Handgun Combatives Training, Dave Spaulding

"The real value of training and practice isn't gaining technical competence,
it's achieving confidence in your abilities."
-- Claude Werner the Tactical Professor

Ralph Mroz has several books for sale.  I use a lot of his material
in my classes, including showing a couple of his DVDs.

    “There’s a huge training myth out there.
That MYTH is that Information = Something of Value.
FACT: Information = 0, unless people are inspired to act.”
-- Valerie Van Brocklin

Online training --

Free Handgun and Rifle Instructional Training Series
by Shooting-Performance Firearms Training

You May be DESTROYING Your Glock! by James Yeager
     James describes three errors that operators commit that
damage the semi-auto pistol (not just Glocks).  Incorrect
loading technique, incorrect pistol assembly, and incorrect

"Training is NOT an event, but a process.
Training is the preparation FOR practice".
-- Claude Werner

The Blind Swordsman Drill w/ Massad Ayoob and Ken Hackathorn - Master Class Ep. 16
     I will try this on the range the next time I do live fire,
and perhaps add it to my Defensive Pistol course.

Live Fire CQB Drills: Going Tactical with Mike Seeklander Ep. 18
     I will try this dry at home and then live at the range,
and perhaps add them to my Defensive Pistol course.

----- Practice -----

     Primary - visualization.  (10 visualizations of a perfect shot for every dry shot)
     Secondary - dry practice.  (10 dry shots for every live round fired)
     Tertiary - live fire.  (Only needed to confirm what you have learned or to
adjust your sights.)

     Practice is the small deposits you make over time,
so that in an emergency, you can make that big withdrawal.
-- Chesley Burnett Sullenberger, III

Train Like a S.E.A.L. (Safe Effective Ammoless Learning) by Chris Sajnog
     There are no articles or YouTube videos that can replace professional instruction.
     I make my students dry fire every day at the range before we go hot
because it’s a great way to get warmed-up.
     Before you get tired of training or start losing concentration – stop.
     If you are ever interrupted, do all your safety checks again.
     Come up with a plan of what you’re going to practice.
This should be written down in your range book as well
so you can review what you need to work on.
     Visualize yourself doing the techniques perfectly before you begin.
     If you’ve loaded your gun, make sure you say, “My gun is loaded.”
at least three times out loud so there is no chance you’ll forget
you’re done dry firing.

Why practice?
    "To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment
when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and
offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique
to them and fitted to their talents.  What a tragedy if
that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that
which could have been their finest hour."
-- Winston Churchill

The Tactical Professor
Better to stay out of trouble than to get out of trouble.
     All kinds of interesting posts on this blog.

     Be careful what you practice.
Because you will do in combat whatever you
have practiced, no matter how ridiculous."
-- "Shooting in Self-Defense" by Sara Ahrens

----- Techniques -----

"Use only that which works,
and take it from any place you can find it."
-- Bruce Lee

Trigger Control for Silhouette Rifle by the late Col. Lones Wigger
     One of my heroes.  I got a chance to see him at the Olympic
Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO and at the NRA Annual Meeting
in Nashville, TN before his passing.
     Yes, this technique is useful for us.  When you need to take
that high accuracy shot to avoid hitting the hostage, cover, or
innocent bystanders.

Mental Techniques for Shooting by John Rost

Follow-Through: A Shooting Fundamental by Larry Quandahl

Shooting Tips: The Importance of Balance by Larry Quandahl

"It's not daily increase but daily decrease - hack away at the inessentials!"
-- Bruce Lee

----- Tactics -----

How do you win a gunfight?
Don't be there.
-- John Farnam

Tactical Pocket Pistol Tips -- De-Bussing
     How to get away from a vehicle that is under fire. 
You have to be the first to call the police.

You win gunfights by not getting shot.
-- John Holschen

"The shorter the fight, the less hurt you get."
-- John Holschen

----- Education -----

"You will never get smarter or broaden your horizons
if you're unwilling to learn from others and read."
-- Becca Martin

Wilson Combat
     Lots of fascinating videos.  Check out the Master Class
series.  You have to click on "Play All" to see all of
the episodes.

"Cogito, ergo armatum sum." (I think, therefore armed am I.)
-- John Farnam

*****     *****     ***** Hardware (which includes you) *****     *****     *****

"I would like to see every
woman know how to handle
guns as naturally as they
know how to handle babies."
-- Annie Oakley

----- Gear -----

“Mission drives the gear train.”
-- Pat Rogers

Three Confusions!
     John Farnam explains why our small arms are the way they are.

     If you are left handed and the ejected brass hits your thumb (either one),
you can solve this problem by adjusting (or replacing) the ejector and the
extractor claw, to get the casing to eject up instead of back and to the right. 
If you can't figure out how to do it, ask your gunsmith to do it for you.  Even
if the brass doesn't bruise the shooter's thumb, it can be irritating for your
students (and cause training scars).

Guns 101 on Polite Society Podcast, Claude Werner
How to store a gun in your car.

Why Do We Recommend You Carry Extra Ammo?  by Joshua Gillem

Concealed Carry Corner:
Top 4 Things Worth Paying Extra For Carrying Concealed by Matt E.

Your Clothing Adjustments Are Giving Away Your Concealed Carry Gun by Matthew Maruster

Pepper Spray - How to Choose it and How to Use it by Greg Ellifritz

     What some professional instructors choose to use.
2020 KR Training staff gear survey part 1 – carry guns
2020 KR Training staff gear survey part 2 – holsters, mag carriers and ammo
2020 KR Training staff gear survey part 3 – flashlights, pepper spray, medical gear
2020 KR Training staff gear survey part 4 – home defense, training and competition guns

How to Master Shooting a Red-Dot Sight on Your Handgun by Chris Mudgett

“Your car is not a holster.” – Pat Rogers
Wear it or lock it up.

----- Technical -----

Bullets before and after penetration
     The picture is a little deceptive because some of the
bullets that did not expand or deform are designed to cause
cavitation by other means.  Also, the picture does not
indicate the depth of penetration.  Penetration through
clothing, bone (skull for instance), body armor, car doors,
etc. is necessary for reaching a vital organ.

Making an Avenger Style Holster, Kimber Micro 9
     The actually time to make the holster is about 2 hours
spread over several days.  All of the special tools used
are listed below the video.

"Real fights are short."
-- Bruce Lee

*****     *****     ***** Instruction *****     *****     *****

Colonel Robert Lindsey to his fellow trainers:
"We are not God's gift to our students.
Our students are God's gift to us."

----- Instructors -----

Remember, the students who require the extra effort are the ones who need us the most!
-- John Farnam

Stephen Obregon --
. . . as a new instructor, I've been told that only experienced Military
and LEOs are really qualified to teach Gunfighting/Tactics (advanced
classes dealing with force on force, building clearing, CQB, cover and
concealment, decision making, etc.) and as a civilian with none of that
in my background and who has never been in a gunfight, I am not qualified
to teach that kind of stuff, regardless of how much good training I
receive from reputable instructors who do have that experience.

Jon Low's response --
     The civilian self-defender or protector-of-others has the primary
duty to escape or facilitate the escape of others. 
     The law enforcement officer has a duty to pursue and arrest. 
What does that have to do with escape?  Nothing.
     The Armed Forces combatant has a duty to kill the enemy by fire,
maneuver, and close combat.  What does that have to do with escaping? 
     Also note that the vast majority of veterans have no small arms
training.  They may have familiarization, but not training.
     So, why would military or law enforcement experience have anything
to do with civilian self-defense training?

Lessons Learned As A Professional Instructor (could not find the instructor's name)

     Be aware of the training junkie in your classes.  Those who
are there to pass your class (whatever that means).  Those who are
there to set a record in the qualification course of fire of your
     If you are teaching pistolcraft for the purpose of self-defense,
you have a duty to cause your students to answer the philosophical
questions.  Do you always carry?  (If not, why?)  Why do you carry? 
Are you willing to take a human life?  Multiple lives?  Under what
conditions would you be willing to take a human life?
     Thanks to Tatiana Whitlock.

     "Be careful what you teach. 
Because your students will do in combat
whatever you have trained them to do,
no matter how ridiculous.
-- "Shooting in Self-Defense" by Sara Ahrens

----- Pedagogy -----

     "Train, Practice, Compete
are the key elements in the development of humans."
-- John M. Buol, Jr.

Why The Fitz? by Darryl Bolke
     "Like most of the cops trained in the revolver era,
I was taught to always have a finger resting on the trigger
of a drawn revolver . . . and that was a mere 32 years ago in 1988.
We really didn’t figure out how important trigger finger
discipline was until the popularity of the Glock pistol."
     [It is a error of youth to think that the way things
are is the way they have always been.  When I went through
boot camp in 1981, we were not taught to keep our trigger
fingers in the register position. -- Jon Low]

Teach positive.  Teach what to do.  Don't talk about what not to do.
-- John Farnam

An instructor should not expect any learning to take
place the first time new information is presented. 
-- "Building Shooters" by Dustin Solomon

*****     *****     ***** Legal, Political, and Philosophical *****     *****     *****

     "The only law is the actual law folks:  the relevant statutes,
jury instructions, and court decisions, and it’s prudent to check
all three to make sure they’re consistent with each other.  Judges
make errors all the time, and it is the statute, not the case law,
that has priority." -- Andrew Branca

" A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined,
but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to
maintain a status of independence from any who might
attempt to abuse them, which would include their own
-- George Washington

Jack Wilson’s Story
     The aftermath of a self defense shooting.

"Just because you do not take an interest in politics
doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you."
-- Pericles, circa 450 B.C. 

A Knock in the Night
Part Three: Endless Prosecution by Shawn Vincent
     This shooting would have been fine in a military combat
context.  But, in a civilian self-defense context, the home
owner should not have shot the home invader without first
positively identifying the enemy.  This is a violation of
our safety rule. 
If you shoot through a closed door, who knows how many
innocent persons you could kill. 
     The door was still locked and holding.  So, by doing
nothing, the home owner WINS.  This is a big win, because
you don't have to shoot the invader.  But, you have to get
the training to know that this is the correct tactical
maneuver.  (Just as blinding the bad guy with your
1000 lumen tactical flashlight is a big win, because then
you don't have to shoot him.  But, you have to get the
training to know to have the flashlight and how to use it
     "I wasn't going to wait for the intruder to break down
the door."
     Why not?  The door was lock and holding.  The intruder
might not have been able to breach the door.  And if the
intruder did breach the door, you would then have a clear
shot at a positively identified enemy.
     So, what's the underlying problem?  The home owner
went into fear and panic.  Panic is when you shoot someone
who does not pose a imminent threat.  Why?  Lack of sufficient
self-defense training and practice.  Being an Army veteran
of Iraq and Afghanistan doesn't imply self-defense small arms
training or practice.  I'm a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom
23 Nov. 2002 to 31 Dec. 2003, and I never got any self-defense
small-arms training or practice; before, during, or after. 
Military combat training is entirely different from civilian
self-defense training. 
     I was discussing this incident with a friend and he told
me of his experience.  In the middle of the night his wife
wakes him up and tells him someone is banging on their front
door.  My friend grabs his pistol and goes to the front door.
[First mistake - You have to call 911 or tell someone to call 911. 
That gets the cavalry on the way to rescue you.  Well, at
least it establishes a record that you can use to establish
your justification for use of lethal force, if you need to. 
My friend told me that it never occurred to him to call the
Sheriff before, during, or after the incident.  They live out
in the country, but still, you have to call 911 to establish
that you were the good guy.  Second mistake - never go
to the fight.  Escape!  Barricade in place!  But, don't close
with the bad guy.]
     My friend yells through the closed and locked front
door telling the guy to go away.  The jerking on the door
knob continues.  My friend yells that he has a gun and will
shoot through the door.  The banging continues.  My friend
says, I'm going to shoot.  The person outside screams don't
shoot and identifies himself as my friend's uncle.  At which
point the incident is resolved.
     Common sense is a flower that does not grow in everyone's
garden.  So you, dear reader, must bend over backwards to
compensate for the stupidity of others. 

The 2-3-4 Rule by J. Lee Weems
     I have taken classes from Lee and recommend you do too.

     ATF letter to FFLs
     You may make gun sales at a drive up window.  You may
make gun sales at a table in your parking lot.  As long as
they are on the FFL's property.
     If you want someone to read and expalin it to you,

". . . the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." 
-- Second Amendment, U.S. Constitution (the one you swore to
uphold and defend against all enemies)

*****     *****     ***** Survival, Medical, and such *****     *****     *****

"If you prepare for the emergency,
the emergency ceases to exist!"
-- Sherman House

     The chances of you getting into car collision are much greater than you
getting into a lethal force confrontation.  So, you need to take a defensive
driving class.  If you are not motivated to do so, do it for your children
or grand children.  Telling yourself, it wasn't my fault, is a poor excuse
for preventable death and mutilation. 

You Can’t Always Be There, or “Situational Awareness Skills For Kids” by Marcus Wynne
     . . . It’s a good first step to help protect children
from sick cowards . . . though sometimes the best way to
protect young lambs is to simply kill the Wolf.

Range Medic | First Aid Kit
     This looks fairly useful.

You’re prepared, or you’re not!
-- John Farnam

     Willingness is a state of mind.  Preparedness (or lack thereof)
is a fact.

*****     *****     ***** Basics *****     *****     *****

What Are the Basic Parts of Ammunition? by Ammunition Depot

How to Use a Semi-Automatic Pistol: Part 1 by Chris Baker
How to Use a Semi-Automatic Pistol: Part 2  by Chris Baker

Shooting 101 series by Chris Baker
How to Use a Pump-Action Shotgun by Chris Baker

Student of the Gun
offers a free online course for newbies that covers: 
1.  The Fundamentals
2.  The 4 Universal Safety Rules
3.  The Importance of Dry-Practice
4.  The 4-Step Draw Process
5.  Using Your Workspace
6.  F.A.S.T. (Fight, Assess, Scan, Top Off)
7.  Dealing with Stoppages
It's geared to take the beginner about 30 minutes to complete. 
They issue a nice certificate upon completion.  Just have to
give them your email address and your name.  They email a link
to you to take the class.

Firearm Safety + Handgun Fundamentals 101 | Safer At Home Episode 1
     For newbies.

Tactical Reload with a Pistol by Il Ling New
     With an explanation of when and why to do this type of reload.

     Please share this with your newbie friends.

*****     *****     ***** Miscellany *****     *****     *****

When it's least expected, you're selected.
-- John Farnam

10 Ways for Shooters to Pass the Time in Quarantine by Jay Grazio

     During the pandemic, my car died.  So, I traded my Kimber Pro Carry (with accessories: 
Kramer holster, Kentucky Amish belt, Don Hume double mag pouch, Streamlight flashlight,
and three Wilson Combat magazines) for a 1988 Volvo 740 in good running condition.  So,
now I can take advantage of the cheap gas.  Hey, barter works.

I've got to get one of these.
". . . the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
The Founding Fathers were referring to cannon / artillery. 
This is modern day cannon / artillery.  Cannon is what the
British were attempting to seize and had seized when the
American Revolutionary War started.  Amazing what you learn
when you actually read the original primary source documents. 

6 Reasons To Visit the NRA Whittington Center This Summer by Wendy LaFever

Thunder Rants, Ep. 1: Gun + Life Wisdom from Clint Smith
Starts at 3:13.

Fingers Vs. Cylinder Gap ***DESTRUCTION!!!*** by Jerry Miculek
     Yet another reason not to use a revolver.

     May I invite your attention to
"Can we build AI without losing control over it?" by Sam Harris
     I have always appreciated Sam's work.
     I use one of his essays in my Defensive Pistol course,
"The Truth about Violence 3 Principles of Self-Defense"
     He is ever the pessimist.

/* Random data from the HotBits radioactive random number generator */
unsigned char hotBits[128] = {
    39, 30, 120, 182, 206, 29, 200, 142, 235, 65, 127, 247, 148, 173, 66,
    50, 199, 65, 44, 73, 200, 166, 82, 10, 13, 66, 230, 166, 190, 141, 55,
    76, 114, 97, 76, 118, 170, 35, 181, 210, 23, 17, 220, 71, 241, 121, 122,
    219, 147, 143, 33, 184, 244, 136, 25, 192, 8, 167, 154, 159, 231, 122,
    119, 220, 112, 7, 108, 233, 120, 59, 170, 201, 29, 86, 215, 163, 242,
    84, 216, 69, 65, 87, 63, 4, 243, 123, 205, 247, 19, 68, 72, 91, 86, 117,
    231, 151, 135, 25, 29, 23, 156, 211, 36, 196, 79, 230, 249, 54, 73, 55,
    178, 68, 173, 95, 138, 134, 200, 6, 146, 180, 236, 247, 51, 198, 159,
    209, 74, 169
     These are random numbers in the range of 0 to 255, not
algorithmically generated pseudo-random numbers.  You may use them
as you wish.  They are unique.  If you believe that radioactive
decay is random.  If you believe in the theory of general relativity. 
Because, after all, it's just a theory. 
     The author of the web site, HotBits, at
mistakenly says that the randomness of radioactive decay is based on
"the quantum mechanical laws of nature".  But he is wrong.  One can
neither create nor destroy particles under the Schrodinger equation. 
Radioactive decay is a relativistic event, not a quantum mechanical

Semper Fidelis,
Jonathan D. Low

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