Wednesday, March 16, 2016

CWP, 16 March 2016 Anno Domini

Greetings Sheepdogs,

***** Mindset *****

An Interesting Experience at the Shooting Range…
Written by Greg Ellifritz

     We train for low probability events because
they have dire consequences.  And because the
training is fun in that it forces us to think.
And because we get to meet fascinating people.


     In a recent simulator class, I had a student who
waited until the knife wielding assailant moved around
a barrier and around the bed before shooting the
assailant.  When I explained that the assailant
presented a lethal threat and should have been shot
immediately, the student responded by saying that he
had been in multiple knife fights before and wasn't
scared of a knife wielding assailant.
1.  In combat, you don't know what will happen in the
next fraction of a second.  Someone may attack you
from behind.  So, you need to stop threats immediately. 
So, you can respond to the next threat.
2.  The student's experience was extremely biased, in
that the former assailants were untrained street punks.
So, they were not skilled and their level of dedication
to the attack was not high.  I assured him that if he
had survived attacks from trained dedicated assailants,
his opinion would be to shoot immediately upon
determination of a lethal threat.


Situational Awareness

***** Training *****

Real Training!
by John Farnam
All training, worthy of the title is,
(1) painful, and (2) dangerous.
We can probably add (3) uncomfortable… as we see!


There are three kinds of men.
The one that learns by reading.
The few who learn by observation.
The rest of them have to pee on
the electric fence for themselves.
-- Will Rogers


     "Knowing the law not only helps in the predictable
post-incident legal battle, it can actually give you
the confidence to make use-of-force decisions quicker,
which in turn, increases your safety.  There's no time
for contemplation once you're accosted."
-- Richard Nance, "gunFIGHT", Looseleaf Law Publications,
Inc., 2016 A.D., page 11.


Dry Weapons Training
     Explain it to your spouse. 
Explain it to your teammates.  Explain it to your coaches.
     The test of whether or not you understand a thing is
whether or not you can explain it to someone else.
The test of whether or not you have a deep understanding
of a thing is whether or not you can explain it to a layman.


Speed Kills! Learn How to Shoot Any Weapon Faster by Slowing Down


Two for Flinching: How to Stop Anticipating When You Shoot

***** Tactics *****

     "Drawing a gun as a bluff is a very bad idea. 
If you are hesitant, a criminal predator will sense
that and will likely attempt to disarm you.  But
unlike you, he won't hesitate to pull the trigger. 
Carrying a gun and not being willing to shoot someone
is far worse than not carrying a gun at all."
-- Richard Nance, "gunFIGHT".


Enemy tactics
"An Observation About Two Recent Active Killer Events"

***** Techniques *****

***** Gear *****

     In a recent live fire class, a student's pistol
(Ruger P-91, semi-auto double action with ambidextrous
decocker, .40 caliber; I could not find the pistol
on Ruger's web site.  So, I think it may be out of
production.  Production 1985 to 2013.) jammed with
the slide to the rear.  We could not release the
slide with the simple tools at hand. 
     Earlier in the course, during the cleaning
class, the student had had difficulty field stripping
and assembling the pistol. 
     My opinion is that if the pistol is not easily
field stripped and assembled, it's too complicated
to be a combat weapon.  You must be able to field
strip, clean, assemble, and function test the pistol
when you are tired (brain is struggling to focus),
cold (hands are numb), and in the dark under stress
(because the enemy is out and about).
     A gunsmith determined that the pistol was
assembled (by the user) incorrectly.  That caused
the pistol to jam.  In my opinion, any pistol that
can be assembled incorrectly has a fatal design

***** Instructors *****

Instructors Need to Use Tact in Tactical Training

***** Pedagogy *****

Teaching Tip - Expectations
Primary source:
"I’m giving you these comments because I have very
high expectations and I know that you can reach them."

***** Education *****

Forming a Church Safety Team

Rangemaster newsletter

     In a previous newsletter, I cited Captain Ayoob's
description of "position of disadvantage" as a factor
in determining disparity of force as it is used in the
justification of the use of lethal force.  In his book,
"gunFIGHT", Richard Nance mentions that the defender's
injury or exhaustion are factors in determining the
disparity of force.

     "Do you live in a Stand Your Ground or Duty to
Retreat state?  That's a question, you probably should
know the answer to." -- Richard Nance
[Why would anyone choose to live in a state where
cowardly behavior is codified in law?  46 states have
some form of the Castle Doctrine.  The other 4 states
have a Duty to Retreat.  Please think about that
before you cast your ballot.]

Self Defense Shooting in Low Light by Sara Ahrens
     Check out the experiment results.  They were
all done with much more light than a full moon
lit night.


Hannah Ferguson defends gun ownership
     Wow, there are a million billion pictures of
this lady on the internet.

     If you support Marco Rubio, consider this,
"GOP Debate: Rubio Criticizes Gun Control,
Does Not Mention His Vote for 1999 Gun Ban"

     Lesson plans may be found at
or send me an email requesting the latest version.


Jonathan Low

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