Friday, January 9, 2015

CWP, 9 January 2015 A.D.

Greetings Concealed Weapons Permittees,

***** Mindset *****

Posted by John S. Farnam on 31 Dec 2014
“The good man need not think beforehand of his words,
that they may be sincere, nor of his actions that
they may be honorable ... he simply speaks and does
what is right.” -- Mencius, 372-289 B.C.
     If you read after action reports,
you will see that righteous self defense
shooters don't contemplate before shooting. 
They instantly shoot because they are scared
for their lives or the lives of their loved ones. 
Good people do all of their thinking and
training long before the incident.

"Self-Defense Checklist" by Mike Seeklander
1.  First Aid
2.  Physical Fitness
3.  Family Communication
4.  Home Security
5.  Empty-Hand Combatives
6.  Intermediate Levels of Force
7.  Crime Trends
8.  Weapons Training
     Yes, weapons training is last on the list.
We have to get our priorities straight.

***** Training *****

     "The average American has more misconceptions
about lethal force in the home than in any
other self-defense situation." -- Massad E. Ayoob,
"In the Gravest Extreme", 1980, 22nd Printing.
     That's why expert training is so important.
Much of what the untrained person knows is false.

"Design Your Own Firearms Training Program"
by Mike Seeklander

"Gunfighter Logic – The Rules"
by Richard Mann
10 rules of gunfighting

Nathan Goode at NGInvestigations Inc. has put out his
schedule of courses for 2015.  See attached file.
Web site:

     NRA Defensive Pistol course
Starting 9 February 2015 in Nashville, TN.
     NRA Defensive Pistol course
Starting 11 April 2015 in Dowelltown, TN. 
     Email for schedule,
lesson plans, and equipment list.

     Parents often ask me what the age limit of
my classes is.  I always respond, no age limit.
If you think your child is mature enough, I
concur.  My kids did the 4-day Defensive Handgun
class at Front sight at age 14.  Here's a 10 year
old girl happily competing,
Can you believe the Communist News Network published
this?  They must be desperate.  (Oh, right, they are.)

***** Pedagogy *****

"Unintentional Discharges, Part 2"
By Rich Nable

"The Training Industry’s Dirty Little Secret"
By Grant Cunningham

***** Tactics *****

"How to Not Get Shot: The Ten Secrets of Shot Avoidance"
By Lt Williams
"If you are armed, every conflict you are in is
an armed conflict!  You know there is at least
one gun there.  It is highly possible that the
gun will be taken away and used against you.
It happens to trained police officers with
Level III security holsters on heavy gun belts
on a tragically common basis."
"After the Action" by Chris Fry
     Yes, you can get shot without knowing it.

"Making the Thrust" by Michael Janich
"Making the Cut" by Michael Janich

***** Gear *****

"Advantages of Striker-Fired Pistols"
by Jarrod Needs

"I Can’t See My Sights!"
by Grant Cunningham

"Defensive Firearms Priorities:
How To Choose a Personal Defense Handgun"
by Rob Pincus

***** Education *****

Lots of good articles at

***** News *****

2014: The Second Amendment’s Triumph

Public Service Announcement:
Use Holsters, Not Purses
"Women, do not carry your gun in your purse.
Your purse is not a holster."
Original Associated Press story,

***** Politics *****

Weaponized Medicine
Posted by John S. Farnam on 5 Jan 2015
     This is exactly what the Soviets did,
declare you insane and imprison you in a
mental institution.  Now, the New York government
is doing it to their pro-gun residents.

***** Miscellany *****

     Jim Huissh covers the "Cup Song" that Anna Kendrick
made famous on Perfect Pitch.
He performs here in Nashville with his band,
Amber's Drive.  Though I've never seen him
perform this live on stage.

     Older postings may be found at
     Lesson plans may be found at


Jonathan Low

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